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Chapter 3: Freedom

—The Next Day—

(Third POV)

In a cell-like room that a had huge reinforced steel door, all white walls, and some training equipment. There was a boy doing pull-ups. He had on a white blindfold along with some bracelets that were clamped on his wrists and ankles, while he was lifting weights.

They were weight augmented bracelets and training equipment. His room although it was all white like new paint, he himself wired a tethered pair of short and a torn black shirt.

This was Aaron aka Z-24. He was told his name as a privilege a while back, but they always called him by his experimental number. On his right shoulder you can see he got "branded" with a tattoo of Hydra.

As he was doing his pull-ups he had sweat running down his body as he thought about his final day here.

'Any minute now, they should be coming to get me. First I'd have to make a plan around the objective of the mission.' As he thought of this he heard the squealing of the huge steel reinforced door open up slowly.

The moment it did ten guards in heavy suits of armor rushed in and surrounded him with their guns and lasers all pointed at him. He drop down from his last pull-up and raised both of his hands.

(Aaron POV)

"On your knees and don't move!!" One of them shouted. Following orders they held me down as they took off the weighted bracelets and put me in the cuffs that nullified or weakened my abilities.

I still didn't understand the technology or logic behind these serums. Was it separating my DNA or what it stunning it? In the end it didn't matter as I was picked up and carried out of my room.

The room itself also stopped me from using my powers so I'm guessing they put some of the serum into a gaseous form and put it through the vents, but made it almost unnoticeable.

As I was being carried out of the room by these ten men people made way for them and soon we came around a corner and I could hear a door slide open. Walking into the room, they sat me down and took my blindfold off.

I opened my eyes and I saw that I was in some sort of armory or locker room.

"Alright everyone let's get suites up and ready to move out!! Z-24, you objective is simple, once we make it to the base you will clear out everyone on the inside and provide support!! Everyone else you know your mission!!" A man said.

I looked around the room for a moment before seeing a locker with my "name" on it. Walking over to it I didn't mind anyone as they all conversed among themselves, instead I was planning.

'So I'm going to infiltrate the base first. Maybe I could use poison gas, nah. What if I just blew it up and take everyone with them? I might be able to fake my own death. No that's dumb, I'll just have to kill them while we drive and take the cars of helicopter we leave in.'

I didn't show on my face that I was thinking as I opened the locker. There wasn't anything like what these other guys had. They had armored suits futuristic looking guns that shoot lasers, but all I have is a mask, a pistol with a silencer, and a basic combat outfit.

I looked at this for a while then I heard the voice of the "commander" behind me.

"This is all the gear you'll need. This mask shows the higher ups a live feed of what you're doing on the mission. If anything goes wrong or it looks like you're doing something sketchy your brain will get fried immediately." He said as he shoved it into my chest.

I nodded and began getting into my outfit which consisted of some black combat boots, tactical black cargo pants, a black tactical shirt, a pair of gloves and of course the all white mask.

'It should still be daylight outside right? All this black is just…forget it.' I thought as I tightened the laces on my boots. Standing up I got the pistol and put it into a holster on my waist. I heard someone walking up to me and and again it was that same guy.

"Keep the cuffs on, the higher ups want to see what all you can do without you powers. Implement what you've learned and survive. If you're not worth it then you'll get put down. After all we can always make a clone." He said as he glared at me.

I stayed silent and nodded at him as he walked towards the door with me behind him. We were all lead to this area where they had trucks being packed and sent out. Me along with six other men were going in one truck.

"You're good for departure!!" A man on the outside said as he pat the hood.

Giving a thumbs up the driver pulled off and I was finally able to see where I was. Once we left I could see nothing but snow and looking out the window I saw mountains.

'So I've been at the base of a mountain? Well that doesn't matter anymore.'

Throughout the drive I was thinking about my previous plan. There was no way I'd be able to beat these guys without my powers, mainly because they're armored to the teeth and I wouldn't be fast enough to get all of them.

That too would be hard though as I was sitting in the middle of the truck with them surrounding me. They had their guns slightly aimed at me as well, so I could tell even without my powers they were wary of me.

Some time went on and we finally made it out the snowy parts and are now driving through a forest. We'd been driving for what felt like two hours when I suddenly felt it. I could feel the slight vibration in the ground they were getting stronger and stronger.

I started looking around and out the window skeptically and seeing my behavior everyone got on guard. Suddenly something dropped right in front of the truck causing it to flip over completely.

Everyone was disoriented and confused as they head loud banged and smashes from around them.

"Uncuff him, we have resistance!!" Yelled the commander. This just made my plan a whole lot easier. One of the men scrambled with something in one of his pockets as he took out a black key.

