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Chapter 9: Chapter 8:

"Come on don't be such a pussy." Said the dark armor figure standing close to the yakuza boss who was tie down to a chair. "Your only loosing a couple of teeth, basically your damn molars. Alright?."

"AAAAAAAAAAAARHHHGGG." It was the muffled scream that the yakuza boss could let out, since the dark figure's right hand was shove inside his mouth as one of his fingers started to pull.

"Come On! It's not like am going to cut your balls off." Said the dark figure."Well that is if you don't give a reason to do so, that's if."

The yakuza boss started to struggle but was stopped, as pain shot through his mouth as if someone had rip it out.

"HOOLY SHIT!!" Yell Cansio as he look at his right hand were he was holding onto a bloody molar tooth.

"Look at this shit yo" he raise his hand showing the yakuza's boss his bloody molar. "Shit. . . . You never floss do you?"

"KYAAAAAAAAAA." Scream the young woman who was huddled in the right corner as she try to cover herself with her hands.

"Hey! Come on! keep it down! is not that big of a deal." Spoke Cansio as he look at the woman "it's just me removing somebody's tooth. Soooo I don't know why are you screaming, if your not getting railed."

"W-What the *COUGH* FUCK!!. JUST YOU WAIT WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS FUCKING THING." Scream the boss with hate and anger. "JUST YOU FUCKING WAI—"

A full on fist strike him on the left side of oh his jaw which it dropped him to the ground with the chair behind him. He felt something hard hitting the roof of his mouth as well as the side of his cheeks. He immediately spit it out as at the same time he cough out blood.

And noticed that the thing that was In his mouth was none other than his teeth. His eyes widened out of shock

"Come here." The figure pull him back up and made eye contact with him. . . . Well that is if he could see with the helmet/carapace covering it's face only leaving it's sharp human teeth exposed.

The yakuza boss started to struggle as to try to break free from its restraints that glued him to the chair.


He receive a slap on his right cheek, turning his head to the side leaving a mark of a red hand as well as some cuts.

"LISTEN CABRON!." Cansio yell as he grabbed the yakuza boss by the hair and pull it back meeting face to carapace.

"YOU TELL ME WERE OVERHAUL!! KEEPS HIS LAB STASH!! AND ITS PRODUCTS!!." Demand Cansion "OR ILL RIP YOUR NUTS OFF SLWOLY AND FEED THEM THEM TO YOU PIECE BY PIECE AS I SHOVE MY WHOLE ARM DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT!!." His left hand quickly shot forward tours the man's groin. Now gripping the man's testicles as well as his claw fingers started to dig in

Cansio was being serious. No fore playing no more bruising the fucker up, and certainly no horseplay.

He began to slowly pull on them as well as his grip tightened.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH." Scream the man in pain as he move his head side to side

"You better speak before I tear your balls of buddy." Demanded cansio as kept on pulling and dig his claws in more.

"I-I'll talk! I'LL TALK!!." He scream With teary eyes and snot running down his face.

"SPEAK!." Cansio yell as he still had his grip on the man's testicles.

"H-He k-keeps his damn Stash O-On an abandoned h-hospital in m-mosutafu." Spoke the man with a shaky voice. "It's the Keio hospital!!."

C let go of his testicles only leaving cuts as well as stretch skin.

"That was easy." He said as he walk over to a fish tank that was close to a wall and proceeded to scrub his hand.

"N-Now leave me alone. You a-already got what you want it right?" Said the yakuza boss as he look at Cansion with a relief expression combined with pain. "Right?."

"Well yes" Cansio said as he move his head from side to side. The yakuza boss seem to be a bit relieved but that feeling was crush down as Cansio spoke

"And no."

He walk over to the yakuza boss stopping right in front of him. "You know. If I let you live or even walk around. I feel as if you will try to fuck me from behind in an unexpected moment at any time when I am not looking."

"N-No No Nonse." Stutter the boss "I wouldn't do th-". He did finish as C interrupted.

"Ah Ah Ah!" Cansion raise his hand with an index finger pointed up at the roof and moved from side to side. "Yes you would. After some asshole ate your favorite bear and almost rip your balls off."

