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Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Chaos!

"...Dr. Banner? Loki was just trying to manipulate you," Natasha said, walking into the room with Thor and Steve.

Dr. Banner's face contorted uncomfortably as he frowned in response, "That's exactly what he did to you. I was in a small town, and you brought me here, remember?"

The room fell silent, each person processing Dr. Banner's retort. However, amidst the tense atmosphere, Captain America's gun caught the attention of the others as he placed it on the table.

Steve's brows furrowed as he questioned Fury, "Weapon? You're trying to use the cube to make a weapon?"

Fury's expression remained calm but slightly defensive as he responded, "Look, we did gather everything related to the Tesseract, but it doesn't mean we--"

Tony then cut him off, his tone laced with skepticism and suspicion, "I'm sorry, Nick, but it seems to me like you were lying."

He swiftly pulled up a screen, displaying a blueprint for all to see.

The room grew quiet again, the tension palpable as everyone's gaze fixed on the screen. The conversation was momentarily halted, replaced by a shared anticipation as they awaited Tony's further explanation and the revelation within the blueprint.

Dr. Banner walked closer to the screen, eyes still on Natasha, "Well, I'm not leaving as of now, so why don't we talk about why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to make a weapon of mass destruction?"

Hearing the question, everyone stopped in their tracks, focusing on how Fury would justify this discovery. At the same time, Alex just walked to the side, trying to stay out of this very uncomfortable situation.

Sensing everyone's attention, Fury sighed deeply as he pointed at Alex and Thor, "Because of this guy and that guy."


Thor asked, feeling confused.

Being pointed at by Fury, Alex suddenly became dumbfounded. "...How did I suddenly get involved in this?"

Fury cleared his throat, redirecting the focus back to himself. "Last year, a visitor from another planet leveled a small town in Mexico."

Pausing for a moment, Fury turned towards Alex and continued, "Then, we witnessed Dr. Banner's near-destruction of Harlem in New York while battling a similar creature. And this guy," he gestured towards Alex, "can hold his own against both of those beings."

"Wait a second..." Tony raised his eyebrows in surprise, his curiosity piqued. "So, this guy with a mask is also an alien?"

Tony's remark caught Alex off guard, and he couldn't help but express his astonishment.

"How did I become an alien?" The disbelief in his voice was palpable.

Dr. Banner, observing Alex's genuine surprise, looked perplexed as he posed his own question. "You didn't even know?"

Silence enveloped the room as Alex found himself at a loss for words. He simply stood there, his mouth shut, unable to comprehend the unfolding revelation.

"I think I was born here on Earth," Alex spoke in a low voice, contemplating his origins. Yet, he couldn't help but sink into profound reflection, desperately attempting to recall the details of his own birth.

To his dismay, he drew a blank, unable to recollect any memories surrounding his arrival.

As Alex pondered the revelation, memories eluded him. How had he ended up in an orphanage? Why were his past and origins a complete blank?

Feeling the weight of everyone's attention on him, Alex raised his hand slightly awkwardly as if surrendering. "About the Harlem, in my defense, I am completely in control."

Upon realizing his unintended offense, Alex quickly redirected his words toward Dr. Banner. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you in any way."

"...No, I got it. That's okay."

Dr. Banner simply shook his head, displaying understanding. He was well aware that the beast within him was a force he couldn't fully comprehend, let alone control.

Fury took the opportunity to outline the gravity of their situation. They were outmatched and faced the challenge of an unsuspecting population who remained unaware of the imminent threat.

As the discussion unfolded, it ignited a passionate debate among the group. Each member held steadfast opinions, unwilling to yield, which only further escalated the tension in the room.

Unbeknownst to the group, Loki's forces had managed to track them down by tracing the unique signal emitted by Loki's scepter, which SHIELD held hostage.


Closing in on their location, the enemy operatives launched a missile, its explosive force shaking the room and abruptly interrupting their intense discussion.

The resounding boom reverberated through the air, violently pushing everyone within the room and momentarily disorienting them.

The force of the explosion jolted the team, scattering them in different directions as debris and smoke filled the air.

"...Put on your suit!"

Reacting swiftly to the unfolding chaos, Steve urged Tony to suit up, recognizing the need for their enhanced abilities to face the imminent threat.

