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Master Flying Lightning Knives Master Flying Lightning Knives original

Master Flying Lightning Knives

Author: hahan_hani

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Volume 7: Part 1

In the Whirlwind of Sword and Blade

- by Mo Yong-hwi vs. Gal Hyo-bong

Within the whirlwind clash of swords and blades,

- Mo Yong-hwi vs. Gal Hyo-bong

There are three iron pieces. One has a blade on both sides,

called a sword, held in the hands of one person, and the other two have blades on one side only,

unable to cut a person's body with the blade, and held in both hands of a man.

With full force, the sword and the blade collided in one place. However, the ripple effect was too tremendous to consider it a clash between a sword and a blade, let alone a pair of them. To produce such destructive power with one collision was already unreasonable to be called a sword and a blade.


The surrounding space trembled fiercely under the pressure of the clashing blades, trembling as if unable to withstand it. The trees around also trembled and shed their leaves due to the impact. The air vibrated fiercely, creating a whirlwind around the two men.



The deafening roar reverberated like a thunderclap. A colossal sound that seemed to crush the world. If one did not control their inner power and protect their eardrums, they would have their eardrums torn apart by the explosive roar in an instant, living the rest of their life as deaf.

"How many exchanges?"

With an anxious expression, Cheongheon asked Nam Gung-sang, who was watching the duel of the two men. He had momentarily diverted his attention from the duel to deal with the sudden onslaught of attackers.

"We've already had over ninety exchanges! We'll soon reach a hundred!"

Even amidst this chaos, Nam Gung-sang calmly calculated the exchanges between the two sides.


In the midst of the duel, the white light of the sword and the red light of the blade intertwined as if dancing together, creating a magnificent scene. The fierce and rough movements of the changing sword and blade! In particular, the movements of the man wielding the pair of blades were like a mad dance, matching the description of a frenzied dance. His blade seemed hungry for blood, showing merciless strikes without hesitation to tear apart the opponent's body. With the overwhelming sword and blade techniques, it was difficult for an ordinary person's eyes to distinguish the current situation of the two men.

"Impressive! His skill is already at such a level!"

Cheongheon couldn't help but admire Mo Yong-hwi's swordsmanship. He was showing a different side from when he fought in the Three-Star Competition finals. Clearly, he hadn't been idling away his time since waking up from the heavily medicated bed. He was demonstrating a more matured appearance and a higher level of skill today.

"I haven't been idle either!"

Cheongheon unconsciously clenched his fist. And soon, bitterness filled his mouth.

"Is it possible to maintain this level of intensity?"

His voice was filled with concern for Mo Yong-hwi.

Now, the outcome of this confrontation would be determined by who tired out first. With an anxious gaze, Cheongheon watched the standoff.

Cheongheon was somewhat worried about Mo Yong-hwi's condition. No matter how you looked at it, the opponent didn't show any signs of fatigue. On the other hand, Mo Yong-hwi's sword seemed to be getting dull little by little. The difference was clearly evident in Cheongheon's eyes.

Compared to the duel between the two, the attackers were not that important of an issue. Moreover, even the attackers were now paying attention to the outcome of the duel between the two. They had no intention of aiding the opponent. However, it wasn't that they lacked trust in the opponent either. They were simply waiting for the result of the fight to come out as soon as possible. It was clear that the current standoff would become urgent like a storm as soon as the outcome of the fight was decided.

Cheongheon glanced at the duelists, who were being watched by everyone, and then quietly approached Nam Gung-sang. The assistant magistrate was standing with his hands down, quietly watching the duel. Since the invasion of the opponent and the attackers, Nam Gung-sang had never been seen using his hands. It was impossible to know what the assistant magistrate was thinking inside. This time, he hoped to at least hear a response.


The duel between Mo Yong-hwi and Gal Hyo-bong continued to be deafeningly loud. A whirlwind swept around them fiercely. Small stones jumped around randomly in all directions.

In the eyes of these two men, the presence of others existed only on the other side of the recognition of existence.

'What am I doing now?'

Mo Yong-hwi's dazzling swordlight and sword wind, which erupted due to the breath-taking confrontation, vividly colored the sight. However, his focus was not there.

Hyo-rong watched with bated breath the confrontation between the two men. His mind was still in a state of severe confusion.


