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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: I'm Jay Patel

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Bee-CLACK*

My hand had smashed the button on my alarm clock, and I let out a groan. My whole body was sore from last night. I slowly grabbed my glasses and headed for the bathroom. I took off my shirt and I looked at myself in the bathroom. I was happy to see that I had healed from all the injuries last night. I flexed my left arm which had been severely injured from my spell's backlash. Seeing that all the bones and muscles are in place made me smile.

Honestly, it was the first in-field experience of my healing spell, and I can proudly say that it had been a success. Unfortunately, the healing spell takes time to take effect and it's also slow therefore if I get injured, I could potentially be incapacitated.

I should work on that. The only thing my healing spell couldn't heal is the soreness it left on my arm. I felt like I had done a whole workout with only my left arm, but it was better than having no arm at all.

I thought back about last night, and I can safely say that I was legitimately insane. I mean what possessed me to do such a thing?

Oh right. The part that wanted to be a fucking hero.

I mean I barely did anything. Most of the fight was done by the Hulk. The only thing I did was move the Abomination away from the crowd and innocents.

Plus, I was pretty sure I was panicking the whole time and was thinking on the fly. My attacks barely did anything to the monster and it took shredding my arm to do any damage to it. If only I had my talismans at the time.

Lesson learned. Never go out without my talismans.

Speaking of him, that guy was way uglier than I thought. I mean, holy shit! Seeing him in a movie and seeing him in real life were two completely different things.

On the plus side, I got my first superhero experience. I also got a cool new power from the Forge.

I turned away from the mirror and tried it out. With a single thought. The space in front of me twisted and a silver oval of five feet wide and 8 feet tall opened in front of me leading to the Entrance Hall of my personal reality. I took a step, and I was inside of it.

I let out a giggle when I realized I didn't need to use a door to open a portal to my workshop now.

I looked at the silver portal and willed it to close.

Nothing happened.

I willed it once more, but nothing happened again.

What the hell's going on? Why won't it close?

I tried it once again, but no reaction.

Well, this is awkward. What am I supposed to do now? How am I going to explain it to my sister? Hey sis, don't panic but I accidentally opened a breach into reality and into my interdimensional workshop. No biggie, right?

I took a deep breath to calm myself and stepped out of the workshop and into the bathroom before willing the portal to close once more. This time, the portal finally closed.

I let out the breath I was holding.

"Oh, man. That scared the shit out of me. Looks like I can't close the portal while I'm in the workshop, huh? Just like when I had to leave my closet door open when I had to use it as my interdimensional door to my workshop."

I opened the portal again, but this time I tried something else. The portal opened once more, but this time, instead of the Entrance Hall, the portal showed the inside of the garage.

That's right. The Celestial Forge granted me the ability to open a portal anywhere into my personal dimension. I don't have to walk from the Entrance Hall to wherever I want to go now. Unfortunately, I can't close the portal when I'm inside and I can't change the portal's size. Therefore, if I needed a bigger entrance, I'm gonna have to find a door that matched the size I needed. I also can't use it to go home since the portal won't close when I'm inside the workshop.

At least, I can use it as a makeshift inventory when no one was around me.

After that little experiment, I showered and headed downstairs. I could smell something delicious in the air.

I headed for the kitchen and saw my sister at the stove cooking something.

"Good morning, sis."

Sonia turned around and saw me. As soon as she did, she let go of her spatula and walked up to me before hugging me with all her might.

"S-Sonia?" I let out.

"I'm glad you're safe."

I relaxed in her hold and hugged her back,

"I'm glad you're safe too. Last night, must've been rough."

"You have no idea."

She let me go and looked at me in silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Sonia pursed her lips and spoke,

"Ma would be proud of you."

Well, that came out of nowhere.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Sis raised her eyebrow,

"Your actions last night. The way you saved that woman last night."

Oh... That. Totally forgot about it.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I didn't-"

"Upupup!" Sis interrupted me before I could finish.

"You had every right to run away from that disaster. Hell, I wanted to run away and eveyone was doing it too. But you stopped and lifted that giant piece of concrete of that woman. So there is nothing to forgive since there is nothing to apologize for."

