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Chapter 20: 19. Clash With The Lord

Chapter 19: Clash With The Lord


A/N: Hey guys! How are you doing? So in the last chapter the monkey man grabbed Belasco's arm and I wrote that he almost broke it…well originally the demon lord is supposed to be near invincible, so I nerfed him a tiny bit :P. But his magic is still op, thanks for reading my story!


"Phew!…That took more than a few minutes Ororo. So that is the demon lord's castle, huh? The guy must have self-confidence issues." Johnny and Ororo stood just outside of the castle gates and gazed at its enormous size…like it compensated for something, probably to confuse possible intruders with its maze like structure…yeah.

After battling through endless waves of demons, they have finally arrived at their destination. And here their true mission started, with what little time they had on their hands, before another horde of creatures found them, the first target was to infiltrate the castle and after to pinpoint the location of the two prisoners they were looking for.

Just when John was about to touch the massive entrance door, they heard a loud crash coming from above. Turning their heads, they saw that a figure was ejected from the top floors.

"You dare touch me with you filthy hands, slave!" A voice filled with rage followed, as a man levitated out and chasing after the person who was thrown out. Ororo seeing the owner of the voice opened her eyes wide and said.

"That is him! He is…Belasco!" This suprised Johnny, expecting that it would take some time until they faced the final boss.

"Yeah…but who is the unlucky guy over there?" The person had finally crushed on the ground, erecting a cloud of smoke that shielded him from everyone's sight. *SWOOSH*

The smoke was cleared by a gust of wind, produced by the unknown person powering up to enormous energy levels. Soon his figure was revealed. Of course it was none other than Galahad.

"That hurt…a bit." He dusted his body off, a burnt mark from the demon lord's attack appeared on his chest. It had torn right through his defences with ease, still it didn't kill him.

Locking his sight on his opponent, who was currently flying, he tried to formulate a plan. His senses picked up two familiar figures close to him, approaching at high speed.

"Galahad! You are alive! I am so sorry…" Ororo seemed glad that he had survived his imprisonment, while the Ghostrider didn't care that much, giving only a slight wave with his head.

Galahad only looked at them from a moment, before facing what was most important right now, the overpowered demonic master of Limbo, that was out for his life. He didn't have time for greetings.

He channeled his aura and flew up, a new ability he had discovered. With the arrival of those two he had an idea, he would draw Belasco's attention, while the others got the girl and opened up a portal.

{Galahad! What happened? Why is Belasco after you?} A voice echoed inside his head, disorienting him for a second. He looked around shocked and tried to answer through his thoughts.

{Who is this?} He asked, in a form of communication strange to him. A moment later the voice replied.

{It's me, Ororo…why did you run off? We could have fought him together!} She questioned his judgement, unable to understand his way of thinking. Her attitude slightly annoyed Galahad.

{Just get the girl, she is on the top floor. And stop talking to me!} Shutting off their conversation short, he directed them on where Illyana was. He just had to buy a few minutes of time…but his opponent wasn't someone who would just allow this.

"You bastard! Stop running away! Guh!" The lord shouted, releasing another bolt of crimson energy, which Galahad barely dodged and landed on the ground, Belasco following after him.

He didn't pause for a second and shot more of his dark energy bolts towards Galahad, who did everything he could to avoid being hit. He knew that if a few more of those attacks, landed on his body, he would be toast…as in burned to a toast.

"Damn! You are bad at this!" Mocking the demon lord, he charged a few energy grenades, lunching them ahead. They did nothing but land on Belasco's energy shield that glowed, as it resisted the explosions. Still for a moment he had lost sight of Galahad.

The man had circle around him, with a glowing sphere in his hand. He dashed in, closing their distances and threw out a palm strike. The sphere of energy was unleashed, erupting on Belasco's back.

But the demon didn't even budge, the attack did nothing but land on his magical energy shield, absorbing the impact and protecting him. Seeing this Galahad growled and retreated, at a safe distance.

He knew that his goal wasn't to win, just to buy some time. Still seeing his attacks doing nothing, was infuriating to him. Once again he powered up and flared his aura, cracks forming under his feet.

"You little weasel! You think you can harm me?!" Throwing out his line the demon lord, executed some hand gestures and the space on his front split open. From within an endless void was visible, tendrils soon crawling out, made out of ethereal matter. In the middle of those was a purple eye, ominously glowing, as if it was charging an attack.

"You think I wouldn't notice those friends of yours? Haha! After I kill you, they are next!" And with his hand motioned forward and the eyeball released its accumulated energy, in a form of a purple beam, melting the ground into magma.

All this time Galahad didn't just stand and watch, he too charge his own attack. His Eraser Cannon! Facing the incoming beam, with one hand extended forward, he yelled and fired his beam attack.

"Die! AAH!" The two beams were on the same trajectory, soon crushing in a bout of destruction. A sphere formed at the point of impact, were the two beams mixed and fought for the upper hand.

It didn't take long for Galahad to be overpowered, seeing that his was losing ground, he no longer used one hand but combined them both, sending out all of his energy!

"God damn it! Take this! GAAAH!" With the added support and energy, the clash came to a standstill. Turning into a battle of attrition, again in favor of Belasco, whose very dimension gave him powers.

Feeling his power slowly draining out of his body, he knew that if he didn't do something, he would surely perish. His output lowered and so the demon lords attack started pushing forward again.

The arms of Galahad had bulged, becoming twice the size, trembling from the strain. He tried to push more, but nothing came. But he didn't give up, he kept trying and soon he felt a new power from within. As if he had cracked open a door just enough to access it. In this life or death situation, his instincts had given him the key to a new form of ability.

His hair was changing color, going from black to a yellow greenish, flickering between, as it stood straight up. This wasn't the only change, his body too increased in size and his energy overflowed.

In response to his newly found strength, his attack paused the advance of Belasco's own and if one watched carefully, they would notice that he was pushing back!

"You! Enough games!" And so, seeing that his enemy was still standing, Belasco made some more gesture and another set of eyes appeared, releasing their own beams.

Forming a unity, the attack cut through Galahad's and landed on his almost transformed body. The beam burned his aura and soon his body, as it sizzled and started turning black. Taking on the demon lord was too much for him.

And just when he was about to be incinerated to death a figure descended from the sky, firing blue plasma beams, that destroyed the death rays. It was none other than Richard Rider, who had found his way out of the catacombs.

"Need some help?" Was the words Galahad heard as he tried to stand up, a hand coming into sight to help him.

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