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Chapter 2: Chapter one: the return of the great one

The bells of the abstracts palace rang out its cries to the multiverse, not one being of the cosmic court even the heralds and gods did not hear their reverberations. Yet with the sheer terror that could be felt in the clangs of those bells they all knew one thing the chief abstracts had summoned them to the eclipse.

It would not take long before the rays of white light began to rocket down to the great plaza; "what in the name of the creation is going on!!??"A cosmic herald asked in a great confusion.

"I have no idea but it cannot be good, besides we are already in the midst of a crisis with this great miasma" another answered. "Let's just hope another cleansing will not occur only the strongest of the entities survived."

In only a few minutes the entire plaza was packed with beings and discourse was rich in the air but all were silenced with the sudden thunders booms that came from above. An immense ray of rich white light beamed in the centre of the plaza, the power that came from this light rendering all speechless, however the crowed gasped as they saw the immense amount of blue form of energy that flowed out of it. It was alterion energy, the purest form of magic and only one person in the multiverse could use it but how could it be him. For he sealed himself. In that moment of panic the ray of light final ended is havoc but what it left shocked all the people their, a man tall in stature and draped in a black armour and a long cape the blanket the ground as dark as oblivion.

"'s been quite a long exactly, I'd guess a couple million years but my has this multiverse flourished." The man spine as he looked up towards the looming palace only a couple hundreds yards away.

It's towers scaled up to the sky with its central dome serving as the show of power, it's out walls and buildings easily dwarfed the other grand constructions that lined the way on the great avenue. It was a sight to behold and the man baked in it. "I tried to observe the in's and outs of all that's gone on through my self imprisonment but I found it quite difficult I guess the prison I made was too good." He spoke in a cold voice as he chuckled to himself but all of the cosmic beings only stood in silence not sure what to say. This awkward moment was soon shattered with a women that stood close by calling out to him in a awed tone of voice. " y-your Elvaris Maw, the one who defeated creation in the period of creation." Upon uttering those words maw looked up at her quite confused as to why she spoke in such a manner but soon nodded his head.

Their was an uproar as the people varying amount of cosmic entities began to praise him, to which maw only found odd but those praises soon became please.

"Please take down the tyrants that control us!!"

"You are the strongest of the primordials so stop the great miasma and bring peace to the multiverse!!"

"Kill the abstracts they have empower their tyrannical rule on us!"

Maw was taken back as the many people dropped to their knees in desperation, but Maw could pay them no mind and he pushed past the people and made his way towards the palace of the abstracts. The closer he got to the palace the louder and more distorted those bells became until the gates of the palace suddenly swung open in a violent manor. Twelve beings walked out of the palace gates, their faces stern and dressed in white robes with extravagant imagery embroidered upon it. They all rested their hands on the hills of their swords as they stared at Maw with an unreadable look. "I assume you are the rulers of the multiverse." Maw asserted as he bowed his head slightly.

The crowed behind him were shocked as it was clear that his powers were beyond that if the group of twelve yet he still showed respect. However one of the beings stood forward, she stared at maw before correcting him. "My lord Maw I am sorry but you are mistaken we are only the abstracts, you see we are the greatest of the cosmic beings chooses by the chief abstracts themselves to rule over the twelve sections of the multiverse."

Many of the people riled their eyes, some even heckling towards them. "What do you mean greatest, most of us dwarf you In magical power the only reason you got that position of abstract was Fromm licking the arses of those power hungry shits!!" A voice bellowed from the crowed yet the women remained cool as she simply smiled.

"Speaking out against the chief abstracts is a great crime Arweyn, you know well of the costs of doing so." She replied in a arrogant tone.

Maw however stood still visibly lost, but soon piped up. "Well if you are not the ones that rule over all then please take me to them." Maw inquired in a calm manner however the woman simply frowned "I am afraid you cannot just ask to see the chief abstracts, though your powers may be great and you are I many ways the founder of this multiverse we still worry on your intentions." The woman chided. "You are to us a possible threat and in these troubling times we cannot allow you to just waltz around the eclipse as you will."