I could feel my face burn,

"Others helped too," I whispered.

Sonia smiled,

"Sure they did. But you were the first one to do so. And you didn't even hesitate."


Sonia smiled before her expression turned to a frown,

"But please don't do anything so reckless next time. You could've gotten hurt, you know?"

"But I-"

"Upupup!" Sonia interrupted me again, "Let me finish."

I sighed and nodded. While she gently scolded, the Forge stirred and missed the Alchemy constellation.

Alchemy, huh? I wonder what that's about.

I turned my attention back to Sonia.

"... and that's why you should always run in the other direction when you have to option. Okay?"

I sighed with a smile and nodded,

"Yes, mother."

"Shut it."

She got close and kissed my head.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked.

"I made eggs and toast," she replied as she gave me a plate.

I looked at the plate she had prepared, and I can honestly say they smelled divine.

"Thanks! Are you going to eat?"

Sis gave an apologetic smile,

"Sorry Jay, but I'm already late for work and I have to go now."

"Oh, well I don't want to stop you."

She grabbed her purse and went to put on some shoes.

"Okay, Jay. Don't forget to turn off the lights and lock the door when you leave the house okay?"

"Don't worry, now go! You're going to be late." I told her.

"Alright, bye. Love you, Jay."

"Love you too, Bhen."

And she left the house. I took the plate and a glass of milk and headed to the dining room where I turned on the news.

"... clean up is still going underway after the Hulk's altercation with the other creature last night causing thousands of dollars in collateral damage."

I watched the news as they covered last night's story. They showed footage of the Hulk's fight against the Abomination. Unfortunately, the media was not painting the green creature in a pretty light.

On the other hand, the news showed a few-second clip of me erecting a shield to block the Abomination's attack with his chains. I would've chalked it up to a pretty convincing CGI if it weren't for the fact that, one, I'm in Marvel and, two, that was me.

Unfortunately, the video was blurry since it was most likely taken from a camera phone. The video itself was first posted on Twitter. So I took my phone and logged in to find out what they were saying about me.

[Jimmy578]: Bro, this was so crazy! I was there last night! Those monsters were destroying everything!

[Ahsley669]: What about the dude in black? What's with him like how did he do that!?

[Samthebest]: I was there too! It was crazy. The guy in the black hoodie started jumping around after that monster started chasing him. Like some sort of ninja!

[Eatmyshorts78]: It's fake. It must've been some sort of movie production and they're using the media to hype it up.

[Lifesux]: You must be one of the dumbest idiots I've seen. Is there even a brain inside that tiny fucking skull or something? How does it make sense that this is all fake? People died because of this and you're out here saying it's all fake. Get a life. And go touch grass.

[XxVoid_CowboyxX]: What if this was all a government experiment gone wrong? I'm sure that other guy the Hulk was fighting rebelled and the government had to call him.

[Danielle Dame]: Is that so? Then what about the man in the hood?

[XxVoid_CowboyxX]: Probably using some untested technology. It's why we've never heard of that kind of stuff. Maybe he has superpowers! That would be cool.

[Eatmyshorts78]: Oh shut up! There's no way this is real. It's all a hoax.

[I_eat_hotdog]: Does anyone even know the guy? Does he at least have a name?

It made me chuckle reading the comments about last night. Apparently, people started calling me the Hood or even the Wizard due to the things I've shown last night. Unfortunately, they didn't get my name right.

The name's Arcanum and I'm going to correct this mistake one of these days. Should I leave a comment saying this?

Nah, that would be stupid. I'm pretty sure SHIELD or HYDRA or any other organization is combing through the web in search of the guy who could punch the fucking Abomination. Now that I watched the clip, I couldn't believe that I stood up against that monstrosity.

For almost an hour, I continued to check myself on social media when I saw that I was late for school. I went to my room and grabbed my bag and jacket before heading outside when I passed by my desk. There I saw my bound talismans.

Probably should take them, shouldn't I?

