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MCU AU: Experimental Spider Soldier MCU AU: Experimental Spider Soldier original

MCU AU: Experimental Spider Soldier

Author: God_Of_Hate

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: New world


'Who am I?'

'Where am I?'

My mind suddenly became conscious(?) It was like I was just now being aware that I was a living being. I had no memories of who I was or am and it was like I was just now knowing I was like…alive.

While I didn't know who or where I was all I could see was white. Like I was in white room. No, I could feel something like cloth wrapped around my head tightly.

Was I kidnapped? Most likely. It felt as if I was being restrained on some metal bed or table and thick, cold, metal chains were holding me down.

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" My head felt like it was going to explode. It was being filled with memories that I knew were mine, but weren't mine. I was a six year old orphan, that was adopted a few month ago. The people that adopted me were a group of scientists that did human experiments to test their products.

I was brought here around three months ago, well that's what I got from this kids memories. He was actually quite smart and went off what the adults around him said and learned from that, even though he didn't go to school.

After a week of being in this laboratory type of place that's when his hell began. He was being experimented on almost daily. As a child he was rather cute.

Well I guess this is me now.

I have light brown hair, yellow eyes and slightly pale skin. I barely get fed any food and it's always the same white rice with nothing else.

I guess I was above average in height. I was about 116.5cm so like 3'9. I think that's above average or the average cap of a six year old.

"I" was an introverted child when I was in the orphanage. I didn't like talking much and I didn't have any family I knew of. That was my "life".

All of these memories went through my head in a flash, but some of the pain was still there. I could barely hear muffled footsteps that sound like people running and it was getting louder and louder.

I heard a door open up and tons of footsteps circle around me. I was still in my restraining as I was pulled up and carried out of the room.

I could hear voices of people yelling and moving around. People were typing things and it sounded like everyone was in a rush. After a while the armored men stopped and I heard a door slide open.

From the inside I heard a crazed laugh and my body started shaking, my heart started throbbing in my chest and it felt like someone was choking me.

"Quickly get him to the table!!" A females voice said. Her voice was a little gruff, but I could still make it out. She sounded like a mental health patient.

I was put on another cold metal table and I felt my legs, ankles, wrists, and neck get wrapped in something like a lock. It felt like I was get held down by a boulder.

The previous restraints that had me in a cocoon, were released and the moment it did I wished it was put back on. All of my senses hit me with 100x what I was accustomed to.

Smell, temperature, sound, and even my skin felt like anything touching me would be annoying.

It was like my body was sensitive to everything. Everything was exaggerated around my body, the cold air felt like it was bricks of ice being put on me.

I could feel the direction the air was flowing in and how it changed around things in the room. It was like torture for my brain that was registering all of this sudden information about my environment.

The only upside is that I felt like my body was filled to the brim with power.

"Finally!! We have our very first successful injection." Said the woman as she walked around the table I was laid on.

"The wolf spider. A spider known for its agility, camouflage, and eyesight. To think it would take us this long to actually find one it would work on." The woman said.

"300 children and only one succeeded." She said slowly as she looked down at me. I could feel it. The way she she was looking at me was like a kid looks at toys in a store.

I heard the sound of glass bottles clinking against each other and I assumed she was looking through them.

"Well you survived the first test, let's see if you can do the same for this one." She said.

I couldn't say anything. From the fact that my body hadn't gotten use to how everything feels to what she was saying it all made me speechless. It was way too much to process for me.

"It's good your body stays the same or else you'd look like one ugly little boy." She said in a playful tone while holding my face. She let go of me and I heard the sound of a cap pop off of something.

Then I felt something crawling on me. It went from my leg to my stomach and then my arm. I could feel it's eight legs on me as they felt like a needle sticking me every time it moved.

It got up to my neck and I could clearly feel it bite me. The pain wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Although it was a spider it smelled…sweet(?)

I felt the lady pick the spider up and assumed she put it back in a bottle and only after a few seconds, that's when I felt something. It felt like something was stabbing at my back and my bones were breaking.

Then within moments I felt four stick like things rip out from my back. The pain was agonizing as I held back tears from going down my face.

At some point my head started hurting so much I just passed out.

—Unknown amount of time later—

Waking up I opened my eyes and the moment I did it felt like someone dropped a flash bang right into them. I closed them again as I waited for my eyes to readjust which only took a moment.

This time I opened them slowly as I looked around. The first thought that went through my head was that I need to try to get this under control. I laid there as I tried to get my body under control.

After what felt like only a few minutes I was able to get my body back down to "normal". It took a little minute, but it still worked so I ran with it.

I could still feel those things sticking out my back and they felt like new muscles. I wanted them to go back in so, I focused on them and they started retracting into my back.

At this point I was able to sum up what I was going through. I was being experimented on by a woman that's a part of a large organization and they're using spider DNA to mutate the original and give some new powers.

I looked around the room and noticed this place looks just as evil as it sounded. There were huge shelves with tons of spiders on them that were closed jars.

Each spider was unique and different. Some were different colors, some look like they had neon veins going around their body. Some were extremely aggressive and were shooting webs like rifles and others were clawing at the jars.

As I was looking at this I heard the door open as I looked in its direction. The one that came in was a woman.

"Ah I see, you're awake now. Let's get you on your way to the training room." She said with a small smile. It was the same voice of the person I heard before.

She had black hair that reached her shoulder, amethyst purple eyes, and a curvaceous figure. She looked like she could be a model.

She walked around the table and started pushing it out of the door. As I was strolled down the hall, people were looking at me, some in wonder and others in pity(?)

Soon we came upon an iron door. Just from looking at it I could tell it was probably extremely thick. She knocked on it and it sounded sounded like the knock couldn't be heard at all.

It started to open extremely slow, but once it was opened enough she pushed me in far enough that I saw there were two heavily armored men standing at the door.

Once I was in she left the room, the door closed, and the two men started undoing my restraints. They were wearing huge, bulky armor and it was a wonder how they were moving.

After my restraints were undone, I hopped off the table quickly and looked around. The room seem to be completely empty other than the cameras and an intercom.

"Z-24. Congratulations on being the first and only child out of 300 kids that have been experimented on. You were the only one to survive and thus have gained extremely new abilities." A voice over the intercom said.

"Here we are hoping to give you the power to be the worlds greatest threat. In return you will be working with us, so as of today onwards m, you will be staying here, training here, working here, and do what we tell you." I didn't say anything as the voice continued.

"I'm this from we would be testing you on you capabilities. There will be a series of attacks and robots coming at you. If you want to live then fight!" Once the voice said that a turret came out of the wall and fired a burst of bullets aimed at my leg.

I felt the wind pressure change and my senses blurring at me and on instinct I jumped back avoiding the burst of bullets.

'I see now. I'm in Marvel and they're with Hydra. Damn it, I'll have to use this as a way to survive. When I'm stronger I'll be sure to destroy this place and kill everyone in here.'

With that thought I began my "work" with Hydra.


The MC will still look the same as before


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