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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Encounter In The Forest (H)

This was a modern world abandoned by deities and dominated by devils.

A world without the blessings of gods and goddesses became the gathering ground for demons and their fulfillment for blood and gore.

Assembling together they created a perfect stage where humans struggle through trials in an attempt to live. Here, there is no logic, no freedom, no civility, nor something called humanity, only animals that are born to be playthings.

This form of entertainment livened these devil's monotonous passing of time while giving them even more ways to torture those pitiful lives. 

"Petty humans without the protection of those dastardly gods cannot hope to escape from our claws." One devil spoke with a sinister chuckle.

"Let us bet on the next person that will live the longest." Another said with nonchalance, wine drizzling down the corner of its mouth.

Just as they dwell in the bliss of newfound excitement, an unexpected thing happens the next second. A bright light spilt opened the sky and shone onto the Earth ruined by many passes of destruction. Where it shined, the ground split apart to push aside vehicles while toppling skyscrapers. A rising black tower appeared and pierced through the crimson sky.

"Mortals." A divine voice rang out throughout the world, "if you wish for the right to live, the power to control your own life. Then climb. Gamble the withering flames of your insignificant souls and climb to the very top. Those who obtain the throne, procure all." 

The last of those words vanished along the flashing of light following the return of quietness to the world. Before the last of the gods left they used a shred of their powers to create a majestic tower. Leaving behind a shred of hope for the desperate mortals.

But is that really hope?

No one thought so.

A plane abandoned by gods, a world where humans have forsaken the notion of believing in entities. To them, that is not hope but continuous rebirth of tortuous days. Days of being cheap amusement for those demons hidden within the cover of clouds above. It's just the location has changed is all. 

However, perhaps to make the days seem to go on in a more bearable fashion, some decided to believe. To assume that maybe the top of the tower does have something that could change their way of living. At least, that way the bloody sky in their hearts would lift into a lighter grey…


"...Where the heck am I?"

Closing the book held in hand the young woman raised her almond eyes to sweep across the area around.

Surrounded on all four sides with inky black trees, Xin Yue massaged her throbbing forehead in an attempt to alleviate the pain. The Old Man On The Moon barely gave her enough time to understand anything before pushing her down the black hole. Fortunately, during the thirty minutes it took to travel he had the conscience to send her some basic information.

This place is something similar to another Earth.

As a place controlled by demons, there is no such thing called human logic as that is something devils do not have. 

People who chose to enter this tower cannot leave unless they obtained the rumored throne that can grant them powers. Either that, or death for those who entered. 

Those who decided to enter are referred to as players and must complete stages prepared by the tower in order to move upwards to the top.

It seems that the tower was created to fit the criteria of certain novels where system messages and mechanisms are similar to games. Very convenient for modernized people who are familiar with these mechanics.

However, as convenient as it would seem, the same system does not work for her. Due to being an uninvited guest of this world, certain privileges are locked for the young lady. Even the most simple of just showing a status window is difficult and might only succeed at times. 

Right now she is sent to the fifth level of the tower.

With an unknown number of floors located within the tower. This level is still considered to be easy compared to the ones in the upcoming future. But nonetheless in comparison to the peaceful life she once lived in, is still considered to be very hard.

"What should I do now?" Staring at the half transparent screen in front, Xin Yue read the words on it with seriousness.

[Escape from the Forest of Thieves] the mission on the screen wrote. Plain and simple without extra clues in regards to the true nature of these words. 

Each level of the tower has its missions that need to be completed. The starting tasks are written plainly and each completed task will grant points to players in which they can then use to exchange for useful items. From weapons and items that can improve the body to precious medicine that can perform miracles. Almost everything needed to continue living could be found in the store. 

In comparison, if Xin Yue wants to survive in this tower, she must clear the tasks given by the tower. While gaining worship points with the person she chose at the same time.

"Or I could just sit him on that stupid chair…" The problem would be where to find that type of person strong enough to win against hundreds, maybe thousands of competing players? 

"My chastity is in danger…" Xin Yue whispered while choosing a random direction to walk in. Bright pupils swept from left to right while walking with cautious steps. Occasionally perking up her ears to listen to the sounds of murmuring woods.

The white dress worn on her slender body flutters under the movements of each step. In this dim forest, it was as if a playful spirit had entered this dangerous territory, unaware of the perils hiding within.

Thoughts still dwelling on the tasks she needed to complete with a hand caressing her chin.

Finding someone to fight over the throne… it sounds easy. But in truth, it's a difficult task. First off, a person has to have the scheme and courage to aim for the throne. Sitting on the bejeweled chair is easy, no, not to mention sitting on it. Right now, she doesn't even have the confidence that she could pass this level without dying first. 