Grabbing the small booklet, I stuffed it in my bag as well as the clothes for my makeshift costume.

You know? Just in case.

I then headed outside to the school. As soon as I arrived at school, I headed for my first class of the day: Math.

I entered the school and everyone began to talk about what happened during the weekend.

I'll admit it. I could feel myself blush when they talked about me fighting. Even with a few seconds of screen time. I went up to my locker where I saw a familiar teen.

"Hey, Peter," I called out.

The boy turned and saw me,

"Oh hey man. Did you hear about the thing in Harlem? It was insane!" the boy replied.

I nodded,

"I know. I saw it in the news this morning. Crazy things have been happening lately, huh?"

"Yeah. I wonder what happened? The only thing the news said was that the Hulk fought with the Abomination."

I raised an eyebrow,


Peter nodded,

"Yeah, it's why the media named the other guy the Hulk was fighting."

Is that so? Guess I didn't reach that part of the news.

"Oh, there was also the other guy who helped the Abomination. Apparently, he saved people while fighting the monster himself. Did you see that video?"

I nodded as I put my lock's combination.

"Right!? Although the clip was shaky and blurry, you can clearly see that the guy created some sort of force-"

Before he finished that sentence, he suddenly pulled me away as I opened my locker. As soon as the locker door opened, something exploded and I managed to barely avoid it thanks to Peter.

"What the…"

I looked inside and saw my locker filled with garbage and shaving cream ruining pretty much everything inside.

"FUCK!" I couldn't help but curse out loud.

People around me began to laugh as they took out their phones to take pictures. I felt my face burn with humiliation from being under this kind of attention.

However, I knew the son of a bitch who did it.

"Hey Patel, nice morning, huh? Oh, I wonder what happened?"

Speak of the devil and here he comes. I turned to see Flash and his friends coming my way. They had a mocking expression on their face which made them very punchable right now.

"Did you do this? Since you can't beat me anymore, you resort to this sort of trick now. How much of a pussy are you?" I asked with gritted teeth.

Flash simply smirked,

"That was just a lucky shot. I could easily beat the fat off of you the next time."

"Says the guy who got his ass knocked out with a single punch from the fatty."

Flash's smile turned into a frown. He still had his bandage on his nose which I most likely broke.

"Shut the fuck up, Patel. That was just a mistake and it won't happen again."

"Oh yeah. If that were the case, you wouldn't have to resort to this. Only a coward would do this. Like you."

But then his frown turned into a grin,

"Who said I was the one who did that?"

"You know damn well it was you Flash," this time Peter spoke with a frown.

"Don't know what you're talking about, Parker. If I were you, not that I'm ever going to be, I would try to clean this mess up before you get in trouble."

Ohh, his face became so much more ripe for a punch when he grinned.

Before I could say anything, the first bell rang and Flash and his poses walked away while laughing.

I turned back to my locker and sighed.

"Hey man, I can let you borrow my books in class," Peter said.

I sighed,

"That's okay. Luckily, I brought my math books home to do my homework."

"What about your other books?"

I looked at my bag,

"I have my books for the day, but I'll figure something out for the other classes."

Peter nodded,

"Alright. Let me know if you need any help."

I smiled,

"Thanks, Peter. You're a good friend."

"Pretty sure, I'm you're only friend."


We laughed and headed for class before going the bell rang.


Math class was easy thanks to my perks. The formulas and the theory behind some demonstrations started to come naturally to me thanks to the Counter Technology perk. To pass the time, I pulled out a notebook and started sketching inside it.

Thanks to Heart's Desire, I didn't have to worry about bad drawing skills. I started sketching a prototype electromagnetic pulse gun or EMP gun for short. I would be able to use this to destroy any electronic-based devices.

Unfortunately, I didn't have all the material needed such as a capacitor strong enough to power the EMP gun.


That's why, I'll compensate for that using Rune Magic. Using the runes, I will create a circuit which would convert my mana into electricity of a certain voltage that would power the gun. For that, I wouldn't need to find a capacitor and creating an EMP spell would take too much time to make.