"W-What? What bear?." Spoke the yakuza boss sounding confused at first but slowly remember of what happened to his favorite polar bear in the zoo in mosutafu.

"You. . . . YOU DID IT!!." He yell as he push himself forward trying to get Cansio.

"Hey!! come on is just a bear." Said Cansio as he watch the yakuza boss push himself from the chair.

"It would have been worse. Instead of the bear it would have been your grandchildren."

"W-WHAT THE FUCK!! ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?." he Scream out of anger and rage.

"Takeshi Suzuki and Naka Suzuki. Ring any bells compadre." Cansio began to scratch the back of his Armor neck.

The yakuza boss stop moving from his chair as he look at Cansio with a confused yet surprised face. "Wait . . .how do you know those. . .names."

"Can't say!." Said Cansio with a cheerful tone as he throw his hands up in the air"I just heard those names when I was passing by the Yokosuka school as I was going out for shopping for fresh products to eat."

The yakuza boss look at him still confused but as the gear of his head started clicking, he got what Cansio was trying to imply. "No. NO!! YOU STAY AWA FROM THEM!!!"

"Oh!! por dios!!." Spoke c with an annoyed tone ." Are you seriously going to over react again?. Dios mio."

"JUST STAW AWAY FROM THEM!!." He yell "I'll give you anything! Whatever you want!. MONEY!, WOMAN! ANYTHING YOU WANT!!." The yakuza boss was offering a deal "BUT PLEASE LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS!! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND YOU NOT THEM!!."

This seem to poke at cansio's interest.

"How much money are you willing to give as well as sticking your neck out for those two?."

"A-Anything I'll give up anything as to let nothing happen to those two." He said with a shaky voice as well as a affirmative one.

{1st POV C}

(Aaaw fuck!. I hate it when there is this type of shit happens.)

I look at the yakuza boss with undeceive look.

At first I wanted to kill him and be off with it. Think nothing about it, just like your typical Mondays.

That was until I brought up the two grandkids.

I expected him to give no fucks about the kids. But it was quite the opposite.


I started to rub the top of my helmet out frustration. I look at the yakuza boss, who had a pleading look on his face as well as a scarred one.

(Ok I'll take the deal. I already got what I wanted)

I let out a defeated breath as I look to the ground then back up to the boss.

"Alright I'll take You on the offer."" I said looking at the yakuza, who was now seem to be relieved by what I just said

"But with one condition."

—————————-{24 hours later.} ————————

"Alright everyone line up!." Spoke tenya ida dress in his hero gear at the same time he comically move his right hand like a robot.

He try is best as to guide everyone into a single file line, which he didn't quite accomplish as all of the students randomly got up the buss.

"Alright" said a tired Aizawa as he held a board on his left hand as he look at the teens get in the bus. "Looks like everyone is here" he look back down to the board then back to the bus.

"Except for one." He looked down to the board looking at one of the names in the paper sheet that had an unmarked attendance box.

Everyone inside the bus seem to be excited or happy. Well that was most of the part of them.

A girl with long dark ponytail sat to the left side of the bus. It was Momo. She was running the words that cansion had said to the whole class especially about her, on how she almost hurt someone or even possibly worse.

"If it wasn't for me Toru might not be able to go here!."

That line had stuck with her as it kept on reminding her of what would have happened if toru had taken the hit of the flash bangs and it brought her guilt.

"Are you ok? (*ribbit*)" ask tsuyu who sat in front of her "You look quite lost and sad."

"Yes am ok, don't need to worry." She Replied as she gave a small smile. "I was just thinking of what we maybe doing today."

"If you need anything just call me." Said tsuyu as she turn around and sat down on her sit.

Momo once again look to the window and then down to her hands.

("I almost ruined someone's life.") she thought as look at her hands. The discipline girl who was fit to be a natural born leader and as a leader she needed to keep everyone safe no matter what.

But now she was doubting herself as if she was even fit to be one.

"Seems that Mr Cansio is going to be abse-" he could finish as he felt a small shake underneath his feet. He look back up and saw a dark figure standing a couple of centimeters away from him.

