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Chapter 7: Chapter 6

"You're on a highway to hell!"

"Highway to hell!"

"A.I. what were the rest of the lyrics?"

"It went like this Sir."

Toby smashed a person's skull into a wall before slinging a web at a frantic terrorist who was trying to cock his gun and aim.

Sparks flew, as Toby dodged every one of the attacks, flipping, twisting, dancing.





[Idiot! Die!] He tried to insult them, but it actually looked sort of funny, with his turtle mask and backflips and stuff.

"And I'm goin' down"

Well, it would have been more funny, if he had not meant the words he was saying…

Sparks flew through the air, as the fire of machine guns sounded throughout the valley, as the sun's light finally gave way for all to behold.

"All the way!"


[Die, green scum!]

[Kill that monster!] The screams of terrorists sounded, as Toby leaped in rolling, before twisting someone's neck and spin-kicked another into the stone floor.

You're on the highway to hell!"

Bullets whizzed by his ears, as he moonwalked past while clapping his hands.

A guy charged at him, bayonet in hand.

Before the man could react, a fist arrived right in front of his face, smashing down.

[Can I have one?]

He shot a web out, ripping a gun out of his hand before Toby kicked him, sending the terrorist flying like a ragdoll.

Pulling the trigger, Toby cackled, as bullets from his gun sprayed out, all of them meeting their mark, in the middle of a terrorist's head.



[Die!] he yelled in his broken Hindi.

Smashing the rifle over a terrorist's head. He shot a few more with his webs and rushed into a tent.

[Come on, that green monster will get here any second!]

Two terrorists, who looked quite urgent, one burly and muscular, the other, on the other hand, was quite skinny and small.

[Stall him! We have to notify headquarters!] The skinny man barked.

[On it] The burly man roared, but was soon shut up by a vicious uppercut by Toby. The man spat out blood and fell to the ground, jaw broken.

[Yes, I got it!] The skinny man turned the dial.

[Headquarters!] The skinny man scrambled.

"Bam!" Toby drop-kicked him.

The man was sent crashing into the tent's canvas walls.

[What is the situation!] A crackly voice came through from the radio.

[Hello.] Toby smiled.

[Why are you speaking Hindi?]

[You don't sound like someone I know….]

"Hey, skinny dude, what is he saying?" Toby whispered.

The skinny guy, whose neck was bent in quite the unnatural way, did not respond.

"Oh crap, what do I do…"

[Who are you!]

"Sir, I believe he may understand if you speak Spanish… After all, in some parts of Afghanistan Spanish TV shows are quite popular." The A.I. spoke from an airpod in his ear.

"Yo tengo bola de masa hervida?"

"You! You are American scum! They have infiltrated into the maze!" The crackly voice spoke in an angry thick English accent.

"No, Senorita, yo soy espanol"

"I no speak engrishu."


"Me from Mexico!"

[What the-]

"Viva la Mexico!"

He smashed the radio to pieces. Parts skidding across the floor.

Taking off the hiking backpack on his back, which somehow was still in perfect condition, he ate some "Gosh-e fil", a popular fried sweet pastry in Afghanistan.

The English translation means "Elephant Ear", it is a dough made from four, sugar, eggs, and milk, quite crispy and nice, though, it had grown a little soggy somehow.


"What." Toby glared.

"Senorita is, "unmarried" woman, you do not know if the person speaking was a woman or unmarried, you may have offended them...."

"Shut up! I aced my Spanish 1 class in middle school...."

"That could be seen by your limited vocabulary, and the fact you probably just disrespected the entirety of Mexico."

"Do you think they will feel proud when a white man in a turtle mask riding on a golf cart, suddenly turns up and starts beating up terrorists in Afghanistan with the worst Spanish accent ever…."

"Honestly, I doubt even the terrorist believed you were from Mexico, Sir."

"I also said, SPANISH TV shows, though people in Mexico do speak Spanish, there is a difference in Spanish TV and Mexican TV, Sir….."

"....." Macguire stayed quiet while chewing slowly, pushing open the flaps to the tent, all could be seen, was a complete massacre.

Blood everywhere, corpses are strewn about, and tents completely ruined.


[Commander! Our base on the flat has been destroyed!] The man, who Toby would remember as the crackly voice who spoke to him urgently rushed to the commander.

[How?] The Commander was quite shocked, as the base had been quite well equipped, with pretty experienced men.

[What seems to be Mexican troops have infiltrated!]

[Mexico? Why would they be here!?]

[We received a message from the commander at the flat, but he was cut off by this man, who appeared to speak a language, which I presume to be Mexican.]

(A/N: I may have just triggered a few people….)

Toby had spared a few terrorists, because he didn't think it would be much of a problem, and honestly, who cares?

It was now 6:40, almost time for the vehicle containing Tony Stark to cruise through the area.

The golf cart, sped through the winding roads, as Toby could not care less, the terrorists knew he was here, so he decided to just wing it….

But what they did not know was that he had a modified golf cart, that could somehow withstand the force of a rocket launcher, and knew exactly where the ambush was planned.

Approaching a road, he looked in front of him.

An old military truck was blocking the road, with some terrorists manning and surrounding it.

[Kill him!] Their orders were clear, though they thought that a whole elite Mexican special forces squadron was on their way, so it was sort of confusing.

Bullets started flying, peppering the sides and roof, but somehow, never hitting Toby.

He accelerated, the jet engine roaring loudly as he pointed his fingers at the truck, and suddenly, webs came shooting out.

"Smack!" Attaching themselves to the truck, the webs held quite well.

Not knowing what the webs were supposed to do, they frantically shot at it for some reason, to no avail. They did not notice Toby suddenly pulling his hands back.

"Ahhh!" Screams echoed, as the truck was flung a few feet into the air forward, terrorists flying everywhere.

The golf cart sped under the truck and out, ahead.

"BOOM!" As it hit the ground, the truck ignited into flames, killing any and everyone around it.

"Now those are some fireworks baby!" He laughed, as sparks flew through the air, he was sure that those losers would see all that smoke and fire….

HatefulAutumnBreez HatefulAutumnBreez

I'll make it less morbid after this.

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