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Chapter 44: [The Secret Files Of Agent 13] - The Zodiac Heist - Breaking Into The Storage Facility

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As the sun rose above the horizon, Peggy found herself standing in front of the towering Zodiac Storage Facility. The imposing structure seemed to loom over her, daring her to step closer.

Undeterred, Peggy reached up to adjust the brim of her oversized hat, a necessary accessory to conceal her face. With a confident stride, she made her way toward the entrance, clutching a sleek black briefcase in her hand.

When she approached the entrance, Peggy felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. She knew the risks involved in what she was about to do, but the potential payoff was too great to ignore.

With a calm demeanor and a steady hand, Peggy presented her credentials to the guard at the entrance and was granted access to the facility. She knew that she had to move quickly if she was going to accomplish her mission and get out undetected.

As she made her way through the labyrinthine corridors of the Zodiac Storage Facility, Peggy's heart raced with anticipation. She knew that her actions could have serious consequences, but she was determined to succeed at any cost.

When she strode deeper into the facility, she was suddenly confronted by two burly guards. Without a moment's hesitation, Peggy's face twisted into a sneer as she hurled her briefcase at one of the guards.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Peggy darted toward the other guard and delivered a brutal punch to his chest.

* WHAM *


There was a sickening crunch as the guard's sternum shattered, sending him hurtling back into the unforgiving concrete wall behind him.

In a flash, Peggy whirled around and unleashed a devastating kick to the second guard's chin.


* THUD *

The sound of impact echoed through the corridor as the guard crumpled to the ground, his body limp and unconscious.

A small smile played at the corner of Peggy's lips as she surveyed the scene before her. Both guards lay sprawled on the ground, their bodies were broken and unconscious. The ease with which she had dispatched them filled her with a sense of power that she had never known before.

With a sense of purpose, Peggy stooped to pick up her sleek black briefcase and straightened up, the sharp click of her heels echoing through the dimly lit hallway.

Peggy slipped into the restricted area of the facility, her senses heightened as she scanned the area for any sign of danger. Suddenly, she spotted a guard standing sentry at the perimeter. Without hesitating, she moved swiftly and silently towards him, her body tensed for action.

With expert precision, Peggy closed in on the guard, her movements fluid and controlled. In one swift motion, she twisted his neck with a resounding crack, and the guard crumpled to the ground, his lifeless body falling in a heap.

For a moment, Peggy paused, her heart racing with adrenaline as she surveyed the scene before her. Despite the ease with which she had dispatched the guard, she knew that she had to remain vigilant. There were still many obstacles to overcome if she was going to succeed in her mission.

Peggy swept her gaze across the area, her eyes scanning for any sign of movement or activity. The restricted part of the facility was eerily quiet, the only sound was the faint hum of machines and the distant footsteps of personnel.

Satisfied that the area was clear, Peggy moved deeper into the facility, her steps silent as she navigated the dimly lit corridors.

As she approached the vault, Peggy felt her heart begin to race. She knew that this was the most important part of her mission and that the success or failure of her mission hinged on what lay beyond those reinforced steel doors.

Taking a deep breath, Peggy came to a sudden stop as she surveyed the area. In the dim light, she could make out two guards stationed at the entrance to the vault. With a sense of determination burning in her chest, Peggy began to formulate a plan.

Peggy sprinted towards the distracted guard, her body coiled with energy as she prepared to launch her attack. With lightning speed, she leaped into the air, spinning mid-flight to lock her powerful legs around the guard's neck.

The guard flailed and struggled, panic spreading across his face as Peggy tightened her grip, using her momentum to slam him into the wall with bone-crunching force. As he crumpled to the ground, unconscious, Peggy landed gracefully on her feet, her senses sharp and alert for any sign of danger.

Suddenly, the sound of a revolver being cocked echoed through the vault, and Peggy whirled around to face the remaining guard. Despite his quick reflexes, Peggy was faster, her revolver already drawn and aimed at the guard's head.

* BANG *

Peggy fired her weapon, the bullet striking the guard between the eyebrows and dropping him to the ground, lifeless.

As the piercing sound of alarms filled the air, Peggy tensed, knowing that her presence had been detected. From all directions, the sound of pounding footsteps echoed through the halls as she braced herself for what was to come.

In a matter of seconds, four heavily armed guards appeared, their faces contorted with anger and determination. But Peggy was ready, her mind racing as she calculated her next move.

With a steady hand and a fierce determination, Peggy raised her weapons, her eyes fixed on the four guards closing in on her. Without a moment's hesitation, she pulled the trigger, the sound of gunfire shattering the stillness of the air.




Three of the guards fell to the ground, their bodies limp and lifeless. But the fourth guard, determined to protect the facility at all costs, charged toward her, his gun blazing.




Peggy dodged and weaved, her body moving with fluid grace as she avoided the hail of bullets flying toward her. Though she felt the impact of the bullets as they struck her, she didn't waver, her willpower driving her forward.

As the guard drew closer, Peggy raised her weapons once again, a fierce glint in her eyes. With deadly accuracy, she fired a few more shots, the sound of gunfire echoing through the halls. And then, at last, the guard fell to the ground, his body motionless.