"Cansio reporting for duty" Spoke the figure in a raspy voice as he stood straight.

"How many times are you going to be like this? Always coming in late." Ask aizawa as he look at cansion who had it's dark bone like armor covering his body. "And give a good reason why shouldn't I give you detention after class."

"Uuuhmm. . . There was . . uhm . Traffic?." Responded Cansio trying his best to make something up.

Aizawa just look at him with a poker face before he speak. "Not good enough. After the class your going to detention with lady midnight." He said as he took out a orange juice box from his pocket. "She'll now what to do with you. Now get in the bus we are leaving."

Cansion just nodded as he walk to the entrance on the bus.


Everyone inside the buss cover their ears from the awful sound of the metal being scratched.

It was the sound of his shoulder spikes scratching the metal door of the bus.

This earn cansion a couple of mad and angry stares from everyone inside the bus.

_{1st POV Cansio}_

"Shit." I muttered as I moved my arm trying not to scratch it neither with its spikes on his arm or my back.

I successfully got inside the bus and look around seeing all the seats have been taken by the students. Well except for the back as there was an open seat.

So with no other option I went all the way to the back and as I did I noticed some folks were giving some stares.

Of course it was the electric kid, and his friend "testicles" head.

A chill run up my back, as I remember holding the yakuza's pair and threaten him to rip them off.

I had to wash my hands ten times when I came back home.

The deal I had made with him was that we both stay out of each others life as he feared for his grandkids lives and some large amount of money.

How much? you may ask a certain amount to keep me alive for the rest of the days.

Well it was 100 Million Yen.

I am not that smart with money on how much did the boss gave me, but that has to be quite a lot. Given by the fact that he was paying me not to lay a hand on his grandkids

After that I went around searching for bio organic materials AKA meat or something that was alive.

Which I accomplished yesterday in the span of 24 hours but I wasn't proud of what I had to do just to become strong.

Oh god! is going to be in all over the news isn't it?

I rested my head against the window of the bus as it was moving, taking us to our new destination.

Sooner or later is going to become publ—

"Three farms became slaughter houses over night as the herds of cows and pigs were found mutilated." Said aizawa as he look at his left hand that was holding a phone.

THANK YOU!! Keen sense of hearing! Know I can hear of my biggest and dumbest decision I had made yesterday.

"Only bones and skin were found." Muttered aizawa. " Jeez looks like there is another psycho on the loose."

("Indeed there is mr aizawa") I thought ("and that psycho is sitting at the back of the bus.")

Regret and shame hit me like a truck, going 15 miles per hour when seeing a toddler cross the street. But even as i felt shame i kanda felt relief. As to what had i done, had served me well.

It had made my armor more tougher as when i dug my own claws into the armor for testing, it resulted on small cut, well that was until he exerted all his strength. Which it pay with a big gap on my abdomen, and it wasn't a fun experience as i saw my own guts fall from my stomach.

Talk about having guts.

For the strength it was a great improvement as well as a dangerous one. I had punch a rock as to test my strength and i got dangerous results. As in one non serious blow the rock had shatter into fragments that either encrusted to the trees nearby or encrusted themselves on my flesh as well as my eyes.

It was a bitch of a pain as i yelp and yell from the immense pain that i felt, when my body started to push out the rock fragments out of my body. But when i tested my serious punch i was left with my mouth open. The punch unleashed a wave of air that parted the trees to the side or even sent them flying centimeters away from their spot.

And to my surprise i had unlocked an ability or you could say it could be a tool and a weapon.

A small tentacle made out of dark bone with small spikes came out from my shoulder, moving in the air like snake right in front of me.

Yep it was one of the black gauna's weapon/ability.

What can it do?

Well in the manga it was shown it could grab multiple targets as well as mutilate them with quick ease, and maybe even use them as a means of traveling faster or evasive maneuvers.

But it was mostly shown to be in the offensive as well as defensive as it made a shell around the MC in the manga that help him survive the explosion of the bomb that destroyed the whole earth.