Even if she were to somehow find a person that fits her description, why would he need her help? On what basis would that person require her to help? A three-sixty degrees observation on her from top to bottom and you'll find that she's weak as hell! 

"There are also the other contenders sent here." The old man told her there should be another three representatives transferred in. Although it's unknown if their starting point is at the same place. 

"Ah! Damn it!" The young lady scratched her head out of frustration.

A slight melodious clink from the collision of a white jade bangle against the nails on her left hand causes a jingle in the air.

Closing her eyes to feel warm wind fanning away the flames of her displeasure. A sudden change in the air halted those actions.

Feeling something amiss, almond eyes open to scour the surroundings before immediately dashing into a nearby bush. Hidden under the cover of overgrown grass she listened carefully for signs of disturbance. Back tense at the possible idea of approaching danger.

It's too strange, how can the forest be void of animal and insect noises? Birds aren't chirping, insects are not humming, even the rustling of large species has ceased. What happened during those few minutes of daydreaming?

"... …"

Truth be told, knowing that she can't die really does make the young lady feel a sense of security. Who doesn't fear dying? The realization of death would usually cause a person to act with caution.

However, Xin does not have to. If she makes a wrong move, many other chances are waiting for her after revival. Of course, it's not saying that she shouldn't be careful, but this layer of protection gives a welcoming sense of relief in this foreign world. It's almost a guarantee that she can walk horizontally across the tower if she wishes so.

But… she's afraid of pain.

"Life is precious no matter how many times I can die." Xin Yue murmured under her breath with an obvious expression.

Moments later, murmurs and crunching of footsteps rang out on the opposite side of the thickets. Five burly masked men grunting in displeasure appear, "did you find him yet?!" One of the men asked in a commandeering tone. Swinging his saber to the side, this allows droplets of blood to splash onto the dirt floor.

"Not yet boss." Another replied with furrowed brows, "but Fifteen and Thirteen went after him while we took care of the other players." Kicking at the ground with his stained foot, the rough man cursed, "fuck! the players this time are so crafty." Pondering for a few moments that person added, "they should be back soon."

Right after, two bloody figures abruptly stride out of the woods with an equally malicious expression. Scars riddle their bulky figure as bare feet snapped the twigs on the ground with each heavy step taken. Blurry round objects dripping with liquid hung by strings swung side to side on their waist.

With a light grunt, the two men released the holdings on those round objects and threw them onto the ground in front of their boss.

"We only manage to get a few of those pesky rats." The man with a scar across his cheek yawned.

Observing closely, those round spheres were in fact the heads of human beings. Still freshly dripping in blood, the reddened eyes of those unfortunate souls stare lifelessly at the young woman hidden within the shadows. Bleeding from the seven orifices, the expression frozen on that person's face seems to be a testament of the fear and pain experienced moments before death.

Xin Yue shuddered at that thought.

"Shit." Kicking away those bloody things, one of the heads coincidentally fell into the bush, rolling right next to Xin Yue's feet.


Frightened by this spectacle, she bit onto her trembling hands to stop a squeal from spilling out. Forming herself into a ball, the young woman waited patiently for signs of those men to leave.

The man referred to as the boss spit in disgust before burrowing into the forest, "find the rest of them! They can't get far with those injuries." With this command, the men dispersed in groups of two or threes in search of other people.


No one else left.

Panting in silence, the scent of iron filled her shocked senses as Xin Yue tried her best to calm those rolling emotions threatening to spill out. Not even an hour has passed since she met the first sign of danger in this world.

Truly frightening. 

Not even knowledge of immortality can stop the natural aversion a person has to death. 

Pressing her body against the ground the young lady decided to crawl her way out of this area first.

Judging from their ruthless actions those people definitely won't spare even a minute to kill if she were to be found. Face almost kissing the dirt floor Xin continued to crawl forward without a specific location in mind. 

Mind only focused on maintaining steady movements for a safe escape. Not even thirty steps have gone by when abruptly, the touch of hard soil and grass changed to the softness of something unfamiliar.

"Hm?" Giving a few more hard squeezes out of confusion. The young lady instantly raised her head in response to a faint groan that emitted from above.

Under her slender palm is a black tree root, ah no, it's the thigh of a person? Tracing it upwards from abdomen to face, a man with a deep wound on his chest stares back in menacing pain. 

"Ah?!" Unable to react in time, a strong grip wrapped around the wrist placed on the stranger's thigh. A strong force pulling the young woman into the arms of the unknown man without a moment's hesitation.

