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Chapter 113: 113: about it?

"JARVIS, how are the repairs on Mark VI coming along?" 

"Sir, maintenance is complete, and the new laser system has been installed."

"But it's a one-time thing."

With coffee in hand, Tony sat at the console. 

The bitter coffee taste reminded him he finally didn't have to drink the unpleasant chlorophyll anymore.

"JARVIS, don't you think the process of suiting up in the Mark armor each time is too cumbersome?"

"Yes sir."

Tony thought for a while, put down his coffee and continued: "JARVIS, design a new Mark VII armor."

"This armor will..."

Just as Tony was about to show off his skills, JARVIS's voice doused him like cold water.

"Apologies sir. I cannot."

Tony froze. Was JARVIS disobeying orders?

"JARVIS, why not?" 

"Sir, have you forgotten something?"

JARVIS's reminder jogged Tony's memory about one thing he'd told JARVIS on returning home last night. 

Seeing Pepper at Stark Industries today.

Some time back, Tony had kept his distance from Pepper due to the palladium poisoning. 

This had displeased her.

To avoid forgetting, last night he'd had JARVIS set the highest priority reminder.

So when Tony was about to build the Mark VII just now, JARVIS had stopped him.

"Thanks for the reminder JARVIS."

"By the way, where's Yinsen?"

Tony then realized he hadn't seen Yinsen since getting back last night.

"He went to meet a friend sir."

Tony nodded indifferently, got up and left the studio, saying as he went: "JARVIS, you design Mark VII as you see fit first." 

"I'll review it when I'm back."

"Very good sir."

Stark Industries. 

A man in a suit stood pleasantly before Pepper with an unpleasant expression. 

"You mean, invite me to your Hammer Industries press conference?"

"Where you'll unveil weapons comparable to our Stark Industries?"

The man in the suit nodded: "Yes ma'am. It's tomorrow night." 

Pepper looked to Black Widow by her side. 

Black Widow was now her right hand man. Of course Pepper didn't know her S.H.I.E.L.D agent identity: "Natalie Rushman, what do you think?"

Black Widow smiled faintly: "I've heard a little of Hammer Industries." 

"Miss Potts, your schedule tomorrow night happens to be free. You could go take a look."

Black Widow said 'look', not 'participate'.

It was indication enough she looked down on Hammer Industries too, as a top S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

Of course she knew of Hammer Industries. 

She also knew the War Machine's main designer unveiling this time was Ivan Vanko, not Justin Hammer.

Pepper didn't want to go, but recalled how lately, whenever Tony saw her he had an impatient look. 

It was just a coincidence, but if she took part in more activities, she'd see less of Tony.

"Okay, I'll definitely attend then." 

With Pepper agreeing, the man in the suit smiled even more. 

This important task assigned by Justin Hammer had been accomplished surprisingly easily. 

"Then I'll take my leave first. Still more places to inform."

Outside Stark Industries, a luxury car was parked right at the entrance, but none dared say much.

Because it was Tony who emerged from the car. 

Getting out, Tony casually threw the keys to a security guard nearby: "Help park it."

Exiting the car, he didn't forget to grab a box of strawberries placed in the passenger seat. 

He'd seen it on the way here. Not used to carrying cash, 

Tony had exchanged it for the luxury watch he had on. 

Naturally it was a gift he brought for Pepper.

With the palladium issue solved, Tony felt much lighter.

On the way into Stark Industries, he exchanged gracious nods with other employees.

Reaching the stairs, he noticed a man in a suit descending. 

Tony glanced curiously and commented "Seems like lots of new faces."

Going upstairs, Tony pushed open the office door directly. 

Pepper, standing by the window, heard the door open and looked back curiously.

Seeing it was Tony, she instantly soured. 

"Our young master, what brings you to the office today?"

Hearing Pepper's tone, Tony casually replied "Came to inspect things." 

"Oh and..."

Tony raised the strawberries in hand: "Brought you a gift."

Seeing the strawberries, Pepper grew even more annoyed. 

Both sat facing each other at the desk. Tony slid the strawberries forward. 

Pepper tried keeping calm, saying "I'll eat anything, except strawberries."

"And you have no idea about me whatsoever." 

Tony immediately understood - Pepper allergy. 

He could only defend "Well, it's a good start at least, isn't it?"

Pepper nodded "Yes, this is also the first time you've given me something."

Before Tony could continue, Pepper turned to Black Widow: "Natalie, what's next on my schedule?"

Black Widow knew Pepper was using her as a shield, and promptly pretended to flip through documents. 

"Miss Potts, we're scheduled to see the new Stark Tower site." 

"Then let's go now." 

Tony also stayed silent. He knew anything he said now would offend Pepper further. 

Keeping mum was the wisest choice.

Pepper cast an angry glance at Tony. 

This science geek, when would he learn?

Seeing Tony still not speaking, Pepper hit the phone before her: "Happy, bring the car around to pick us up."

After Pepper and Black Widow's exit, Tony stood up and started pacing the office restlessly. 

He viewed the newly furnished workspace with interest, formerly his own office before Obadiah took over.

Now Pepper was using it.

Tony walked to Black Widow's assistant desk, casually flipping through documents.

"Attend Hammer Industries press conference."

