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Chapter 37: The Journey North

*One week later*

*General POV*

"Is Ingenium beyond repair? Attacked by the infamous Hero Killer: Stain, while in Hosu City, his legs may be beyond recovery. The elusive Stain has already killed 17 heroes and maimed 24 others beyond recovery, with one more added to the list," a news reporter states on one of the TV screens at the train station, "Hero's are trying to track down his movements, but there haven't been any signs. If you have seen Stain, please contact a nearby hero or the police immediately. Do not attempt to engage, for he is extremely dangerous, I repeat, do not engage!"

Ojiro rubs his chin thoughtfully, "Hmm, wouldn't it be great if one of us caught him? Imagine the rewards!"

Uraraka's eyes light up at the word, "Rewards!?"

The realist, pragmatist, and Representative of the class let out a sigh before speaking up, "Idiots. Don't you guys remember? Unauthorized use of your quirk is illegal, so you can't catch him yourself, and if you do it with a pro hero, who's gonna give any credit to an intern?"

*Shiro POV*

I shake my head, "Before you guys go around beating up villains and shit, get a license first."

However, the irrationalist and sadist in me grins, 'I wonder what kinda methods that guy is using to hunt these guys. He uses swords, so he must be an emitter or a transformer,`` Kuro states thoughtfully, 'Let's go for a hunt!'

'One day you're gonna be the death of me,' I groaned mentally.

He snickers, 'I hope that day comes soon.'

Momo pats my shoulders, "Welp, not like we'll have any encounters with Stain. You're going up north and I'm going to the west."

Both of us had been accepted from our first picks and the whole class was currently waiting at the Train Station for our respective trains.

I stretch my shoulders a little, 'The only person who may run into Stain… is him,' and my eyes gaze to where Izuku was talking to Iida while Uraraka listened, 'Tenya Iida, the younger brother of Ingenium.'

Aizawa waves everyone over and we all gather in front of him, all of us carrying a bag and a suitcase with our costumes, "All of you have your costumes right? Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop or lose them or something."

Mina lets out a small cheer, "Yessir!!!"

Aizawa scowls, "Speak clearly. Also, it's "Yes, sir," Ashido."

Mina pouted slightly, "Yes, sir…"

The class chuckles lightly and Aizawa lets out a sigh, "Make sure to mind your manners with the heroes at the internships. Now scram!"

He says the last bit in a sharp tone, but a faint smile is traced on his lips as the class disperses.

Momo turns to me and smiles, "Well, see ya in a week!"

I nod my head and she opens her arms out, gesturing that she wants a hug, and I stare at her before shrugging and hugging her, much to many boys' envy.

She waves goodbye at me and heads off while I turn around and walk briskly towards the retreating figure of Iida. I walk past Izuku and Uraraka who say goodby to me before I reach Iida and grab his shoulder.

He pauses for a second and turns his head, a smile on his face, "Ah, Shiro, what do you need? Don't you need to board your own train?"

I quietly analyze his face, and say quietly, "Your smile may mask the lower half of your face, but your eyes are too easy to read."

His smile drops slightly, and I continue, "I know you are going to an agency in Hosu, despite having better offers elsewhere."

His eyes widened and he opened his mouth, but I cut him off, "It's part of my duties as Class Rep to make sure you all did the forms right. I am also aware that Ingenium is your brother and you are going there in hopes to avenge him."

His smile disappears completely and his expression is almost hostile, "So? Are you going to stop me?"

I take my hand off his shoulders and stare seriously into his blue eyes, "No, but if you intend to go after him, don't do it haphazardly. Plan it out, figure out his strengths and weaknesses. If you intend to go against a pro murderer, you better be prepared. I'd hate to see his kill streak increase."

His eyes narrow questioningly, "Why are you saying this," but I walk away, ignoring his question.

Boarding my train, I see Ojiro, Sato, and a floating school uniform, whom I can only assume to be Toru, sitting together, and Todoroki sitting by himself farther back, 'There are gonna be parts of my internship that I don't enjoy…'

I walk over to the trio and grin at them, "Got space for one more?"

Sato gestures next to him, "Sure, sure, come join us! You got cards right? Let's play!"