In that fraction of a second before anything had registered, the woman's slender body sat on the thighs of that man with legs spread into an, "M." The coldness of steel centimeters away from the pulsing veins of Xin Yue's delicate neck.

Two soundless breaths mingle at a close distance of a few inches as two sights collide.

One sharp and cold, the other confused and scared.

Aware of the shame of this position, Xin tried to remove herself from the iron grip. "Let go!" She hissed in a suppressed tone, afraid of being heard.

"Who are you?" A low voice sounded next to her ear. Weak with the loss of blood and fatigue, words of a lower octave emitted from the man's throat.

But no matter how weak he is at this time the grip around the handle of his dagger remains firm. Piercing eyes observe the woman in front of him with alert mixed with overflowing suspicion.

However, upon seeing the plain white dress on her body, the stranger's gaze flashed with surprise. "A new player?"

Occasionally, the tower would pull people in from outside the tower in order to replace the deficit of deaths. New players dragged in are gifted with a set of plain white clothes. In comparison to normal clothing, this set of beginner wear gives protection up to a certain amount of damage.

You can say that this is only a small compensation for the unnecessary addition of the tower's mischievous play. 


Hearing the abrupt rustling of grass the man immediately pulled the girl further into his embrace while sealing her mouth with his hand. "Shh, don't talk."

Whilst paying attention to the surroundings, a portion of the youth's concentration separates to examine the newbie with more closeness.

Ebony hair and eyes with small cherry lips grown on a slender frame wearing soiled clothes stuck with grass. An unnatural set of flames seem to emit from the brightness of obsidian pupils as they glare at him in displeasure. Peculiar embers that cannot possibly be found within the irises belonging to the residents of this world.

It was as if a wordless spell was casted in that fraction of a second their gazes connected. The young man recalled the sudden former warmth of the sun. Those rays of blinding light shimmering down on days full of carefree youth. Allowing him who was fifteen at that time to bask under its full glory.

The young lady looks just like the white ferret that used to keep him company during those occasions. A lithe figure resting near the crook of his arms. Soft skin grazing against him in a struggle to get free. Glassy hair and eyes blinking up at him in large innocence. 

Former precious memories kept in the deepest parts of his heart produced a gentle curve in his profound eyes. Lifting away the heavy stress of deep injuries and concern for the approaching unknown.

Thin lips arc to a charming crescent that ceased with a sudden tremble of dark pupils. It was during that split moment the tension in taut nerves relaxed that his heart skipped a few beats. 


This wasn't the type of abnormalities associated with feelings toward the opposite sex. Rather, it felt like the type of unease a person experiences before falling from a high place. A momentary lightness coupled with dizzying flashes. Sight darkens as a piercing pain stabs at his heart before spreading to weakened limbs. 

Rhythmic heartbeats turn erratic akin to the thundering of thrashing drums. A frigid flame alights from the center of the man's chest, burning with an intensity akin to magma from erupting volcanoes. Like the most venomous of poisons it integrated into his pulsing veins and ran along the system throughout the body. 


Shortness of breath and pain similar to a thousand needles pinning on the skin. An interchanging temperature between ice and heat brought the only conclusion into his mind. 

His powers are losing control!

Moments ago in an effort to escape from those grueling bandits. The young man pushed his strained body to the limits only managing to break away with a slash to his chest. Carrying forward while relying on the last strand of will, he hid within these thickets. Awaiting the arrival of his possibly still alive teammates. 

Who would've known it would choose to run amok at this time.

Blocking his senses from the stimulus of the outside world. The young man concentrated on regulating the flow of explosive energy. Sweat slid down flushed skin as the heat of those frosty flames burned his internal organs. 

"Cough!" A mouthful of blood spewed from his mouth as the stuffiness located in the chest alleviates. Control over those bursts of force congregates to the pit of his stomach. Away from the painful beating of each heartbeat. 

However, as if a trick played by the demons with a laugh, the collected energy began to cause another bout of havoc. Splitting away from the pit of the stomach it rushed downward towards the area between his legs. 

The throb of pulsating veins brought about a new wave of heat that reddened his appearance into a deep crimson. A peculiar pain contrary to the first gradually took over his consciousness. Coiling around him like a python circling its prey the youth shudder with each slight intake of air. Even a light brush of forest breeze could magnify the sensitivity felt upon his skin. 

"Ngh…" The noise of strained breathing seems so loud… was the only thought that floated into the youth's mind as consciousness dulls. Like being submerged deep into the ocean with all senses closing off. Leaving only the boiling perception of numerous fire ants gliding across his body. An itchiness so severe, short fingernails embed deep into his palms to stop himself from doing anything regretful. 