A dry swallow went down his throat. He was just standing there without any focus on the duel. At this moment, he couldn't take anyone's side. Moreover, considering the suspicion he received last time, he had to be cautious. And he must be careful. He couldn't afford to be exposed as a spy! It was obvious that the current situation was urgent like a storm, sweeping away the surrounding circumstances.

Amidst the fierce clash of swords and blades, Mo Yong-hwi's swordlight and sword wind, which erupted due to the breath-taking confrontation, vividly colored the sight. However, his focus was not there. Hyo-rong watched with bated breath the confrontation between the two men. His mind was still in a state of severe confusion.


For a moment, a wind filled with intense vitality brushed past his neck. It was a blade that flew from behind his head. If he had remained stiff, his life would have been in danger. Everyone looked at Hyo-rong with astonished faces. Dazed...

'One of the ultimate techniques, Blood Wind Dance's Circle of Ten Crosses!'

Hyo-rong's face twisted grimly. Even though his reason was paralyzed, the fact that he could easily digest such a high-level secret technique indicated that his sense of martial arts was intact.

At this moment, Hyo-rong didn't realize that Cheongheon was looking at him with astonished eyes. He had never shown such an expression before.

"The outcome was predetermined from the start."

"Do you need help?"

In Namgung Sang's mind, amidst the fierce combat between the two, there seemed to be no one but Biryu Yeon who could intervene and take control of the situation, whether begrudgingly or fearfully.

Namgung Sang felt greatly disappointed that Master Yeomdo had gone to Mudo Mountain and was not present here. He still didn't find Biryu Yeon particularly likable. "Why should I?"

"Why not?"

Biryu Yeon countered, leaving Namgung Sang dumbfounded.

"Of course, shouldn't I help? We are facing a crisis!" Namgung Sang wanted to shout at Biryu Yeon to make him more aware of the current situation, but he restrained himself with extreme patience, only raising his voice slightly.

However, no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't sense any sense of urgency in Biryu Yeon's face. His slightly furrowed brows clearly expressed annoyance and irritation.

Namgung Sang's dismay wasn't just because of this incident. From the beginning, he hadn't trusted this "great monk."


Still focused on the fierce battle between Moyonghwi and Galhyobong, Biryu Yeon called out to Namgung Sang quietly.


Namgung Sang responded quietly, also to assist, but his mind was racing like a speeding tank.

"I dislike echoes that don't return!"


Namgung Sang nodded his head without understanding anything.

"And I dislike investments with no returns!"


That was something that aligned well with Biryu Yeon's character.

"But then you're asking me to help Moyonghwi now?"

Biryu Yeon stared at Namgung Sang without reservation. Of course, Namgung Sang couldn't see Biryu Yeon's eyes directly because his bangs obstructed his view. But not being able to see didn't mean he couldn't feel.


"Do you know of any merchant who invests in unprofitable businesses?"

"No, I don't!"

"I'm the same!"

"What do you mean?"

Namgung Sang didn't immediately understand Biryu Yeon's words. It was the art of rhetoric, the eloquence of a wandering cloud and flowing water.

"Do you think I'm crazy to exert myself and help someone who completely rejects my help, only to receive resentment in return?"

'Of course not!' Namgung Sang couldn't bring himself to answer. That was the truth filling his heart, despite everything.

But Biryu Yeon wasn't finished yet.

"Do you think I should act crazy for someone who won't appreciate it? I can't do that!"

Interfering in others' fights was against Biryu Yeon's principles of life. And if that help wasn't even appreciated, it was clear what the response would be. His mind was already made up from the start. Just stand by and watch! The outcome was predetermined from the beginning.

That's when it happened.



Namgung Sang suddenly gasped. Biryu Yeon had grabbed him by the collar without warning. His breath was caught. But Biryu Yeon's actions didn't stop there.


A body flew through the air, propelled by Biryu Yeon's relentless grip. The onlookers' eyes widened in astonishment. Once again, an event equivalent to a miracle had occurred. It was too much for the cost of a favor.


Namgung Sang's arms showed signs of confusion as he floundered in the air. Through his actions, people could clearly see that the current situation wasn't a result of mutual agreement.