"…mr. patel"

My Workshop had the copper that I needed. I could also recycle that old camera we have at home that nobody uses. Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of tech at home that I could use.

"Mr. Patel!"

I quickly looked up and saw Mr. Duncan glaring at me.

"Yes, sir?" I asked.

I didn't even realize he was calling me. What were we doing again?

"Seems like you've been paying a lot of attention. Can you tell me what we are supposed to do to solve this?" The man held out the chalk to me.

I could hear some snickering.

Looking at the board, it was a simple problem of trigonometry of finding the circumference of a circle using the triangle drawn inside of it and algebra.

I got up from my seat and walked up to the board and took the chalk. I then began to write away. In less than two minutes, the problem has been solved and I gave the chalk back to the teacher who looked stunned.

Mr. Duncan adjusted his glasses and looked at the board to examine my solution.

"That… That is correct. Well done, Mr. Patel. You may return to your seat."

I nodded and went back to my seat and continued to sketch in my notebook. I didn't even pay attention to those that were staring at me.

The days when math was the worst thing I could think of were long gone.

Class continued and, by lunch, I had created several prototypes of the Magic EMP gun. This would be my first project and it would be a device that would combine science and magic. In other words, Magitech.

Pretty sure there was a whole constellation for that domain in the Celestial Forge. Speaking of which, as if to congratulate me, I felt it move. Unfortunately, it missed the Knowledge: Reverse Engineering constellation.

Dammit! I wanted to get a perk from that constellation. Up until now, I didn't receive a perk that would grant me knowledge itself.

Not that I'm not grateful. I just wanted to at least learn about what sort of knowledge the Celestial Forge could grant.

I quickly returned to the locker and finished cleaning up the mess. During the break between my morning classes, I tried to clean up the mess before one of the adults catches me. I succeeded in cleaning the floor as well as the outside of the locker before lunch. Now I just needed to clean the inside of it.

I could've gone to the principal's office to explain what happened, but I can't exactly trust them. If they didn't help, the Jay before me, why would I expect them to help me now? I also didn't want them to call Sonia. She had enough to worry about and I didn't want to add on to it.

I cringed as I picked up books that were ruined from the shaving cream and garbage. I had asked the janitor for a garbage bag to put it all in. By the end of lunchtime, I finally cleaned my locker.

I should buy another lock so that it would prevent Flash from breaking in and messing things up again.

I'm really considering doing the same to him. Should I?

Nah, the guy is one of the most popular kids in the school. If something were to happen to him, I'm sure others would back him up. Pretty sure, the teachers would too.

But I will get back at that son of a bitch and that's a promise.

Now I sounded like villain cannon fodder and I don't like one bit of it.


I didn't even eat anything. Just as I was about to grab my lunch from my bag, the bell rang.

'Oh well, skipping a meal never hurt anyone,'


The school day ended on a good note. I finally finished creating the blueprint for my prototype magitech EMP gun. I also designed a runic circuit that I needed to test when I go back home. If it worked, I could use it as a replacement for the capacitor that I needed.

However, it was not for now. There was something I needed to do.

Something long overdue.

I went out of the school and waited for the bus. Once it arrived, I hopped on and took a seat. As I rode the bus, I was getting more and more nervous. Even music didn't help.

Soon, the bus arrived at my stop, and I got off.

I took a deep breath and exhaled to calm my rapidly beating heart before looking up.

[Queens Hospital Center]

"Here we go."

I walked inside the hospital and started to in a certain direction. Thank the gods, I had a reminder in my room. After almost ten minutes of walking, mostly because I was getting increasingly nervous, I finally arrived in front of a door.

Was I shaking?

I don't know what I was expecting behind those doors since I didn't fully recover my memories and it honestly scared me.

A lot.

I slowly slid the door open and there she was.

My mother.

I walked inside and closed the door with a clack before going up to her bed.

She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but she looked so frail. So very frail. With her sunken cheeks and pale skin even with her brown color. She looked so dead.

The only indication that she was still alive was the constant beeping of the heart monitor.

Was I like that when I had cancer?