I gently place the white duffle bag with my stuff on the rack and add my custom case up there as well, before pulling out a deck of cards from my pocket, a grin on my face, "I never leave home without a pack of cards."

I start performing a shuffle sequence, "So, what are we playing? Old maid? Texas? 5-hand? Blackjack? Go Fish?"

Toru pumps her fist up, "Old Maid! Old Maid!"

Sato nods, "Besides if we played any other game, I guarantee Shiro would cheat."

Ojiro and, I assume by the way her shoulders are moving, Toru, are both nodding their heads in agreement.

I gasp innocently, "How could you accuse me of such a thing?"

Kuro agrees boredly, 'And you're gonna cheat in this game too.'

'It's technically cheating, other than the first part.'

He yawns before replying, 'Whatever, I'm going to take a nap, wake me up whenever something interesting happens.'

I ignore him and start a forced shuffle, with plans to give Sato, who is sitting directly to the left, the Joker, 'That way, it'll go around, and stay away from me. If I don't draw it, all the better.'

Once I finish, I begin dealing out the cards, and I see a slight twitch above Sato's left eyebrow, 'Sorry, but I can't think of any card game where the playing field will be fair as long as I'm on it.'

"First distribute your pairs."

I threw down four pairs of cards, despite the possibility of using a forced shuffle to give myself a perfect hand, that would not only be extremely suspicious, but it would also be boring as hell.

Sato puts down three pairs, Ojiro puts down two, and Toru puts down five.

I let out a whistle, "Lucky hand, Toru."

'Twenty-five cards left.'

"Let's begin. Left to the dealer, so Sato, you draw first

He nods and draws a card from Ojiro. Sato grimaces as he looks at his card and Ojiro takes his turn. Ojiro draws from Toru and grins as he puts down a pair of threes. The process repeats itself, as I pick up on their ticks and signs. The joker cycles through me before Sato picks it back up again and surprisingly Toru wins first, one card ahead of me.

I nod my head impressively as I draw a card from Sato and throw down a pair of jacks, "Now it's down to you two."

The game ends with Ojiro's loss and we all laugh as Sato takes a bit of pound cake he packed, "Well, I think I am getting off next stop, so I'm going to get ready."

We all nod in understanding as Sato pulls down his backpack and his suitcase. A minute later the train stops and Sato waves goodbye.

I offer the cards, "Welp, you two wanna play again?"

They both agree and we play another two rounds, one win for me, and another for Toru before she splits off to go to her internship.

Ojiro drinks some of his green tea, "Who'd you decide to intern for, Shiro? It must've been a pain to shuffle through your 6532 offers."

I grimace, "Don't remind me, that was such a pain. And the grumpy old teacher organized it by name, and not something more efficient, like hero rank or popularity, or the number of cases they solve weekly."

Ojiro grins, "You sure like your details. Anyways, you didn't answer my question, what agency are you interning for?"

I put my fingers up to my lip, "It's a secret."

His eyes move upwards, to the rack holding our stuff before looking back down at me, "I've been wondering, why do you have such a big bag? How much stuff did you bring?"

I look up at my bag then look at his bag, "Ojiro, you know all the poisons and drugs I use in my hero costume?"

He nods, "Yeah, like the paralyzing thing and the knockout thing, right?"

I nod, "Sure, why not. Anyways, all of those are homemade concoctions, and in my work environment, I will always need more. Basically, I'm carrying a small lab with me along with some pre-made stuff."

He grimaces, "Scary…"

I frown, "What, being prepared?"

He shackles his head, "No, that's just being a good planner. I'm terrified of your poisoning stuff. I feel bad for anyone that goes against you. What got you into that stuff anyway?"

My expression remains neutral, and I respond easily, "I had an influence from my parent's friend. I realized that in terms of combat power, I am somewhat lacking, so I needed a way to overcome that."

He chuckles, "Even without your poisons, I still think you're scary."

I nod my head in thanks, "I'm glad you think so."

The train stops again, and Ojiro stands up, "Well, this is my stop. See ya next week."

He looks back at Todoroki who is listening to music with his eyes closed before exiting the train, 'Just the two of us, huh?'

