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Chapter 16: Concoctions

Looking out of the window, I begin to formulate my plan on confronting, 'I can't just confront Izuku in class. It would have to be alone, and ideally with All Might.'

I think back to my conversation with Bakugo, 'It's a shame, but as grateful as I am for your information, I feel like this will be something that you have to figure out yourself.'

Then I get a weird feeling, 'Someone is watching me…'

Using the reflection in the glass, I try and look around to see who is staring at me, but I am unable to, 'It's a wild guess, but…'

"Toru, it's rude to stare, you know."

I hear a crash as an invisible person falls to the floor, and Toru begins talking rapidly, "Stare? What!? WhatareyoutalkingaboutShiro!?"

Unbeknownst to me, the other girls were using Toru to spy on me and they were all taking sneak peeks at my body since I took off my vest and shirt.

Mina cries out, "Haah!? How did you know!? She's god damn invisible!"

Mineta is grinding his teeth in frustration, "Tch, you're so lucky, Shiro. You're so popular and you have girls checking you out."

I shake my head, ignoring them, when something covers my face as Momo throws something at me, "Here."

I look at the black t-shirt and nod my head, "Thanks."

She smirks at me, "Now you owe me one."

Putting the shirt on, much to the girl's dismay, I smile and nod slightly, "Yeah, yeah, no problem."

Once we get back onto the campus, Bakugou and I are sent to the infirmary. Sliding the door open, I see Recovery Girl treating both Thirteen and Aizawa. I walk in and Bakugo follows behind me, and Recovery Girl walks over to us.

"Just you two?"

I nod my head and she releases a sigh of relief, "Thank god that so few students got injured. It could've gone so much worse."

She looks me up and down, "Broken arms and a few bruises on you, smart of you to apply a splint. Saves me some effort," her gaze changes to Bakugo and she makes another analysis, "Minor burns, and concussion?"

Bakugo nods, and I'm slightly impressed, 'Not bad, she's able to discern our injuries from just a glance.'

I move over to lie on one of the beds, but Recovery Girl stops me, "You guys don't need to stay that long, just come down here."

Recovery Girl gestures to come closer to her and Bakugo has an ugly expression on his face, 'Does her healing hurt?'

I squat down in front of her and look right at her, 'I wonder what is her quirk? She's a nurse so it must be a healing one, but how does she do it?'

My question is quickly answered as her lips come zooming towards my face. Lost in my thoughts I was unable to dodge and she plants a smooch right on my cheek.

I immediately jump back and yell out, "WHAT THE HELL!?!?! Keep your lips to-, oh. So that's how it works."

I look down at my arms and I can feel that the bones have mended themselves and all my bruises are gone.

At the same time, I feel much more tired and drowsy, 'Ah, she uses energy as a supplement to speed up healing.'

Bakugo is trying his hardest not to laugh and Recovery Girl looks offended, "You don't like my healing?! Fine! Next time you get hurt, don't come running to me!"

She jumps into the air, kisses Bakugos cheek, and starts to back into her office, but I shout out to her, "Wait, Recovery Girl!"

She stops and turns slightly, "What?"

I look around the room one more time to make sure before asking, "I don't see Izuku or All Might sensei here? Where are they?"

Recovery Girl hesitates for a second before replying, "Both of them had serious injuries and I am keeping them under my direct care in my office."

"I see…"

She walks into her office and shuts the door.

Bakugo turns to me and growls, "So? Have you found anything out?"

I shake my head in mock disappointment, "I've tried, but with this kind of thing, you can't just go up and ask him. I'm not that close to him for him to just tell secrets like that. I pay attention to given details so anything that feels suspicious I'll file away, but if I don't have anything…"

I shrug my shoulders, "It may take a while to procure results."

Bakugo grits his teeth and walks out, but I stay, looking at the door to the nurse's office, 'I wonder, does she know too? Since All Might is a teacher here, is he using his quirk? Do the other teachers know?'

Then I remember Asui's conversation on the bus with Izuka about how his quirk is similar to All Mights and his flustered reaction, 'Shit, I should've paid more attention to him. I could've figured this out quicker.'

I groan slightly and let out a sigh, "Too much has happened recently, I need a break."

*The next morning*

The school had given us the day off and I was currently in a

'If I mix this and this…'

I shake the clear liquid a little and look at it, "If my calculations are right, then this should work."

I grab a syringe and pull it back, filling the tube up. Then I grab a small mouse from a box, weigh and scale it before restraining it to a board using Bungee Gum.

I look down at the mouse and sigh, "No hard feelings."

Injecting the syringe into the mouse, I push the end and inject a tiny amount of poison inside, 'Now we wait.'

I attach a stethoscope onto it and close my eyes, listening to the mouse's faint heartbeat. Over the course of two minutes, its heartbeat gets faster and faster and its pupils begin to dilate. It lets out a few squeals until it eventually falls unconscious.

'Considering its size, and the concentration of poison I used, it should've taken a little longer, but this works as well.'

I hear a knock on the door and I call out, "Come in."

The door opens and Momo walks in, "So? What are you developing now?"

I point at the unconscious mouse and explain, "It's a poison that causes extremely fast heart rate and increases blood flow. Direct side effects include lightheadedness, chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and sometimes cardiac arrest.

The first three are a guarantee and the other two depend on the target and how much of the drug I administer. Also, depending on what poisons I use beforehand, it will increase the effectiveness since it will spread faster."

Momo nods her head in understanding, "I see, that's very useful."