In his sudden confusion, Namgung Sang managed to twist his body in mid-air and land safely on the ground. But the shock of being thrown still lingered, causing his body to lean forward. He didn't want to think about it, but if he had failed to land properly, he would have ended up with a splendid face-plant on the ground, leaving a long trail of blood.

"What are you doing... Gasp!"

As Namgung Sang stood up in a hurry and turned around, his protesting words disappeared into thin air as if swallowed by his throat.


As his gaze swiftly turned, his entire body shivered with goosebumps at the sight of the two figures behind him.


Instinctively, Namgung Sang's hand found the sword at his waist.

Murderous intent!

What he sensed was a strange and intense aura, unlike anything he had experienced before. It was a dark, oppressive aura that seemed to permeate the air with a thickness so palpable it could be cut with a knife! Standing directly in the face of that aura was Daesahyung Biryeo-yeon.


At that moment, a sound of tearing fabric came from behind Nam Gung-sang. Instantly, Nam Gung-sang's face turned pale, as if all blood had drained from it.

"What... what in the world!"

Before he could even comprehend, his clothes had been ripped by some sharp, unknown blade.

"I... I can't believe this! How... how could this happen!"

He had not sensed it at all; when did that blade manage to damage his robe? It was clear that Biryeo-yeon had betrayed him. The moment he felt himself being pushed forward, his body lunging into the air, he knew that a sharp blade must have passed through the empty space as he fell forward. With the shadow of death looming over him!

His heart skipped a beat, pounding heavily as if compressed. Cold sweat oozed from every pore of his body. "If Daesahyung's response had been just a little late, I would have...!" He probably wouldn't have been as carefree as he was in the afterlife. It felt like the touch of death had grazed him; his throat felt cold as ice, as if frost had settled on it. Today, he narrowly escaped the brink of life and death once again. It felt like blood was chillingly cooling down, a sensation of frost settling on his throat.

Suddenly, Nam Gung-sang, who seemed to have no significant role, appeared to be tremendously great. The power of a savior in a critical moment could make one forget even their bad vision, the effect was remarkably outstanding.

"Heh! Incredible!"

A sigh escaped from the lips of the thin, elderly man among the two.

The one who had unexpectedly attacked from behind Biryeo-yeon and Nam Gung-sang was none other than Cheonsal, one of the Twin Celestial Assassins.

Cheonsal, after staring at his blade intently, glanced back at Biryeo-yeon. Then, he wore a puzzled expression and shook his head. There seemed to be a miscalculation in his actions.

"If Daesahyung's response had been just a little late, both of us would have been...!" He couldn't help but think. It was an unforgivable mistake.

"Heh! What mistake did I make? Both lives that were supposed to die are perfectly fine! Such a bizarre incident."

For Cheonsal, it was nothing short of a bizarre occurrence.

His senses were undoubtedly intact. He had simply repeated the same slashing motion countless times before. His every slash always carried the essence of life departing from this world, but ironically, this time was an exception. Therefore, Cheonsal was tormented by this mistake.

Listening to Biryeo-yeon's grumbling, Cheonsal, feeling annoyed, puffed out his cheeks in frustration. From the perspective of Daesahyung, it was an uncharacteristically thoughtless action.

"Old man, you scared me for nothing! Doing something as trivial as attacking these brats. You're just an annoying obstacle in the way."

However, when faced with such intense aura emanating from Cheonsal's entire being, Nam Gung-sang was almost embarrassed to find himself stepping back. A typical master might have collapsed to the ground, while an ordinary person might have lost control of their bladder. Just restraining the urge to retreat was commendable enough for Nam Gung-sang.

Cheonsal's bristling beard trembled slightly. His cheeks turned pale with anger.

"This brat doesn't know how to respect elders!"

His sharp aura filled the air ominously, mingling with the dangerous atmosphere. It was clear he was resolved to kill. There was no need to open the chest and check the heart to confirm.

However, despite receiving such intense aura head-on, Biryeo-yeon's expression remained indifferent. It was a stance as if saying, "Go ahead and try if you dare."

"Heh heh! This brat wishes for death! Then, I shall grant it!"


With a fierce momentum, Cheonsal swung his sword. A sharp blue aura cut through the air. It was a clear message to just shut up and die.