I look at the buildings we pass, 'It feels like it's been a while, but we are still in the city…'

I put on my own earbuds and started listening to music, 'The Hero Killer Stain… he is too different from Muscular. The wounds shown on TV imply that they were all stabbed and mainly blade-related wounds. Stain's build is far too skinny to deal a heavy amount of blunt damage. Fighting him would bring me no practical benefit…'

My thoughts run amok in my head, but despite such thoughts, I can't help but think, 'How would a fight between Stain and I end?'

I try to simulate possible theories, but without any knowledge of his quirk it was impossible to come up with a relevant simulation, 'Tch, damn heroes. Over forty of them have been attacked in total, yet we have no information about his quirk? Bloody hell…'

The train continues going, and by the time I get to my stop, it's already 4 o'clock. I stand up and stretch out my muscles before grabbing my stuff from the racks. On the other end of the train, I can see Todoroki grabbing his stuff as well.

The train stops and I get off the car on one side while Todoroki gets off on the other. Simultaneously we both start walking towards the exit. One boy with a lean build, white hair, and light gray eyes. The other was slightly shorter, one side of his head covered in red hair, with the other covered in white, and a scowl on his face.

When we get out of the station, we both stop near the pickup zone, three meters away from each other.

Todoroki growls at me, "What the fuck are you doing here, you fucking cheat?"

I gave him a side glance, unbothered by what he just said, "My internship is in this area."

Todoroki glares at me, "You shit face, you don't mean-"

But a black car stops in front of us, and Todoroki stops talking as the window rolls down and a woman with flaming green hair and a black mask covering her eyes in shotgun grins at us, "Oy, are you two brats the new interns!?"

Todoroki glares at me and I put a polite smile on my face, "Yes, that would be us."

The flaming woman sticks her thumb out behind her, "Get in! I'll take you."

I open the door and step in, sitting behind the driver seat, which is occupied by a man in a business suit with crimson hair and sharp eyes, and Todoroki grudgingly gets in after me.

The blazing-haired woman looks back at us from the front seat as the car starts moving "Comfy? No? Yes? I don't care. I'm Burnin!"

I smirk, "I can tell."

She stares at me, for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter, "Hahaha! You're a funny kid, Hirota!"

Todoroki kisses his teeth in annoyance and Burnin regains a bit of her composure, "Haha, this guy next to me is Ignis, despite how he looks, he's a hero as well."

Ignis looks at us from the rearview mirror and starts to introduce himself, "Nice to meet you two. As this bitch, ahem, my partner said, my name is Ignis, and I am a sidekick for the Endeavor Agency."

Burnin growls at Ignis, and he sticks up the middle finger in response. Burnin uses her hair and wraps it around his finger, Ignis seems bothered as his body starts to glow a dark orange.

I let out a sigh, 'Heh, nice to know that people never change.'

I clear my throat and they both stop fighting, "How rude of us. We haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Shiro Hirota. Hero name: Card Hero: Ace."

Todoroki takes the hint and thankfully agrees, "Shoto Todoroki. My hero's name is Shoto."

Burnin raises an eyebrow behind her mask, "Just Shoto? Not Endeavour Jr? Or Little Endeavour?"

A visible tick forms on his face, and I grin to myself, 'Today is just not his day.'

Ten minutes pass and when the car finally stops, "We are here," Ignis says, getting out of the car first.

Burnin follows suit, and soon everyone has left the car, "Here we are," Burnin exclaims with a wide grin on her face.

In front of us, is a luxurious skyscraper with a large number of floors. It appears to be your average corporate building except for the large flaming "E" hanging above the entrance.

"Your new home for next week! Endeavor Agency!"

*General POV*

A man sits upon the water tank on one of the buildings in Hosu City, looking at the setting sun. A bandage with holes cut in it asks as a mask, covering his eyes and nose. His shoulder-length black hair sticks up and a red bandage wraps around his neck acting as a scarf. A combat vest, armed to the teeth with over a dozen knives, is hugging his chest, and running across his back is a long sheath, containing a chipped and beaten katana.

The man licks his dry lips with his abnormally long tongue, and a blood-chilling smile, appears on his face, "It's time to go for a walk..."


Check out my other story

The Dragon of MHA


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