I slowly reached out before retracting my hand. After a moment of hesitation, I reached out again and touched her head. I slowly stroked her hair, but unfortunately, she didn't respond.


I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what. Should I even say something? I'm not even her original son. I'm just his doppelganger who took over his body.

Am I even allowed to say something?

I grabbed a chair and sat next to her. So many emotions were running through my mind. Less than a month ago, the situation was reversed with me in bed and my mother by my side.

Is this what she felt? God, it must've been horrible.

But even if I'm not the same Jay, I was still her son.

"H…Hey Ma." I spoke in Gujarati.

One thing I could recall is that when speaking with Ma, we would always speak in a weird mix of English and Gujarati.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but I finally came to see you. I should have visited before, but I didn't have the time… No, more like I was scared of seeing you like this."

I don't know how or why, but words began to flow out of my mouth. I read somewhere that some coma patients are able to hear their surroundings even when unconscious. When I spoke, I made sure that I wouldn't say anything about my having powers or anything related to that.

She was not ready to hear that.

I spoke about anything and everything. Like the books I read or the movies, I watched with Sonia. I spoke about whatever came to my mind. For some reason, even when she was unconscious, it didn't feel awkward to talk to her.

By the time I was done, it was already 6:00 PM.

Damn, two hours already passed by. But I felt like some sort of weight had been lifted off of me.

'It's time.'

I got up from my chair and opened the door. Seeing no one was there, I went back to the room. I closed the curtains and the room was blanketed by darkness before I turned the lights on.

I made sure once more that no one was outside before reaching my hand into my pocket. I then took out my booklet of talismans. Flipping through it, I found the one I wanted.

The healing spell.

I don't know if it would help her, but it was worth the try. I ripped the talisman off and placed it on Ma's forehead before infusing my mana.

The talisman glowed blue before transforming into a green glow. The green glow then washed over my mother's body. I continued to observe as the spell did its work.

However, after five minutes, the spell faded away leaving me confused.


I called out to my mother but there was no response. Now that I look at her, there has been no change and she still looked like a sleeping corpse.

I used another healing talisman, but it was still the same result.


I knew it was a stretch to use my current healing spell. I guess I still had some hope that it would work.

Unfortunately, it didn't. This spell only healed recent injuries and minor illnesses. It doesn't revive someone from a coma.

I couldn't help but grit my teeth and I looked at her face.

"Don't worry Ma. I will find a way to help you."

I got up from my seat when I suddenly started to feel dizzy and a pounding headache started hammering me.

"What the…"

I tried to get up from my seat when dark spots covered my vision and the last thing I saw was my hand reaching for my mother's.


{Let's go to the park}

{Beta, have you had lunch?}

{You have to work harder you know?}

{I love you}

I woke up at the sound of someone shaking me and calling my name.


"Wake up, Jay," a woman's voice called for me.

I turned around and saw a black woman in a nurse's outfit looking at me with a smile.

"You okay, honey? You fell asleep there."

I got up and rubbed my eyes,

"Oh hey, Ms. Jackson. Good to see you."

Ms. Jackson was the nurse that took care of Ma. She is such a nice lady and would always make sure I was alright ever since Mom fell into her coma.

The woman smiled,

"Good to see you too, Jay. It's been a while since you've visited. You doin' okay?"

I smiled.

"I'm doing fine. Lately, I've just been so busy with school and all."

"I understand. Since the end of the year is coming, I'm sure you have exams coming up and you need to study hard."

"I sure do."

I looked at the time,


"Wow. It's already so late."

I turned to the woman,

"It was nice seeing you, Ms. Jackson."

"You too, honey. And have a good night. Say hi to your sister for me."

"Will do."

I turned around and left the room.

I needed to process what happened. For some reason, all of Jay's memories came back to me.


More like his and mine integrated seamlessly. I was now a mix of him and me.

I'm a transmigrator who died of cancer, but I was also a kid struggling to live his life with only his sister.

I'm Jay Patel.

I now had full access to my memories, and I didn't feel any different. It was a smooth transition, but I felt great. I guess visiting my mother was the final trigger to get all of my memories back.