It was a painful yet satisfactory accomplishment

I crossed my arms as i lean on the window of the bus resting my head

"Now if you excuse me me voy a dormir." I muttered as i closed my eyes, trying to drift into sleep.

I was slowly getting there, to sleep

But to my bad luck I couldn't

"Um hey."

I open my right eye as to see who was talking to me, and when i did i was left surprised to see who it was. It was round cheeks gordita.

"Hey." I simply responded as i move my two fingers in response.

"Uhm do you remember when . . you saved me on the UA test ingression? That is if you remember of course." Uraraka spoke as she rubbed the back of her head with her left hand.


"Uhm. . . did you really mean that . . what you said to me?." She spoke a little nervous.

I just look at her with a neutral tone, which it caused her to shift uncomfortable from side to side.

So to lighten the mood I responded with a relax expression as well as a playful one.

"I only said that as to get you moving." I responded giving her a small grin.

"Get me moving?." She questioned with an slight eyebrow raise.

"Yes." I said as i sat up straight "You were paralyzed with fear when i intervened the zero pointer."

"Yeah." She responded as she look to the side with shame were the window was. "At the moment I didn't know what to do. It seem as my body didn't know what to do so. . . I am sorry if i was a bother."

"Don't worry gordita." I said as i rested my head against the window looking outside seeing buildings as well as stores pass by. "It was your first taste of the battlefield. You'll get used to it eventually as you slowly build up your skills on the battle as to become a Professional hero."

I glanced over to her.

"Don't be sorry, Be better." O gave her a small relax smirk, trying to encourage her or make her feel better.

It seem that small sparks started to pop inside her eyes.

No really

Like actual sparks started to spark inside her eyes.

Weird. But who am i to discuss anime logic, shit tends to go from zero to one hundred real quick.

"I understand, thank you." She stood up and walk back tours were midoriya and Ida were sitting.

Midoriya turn around facing my way and wave his hand with a smile on his face.

I of course did the same responding to his gesture, he quickly turn around, facing uraraka and ida.

I tried once again tryin to drift to sleep, not until i saw a peeping tom starring at me from afar and that peeping tom was mr explosion.

Who stare at me with hate and disgust.

I don't know what his problem h whenever o do something or even remotely moved a finger, he always has that look on his face like if someone took a shit on his pancakes.

What was my response?

My carapace helmet came down covering completely my face and shut my eyes.

Is not worth my time paying attention to him. I heve better stuff to do, like trying to take a nap god damn it!

————— ————


————— ————

"AMAZING!!" Came the yell Of izuku midoriya as he look around the huge piece of land right in front of him "IS THIS U.S.J OR SOMETHING!!"

"Woah!. This place is huge!!" Spoke kirishima as he look around Noticing different environments

"Hey Kirishima." came a voice behind him. He turn around noticing cansio stand behind him holding his dark sombrero on his right hand, cansio's face seem to be off, as he look around the place with a serious face.

"Yeah what is it?." He said giving cansio a small toothy grin.

"Active your quirk." Said Cansio at the same time a tendril came from his shoulder and move to the top roof of the bus.

"What? why?" kirishima look at him with an eyebrow raise as he saw the tendril come back to him, carrying something large that resemble a katana but it was big rather than being medium size like most normal katanas were. "And what the hell is that." he pointed at the tendril holding the niganata.

"WOW!!" came a Yell from the front of the class "It's space HERO "No. 13"!"

"Just activate your quirk from your hands to your elbows." He said, at the same time he grab the blade and the tendril quickly wrapped around his chest.

"Not until you tell me your reason behind it." Kirishima crossed his arms and stare at Cansio with a small frown.

"Ok. you want me to tell you why?" He set the miganata behind his back, letting the tendril wrap it self around the sheath, kirishima nodded his head in response.


"Look man i just have a bad feeling about this alright." I said as i look around trying to find the place were the villains might appear. I had read the book and how it goes, but i can remember just some small fragments, not the entirety of the story.

All the class was more focused on what the

"Bad feeling? What do you mean by that." he said with a mocking tone "Don't tell me you don't like open places cansio?"