However, Cheonsal's educational guidance was interrupted by an unexpected interference. Cheonsal's eyes narrowed nervously as he turned his attention to the unexpected intruder who blocked his path. His furrowed brows hinted at a slight confusion.

"Who are you?"

Cheonsal's gaze shifted towards the unexpected disruptor who blocked his path. His furrowed brows hinted at a slight confusion.

"That darn it! I mistook the person!"

A voice mixed with regret and irritation burst out from the dusty haze. It was the rough voice of Shibijo! The one who showed up to intercept Cheonsal's attack and knocked him down was none other than Yeomdo.

"Darn it! Did I just mess up!"

Regret surged instantly. He should have just let it go! It felt like he had incurred losses for no reason.

As if boldly blocking the danger threatening the master and courageously standing in the way, Yeomdo resembled a disciple. However, he couldn't forgive himself for becoming such a figure. Moreover, it was a reunion without any prior agreement, adding to the agony. Just remembering the awkwardness they had left behind in the past combined with the current annoyance induced a turbulent reaction.

"Who are you!"

As soon as he realized the identity of the intruder, the smile vanished from Yeomdo's face. His wide face suddenly turned cold, as if a layer of ice had been wrapped around it. However, that too was only momentary. After a while, Yeomdo's face returned to its usual round, jovial expression.

"Long time no see, fatty!"

Yeomdo's face crinkled with a smirk. The fat on his face swayed like waves.

"Heh heh heh! Who could it be? The epitome of vitality and ignorance, isn't it Yeomdo? Nice to see you, nice! Has it been fifteen years?"

It seemed Yeomdo wasn't just standing still either. He was in a state of high tension.

"Yeah! It's been fifteen years! Looks like the fat hasn't worn off on you, and you've even gained more. The epitome of ignorance still, fatty!"

"You still don't know manners. You should learn some manners when you have time. It'll help you in life. Otherwise, what's the difference between you and a beast? Burn, die, fat pig!"

Yeomdo's face turned red with rage. It was an aggressive attitude that aimed to provoke a fight.

"What use is there for manners when slaughtering pigs? Isn't it enough to have just one method of slaughter? Stop talking nonsense and come at me, fat pig!"

Seething with rage, Yeomdo entered into combat posture, raising his unique red aura. It was a proactive attitude to end it all today.

"Well... not a bad suggestion. My dream was to teach manners to that

 arrogant brat back then."

"Then you won't refuse, will you?"

Yeomdo challenged with a red aura swirling around him. He was determined to settle it today.

"We'll probably receive support from the Mu-dangpa soon, but I think we can settle it before then. Within ten moves."

Yeomdo declared confidently.

Settling it within ten moves meant nothing but an insult to the name of Jisal's legendary Mingwangdo. Even fifteen years ago, they fought for over three hundred moves without reaching a conclusion. However, there was no need to reveal such unpleasant truths in front of a face he didn't want to see. If that truth inflated the other's ego, all the better. If that was the truth that lifted the other's nose, then it was all the more generous.

With the mention of support from the Mu-dangpa, Ji-sal's face changed drastically. Moreover, Cheonsal's attitude seemed a bit odd. After the massive explosion earlier, it was hard to say that Galhyobong was in normal condition.

Moreover, the current progress in hunting the target was far from satisfactory. No, it was more accurate to say that there was none. And with the addition of support from the Mu-dangpa, it would be difficult to witness a favorable situation. So, Ji-sal had no choice but to change his mind.

'What should I do...?'

But Ji-sal's thoughts were drowned out by a huge roar. It seemed that Galyobong and Moyong-hwi had collided head-on.

Clash! Secret Technique against Secret Technique

The confrontation between Cheonji Ssangsal and Biryu Yeon, and the clash between Moyonghwi and Gal Hyobong continued endlessly. Just now, a fierce collision of sword energy resonated, making arms sore with its intensity. Even the chest felt tight with tension.

"Panting! What in the world is the identity of this opponent?"

Despite the wild hair and untrimmed beard, Moyonghwi could intuitively sense that his opponent wasn't much older. Probably not even in his thirties. Moyonghwi had never heard of anyone among his peers who possessed such unique skills.