I shake my head, "It is, but it's not good enough yet. I can't afford a long drawn-out battle, especially against enemies that are physically stronger than me. That Nomu thing, Kuro was able to dodge most of the attacks, and the drug that we used took a while to work. Even after his arm was rendered useless, we still got hit and after that, we were essentially useless. That man will probably be similar."

Momo opens her mouth to say something, but closes it and makes a pair of gloves and goggles, "Ok, what do you need help with?"

I sigh, "You spoil me sometimes, you know."

She shrugs her shoulders, "What can I say, it's an older sister's job to help out her younger brother."

"Tch, you're older only by a few months, you know. Besides I'm taller."

She smirks and replies, "Maybe you're compensating for something."

I put one hand to my chin and take a thinking pose, "Compensating for something? I wonder what that could be? Oh, I know! I'm compensating for the skill that my "older sister" lacks."

She shakes her head, "Witty as usual."

I grin and throw her a lab coat, "C'mon, let's get to work."

I show her a list, "I have three more things I plan to make. An anticoagulation, a drug that causes an extremely slow heart rate, and a drug that causes muscle spasms. We also need to increase the potency of the rapid heart rate one. It would be good if we can make a gas version for the heart drugs, but with our time..."

I let out a sigh, "We certainly have our work cut out for us."

She nods and I start making recipes for all of the drugs we plan to make.

Several hours in and we are both wearing face masks to prevent from inhaling any fumes. She pours in a mixture of chemicals and I slowly stir it. I add a powder mixture and we both step back to let the concoction simmer.

Walking back several paces, we both take off the masks and breathe out, sweat dripping down each of our faces, Momo sighs, "That should be good. I can't believe that we finished all four."

I wipe some sweat off of my forehead, "As long as the Muscle Spasm simmers for thirty minutes, it should work, but we'll need to test it later."

I go outside and bring back two glasses of ice water and before I serve it, I add several drops of a yellowish liquid into it.

When Momo drinks it her eyes widen, "Wow, this is good! What did you add?"

Holding up a small bottle, I explain, "It's a mix of ginger extract, dried lemon powder, honey, and a few other things. A refreshing drink and it tastes good."

I take a sip of my own and smack my lips, "Mmhmm, I could add more ginger, but whatever."

Momo takes another sip and puts her glass down, "So? What really happened yesterday?"

"Kuro… he basically tortured the villains. He destroyed bones, cut into them with cards, and gave them permanent scars. Those people will have to live crippled for the rest of their lives."

Momo puts her hand on my shoulder and comforts me, "They were villains. Even if what Kuro did was wrong, it was still self-defense. Just try not to think about it too much."

I nod my head and explain the second major thing, "Also… I have found something that is a highly guarded secret and it's something that I can't tell you… but I'll tell you anyway."

She rolls her eyes and I begin telling her the whole dilemma with Izuku, his quirk, and All Might. How at first I was just curious about his quirk, and then how I overheard Bakugo and Izuku's conversation. My confrontation with Bakugo and Izuku slip up at USJ.

Momo is completely shocked, as someone who wanted to become a hero, she naturally admired All Might. To find out that her role model had such a secret was rather shocking.

Momo scratches her head, "You know, I trust you. Your deductions are usually spot on and your analysis is accurate as well, but why? If the Number One hero in Japan was weakening, and he had to pass his quirk on to someone, why would he give it to a quirkless schoolboy? Also, if they share the same quirk, then why doesn't All Might break his limbs every time he uses his quirk?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I have a theory of the second one, but as for why I've tried to guess what makes him different or exceptional, but I can't seem to find one. He isn't exceptionally intelligent, or crafty, or strategic, or anything. His fighting style sucks, but that may be related to his new quirk. He seems completely normal. If anything, his only exceptional trait, is that he was quirkless."

We both sit there, trying to figure out what All Might saw in Midoriya, but we are unable to figure anything out.

Momo gasps, " Ah! What if Midoriya is All Might's secret love child?"

I pause, "That might make sense actually, I could ask that… whatever, as for their quirks…"

I pull out my phone and search on MeTube. I show her a clip of All Might and we watch it for a little before I turn it off.

"Now compare that, to our classmate."

Momo looks confused, "What are you ta-," but her eyes widen, "ohhh…"

I nod my head, "The difference in muscle mass. Based on what we've seen, the quirk isn't a transformation quirk and does not allow the user to grow muscle. Instead, it gives power. All Might just happens to be muscular and therefore he has the physical power to withstand the power of his quirk, whereas Izuku doesn't, so, his limb breaks from the power."

Momo takes a sip of her ginger drink, "So, will you confront them tomorrow?"

I nod my head, "Yup, It's time to end this. Also, I mentioned this before, but this is definitely a secret that is highly guarded, so shhh."

I put my finger to my lips and walk towards the pot as Momo rolls her eyes, "C'mon, once we finish the drug, we can relax and eat. The gas version can be saved for another day."

AN: Lots of talking this chapter, but in the next chapter, Shiro will definitely talk to All Might and Izuku.

I have more plans for interesting drugs and poisons, so there will be the occasional chapter with stuff like this so that I can fit it in.

Also, we see that while Shiro wasn't willing to tell Bakugo, he was more than ok with telling Momo. It's kinda self-explanatory, but when you grow up with someone in the same house, you tend to either trust them completely or distrust them. It is always one of the two, anyone who tells you otherwise hasn't had siblings.


Check out my other story

The Dragon of MHA


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