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Chapter 8: Chapter 8. Fox.

After a moment of contemplation, I quickly dried myself using a fluffy towel and wrapped myself in a comfortable bathrobe before stepping out of the bathroom.

As I entered the bedroom, I noticed a neatly arranged set of clothes and a pair of sleek black Oxfords placed on the bed.

Without wasting any time, I donned the attire—a stylish black and white suit, complemented by an elegant overcoat.

Glancing at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but admit that the outfit suited me quite well.

However, my unkempt hair, which had grown longer than usual, obstructed my view. Determined to tidy up, I pulled my hair back and secured it with a band, although a few strands stubbornly resisted and fell gracefully across one side of my face. It wasn't too bad, but I resolved to get a haircut in the near future.

Now fully prepared, I called out for Dobby, "DOBBY!" I called, perhaps a tad louder than necessary, but not wanting to startle the diminutive creature.

In an instant, Dobby apparated into the room, a faint look of fear in his eyes. I couldn't help but wonder what sort of mistreatment he had endured under the Malfoy family's rule to be so easily frightened by a mere loud call.

"Did sir not like the clothes? Then Dobby bad elf, Dobby bad elf," Dobby whimpered, his voice laced with self-punishment.

"Dobby, no! You've done an excellent job with the clothes. They fit perfectly, and I quite like them," I reassured him, hoping to prevent any further self-flagellation.

"Dobby, a good elf, sir?" he questioned, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, Dobby. You are a good elf," I affirmed, a touch of warmth in my voice.

I couldn't help but notice the familiar sensations emanating from Dobby's shadow, much like what I had experienced with my own shadow.

Curiosity piqued, I reached for a nearby hairbrush and discreetly tossed it toward Dobby's shadow while he was dancing on being a good elf.

Just as I suspected, the brush passed through the shadow as if it were insubstantial.

Intrigued, I decided to test another hypothesis that had been swirling in my mind. I focused on trying to make Dobby's shadow engulf him but to no avail. It seemed as though the shadow rejected any attempts to consume a living being other than myself.

I halted my experiment, realizing there were more pressing matters to attend to. The enigma of my newfound powers would have to wait for further analysis.

"Dobby, take me to where Lucius is present," I commanded the diligent elf, eager to locate Lucius Malfoy within the vast expanse of Malfoy Manor.

Knowing that the manor was too extensive to navigate without wasting precious time, I deemed apparition the most efficient means of reaching Lucius directly.

Dobby nodded in understanding, and with a gentle touch on my trousers, we were enveloped in darkness.

The sensation was disorienting and suffocating, yet fleeting, and in an instant, I found myself standing in the drawing room on the manor's second floor.

I never quite grew accustomed to the experience of the apparition, no matter how many times I traversed through space in such a manner.

Spotting Lucius engrossed in his reading, I seated myself opposite him, a sense of purpose driving the conversation.

"Where are the Lestrange brothers?" I inquired, curious about their whereabouts after the earlier confrontation.

"They departed shortly after your departure," Lucius replied, shifting in his seat, he questioned, " Quite a change in appearance I must say, what happened to your nose?"

"I had a lite accident in the bathroom. Had to fix it using a spell. Does it look bad?"

"Oh, I hope you're fine. And your looks have improved compared to before."

"Thanks, I am fine."

He then shifted his gaze toward me, his eyes narrowing inquisitively.

"Severus, what happened earlier? The stunt you pulled, you were too aggressive. Not like your usual self. Surely you are accustomed to such insults. They are nothing more than mere annoyances."

Taking a sip of his tea, Lucius continued, his tone laced with fake concern.

"Moreover, you seem different, Severus. You should have exercised more caution before challenging them to a duel. They will not remain silent. This incident will undoubtedly invite trouble upon you. As a friend, I cannot help but worry. I have already taken care of the Lestrange brothers, so they shall not pose any further threat to you." Lucius concluded, a hint of self-assuredness entering his voice.

Ah, the crafty fox that Lucius Malfoy was. Always quick to seize an opportunity, he had swiftly recovered from the shock of my public display. The fear that had momentarily gripped him had dissipated, replaced by his ever-present ambition.

Lucius had a knack for manipulating situations and individuals to his advantage, and he undoubtedly sought to exploit this circumstance as well.

While he did genuinely consider me a friend, I was well aware that his ambitions superseded any personal affections he may have held.

I had come to know Lucius well over our four years of acquaintance—he harbored a deep-rooted disdain for Muggle-borns but had no qualms associating with those of half-blood heritage.

His ultimate goal was to ascend to the position of Minister of Magic, and his involvement with the Death Eaters had primarily served as a means to elevate his status among the pure-blooded wizarding families.

A shrewd and opportunistic social climber, Lucius aimed to exert control over those beneath him.

In light of his true nature, I could see through his subtle manipulations. Although in the past, I may have allowed him to weave his webs around me, benefiting from the advantages he offered, I now resolved to put an end to his little games.