But Moyonghwi couldn't afford to dwell on such thoughts. He found himself in the midst of a perilous battle where any moment of carelessness could be fatal. Like a raging river during a flood, he was fiercely resisting the overwhelming force of his opponent's sword energy, using all his strength. There was no room for reserve; easing up even slightly would result in defeat.

"What in the world is this overwhelming power?"

The giant showed no signs of fatigue. His initial strike and the hundreds that followed were delivering the same precise impact, with no difference in strength.

As if drawing from an endless source of energy, the giant unleashed immense power. It was evident that Moyonghwi was at a disadvantage. He couldn't afford to continue this draining battle any longer. Finally, he made a decision.


It was a showdown of Secret Techniques.


With a rough sound, the two combatants, who had been entangled like brothers for over a hundred bouts, separated by several meters. They were adjusting their breathing and controlling their inner strength, preparing to unleash their ultimate moves. Neither rushed recklessly into the fray.

An intense invisible battle continued during their standoff.

White sword energy began to emanate from Moyonghwi's body like a halo. Gal Hyobong was not idle either; the red energy surrounding his swords grew denser. It was the instinctual response to the impending danger.

Though their wills may have been subdued, the deep-seated martial instincts within them remained strong. Instinctively, Gal Hyobong began to activate his own Secret Technique.

A technique with the power of a single fatal blow is called a "Secret Art," or a "Secret Treasure Technique." Therefore, the risk of failure was naturally high. But as martial artists, such burdens were to be borne!

Moyonghwi extended his sword forward, adopting the stance of the Galaxy Flow Opening Sword, drawing upon all the essence of his art. In the final match of the Three-Star Martial Arts Contest, he had refrained from exerting his full power out of concern for his opponent's life. But now was not the time for such considerations. If he didn't exert his full strength, his own life was at risk.

Galaxy Star Sword Energy in his right hand, and Collapse Secret in his left!

A fist-sized energy sphere began to form at the tip of his sword.

"If the energy sphere created from your sword energy can narrow down to the size of a needle, then that will be the moment your sword technique is perfected!"

The words his grandfather had imparted to him echoed in his mind. The size of the energy sphere was still just about the size of a fist! But even at this size, it possessed enough power to rival the heavens.

It seemed his opponent had no intention of giving in easily. From Gal Hyobong's body emanated a terrifying energy, indicating that he was ready to counter Moyonghwi's Secret Technique with his own.

Bloodlust danced around Gal Hyobong.

Watching from the side, Hyoryong's eyes snapped open as if awakened from a daze. His teeth clenched involuntarily, and his hands trembled while his spine tingled. His swords were still planted in the ground, ignored by their owner.

"T-That is the Cross of the King of Blood Technique, a skill of the Gwangcheon Bloodline Supreme Master!"

It was the martial technique that had made Gal Hyobong the top swordsman of the Heukdo faction, the Hidden Treasure Technique!

Hyoryong suddenly felt as if a fog had descended before his eyes, momentarily obscuring the two fighters from his view. His throat felt tight.

"Hyung... Hyung!"

It was as if his heart, his soul, were being torn apart with agony. He screamed inwardly, as if spewing blood, but there was only emptiness in response. The turbulent air that had been swirling around them came to a sudden halt, and the chaotic gusts and sword winds ceased, but the pressure was more intense than ever. Both combatants were now ready.

Now, only the clash remained.

The tense atmosphere, like a taught rope about to snap, enveloped the arena. Everyone around, who had momentarily ceased their activities, now focused their gaze on this single match. The silence was surreal, as if the heavens and earth were holding their breath.


The sound of swallowing echoed louder than thunder as Cheongheon gulped down his dry throat. His chest felt tight, and his throat felt parched. The strange silence felt like a beckoning death knell to him.

Galactic flow (은하류) Opening Sword (개벽검)

Secret Understanding of Vision (비전오의)

Meteor shower filling the sky (유성만천) Flying Star Arrows (비성시)

Roaring Heaven Blood Shadow Blade Technique (굉천혈영도법)

Fatal Secret Technique (필살오의)

Roaring Heaven Blood Flow Supreme King Cross Blade (굉천혈류패왕십자인)

Moyonghwi and Galhyobong poured out their full strength, simultaneously unleashing their secret techniques. It was a life-threatening battle.