"...yeah," Tony, still slightly dazed by the sudden turn of events, nodded in response, his mind quickly shifting gears as he prepared to assess the situation and join Steve outside the room.

After the explosion, Nick Fury swiftly rose from the impact and determinedly strode out of the room, his eyes filled with anger.

"Where are you going?" Alex called out, his voice filled with urgency, as he hurriedly regained his composure and brushed off any lingering debris from his suit. Fury paused in his tracks, turning to face Alex.

" see the mastermind," Fury replied curtly, his tone firm and resolute. He resumed his purposeful stride without further ado, leaving Alex no choice but to follow closely behind.

"Shit, wait for me!"

As they entered the containment chamber, Loki's mischievous smile greeted them, his playful demeanor indicating that he anticipated their anger, which proved to be a shrewd assumption.

"Well, look who's here," Loki taunted, stepping closer to the edge of the cage, his smirk ever-present. "I thought you were too preoccupied with all the commotion."

"...You motherfucker!" Nick Fury seethed, his anger palpable as he approached the control panel for the cage.

His fingers swiftly manipulated the buttons and switches, initiating a mechanism that caused a hole to materialize beneath the cage, accompanied by a gust of wind swirling inside the chamber.

Loki's countenance remained smug and entertained, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. He couldn't help but inquire, "And what purpose does this hole serve? A threat, perhaps? Against me, a god?"

Alex, trailing closely behind Fury, watched with fascination as the one-eyed man skillfully operated the machine, a glimmer of awe in his eyes.

But Fury's Fury was unmistakable. His pointed finger jabbed at the machine as he emphatically declared, "Remember what I told you? This contraption..." his gaze fixed on the machine, " a mere booth, and you, on the other hand, are nothing more than an insignificant ant."

Loki's amusement persisted, his smile unyielding. He began to respond, "Well--"

"Loki! Cease this juvenile behavior of yours!"

Loki's amusement wavered. Briefly, his smile faded as Thor's authoritative voice echoed through the chamber.

The God of Thunder's entrance brought a surge of intensity to the room, his expression a mixture of concern and frustration as he confronted his wayward brother.

As the wind continued to gust through the chamber, Alex, growing increasingly uneasy, instinctively sought to remedy the situation.

He hurriedly pressed the button on the control panel, hoping to close the gaping hole and restore stability. To his surprise and dismay, his actions yielded an unexpected outcome.

Instead of closing the hole, the cage that confined Loki was abruptly released from its restraints, hurtling downward toward the Earth below.

The sudden drop sent a rush of adrenaline through everyone present as they watched in disbelief at the unforeseen turn of events.

'...I fucked up,' Alex thought speechlessly.

Loki's expression turned pale within the falling cage as he turned his eyes to the person responsible. Memories of the mortal who had taunted him flashed through his mind, igniting his anger.

"Foolish mortal!" Loki's voice resounded, his scream echoing through the enclosure. He directed his rage at Alex, blaming him for the situation and expressing his contempt with powerful words.

Shocked by what he witnessed, Nick Fury turned to Alex, who stood frozen in place, trying to comprehend the gravity of his actions.


Thor, fueled by his deep connection to Loki, leaped without hesitation to rescue his brother, shouting his name in desperation.

"Damn it! What were you thinking?" Fury bellowed, his one good eye glaring at him. "We hold him hostage, and you just released him like a joke!"

Alex, scratching his head, stammered in response, "I... I didn't mean to... I just wanted to close the hole. I didn't expect the cage to drop!"

Fury's frustration was evident as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to process the situation. "You thought? This is not a game, Ghost! Loki is a dangerous threat, and now he's on the loose because of your recklessness!"

Feeling guilt wash over him, Alex lowered his gaze and muttered, " bad. I didn't know how that could happen."


Fury's scolding abruptly ceased as a thunderous roar echoed through the helicarrier, causing both him and Alex to pivot in its direction.

Their eyes met, a shared understanding passing between them as they spoke simultaneously, "Hulk!"

Realizing the urgent need to contain the rampaging Hulk, Fury swiftly assigned Alex the critical task. With a sense of gravity in his voice, he instructed,

"We don't have time to waste. You're the only one who stands a chance at stopping Hulk. Go!"

Alex nodded, the weight of the responsibility settling upon his shoulders.


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