I got on a bus and went home since I needed to work on my project, since tomorrow, I was going to the Stark Expo with the class.

And since I didn't hear any news about killer drones out to get everyone, well... I best stay prepared.

By 8:30 PM, I arrived home.

As I entered the house, I was greeted by the sound of the TV playing. I went to the living room and saw my sister on the sofa watching some Indian drama.

"I'm home," I said.

She turned toward me and waved her hand,

"Welcome home Jay. You came later than usual, where were you?" she asked.

I took off my jacket,

"I went to see Ma."

Sonia nodded,

"How is she?"

I shrugged,

"Same as usual. Ms. Jackson says hi."

"Oh, that's nice of her."

She must've seen my expression because she then asked,

"You okay? What's wrong."

I shook my head,

"Nothing. It's just I hadn't seen Mom in a while, and I just hopped for some good news."

I can finally say that Sonia was my sister since I now have all of my memories back.

Sonia smiled,

"Have you eaten? If not, there is some leftover chicken in the fridge."

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry right now. I still need to finish some work to finish for tomorrow."


I went upstairs and threw my bag on the bed. I then turned toward the empty wall of my bedroom and opened the portal to my Workshop.

I will never get bored of seeing the portal. And since it doesn't cost any energy to open and maintain it, I can leave the portal endlessly.

I walked inside and got to work. I went to the resources of the Workshop and retrieved a bundle of copper wire. I then recycled a circuit board using an old camera that my family used.

My sister asked why I needed it, but I just told her it would be for a school project.

I then ripped the blueprints off my notebook and spread them on my worktable and I got to work.

However, before I could start on my gun, the Celestial Forge moved. It snagged one of the larger stars of the Quality: Durability constellation.

As soon as the Forge touched the star, I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming as memories entered my mind just like the time when I obtained Heart's Desire.

It took a total of 30 minutes to calm myself as I regained my breath. I even made sure to go to my Personal Reality's garage so that I wouldn't disturb anyone.

After finally, regaining myself I just sat there on the floor in a daze.

"Just when am I going to stop passing out?" I asked myself with a humourless laugh.

At least this time, I knew what to do. When I got Heart's Desire, I almost lost myself by having an identity crisis. I now went through my newly obtained memories.

I was one of the leading surgeons in the field of cybernetics augmentation. I could create prosthetics that would increase the strength of the wielder or a chip that would be embedded in the head that would give me a HUD just like in video games.

And that would be just the tip of the iceberg.

All of my augmentations would be top-of-the-line and aesthetically pleasing. They would also be durable as heck. I mean even if the person died, they would still be usable. I can now easily combine flesh and machinery, which meant I now had considerable knowledge concerning human anatomy and machinery.

I grinned.

I was essentially a chimeric surgeon. Let's hope I don't become some crazy mad scientist.

Kidding… or am I?

However, some of the things I saw in the newly acquired memories made me question my faith in humanity.

I was still Jay, but in some other universe, I was also a surgeon specializing in cybernetics augmentation in a world where humans conquered outer space and fought alien machine life forms. In another universe, I was also a Necrotect capable of creating architectural wonders.

But in the end, I was still Jay Patel.

I got up from the floor and went back to my work.

But my latest perk made me think.

Should I try cybernetics augmentations on myself? It's probably too early, but food for thought.

The project was going smoothly. Thanks to the knowledge granted by my latest perk, I was able to build the parts of my gun. I now needed to assemble it.

I looked at the time and it was already 11:00 PM.

I had sent a clone to my room in case my sister comes in. At one point, she had just come to my room to say goodnight and my clone was able to steer her clear of the portal.

It was now time to create the mantic circuit. I didn't have the tools needed to carve stuff, so I had to make do with a metal skewer that I found in the kitchen. I then sanded the point of it so that the skewer's point would be fine enough for what I needed.

I also found some rechargeable batteries from the basement of the house and brought them back to the Workshop. I then took off its cover film revealing its steel casing.

This would be the surface area where I would carve my runes. I took the magnifying glass and held it between me and the battery I was working on and made a clone.


