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Chapter 3: Hinata's Fourth Birthday

Name : Hoshi

Surname : Akimichi

Age: 4 years, 6 months (Born June 27th)

Gender : Male

Home : Konohagakure

Profession : None

- = - = - = - = - = - =- = - = - = - = - = -

Ether Element : Dendro, Anemo, Lumino

Ether Pool : Infinite

Ether Control : 6/20

Chakra Natures : Earth, Fire

Chakra Pool : Tokubetsu Jonin

Chakra Control : 2/20

- = - = - = - = - = - =- = - = - = - = - = -

Strength : 6/20 (8)

Speed : 6/20 (9)

Stamina : 10/20 (14)

Reflexes : 9/20 (15)

Intelligence : 10/20 (17)

Hand Speed: 9/20 (12)

- = - = - = - = - = - =- = - = - = - = - = -

Taijutsu : 4/20

Ninjutsu 3/20

Genjutsu : 2/20

Fuinjutsu : 3/20

Iryojutsu : 0/20

- = - = - = - = - = - =- = - = - = - = - = -


Henge no Jutsu / Transformation Jutsu LV 2/20

Bunshin no Jutsu / Clone Jutsu LV 3/20

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu / Shadow Clone Jutsu LV 1/20

Kage Shurikan no Jutsu / Shadow Shurikan Jutsu LV 1/20

Kawarimi no Jutsu / Body Replacement Jutsu LV 1/20

Shunshin / Body Flicker Jutsu LV 1/20

Kai / Genjutsu Release LV 9/20

- = - = - = - = - = - =- = - = - = - = - = -

Leaf Training Exercise LV 3/20

Tree Climbing Exercise LV 1/20

Water Surface Walking Exercise LV 0/20

- = - = - = - = - = - =- = - = - = - = - = -

Blades : Pyra

Form Manifestation : Venti

- = - = - = - = - = - =- = - = - = - = - = -

Sword Use LV 4/20

Shurikan Use LV 9/20

Senbon Use LV 1/20

- = - = - = - = - = - =- = - = - = - = - = -

Inventory : 160 cubic feet


When he was born, little Hoshi Akimichi did not remember his past life as Derrick, but when he was around four and a half months old that had changed. If was the day that the Kyuubi attacked Konohagakure.

He had been with his mother in her sweets shop (The Akimichi Cookie Cafe) while she was preparing sweets for the next day when all hell broke loose and part of the roof fell on his mother and knocked her out.

With his fear at the noise and the failure of his mother to come check on him, he accidentally and instinctively activated Form Manifestation for the first time, which in turn awakened his system and some of his memories of his past life, though be couldn't remember his name in that life for some reason.

He gave that no thought though once the form of Venti appeared over his baby body, which had gone unconscious while he was form manifesting.

As Venti, little Hoshi Akimichi got his mother out of the rubble and got her, along with his 'sleeping' baby self out of shop and into one of Konoha's secure shelters. Once they were safe, he took off with the intent to try and help the Fourth Hokage, but unfortunately he arrived too late and Minato and Kushina had passed away.

He did, however, carry little Naruto and delivered them both to the Third Hokage. Hoshi may have briefly considered taking Naruto with him, considering how hard his life would likely be, but had to quickly dispel that thought since he couldn't remain in Venti's form indefinitely.

After handing off Naruto to the Third Hokage he introduced himself as Venti, the god of Wind, and stated that he was very interested in the fate of 'this child' and that he'd be around a while to watch how he matures, and then ended his form Manifestation, which allowed his baby self to wake up.

Feeling regret about failing to save either Minato or Kushina, Hoshi trained by expelling all the ether he could every day even before he could walk, to build up his ether control, and managed to sense chakra and began training at around three years and two months old.

This was also around the time when he approached Naruto again as Venti and started training him about chakra control in secret.

Well, the Anbu watching Naruto in secret knew about it, but he had told Hiruzen that he'd be around, so they left him alone. The root nin following Naruto, though, had a tendency to disappear after Hoshi started visiting Naruto.

Now, though, he was four years and 6 months old, and it was Hinata Hyuuga's fourth birthday, which meant that she was supposed to be kidnapped tonight.

The Kumogakure envoy had just signed a peace agreement, like he recalled from the show in his first life, so Hoshi did not think that his actions so far had affected things in any meaningful way beyond Konoha to prevent the kidnapping, especially since the 'peace' envoy was still here at the right time.

With that in mind, Hoshi decided to go to bed early and to use form manifestation and to become Venti and harness Lumino (Light-based ether manipulation) to become invisible and protect Hinata and to try to prevent her kidnappers death so that Hizashi wouldn't have to sacrifice his life. He still hadn't unlocked additional blades or forms, but had unlocked Lumino as an affinity when Pyra learned to transform her sword into Mythra's for the first time about 7 months prior.