"No is not that you big dope." i slightly punch him on the left shoulder. I have to make something up to get this guy ready for what's about to happen " Look, is my quirk. Whenever there is danger around my spine lets out a small pinch And right know Several pinches are running around my body."

his toothy grin change to that of closed mouth, as he look at me seeing that i was serious and was not playing around.

"You'r not joking are y--"

"Just activate your quirk!." i whispered. Which it worked as he activated his quirk.

"Now what?" he whispered back remaining calm, as he look to the front where the Professional hero was explaining the different environments. but it was cut short as Aizawa yell out.



"what the hell is that?!" spoke kirishima as he look at the center seeing a black hole open were people of all shapes and sizes were coming out from.

And they do not look friendly at all.

My hand was shaking. I was getting nervous as well as frightened. This was my first time experiencing an all out group attack.

Of course i have seen folks getting rob at either knife point and gun point but those things don't compare to what was actually going on here.

As I look closely to the villains come out the portal. They all had bloodlust on their eyes

Especially the guy with hands all over him and the big black beak fucker.

Things from here on now are going to get bloody wild.

~_{3rd POV}_~

"No 13 I'm counting on you."

Aizawa cover his eyes with the goggles that where hanging around his neck.

"Aizawa senseii!!" Yell out midoriya as he try to reach out but was to late as he jump down from the stairs all the way to the center where the villains were.

"What a dumb piece of shit!!." Mock one of the villains as he pointed his gun like fingers

Click click

"Huh it won't sh-" the villain was immediately wrapped by one of aizawa's scarf and slammed into another one of his peers.

"Come on now we need to evacuate let's go!" Yell out ida as wave his arm and pointed to the main door. Everyone began to run tours were ida had pointed but couldn't get far as a shadow like mist block their path.

"Am afraid I can't allow that." Spoke the mysterious figure in an almost static voice as if he was speaking through a microphone.

Everyone took a step back as the shadow thing began to expand around them.

"Greetings we are the villain alliance. We apologize for the interruption but we took it upon ourselves to enter ua academ—"

He quickly move back avoiding a downward slash from a long burning orange blade that had almost split his device around his neck.

"Less barking!! and more biting!! cabron." Spoke cansio with a raspy voice.

Everyone was left surprised and quite shock as to what cansio had just did. Some think that it was their end as C was provoking the villain right in front of them.

"Oh dear it seems that someone is being quite imprudent." Spoke kurogiri as he look at the dark armor figure "And who should you be?."

"Me?." Cansio poke his armor chest with his right thumb.

"Am just your average latino guy! Nothing more and nothing less!!."

"Latino?. Basically a gaikokujin." Spoke kurogiri as he curiously look at cansio.

"Well no shit Sherlock I already told you didn't i. Jeez what a fucking [CENSORED]."

"What did he just say?" Ask Ida with a open mouth as he look ojiro.

"vulgar! vulgar! vulgar!" Spoke Aoyama covering his ears as he crouch down.

"And i thought that I needed to wash my mouth with soap." Said bakugo as he had an impress look on his face.

"Why you?!" Yell kurogiri sanding a large wave of purple mist that sent C flying off to an freshly open portal behind him.


The portal open sending cansio to an city environment.

He had landed hard hitting the ground he quickly got up and lookk around the area noticing cars and trees the were cover by dirt.

It was obvious He was at landslide simulation. Judging by the lodge trees and cars inside the dirt as well as some buildings.

"Well! well! look what we got here."

Cansio turn around seeing one big muscular guy who was wearing leather straps around his head only making his eyes visible, stand right in front of him.

"It looks like have fresh meat ." Spoke a feminine voice at his right side. He turn and saw a woman with long black color hair, wearing half of a skull mask, she wore on her left side and wore a leather coat making her look like the average villain. nothing special.

She stop few feet away, just like the big guy did when he approached c.

"Come on is this really a fair fight." Muttered c has his right hand move gripping the handle of the niganata.

"Pfft! what am saying of course this isn't going to be fair, this guy don't even play fair to be honest."

"Now let's do this quick and painless for you!" Said the woman. "Or is it that you want to be alive as we torn you from limb to limb."

(Well seems that there is no other option rather than fight my way out.)

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