"It'll be fine, I just have to hold on for a little longer." Is what the young man murmured to placate himself from the agony. This wasn't the first time the energy had run wild from within. But this is the first ever it had such a powerful and strange reaction that affected his bodily functions.

Just as awareness seemed on the verge of succumbing to oblivion, a wisp of coolness dropped into the basin of scorching heat. Similar to a droplet of cool water falling into a still lake, his consciousness was pulled back from the abyss.

Giving a slight liberation from the desire as well as torment.


"Hm… what to do now?" The young woman ponders with a tilt to her head. 

"First time having a handsome stranger holding a knife to my neck."

How did she conclude on whether his looks are high or not? Certainly not by the grubby appearance of stained dirt and ripped clothes covering him from top to bottom. Neither was it from the display of that oozing wound which flaps open and close with every movement he makes. Then what was it that attracted her attention?

It was those pair of sharp phoenix eyes staring in her direction with unveiled malice and alertness. The curve of those pupils akin to sharpened edges cutting through her heart. But in a matter of moments softening to the crescents of a coquettish fox. Coupled with an imperceptible smile shown for a fraction of the moment, he has to be a beauty! Otherwise it would be a waste of all those romance novels she had ever read! 

"But there seems to be a problem with Mr. Charming?" Keen irises close with a painful expression as the strange man bit on those dry lips of his. Brows crease together as droplets of sweat slide down in slight tremors.

"… …" Rolling her eyes a full circle in ponderment, Xin Yue thought for a moment before placing a hand over his forehead. "Let's take a look?" The young lady murmured under her breath. 

'Hot!'  "Aiya! You trying to cook my hand or something!?"

Surprised by the temperature of such heated skin the young lady tried to pull back only to be grasped under a tight hold.

Following the trail from the clasp, bright pupils collided with a pair of unfocused bloodshot orbs. Huffing in a barely audible tone heard only because of the close distance in between, the youth commanded with a quiver.

"You…" The man groaned with difficulty, "get away… from me." 

Xin Yue: "... …"

"Roger!" Sensing an abrupt danger lacing in the air, the young lady obediently scoot backwards without an ounce of hesitation. However, barely did she move when the man pulled her forward afresh. Acting as if the one telling her to get lost was not the same person awhile ago. This sudden shift left the young woman tumbling in fright!

In a different outcome in lieu of falling into the man's heated embrace. Delicate hands instantly steadied themselves by clutching onto the space below with a strong squeeze.

Who would've imagined the touch of expected grassy soil would be replaced by the feel of a hard heated object. 

Xin Yue: "...?"

Staring downwards in confusion, the slender left hand kept squeezing a few times for confirmation. She might've continued to do so if it wasn't for a breathless grunt awakening her reverie.

Guilty hands immediately remove themselves with a start. Raising them high in the air as if a criminal asking for police not to shoot, doe-like eyes widen in innocent bewilderment.

"...Shit" The young man muttered with a painful furrow of brows, consciousness tethering between clarity and obscurity. 

At an unknown interval, the fragrant scent and feel of softness from the young woman grew closer to rest on an area of his burning heart. The cooling scent of this unexplainable aroma arouses his contained thirst. This state of being half controlled by rampant powers brought out the most primal of human instincts.

Incapable of governing these thoughts, hips began to grind against the woman resting upon his thighs. Stinging eyes closed in gradual motion, focusing on the feel and sound of fabric rubbing against fabric as panting breaths rang out in the silent forest.

"Stop." The delicate hand under his began struggling to no avail as he forced them to rub on the bulging object between his legs.

"Nn.." Like a taut rope being pulled to the limit, the movement of his hands became faster in the beat of each difficult breath. Faster and much quicker following the splitting thread. The youth finally released a prolonged groan of relief when the sensation of liquid spewed out inside his pants.


What is happening…?

Xin Yue stares in a daze at the man's lust filled expression as her reddened palms detect a trace of strange wetness coming from the fabric beneath.

"... …"

Heaving with a less painful look, phoenix eyes gradually open to show the swirl of uncleared fog within dark pupils. Coupled with a flushed face clinging with strands of soaked hair on the side of his cheeks, the young lady felt a sudden pang in her stomach. 

When their eyes met within this small distance under the scrutiny of his returning lucidity. Xin Yue quickly looked down to avoid his line of sight, "I think it's time for me to leave."

"Hold on." Refusing to release the young woman, the youth leaned forward to nibble at the area around her neck, "one more time." Warm air sprayed on the surface of her porcelain skin, causing that area to flush into a tantalizing pink.

Without a second thought he unzipped his trousers while guiding those lithe fingers into his pants.

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