Both techniques were unparalleled in the history of martial arts. It was a rare sight to witness two legendary techniques clash in one place. It was a moment that would be remembered for a lifetime.


As Moyonghwi's sword struck, a meteor shower poured out, covering the sky. Galhyobong's twin swords intersected, creating a giant crimson cross. The onlookers were greeted with a spectacle of blinding white light. Soon, a thunderous roar shook the earth.


Behind Galhyobong, ten beautiful cedar trees exploded under the pressure, shattering into pieces that filled the air like a torrential rain. The explosion dust covered the battlefield, making it difficult to distinguish friend from foe.

The spectators, who were witnessing the epic clash for free, struggled to maintain their focus on the center of the battle. Even those at a distance felt the impact of the clash. Lips trembled in awe.


A splash of red blood entered Moyonghwi's vision. It was his own blood, evidence that his internal organs were not unscathed. Galhyobong was also not unscathed; his clothes were torn, and blood flowed continuously from his mouth. The fierce clash demanded an equal toll from both of them.

Moyonghwi had no strength left. Unable to overcome the intense shock, he fell to one knee, while Galhyobong still stood firmly on both legs, his twin swords pointing towards the sky.

A deep gash in the shape of a giant cross marked the ground around Moyonghwi. It was evident how much pressure he had endured with his bare body.

Galhyobong's pupils turned increasingly red. He expressed anger towards the one who had inflicted intense pain upon him. His face flushed with rage, and veins bulged on his arms.

"Can he still fight with such a body?"

Cheongheon couldn't believe it. Even after receiving the Galactic Flow Opening Sword, Moyonghwi could move his body to such an extent! It was beyond surprising.

Cheongheon's gaze became more worried. The situation looked dangerous for Moyonghwi. He seemed battered inside out. Cheongheon was most worried about whether he could evade this next strike.

"Don't… don't intervene! This is a duel between him and me."

Moyonghwi's behavior, solely focusing on personal victory over considering the overall situation, was unlike him. He had always adhered to rules and laws. It was unprecedented for him to prioritize the individual over the collective.

"Is this what they call the frenzy of the bloodless?"

Helpless, Cheongheon cursed himself for being unable to do anything but watch. He even wondered if he himself was swayed by the desire to fight against a strong opponent. It was difficult to suppress the surge of determination.

It was then that something seemed off with Galhyobong.



Perhaps due to severe mental and physical shock, Galhyobong's demeanor was strange.

His eyes were filled with increasingly intense bloodlust.

The veins in his muscles throbbed as if they were pulsating.


Fatal blow!

When he casually waved his sword, the five members of the Cheonhonggeomdae on the right quickly rode their famous mounts. But this was just the beginning. Suddenly, the eyes of Galhyobong turned bloodshot and filled with madness. Ignoring the opponent in front of him, Moyonghwi, and swinging his paired swords indiscriminately, it was a rampage.

"Crack! Crack! Keeeek!"

With bloodshot eyes, Galhyobong suddenly rushed forward and swung his paired swords, and the throats of the attackers around him were brilliantly cut through the air. It was a ridiculous massacre.

The prohibition of the Heavenly Soul-Calling Technique had been broken due to the clash with Moyonghwi's secret transmission enlightenment.


As the leader of the Heavenly Executioners, it was quite troublesome. They had to resolve the situation. Otherwise, there was a risk of their subordinates suffering heavy losses.

"Now it's your turn. Prepare yourself!"

Yumdo, who had momentarily been focused on the clash between Galhyobong and Moyonghwi, shouted, reminding them about Jisal. It seemed he also intended to finish it quickly. His beloved sword, Hongyeom, burned brighter and brighter.

"Wait a moment!"

The sudden shout from Jisal made Yumdo's anger subside momentarily. His rage rose sharply but then quickly subsided.

"What? Subside?"

"Today seems too busy for this. It's regrettable that we must anticipate the next encounter. When we meet again, I will surely... surely kill you!"

Having witnessed Galhyobong's rampage, Jisal had already made up his mind. This chaotic situation was too disadvantageous. Now was the time to withdraw and regroup. Jisal wasn't the type to let emotions sway his rationality. So, he decided to temporarily put his grudge aside.

"I'll just let you wither away slowly!"