"Seems like being the boss is tiring work." 

The packed schedule did seem exhausting. 

Glancing again at the strawberries on the table, Tony smiled "I remember..."

"Andrew, this new battlesuit feels a little heavy." 

Gwen, having donned the new suit, tried moving but didn't feel comfortable yet.

The weight was indeed more than her previous suit.

"That's right. It uses newly developed bulletproof material." 

"As per Red Queen's data, it can withstand most pistol bullets."

"And reduce blast impact." 

Andrew said with a smile, then looked to Pikachu "What about you Pikachu?" 

"Like the new outfit?"


Pikachu nodded, satisfied: "Pika...Pika..." 

Then mimicked some of Gwen's signature moves, looking extremely cute.

Gwen picked up Pikachu, hugging him affectionately: "Pikachu, want to join me fighting crime in the future?"

"Can he? Andrew."

Gwen and Pikachu's eyes were wide, faces full of anticipation. 

Both their masks were neuromuscularly fitted.

The mask could replicate facial expressions nearly perfectly.

Andrew knew he couldn't refuse. 

"Alright, Pikachu can wear this suit and go out with you."



Seeing their excitement, Andrew just smiled and shook his head. 

With Gwen and Pikachu, his Marvel life had become much more colorful.

"Miss Gwen, there's a robbery on 9th block." 

Red Queen's voice entered Gwen's ears.

Gwen picked up Pikachu, running to the balcony: "Ready, Pikachu?"

In Pikachu's battlesuit, the claws' surface was electrostatically treated by Red Queen too.

It ensured he could grip Gwen's shoulders firmly. 

After Andrew's previous flying experience with Gwen's webs, accompanying her would be much easier now.

Watching Gwen and Pikachu leap off the balcony, Andrew also turned to pack up.

Moving to their new home tomorrow. 

Though it was fully furnished, he still had to bring clothes and other essentials.

Just then Andrew remembered he still had a special item. 

A textured silver skull materialized in his hand.

"Red Queen, can you crack the tech on this?"

Andrew sat on the sofa, placing the skull on the table. 

On the computer screen, Red Queen seemed to inspect the skull.

"Yes Master." 

"With successful research and development, this liquid biomimetic metal tech can be made into Miss Gwen's battlesuit material." 

Andrew nodded, this was the effect he wanted: "Better than nanotech in a way." 

"You're right Master. Liquid metal is better in one aspect." 

"Nanotech essentially combines countless nanorobots. So nanosuits have variability and portability."

"But as nanotech comprises nanorobots, large scale damage can diminish their numbers to an irrecoverable degree." 

(Like Mark 50 ripped by Thanos in Avengers 3, Spider-man suit ripped by Doc Ock in No Way Home)

A simulated comparison of the two metals popped up on screen. 

"Liquid biomimetic metal, though not as versatile as nanotech in weapons..." 

"Has far superior regenerative and defensive capabilities compared to nanotech."

"Since Miss Gwen focuses on physical skills, liquid metal suits her better."

After Red Queen's analysis, Andrew stood up holding the skull. 

"Send this to the factory then for development." 

"Armor on..."

In a flash, Andrew was covered head to toe in Emperor armor. 

He hadn't visited the factory built by Red Queen yet, so decided to check it out this time. 

Putting away the skull in hand, Andrew pressed the yin-yang fish emblem on his belt: "Transform!"

In a flash, Andrew vanished from there.

Reappearing, he'd come to a suburb. 

There was an ordinary warehouse here.

But only Andrew and Red Queen knew this large warehouse held something special.

Andrew slowly approached a door, which opened automatically.

Stepping inside, scattered debris lay everywhere, covered in a layer of dust.

Andrew looked around in surprise: "Cleverly hidden." 

Venturing further in, he steadily approached a circular emblem on the floor center. 

His armor also gradually faded away.

Reaching the circle's center, mechanical sounds hummed beneath his feet.

Next second, a glass hood rose from the ground, enveloping Andrew and descending down slowly.

Underground, a precision robotic factory lay before Andrew. 

Various robotic arms and experiment areas were present. 

Some launched different webs, others tested attacks on different materials.

At the underground hall's center was a pod the size of a bed. 

Andrew knew from information this held the most advanced printer, for printing Spider-Man suits. 

"Just attach the material to it Master." 

Here, Red Queen's avatar was fully projected. 

No longer confined to a computer screen.

A robotic arm came up to Andrew, shaking its pincers. 

Andrew placed the skull in it to take away. 

The arm moved to a small platform nearby, rising from the ground. 

The skull was placed at its center, enclosed by a blue barrier.

As the barrier rose, the skull's originally dark pupils suddenly glowed red.

Next second, the entire skull seemed to melt into a pool of silver liquid. 

"How long to finish analysis?"

"Master, with my upgrades I'll analyze it quickly. The main difficulty is finding suitable materials." 


Andrew narrowed his eyes.

Red Queen's avatar looked at Andrew and nodded: "First, a suitable metal must be found in this world." 

"Only then can mass production begin." 

"However, qualifying metals are extremely rare, so it may take a while to source materials."

Andrew stroked his chin in thought. Then the corners of his mouth slowly curled up: 

" about it?"

To be continued...

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