He put the key in twisted it. The cuffs fell onto the floor and he looked up at me. The moment he saw my face he lost all color. I was giving the most blood thirsty smile I could muster as I looked down at him. He couldn't see my full face, but he could see under the mask that I was smiling at him.

In that moment I let out all four of my spider legs and used the top left leg to hook the guys head on it. It went straight through his brain as blood ruched out.

Quickly I made the leg through the body into someone else on my right. Someone on my left pulled their pistol and shot four times. Dodging them I let the leg on my bottom left and it sliced his head off cleanly as blood sprayed everywhere.

Two of them tried crawling out of the window, so I grabbed the one on my rights leg and yanked him back in. He rolled over and with a yell he let the billets from his rifle spray.

I let them hit me and grabbed the rifle before crushing it. I grabbed his leg and ripped it off, letting even more blood pool in the car. He screamed in agony and I left him their to bleed out.

The other one along with the drivers had escaped the car. I kicked the door to my right off it's hinges and I heard a thud as I saw someone fly into a tree like a rag doll.

Immediately I felt a sudden rush of electricity in my head and it felt like my brain was going to explode.

I took the mask off and immediately the pain subsided. My brain was healing in an instant and I crushed the mask. I jumped out of the car as I started looking for anyone in black to kill.

Looking right ahead of me, I saw someone aiming at me. I shot a web at him and yanked him in my direction and once he was close enough I stuck my hand into his stomach and ripped out his intestines.

In the next moment I jumped forward dodging a burst of bullets from my left. My head looked up into some trees as I saw someone in them. With a burst of speed I sprinted at the tree and jumped up it.

I was right in the face of the guy who shot at me and he was frozen in fear, giving me an opening to kill him. I grabbed his neck as we were perched on a branch and with my other hand stuck my fingers into his eyes and ripped out some of his skull.

His body fell from the tree and I hopped off the branch. For the next few minutes I went on a killing spree chopping off limbs, mutilating them, and completely paralyzing them.

In my "madness" I didn't stop to figure out who the huge green thing is, who that woman with red hair was, who the archer dude was, why a man dressed as the flag was fighting and a some suit guy shooting missals were.

The field was already littered in organs, bones, corpses…blood. It was a disgusting site to see…for most. I've probably done worse.

"Everyone stay prepared." The flag man said as he looked at me. Over time I started forgetting stuff about this universe. Although I was constantly saying "you're in Marvel it's necessary" I started forgetting why it was necessary.

I got so use to using it as a reason that the actual reason slipped away. Till just now. I looked at the people who surrounded me and I suddenly realized their are people stronger than hulk and people who could destroy this world for fun. That was the sole reason I went through all of this was so I could survive in this type of world.

While the people around me don't have any hostility I could focus on them another time. I wanted to handle that whole base before anything else.

"Hey, before this gets out of hand, we're here to save you." Tony Stark said from his suit.

One of my spider legs were still pierced through the bodies of an man, flicking it away I put the leg away as well.

Everyone looked at me with some form of concern, but hulk looked more like he was mad at me. Although they are here for my wellbeing I spent years being tortured and tested on, so I wasn't just gonna let them take this opportunity away from me.

I jumped up and webbed onto a tree away from them as I dashed off on foot. It would be faster than gaining speed from swinging. As I was running they were chasing me, although they were getting left behind.

Tony was keeping up a bit though, not that I cared. I could hear trees toppling over and loud crashes into the ground and knew it was hulk making his way to me.

Although he was fast he wasn't fast enough and I was constantly ahead of him.


(Third POV)

"Where the hell is he going?" Thor asked as he flew with them. He wasn't exactly the smartest of the group, but he was strong.

"Well, he did just slaughter multiple soldiers and going in the opposite direction that the trucks were driving. Where else would he no going?" Tony asked sarcastically.

"Alright let's focus on the mission. He's leading us right to the base so let's go." Natasha said as she sped up her motorcycle.

"Judging from what we saw he's highly trained and has abilities. Stay vigilant." Steve said as everyone nodded.

"I'm starting to get really confused on how an archer is needed in this situation." Clint muttered.


These are preview chapters so you see how some things were changed, more detailed, and the writing style is different.

This won't have daily uploads since I need to make sure that the story isn't completely different and that he has the same bonds.

Also, he won't change that much from his original self, other than his name. He still gonna be ruthless and a messy killer when he needs to be.

Also the LI is staying the same, there is no harem, polygamy, or any of that unnecessary ass drama. It had no place here. Other than that the storyline is getting pushed back like the original.

Everything up to Avengers 1 happened and Thor stayed on earth.

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