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Chapter 23: Spider Genes

"Dad, Christopher is here to see Peter, not me. There's been a misunderstanding," Mary explained, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I assure you, I have no romantic interest in Mary," Christopher clarified, bemused by the mix-up that had led Phillip to mistake him for a prospective son-in-law.

"Ah..." Phillip faltered, unsure how to react to the unexpected turn of events.

Mary's mother shared her husband's confusion, both of them grappling with the bizarre situation unfolding in their daughter's room.

How had they ended up in this awkward misunderstanding?

Despite the embarrassment, Phillip maintained his grip on Christopher's hand, his expression serious as he sought clarification. "Are you truly here to see Peter?" he inquired.

Christopher affirmed, nodding earnestly. "Yes, I'm genuinely here to find Peter."

"Are you interested in Mary?" Phillip couldn't help but wonder, hoping for a union between his daughter and the affluent Christopher.

"I only met Mary today," Christopher replied with a wry smile, attempting to dispel any notions of romance.

"As long as you have feelings for Mary, I'll consider marrying her off to you," Phillip declared boldly, eager to secure a prosperous future for his daughter.

Mary interjected, her voice rising in protest. "Dad, Peter is my boyfriend," she asserted, though she couldn't deny her fondness for Christopher. However, she couldn't imagine betraying Peter by entertaining thoughts of romance with another.

Phillip turned sharply, his gaze filled with anger as he rebuked his daughter. "I didn't ask for your opinion," he snapped.

Christopher shook his head, declining the offer. "I appreciate your kindness, but I can't accept. I'm sorry, but I can't marry Mary."

With a scowl, Phillip withdrew his hand from Christopher's grip, his expression darkening. "If you're not interested in my daughter, then why are you here?" he demanded, suspicion evident in his tone.

Christopher found himself at a loss for words, realizing the implausibility of his explanation. "I have an intelligent system called Optimus. It can access any camera and track people's mobile phones. I came here because my system located Peter, who ended up in Mary's room," he explained, hoping to salvage the situation with the truth.

"Are you really giving me 100 million U.S. dollars?" Phillip questioned, thoroughly perplexed. Receiving such a significant sum from someone he just met and who happened to be his daughter's acquaintance left him utterly bewildered.

"I have the means, plus I'm Peter's friend, and you're Peter's future father-in-law. It's only fair for me to lend a hand," Christopher explained with a friendly smile.

"That's a substantial amount. What if I can't repay it in the future?" Phillip expressed concern. If it were his son-in-law's money, he might not need to pay it back, but Christopher wasn't in that position. He anticipated the necessity of repayment, given the substantial sum of 100 million U.S. dollars.

"I have enough wealth, consider it a gift. Use it freely, and if you ever need more, feel free to ask," Christopher boldly declared.

Relieved, Phillip appreciated the no-repayment condition attached to the generous offer.

Feeling somewhat neglected, Spider-Man, fearing losing his girlfriend, interjected loudly, "Christopher, don't worry, I'll pay you back the 100 million U.S. dollars."

"Who are you kidding," Phillip couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Forget it!" Mary's mother shook her head in disappointment.

Observing the reactions, Spider-Man felt a pang of hurt. Was he truly that useless? He pondered his superhero status and numerous rescues, thinking that earning 100 million U.S. dollars shouldn't be an insurmountable challenge.

"Peter, my dad doesn't appreciate boasting," Mary gently reminded.

After Phillip had his fill of laughter, he turned to Spider-Man, saying, "Peter, it's not that I underestimate you. Reflect on yourself. How much does a young reporter like you earn monthly? You can barely sustain yourself, and now you aim for hundreds of millions? It's pure fantasy!"

Mary's mother added sarcastically, "Unless you possess Mr. Christopher's talent, making a million dollars in your lifetime based on your IQ is questionable."

"I-I'll do my best," Spider-Man retorted, met with everyone's skepticism.

Haunted by the memory of receiving $20 as a birthday gift from his aunt, Spider-Man, despite his superhero identity, grappled with the reality of financial struggles.

He is Spider-Man.

How could he endure such poverty?

Such considerations hadn't crossed his mind before, but witnessing the differing treatment by Phillip made him realize that, to be a hero, financial stability was also crucial.

Feeling spurred on by Phillip's disdainful remark, Peter resolved to prove himself by amassing wealth and showcasing his success to those who doubted him.

"Then I'll come to Mary once I've earned 100 million US dollars!" Peter declared earnestly, his fists clenched in determination.

Phillip, still seething with disappointment, responded sharply, "Fine, I'll wait."

Sensing the tension, Christopher intervened tactfully. "Would you guys mind stepping out for a moment? I have something to discuss with Peter," he requested politely.

"Of course, of course," Phillip acquiesced, a hint of malice lurking behind his smile.

Once Mary's parents exited the room, her mother whispered to her daughter, "Remember to treat Christopher well."

Caught off guard by her mother's cryptic remark, Mary blushed furiously, unable to meet Christopher's gaze.

With the room now cleared, Christopher turned his attention to Spider-Man. "Peter, don't worry. I'll support you in starting a business. You'll reach 100 million US dollars soon enough," he reassured.

But Peter shook his head resolutely. "No, I want to earn that hundred million on my own merits," he insisted gratefully.

"Fair enough. Shall we proceed with the gene extraction then?" Christopher suggested impatiently.

Spider-Man nodded in agreement. "Let's do it."

As they shook hands, Christopher silently communicated with the system, requesting the extraction and fusion of Spider-Man's genes.

[Spider-Man gene extraction successful. Fusion in progress]

[Congratulations for successful gene fusion.]

Christopher felt a strange sensation coursing through his body as the gene fusion took effect.

"Damn, it's so itchy," he exclaimed, scratching furiously at his wrists.

To his surprise, he pulled out a strand of spider silk as he scratched.

"Christopher, you can really extract genes from people?" Spider-Man marveled in astonishment.

"Yes," Christopher affirmed.

"Christopher, could I also gain Peter's abilities through this method?" Mary asked eagerly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. The prospect of swinging through the city skyline like Spider-Man held a certain allure for her.

Christopher shook his head. "You won't be able to replicate my method, but with Peter's genes, you could potentially develop a spider serum," he explained, offering her a glimmer of hope.


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