"You need not trouble yourself with my affairs, Lucius," I replied, emphasizing the point. I detected a slight stiffening in his posture, indicating that my emphasis hadn't gone unnoticed.

Nevertheless, I continued, "Had the Lestranges returned to cause harm, I would have made an example of them for all who think they can insult my mother with impunity. However, I am grateful for your assistance in this matter."

I observed Lucius's mood shifting, his disappointment evident at my refusal to fall into his trap.

"What help do you seek, Severus?" he inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of resignation.

"I did not come here seeking your aid, Lucius. However, I am aware that you possess information regarding the Prince family's status. I kindly request that you share this information with me," I replied, my voice firm and unwavering.

"What do you mean, Severus? I do not possess any particular information regarding the Prince family," he lied effortlessly, attempting to deceive me.

"Do not play dumb with me, Lucius. We have been friends for four years. I know you well. You always investigate the backgrounds of those in your circle," I asserted, confident in my knowledge of his meticulous nature.

I was aware that he had delved into my mother's lineage when I first revealed her family name to him.

I required this information to confirm my suspicions—my knowledge of the Prince family extended only as far as my grandparents' names and the fact that my mother had been their only child.

She had never spoken of any cousins or uncles on her father's side, but I needed irrefutable evidence that I was the sole living descendant of the Prince family, poised to inherit its wealth.

Although the Ministry had contacted my mother regarding succession, I desired the certainty that I alone would assume the family's inheritance.

Lucius sighed audibly and summoned a stack of papers from a nearby drawer using the "Accio" spell.

Nonchalantly, he tossed them onto the table between us. "You and your mother are the only living members of the Prince family. Most of the older generation has either passed away or married into other families," he revealed, his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance.

"As for the wealth, the Prince family is among the affluent families of Britain, although not the wealthiest. Their vaults are secured alongside those of the Blacks, Lestranges, and my own family. Recently, your mother was contacted by the Ministry in regards to the succession."

So soon, he even knew my mother was being contacted by the Ministry. Lucius's knowledge of the Ministry's involvement hinted at his connections within the institution.

Satisfied with the information I sought, I expressed my gratitude and rose from my seat, intending to take my leave. However, Lucius's question halted me in my tracks.

"That is all, then? What about your mother, Severus? Why didn't you bring her along if she plans to claim the inheritance?" he inquired, a note of confusion creeping into his voice.

"Oh, she won't be claiming it. She has embarked on a world tour with the funds she had in her vault. It will be I who assumes the lordship of the family," I replied, concealing the true nature of my mother's absence for the time being.

A world tour seemed like a plausible explanation to bring her back to the fold, at least for now —I didn't want anyone to know of her demise.

If I am to revive her, I don't want the world to know of her death.

"Congratulations, Severus," Lucius said, a touch of genuine warmth entering his voice.

Bring me into a hug, he said, "I am genuinely happy for you, my friend. It is a pleasure to see you join the ranks of esteemed families. Is there anything I can assist you with? I can lend my influence within Gringotts and the Wizengamot. Allow your friend to be of help, Severus."

"No, thank you, Lucius. I am capable of handling the inheritance process on my own," I replied, dismissing his offer. I observed a flicker of disappointment on his face, realizing that he had gained nothing from our encounter.

While I had no desire to owe him anything, I recognized the value of maintaining a favorable relationship with him. He was a wealthy and influential individual, providing me with a window into the inner workings of the Death Eaters.

"On second thought, there is one matter I require assistance with—a house-elf. Since you have two in your service, I would be interested in purchasing Dobby from you," I proposed, piquing his interest.

"Dobby!" Lucius called out, his voice echoing through the room.

Dobby appeared, his eyes wide with apprehension.

"Did Dobby do something wrong, sir? Dobby is a bad elf! Dobby shall punish himself, sir," he lamented, beginning to strike himself in his distress.

Lucius paid no mind to Dobby's anguish, simply removing one of his gloves and throwing it at the elf.

"From this moment forward, you shall serve Severus as your master," he declared, his voice authoritative. "You are now free from the service of the Malfoy family, Dobby. Your loyalty shall be directed towards Severus."

Dobby turned his gaze toward me, and I offered him a gentle smile, assuring him of my acceptance. "I will repay you the necessary sum once I have acquired my inheritance, Lucius," I stated.

"No need for galleons, Severus. We are friends, are we not? Consider it a gift," Lucius replied with a sly smile, extending a hand for me to shake.He could have fooled someone else with his façade but not me, I was used to his façade.

"No, I insist. Mother told me about an artifact that would interest you" I insisted, catching his interest.

"If you insist" He finally gave in.

"Thank you for your generosity, Lucius." turning to my newly acquired elf, I command," Dobby, let's leave."

Dobby made his way toward me.

"Apparate us to Gringotts"

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