"Help me create the circuits on the other batteries."

"Sure thing."

Thanks to Shadow Clone Jutsu, the skewer also got cloned along with me and the clone sat beside me and we started carving on the batteries.

The casing would act as an intermediary between the battery cell and the runes.

Usually, these batteries are not rechargeable, but the ones I was using are NiMH batteries or nickel-metal hybrid batteries. They were specially made to be rechargeable and they were perfect for what I needed.

The process of carving runes was painstakingly slow as I had to be precise without damaging the batteries. I also had to carve a lot more runes than normal since I needed specific conditions to perform specific tasks.

-Siphon my mana

-Convert it into electricity

-Store the electricity

-Release the electricity at a certain voltage.

I had more than 20 runes to carve on a single battery as well as connect them without making a single mistake.

By the end of it all, it was already past 2 AM. I now had the EMP gun parts as well as rune-covered batteries.

Now with the runes, the batteries would siphon mana when I infused my gun with it. It would then convert the mana into electricity which it would store when I needed it. Thanks to the runes, the batteries are capable of storing more electricity than they were made to.

Much more since I needed a lot of electricity for the device

I was also starting to get tired, but I needed to finish this.

I started to assemble the piece and it took another hour to fit them all together.

It was 4:00 AM when I finally finished the device.


I couldn't help but admire the device before. It looks like a normal digital camera since I recycled the camera I found in my house's garage.

But looks can be deceiving.

The inside was a whole other matter. I grabbed the "camera" and flicked the "on" switch. The zoom ring extended outside and I could hear the hum of the device turning on. The rings were filled with copper wire that would be used to focus the EMP on the target.

Basically, instead of taking a photo, the camera would send out EMP shots when I pressed the shutter button. I also kept the camera itself which would help focus on what I would shoot at. Unfortunately, it would not take any photos.

Despite that, I was happy with what I made. It was my first creation of the many more that would come. At first, I was thinking of making it into the shape of a gun, but then when I saw the camera I had second thoughts. I figured, why make something obviously dangerous when I can disguise it into something harmless?

That way, I can bring it with me everywhere without anyone suspecting it to be a highly dangerous EMP generator. One look at it and they would think it's a camera. I'm pretty sure Stark Expo has security and when they check my bags, they would see a harmless camera.

Anyways time to test this baby out. But on what?

I grabbed the device and returned to my room where I closed the portal. I looked out the window and it was still dark.

At that moment, I had an idea. I put on some dark clothes and opened the window. I then hopped outside of the house.

Not before leaving a clone behind. I quickly ran to the park where I found them.


No one would miss them if one or two didn't work. Besides, they were everywhere in the park.

I found one that would least affect the lighting of the place and pointed my camera.

This is the moment of truth.

I clicked the shutter button.

*Click* *ZAP*

I could almost feel the EMP blast as it did its work. The light flickered and shut down leaving me with a broken lamp and a successful experiment.

"YES!" I shouted.

It worked. Let's try again.

I found another one and pointed my camera at it.

*Click* *ZAP*

The light once again flickered and shut off.

I can now safely say that my EMP generator is a success. After many experiments, none on more lamps, I realized that I needed to recharge my device using half of my mana reserves for 10 pulses which was kind of a good trade-off.

I returned home to get some sleep since today was the field trip to Stark Expo.

On second thought, I should probably make more talismans just in case.


Perks gained:

-Chimerical Genius (Revelation Space) (400CP)

The science of cybernetic augmentation is quite mature in this day and age, and you are at the forefront of combining flesh with machine. The cybernetics you design and install are not only top-of-the-line in terms of their function and performance, but are also very aesthetically pleasing, either matching the contours of the body or in startling contrast. The parts you could build are so durable that they are quite likely to survive long past the person they are attached to: even under such an assault where the flesh is unrecognizable, the chimeric parts you installed would still likely be useable to the degree of being able to install them into another person. You may not be quite at the notorious level of Dr Trintingent, but if you've been a doctor for long, it's likely you have a small following of fans of your work among the chimeric demographic

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