Prolonged assassination over time was much more effective in satisfying his desire for revenge than killing in one blow.

"Where are you retreating to?"

Yumdo couldn't just let him go after his outburst. There was no way he'd just watch quietly and let them leave. However, Yumdo couldn't swing his sword. It was Ryuyeon's premonition that stopped him.

"Let them go!"

It was a single word from Ryuyeon, with a meaning of sending them off gracefully without causing further trouble.

"Darn it! Darn it! Darn it!"

Eventually, was he just going to let them go? Yumdo's frustration was on the verge of exploding. But in the end, he suppressed it. Yumdo had made significant progress in patience recently.

"Then, until next time! I apologize for keeping Lord Mingwang waiting, but it cannot be helped!"

Jisal's parting words were filled with sarcasm until the end.

"Jjiring jjiring!"

The Cheonhonggeomdae cried out at the order to retreat.


However, despite Cheonsal's command, Hyobong's indiscriminate swinging of his paired swords did not stop. With each swing, the damage to his subordinates grew.

Cheonsal's expression became grim. Unfortunately, his ominous premonition had come true. 

"Sigh! How dare you defy the prohibition? Are you suggesting that my sealed Heavenly Soul-Calling Technique is about to be released? Ridiculous..."

It was an impossible situation. Yet, given the current rampage, it was hard to deny.

"Tingling! Tingling!"

The sound of the Heavenly Soul-Calling grew louder. Cheonsal's eyes flashed with alarm. To control the unstable state of Hyobong, he resorted to forced mental control.

"Woooo! Kieeee!"

A powerful cry erupted from Hyobong's mouth, a dreadful Heavenly Soul-Shriek. Its power was enough to cause serious damage, forcing everyone to resist against its energy.


A piercing scream erupted from Galhyobong's mouth. The intense force of the Heavenly Soul-Shriek caused excruciating pain throughout his body.

Cheonsal inwardly sighed in relief. Fortunately, the prohibition wasn't completely broken.

Hyobong writhed in agony, freed from the pain only when the Heavenly Soul-Shriek subsided. His eyes, once filled with bloodlust and madness, now appeared cloudy and unfocused.

"Jjiring! Tingling!"

"Stop! Halt!"

Again, Cheonsal commanded as the Heavenly Soul-Calling sounded.

Hyobong's relentless swinging of his sword stopped abruptly at Cheonsal's command. This time, Hyobong didn't resist the order.


Finally, following Cheonsal's order, Hyobong withdrew. Cheonsal followed behind him.

"Yumdo! Until next time! I've received your invitation to the afterlife!"

With Jisal's farewell, he raised his hand, and the attackers all vanished like a receding tide. They left without leaving a single corpse, taking all the evidence with them. With significant losses in power, their party couldn't afford to pursue.



Moyonghwi collapsed to the ground weakly. His body was already depleted from the clash with Galhyobong. Blood stained the earth.

Members of the Four Heavenly Halls, knowledgeable in medicine, quickly rushed to attend to Moyonghwi. Everyone looked at him with worried eyes; the sight of him spitting blood was unsettling.


Checking his pulse cautiously, Dansam's expression stiffened. A meaninglessly somber tone escaped his lips as he shook his head.

"Why? What went wrong? Why are you shaking your head?"

Dangmoonhye asked with a stiff expression. His usually graceful face was hardened with worry.

"Uh? No! Despite the fierce battle just now, the injuries are surprisingly minimal. Your internal organs weren't severely damaged compared to the blood you vomited. Did you take some kind of elixir?"

Dansam's face showed intrigue.


Danghyeol's expression turned puzzled. Dansam reported Moyonghwi's pulse results to Yumdo.

"It seems there's no major threat to his life. I'll have to accompany him with some extraordinary treatment, but his organs weren't severely damaged. As long as he doesn't move excessively, there shouldn't be any lingering effects. But it seems he'll have difficulty exerting himself for a while!"


They breathed a sigh of relief as if they'd been given a new lease on life.

"Don't startle me like that. I'm just a normal person, not someone with two livers! If someone else's liver fails, are you going to take responsibility? Behave yourself and refrain from actions that might mislead people!"

This was Cheongheon's complaint, his greatest concern being realized. Given the intense battle just now, it was nothing short of a miracle that they had survived.

