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Chapter 6: 005

[AN: FINALLY!!!! I'M BACK IN!!! so I got logged out on web novel and couldn't sign back on my computer but I could on my phone and I knew it would take longer to write on my phone but now I'm back in on my computer so enjoy!!]

1 Year later

'And to think I used to be scared of him...psh he should be scared of me, I now have height, weapons, and partial skill. Ever since that day I was extremely wary of the titans it only took one hit for me to be down, if it was godzilla I would have died....but now I'm stronger than that, I'm strong enough to survive, I'm strong enough to--OW! shit! stop pulling on my wing while I monologue !!' Karieon speaks aloud with his new voice as kong hoists his new 125 foot self up on the mountain peak that karieon is currently sitting on.

[AN: I changed Kong's height to 125 feet because I don't want the MC to straight dwarf him in height, but it won't matter in the end since he'll be taller than that anyway]

"I stay around you for 1 year and now I'm your personal jungle gym?" Karieon speaks aloud once more, Kong in response let's out a low rumbling laugh. Karieon just sighs in disappointment before getting an idea. He spreads his wings and then he uses his two large doubled clawed hands to grab Kong's shoulders before flying up into the air, kong in a useless attempt thrashes around like a child being picked up, as karieon watches Kong's attempt on escape he laughs before dropping him and kong quickly falls out of the sky before crashing into the ground below. 'Hah that'll teach him to mess with me' after landing back on his mountain he then goes over all his various upgrades that happend to him over the year.

First is his size, while scavenging with kong any metal or parts he could find were consumed which in turn brung him to his current size which is now 193 feet. Second is his wings which now are 389 feet long, and due to consumption and training his top speed is mach 2, most of the weapons he could find brought him to his current arsenal which consists of 4 large machine guns which have incredibly strong bullets, (strong enough to seem like a light punch to a titan) Shoulder mounted missiles like mecha g and heat seekers. Now his arsenal wasn't increased too much but his abilities were. His EMP range now had the range of 45 miles, His echolocation also gained a sub ability of interfering with the sonar which will help disrupt submarines, He gained a new ability called water resistance after absorbing some parts of a submarine that was found near the shuttle.

He trained with his abilities to get a good feel on them but the main ability he trained was his smog generation, it was one of his mains he learned to make smoke screens and various smoke constructs that'll help him. While on the island his physical form wasn't the only thing that got better though, his mental strength had strengthened and he had adapted to living on the island so instead of rushing into fights and improvising he plans and observes his enemies for weaknesses.

'I've come so far.. but I know that this isn't the end, to be honest i'm probably only just getting started i'm still no where near overpowered level. Anyways the events of kong skull island should be starting right around now so-


The moment the bombs are dropped, kong gets up from his resting position and sprints off. "I wonder if I should make my appearance...actually maybe I'll just secretly help out in a way" Karieon then jumps down to the ground and runs off in the same direction kong did. after following kong karieon watches as kong starts his rampage, destroying helicopter from helicopter as he watches and waits he thinks "Alright it's time for my entrance!!"

Flying into the air, Karieon let's out a loud mechanized screech. The moment he does that everyone seems to freeze in place, even kong is confused on why his companion is screaming. Karieon then releases non toxic smog all over his body before diving down, biting a helicopter and absorbing it as he goes back up, for him it seemed like a simple grab and drive. but for the others it looked the storm over the island is sentient and just obliterated one of their squads.

"GET US THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!" The Samuel L Jackson look alike yells as his helicopter crashes down below

'hahaha! That was fun! I'll just get back to the home base now, and then I can wait out for the next phase' Karieon signals to kong he's leaving before flying off, as karieon fly's towards the base a skull crawler jumps up to try grab him, releasing a smokescreen he fly's back before diving towards the skull crawler, impaling it in the back before lifting up and tearing it in half. 2 other skull crawlers jump out to attack him but before they can, he spreads both of his wings and spins around slicing both of them in half.

"Gonna take more than that to take me down" Karieon says aloud as closes his wings back before wiping off the blood. As he does that 4 skull crawlers crawl out from the forest while 2 more come out of the ground and an old enemy returns.. a demon crawler. "I think I jinxed myself.." the moment karieon said that, the demon crawler roared motioning for the 6 skull crawlers to charge, and charge they do as the skull crawlers crawl toward him he activates his missiles sending them towards two of the skull crawlers killing 1 and 2. He grabs number 3 using his front claw and slams the creature into number 4 and 5, he then bites the neck number 6 killing it, activating his rockets he fly's up into air before coming down and throwing the corpse of number 6 on 3 while it's distracted he drops on top of it killing with his weight. As 4 and 5 watch there pack member die they back up in fear, the demon crawler growls at it watches him demolish it's pack.

Karieon then activates his guns blowing multiple holes in 4 and 5's chest killing them, he turns his head to see the demon crawler slowly crawling towards him as it crawls he observes it. It's skin is a dark red and it has 4 claws instead of 3, it has more skinnier arms than muscled and it's tail has a shark bony spike. "This one might be a mutate or deviant amongst there race.." he thinks as he eyes the creature, getting a bad feeling he raises his wings like a shield and he does so just in time as the demon crawler rockets toward him at an unimaginable speed with it's spiky tail infront of it, blocking the attack he jumps into the air and activates his wings as he hovers he activates his guns and shoots at it only to be surprised as it dodges the bullets, adding missiles to the gun down he watches as it continues to dodge his weapons.

"How is it dodging? no demon crawler I've faced has been able to dodge both.. Have I gotten cocky again? Maybe I'm subconsciously holding back?" Trying to figure out why it's surviving he observers it's entire body, and he recoils in surprise turns out it's a female and instead of being stronger and more gullible it's slimmer and smarter which explains the speed and quick dodging "I'll guess I'll name her.. Cherry". Figuring out what he needs to do he charges at cherry catching her off guard as they both ram into the ground. Whipping her tail back and forth she tries to cut him up but he responds with the same attack but instead using all his sharp metal arms to claw at her, realizing she's not gonna win she uses all her strength and pushes him off before running at him.

Karieon holds his wing up to meet the charge head on, but once more finds himself shocked again. In front of him she lays with her head down mimicking the same stance he did a year ago when he knew he was going to die.

'Should I spare her?' He thinks to himself as looks down at the injured demon crawler infront of him.

[AN: well that was a fun chapter to write, sorry about the delay but i got some quick questions. What do you think of the new kaiju/titan/monster? How do you feel about his arsenal and abilities? and finally how was the fighting scene..?]

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