Peggy felt a sense of satisfaction as she surveyed the aftermath of the firefight, her eyes flicking over the fallen guards and the blood that stained the ground.

Peggy retrieved a small, compact driller from her briefcase, her skilled hands maneuvering it with ease as she positioned it against the surface of the vault door. She pressed the trigger, and the driller began to hum, its sharp, rotating teeth biting into the metal with a fierce intensity.

As the sound of the driller filled the air, Peggy's eyes remained focused on her task. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead as she worked, her movements precise and deliberate.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the driller's work was done. Peggy withdrew the tool, her eyes flicking to the hole it had created in the thick, heavy door.

When she prepared to enter the vault, her senses suddenly prickled with the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. She turned around, her eyes narrowing as she laid them upon the imposing figure of a man towering over her. He stood at an intimidating 6'8", his expression cold and menacing as he approached her.

Without warning, the man suddenly backhanded Peggy across the face with all his might, expecting her to be sent flying across the room. But to his shock, Peggy remained steadfast, barely flinching from the blow. Instead, the man recoiled in agony, his hand breaking under the sheer force of the impact against Peggy's unyielding jaw.

Peggy remained unfazed, staring coolly at the man as he stumbled back, clutching his shattered hand in agony.

As Peggy sneered at the towering man, he stood there in shock, looking at his broken hand. But Peggy didn't let his intimidation phase her. Without any fear, she swiftly kicked him in his crotch.


"Owooo!", The man let out a piercing scream, his face contorted in pain as he fell to his knees, holding himself. Blood leaked through his pants as he writhed on the floor.

Peggy felt no mercy for the man, and with one swift punch, she broke his jaw, the sound of the crack echoing through the room.

* WHAM *

But Peggy didn't stop there; she continued to punch him again and again until he lay motionless, dead on the ground.

Gazing upon the lifeless body of the man she had just taken down, she pondered upon the thought that had it not been for the serum, she might have hesitated before engaging with him. But now, with her enhanced strength, she acted without a second thought, and her movements were swift and precise. She couldn't help but feel a sense of power coursing through her veins, a newfound strength that had granted her the confidence to take on any challenge that came her way.

When she stepped inside the vault, she spotted a glass door with a single vial labeled "Biohazard." She knew that this was the only item that mattered in her mission, and her eyes locked onto it. Peggy approached the door with caution, wearing gloves and a gas mask to protect herself from potential contamination. She slowly retrieved the vial and placed it inside her briefcase, her mind filled with relief and satisfaction knowing that her mission was now accomplished.

When Peggy stepped out of the facility, a sense of satisfaction swept over her, and she allowed herself a small smile. She made sure to pull down the brim of her hat to obscure her features from any potential onlookers. She couldn't afford to be identified, not after what she had just accomplished.

Years after Peggy retrieved the Zodiac serum from the vault, a notorious criminal known as Crossbones and his band of ruthless terrorists plotted to steal the serum with the aim of unleashing it on the world, causing devastation and chaos on a global scale.

The next morning, Peggy found herself in Flynn's office, and he was scolding her for her actions.

"You have failed us, Agent 13! Your inability to follow orders has cost us dearly," Flynn yelled, his voice booming with anger. Peggy remained calm and collected, paying little heed to his angry words.

"You are nothing but a failure! You are only in this position because of Ste-" he began to say.

Flynn abruptly stopped his verbal assault when the phone on his desk rang, interrupting him mid-sentence. Peggy watched as he snorted and picked up the receiver, his tone changing to one of respect upon realizing it was the brilliant inventor, Howard Stark, on the other end.

As Flynn listened to Stark's words, his expression shifted from one of annoyance to surprise. Peggy could see that he was taken aback when Stark informed him that she had been chosen to work with him on a new project for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Knowing that it would be a blow to Flynn's ego, Stark insisted on delivering the news himself and even offered to help with the transition. Peggy watched as Flynn reluctantly agreed and hung up the phone, his face now red with frustration and humiliation.

His expression softened and he addressed Peggy in a more respectful tone. "Agent Carter, I have received news that you have been selected to head the S.H.I.E.L.D. project. It is an honor to be working with you. Please allow me to assist you with carrying your belongings to your car," he offered.

Peggy acknowledged his words with a nod of her head. "Thank you, Agent Flynn, but as always, I am perfectly capable of managing my affairs without your help," she replied coolly before making her way out of his office. Once at her desk, she gathered her things, ready to embark on her new mission.


Howard Stark sat by a luxurious swimming pool, flipping through magazines with Dum Dum Dugan by his side. The pages were filled with images of scantily clad women, while maids pampered the duo with massages and served them refreshments.

Dugan broke the silence by asking, "Hey, Stark?"

Howard lifted his eyes from the magazine and responded, "Yes?"

Dugan posed a question, "Did you invent bikinis?"

Howard shook his head, his expression turning melancholic, "No, unfortunately, it was the French."

Dugan chuckled and looked at the photos, "Well, they did a pretty good job."

Howard's lips curled into a lustful grin, "Indeed, they did."


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