She still couldn't transform into Mythra fully yet, but could get a bit stronger temporarily when she wanted too by switching to Mythra's sword. It wasn't yet something that she could properly depend upon, but Hoshi was fine with that since she'd get better with time, and the important thing was that he got Lumino our of it which was really damn useful.

He had only really trained in one trick with it so fat, which was making himself invisible, and he planned to use that while his body slept and he controlled the form of Venti again tonight.

When he got into bed and covered up, he activated Form Manifestation and as expected, when his body fell 'asleep', he found himself looking downward at that body from Venti's perspective.

Since 'Venti' didn't have an innate light element and accessed it through his connection to his original body, making himself invisible took about fifty percent more ether then it took for him to use it on his original body, but he'd gotten his ether control up to a sufficient level that such a small drain was not going to decrease his time as Venti by much.

When he was four and a half months old, his limit was three hours, but now it was fifteen, which was reduced to thirteen hours and forty minutes if he maintained flight and invisibility the whole time and didn't fight.

In short, if nothing happened tonight then he could watch over Hinata all night, but he was not deluded enough to think he'd be that fortunate.

Hoshi (As Venti) opened his window once he was invisible and flew out of it, closing the window behind him, and then flew towards the Hyuuga compound. He was relieved when he flew in and no one reacted to him at all, so apparently his invisibility could fool even the Byakugan, at least as long as this body remained unable to use chakra.

All his abilities were based on ether in this body, not Chakra.

It took Hoshi an hour and a half to find his way to Hinata's bedroom, where she was in bed, sleeping after a hectic day. Even if it was her birthday, she was from an important clan, so he was not an idiot and he understood that she was dragged along with probably much more politicking then normal today.

Hoshi didn't touch her and just remained vigilant and observed her surroundings until after midnight.

At 12:28 am (he knew that thanks to his system), a man opened Hinata's window and entered her bedroom. The head ninja from Kumo headed towards Hinata while retrieving a bag to stuff her into, and Hoshi wasn't going to allow that, making himself visible between the man and Hinata "I'm afraid I can't allow you to lay a finger on this little girl." he said, using wind ether to loudly shut the window, well aware that it would get people attention.

"You're not a Hyuuga. Why are you here?" the man seemed annoyed, not taking his eyes off the boy that had suddenly appeared before him, seemingly looking like he was about to attack.

"I am Venti, god of the Wind. I am here to protect this little girl from the schemes of Kumogakure." Venti insisted and smirked "You can attack me if you want, but it wont do you any good."

Hearing people rushing towards Hinata's room, the Kumo nin realized he no longer had time to abduct Hinata and turned his kunai towards his own throat, intending to kill himself as Hiashi and a couple others busted into the room.

Venti, however, did not want this man to die in the Hyuuga Compound, even if he killed himself, because it would likely result in Hizashi getting sacrificed, and he did not want to accept another failure.

Tapping into the Zohar, he yanked out a huge amount of ether, and used it to suck out the air from the kumo head nin's lungs and to knock him out.

Hinata screamed and closed her eyes, thinking that the man had been about to kill himself, but gratefully the cut in his neck was shallow thanks to Hoshi's quick reaction speed.

"Hiashi Hyuuga, this man is the Head Ninja from the Kumogakure delegation. he came here to try and kidnap Hinata, and if he failed to do so he was to die on the Hyuuga compound so that the Raikage could claim innocense and demand justice for the 'murder' of their ninja. So that he does not succeed in killing himself, disarm him and keep him sedated and alive until the Hokage can send some Anbu to retrieve him" Hoshi / Venti ordered the Hyuuga Patriarch, before moving away from Hinata to freely allow Hiashi to approach her.

"Who are you?" Hiashi asked with confusion.

"I'll let the Third Hokage tell you that if he wants too. You can just call me Venti for now." Hoshi insisted "Needless to say, I am not an enemy of yours, though. I came to know that Kumogakure planned to behave in this manner tonight and decided to step in and protect your daughter because it was the right thing to do. I require no thanks or payment or anything of that sort. Now that my job is done, I'll be going, sir. Remember to be extra careful so that he does not die."

Hiashi nodded once, but still seemed worried about this whole situation. Before he could ask more, though, Hoshi had disappeared as though he'd never ben there to begin with.

Splendora_Gaming Splendora_Gaming

Hybrid_Zer0 and I are both writing this story together and apparently he got permission to use Yuna Uzumaki in our story.

As a result of our storiesbeing set in the same world at the same time, some of our chapters will be identical as we will be composing them together. His story will be primarilly from the perspective of his MC, and the chapters where they interact with each other will have few, if any differences between them.

Anyway, since he wanted to add this character and got permission, and since I am a fan, and since Hoshi had a presence, small as it was, in the aftermath of the Kyuubi attack, she needed to be included in this chapter.

Hybrid_Zer0's side of this story:

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