Hearing the arrogance that poised her voice, maw felt angered slightly. "Then please let me enlighten you, I have no intention on causing havoc I simply would like to become a part of this system. I feel I have spent enough time in the boundless halls and feel that due to my history with the multiverse I feel I should have a role in what goes on." Maw snapped back in a carefree manner. He turned around and looked at the now large crowd of at least a thousand cosmic entities and heralds that flooded the avenue and plaza and then looked back at the woman smiling. "Besides it seems there is an issue at hand, that obviously trumps the issue of me returning, so I feel I should be of great help." The crowd then began to heckle at the abstracts once again.

The woman the began to chuckle as she then began to talk to her fellow abstracts before returning to facing maw, her face stern. "I believe you will find the issue that has forced the chief abstracts to summon the entire cosmic court is you , my Lord." She said as she then walked back into the gates, she stopped at the entrance before looking back at the crowd. "You are all permitted to enter to the high sanctum." The woman spoke as she turned her head towards maw. In that moment two of the abstracts has approached him and bound his hands in some sort of seal. "However the chief abstracts would have preferred you not to have come here but seen as this summoning is about you we see it fit for you to be present."

Maw struggled in his bounds as he looked at them before scoffing "what threat do I pose to your chief abstracts, I merely returned to this world and already I am being labelled as the enemy." He groaned as he was dragged along by the two men that apprehended him. The crowed followed behind and as he entered into the palace himself, Maw was left in shock at the sheer extravagance that was the palace of the abstracts. Every wall was glazed with extremely well detailed murals and the ceiling stood hundreds of feet above their heads a simple testament to the power this chief abstracts held. The walk seemed to last forever as the people behind watched maw be somewhat shamefully dragged along as if he was a criminal. After a few long minutes of walking they had made it to the a set of immense doors that were full of different carvings and at the bottom a strange circular lock. In one swift move the woman who maw guessed to be the leader of the abstracts, placed her hand upon the lock. There were several noises, all of the different mechanisms detaching from one and other and with that the great doors swung open presenting the disorientating room that was the sanctum. As they walked in; the room seemed as if it was a separate dimension with all floors, walls and ceilings all being an echoing looking light. It looked as if they had stepped into an empty void yet there stood line of twelve chairs each looking opposite one and other but at the end of this row were three grand Thrones and upon them three ominous looking men.

"Your majesty's"the women said as she dropped to one knee before walking towards them. "It seems your predictions were wrong as he appeared much earlier than we anticipated."

"What do you mean Eliza, how can my..." the man that sat on the left throne spoke before they all fell silent as they saw who the abstracts had brought in. Maw starred at them before scoffing, they all where robes even more pompous then that of the abstracts. "These must be the chief abstracts." Maw thought time himself as he was placed in the centre of the room before a large pole erupted from the ground and the seal binding ropes wrapped him to it.

The abstracts all began to seat them selves across the seats with many exotic looking cosmic beings also sat among them, with the other beings standing behind him. Yet maw soon realised what this was, it was some sort of trail and he was angered. "What the FUCK!!!!" He yelled as he looked towards the chief abstracts. "What have I done to deserve this!!"

The abstracts looked at him in shock as if no one had dared to speak to them in that manner before, their faces darkening as they were visibly annoyed.

"Well I think there is a valid reason as to why we shall trap you as such and given the fact you came directly to the eclipse it was obvious what your intentions were." One of the chief abstracts said "you attempted a show of your power, a threat to our rule is that not correct!!"

Maw was dumbfounded as he was at a loss for words.

"What in the name of creation are you talking about, if I wished to take over your position you would already be dead!" Maw snapped back in an obvious rage as he shock the seal binding ropes. But in that moment the all the people present in the sanctum gasped before the the chief abstract in the centre flew into a rage. "And now you give us a blatant threat of overthrowing our rule!!! I Just because you are the greatest of the primordial beings does not mean you can disrupt the order of things, you act just like that bastard Velard...." the chief abstract was silenced in a second from the moment he gazed upon Maw's face. He let out an aura of domination and fear and it was clear to all of them he was deeply angered.

Yet the silence of terror was shattered when the doors of the sanctum suddenly opened and from them emerged a large and tall person. "What in the world is going on." The person spoke in n a soft yet commanding voice. Yet maw was stunned and his angered look was quickly stripped away replaced by a one of shock.


Bob_Tod Bob_Tod

The eclipse is the universe in which the chief abstracts rule from

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