"Let's go eat now."

There was someone who spoke so confidently and confidently. It was none other than Ryuyeon. His attitude seemed to suggest that there was nothing more important in the world than eating.

Cheongheon's gaze turned to Yumdo. He hoped for some kind of comment from their leader to counter Ryuyeon's nonchalance.

"It's a pity for you!" Cheonsal knew well the feelings Yumdo harbored. If Galhyobong hadn't gone on a rampage out of the blue, they would have settled things today. Cheonsal could see through Yumdo's smile; it was the peculiar grin Yumdo made when his anger boiled inside.

"Have you not forgotten, driven by your grudge?" 

"My side still aches. How could I forget with you around?" 

Of course, he couldn't forget. Yumdo moved his jaws, smiling as he ground his teeth. 

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked..." Cheonsal apologized meekly, always burying his emotions deep within, unlike Yumdo, who rarely displayed his feelings.

"He insulted my name, saying it sounds like a woman's, then stabbed an old man's side! He's a madman, plain and simple. No sense of propriety!" 

Just thinking about fifteen years ago made Yumdo's teeth chatter. 

"I hate the color red!" 

Even now, fifteen years later, Yumdo still trembled at the thought of red. 

"Bury him on Mudang Mountain!" Yumdo swore silently.

The chaos at the lodging house was enough material to gather the attention of the seniors. But where was Mujinja, the official responsible for the training? He was currently indisposed due to an important task. Mujinja quietly performed his duties, having an important mission of an afternoon stroll. Despite the danger his disciples faced, he adhered to his scheduled walk. His daily agenda was packed without any breaks.

Next, he had to leisurely drink a cup of tea for three breaths. Mujinja was very busy.

No helping hand would come 

- Do not expect it from the start

"How can we proceed with this?" 

"Is Heaven demanding our lives as collateral?" 

Cheongheon muttered with a troubled voice. He was in distress. Who would break through the celestial trials and convey the message to the main peak of Mudang Mountain? Traverse the treacherous path lurking between ambushes and death...

Even before reporting to the Mudang faction, they would end up submitting a death report to the underworld. According to the commoners, the only person who could break through the encirclement and convey the message was Yumdo. The problem was, how many could he lead back without dying during his return with reinforcements? That was Cheongheon's concern.

But Cheongheon's worries were just his own thoughts. Because Yumdo had no intention of doing so.

"Why hasn't anyone come?" 

"Who would come?" 

Yumdo shouted irritably. 

"Just now, Master clearly..." 

"Obviously, that's a lie!" 


Everyone's eyes widened in confusion.

"I explicitly told you not to come!" 

What did he mean by that? 

Yumdo's last words were utterly incomprehensible. No, they didn't want to understand them.

"But why?" 

"I'll go blind. Stop bothering me!" 

Namkoong Sangdo was somewhat persistent. 

"Yeah, what can we do?" 

"No, why?" 

Namkoong Sang wanted to know the reason for such an absurd situation. As the epitome of timidity and caution, it was a rare act of rebellion for him.

"It's my decision." 

Instantly, the entire Jubokdan and Cheongeomjo all wore the same dull expression. And at that moment, a bright star sparkled before Namkoong Sang's eyes. It was Yumdo's work. 

"How boring!" 

Ryu Yeon, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. All eyes turned to Ryu Yeon for his unexpected opinion.

"What did you say?" 

Cheongheon's eyes slightly narrowed. 

"Don't be so shaken by such trivial matters. How can we aspire to the Cheonmu Institute like this, trembling over such trifles? 

"That's right!" 

Namkoong Sang enthusiastically agreed with Ryu Yeon's opinion. Yumdo, too, actively endorsed Ryu Yeon's view, making the scene even more magnificent. Consequently, Cheongheon couldn't find words to refute. Yumdo presenting his opinion made it impossible for others to interject theirs. Besides, he knew Yumdo was someone who wouldn't allow dissenting opinions. 

"What should we do now?" 

Cheongheon asked on behalf of everyone. 

"We need to become stronger!" 

It was a simple statement. 


Both sides knew this standoff couldn't last long. 

Time was not on their side. Unfortunately, at this moment, time was not in their favor.

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