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Chapter 7: Forming A New Plan And A New Partnership And Planning For The Next “Phase”

(Genetics Hideout)

Genetic smiles as she looks down at the new body she created "It'll be good to have shells for myself to inhabit, plus wouldn't hurt to have both genders at my disposal" she places the body into a Nomu tank, the body itself resembling his original form before going back to her table and taking a blood sample from herself before injecting it into the shell body.

She then checks the monitor and smiles "Perfect all my quirks are now stored in two places…good luck any hero trying to beat me" she laughs and picks her up phone and calls Shigaraki "Hey Tomura…yes I know this is a grave loss for us…don't worry I'm still with you we'll carve out our ideals…together" she hangs up and teleports to meet with what's left out of the league.

(Abandoned Factory)

Genetic sighs as she walks down the hallway until she hears an explosion and hears the familiar sound of blood hitting the floor followed by yells of anger, she sighs and walks over to the railing to see Tomura, Compress, Twice, Toga and Shigaraki with four new people she doesn't recognise. She also notices Magne has been seemingly blown up from the waist up. She sighs having used her sonar quirk to watch the events unfold "Tomura when will you learn to not bring violence to a peaceful negotiation" the league and the new people look up and see Genetic who drops down from the railing landing next to Shigaraki. Genetic stares at the man with a beak like mask "Hm…your Overhaul I believe? Surprise to see you here" Overhaul nods "I could say the same of you Genetic". Overhaul sighs "I am deeply sorry for Magne's loss but in my defence they did strike first" Toga growls and raises her knife but is stopped by Genetic "Enough, we won't get anywhere with violence" she sighs "Magne's loss is tragic but it was their own fault, she walks over to Magne's corpse and gathers their blood into a vial before placing it in their pocket. "I will keep their memory alive but as many people will tell you the old must die to make room for the new" she smiles "I'm taking charge Tomura you will work under me not for lack of trust but because I know your impulsive well" Tomura growls but doesn't challenge her decision, she turns to Overhaul "I will consider your offer give me a few days and we shall see if it bares fruit" Overhaul nods and leaves the hideout while Genetic grins "I can't wait".

(Later, Overhauls Compound)

Genetic smiles softly as she follows Overhaul followed by Tomura and two of Overhauls men, they walk into an office of sorts and Genetic and Tomura sit down, Genetic grins "So since it was Tomura who lost something you and he may decide what payment he is given" Overhaul nods and turns to Tomura who grins while Mimic one of overhauls men asks him "Are you serious about joining us?" Tomura chuckles "Yes but there are a few conditions. I refuse to put the league under anyone except Genetic and I ask that you spill your plan" Tomura reaches into his pocket which causes Mimic and Chrono to hold him down but before they can speak Genetic gives them a death glare and slowly raises her hand, Overhaul sighs "Let him finish" Mimic and Chrono nod immediately letting go of Tomura and Genetic puts her hand back down while Tomura reveals a bullet which Genetic takes and examines while Tomura finishes talking with Overhaul "What is this…hm some kind of quirk countermeasure most likely…If he's trying what I think he is then our working relationship is gonna break very quickly" they finish their conversation and Genetic leaves putting the bullet in her pocket "I need to know more about these".

(Genetics Hideout)

She opens the bullet and finds a dna sample inside which she examines "This sample…the power it contains is…impressive though it appears to be uncontrolled likely due to a…young user" Genetic growls "I'm many things but not a monster children are the next generation that will make my goal a reality thus they must be saved along any current capable quirk user" she puts the sample away not wanting to risk injecting it due to its unstable nature.

She smiles before picking up her phone and making a call "Hello again…yes things are going well for us, listen I need you and the others to meet at the location I sent it's time to prepare for the next phase…see you there" she hangs up and teleports to the location.

(Abandoned Business Building)

Genetic sits at the old conference table waiting for her associates to arrive, she smiles as she sees around 10 silhouettes approach "Welcome everyone, please do sit" the people sit and the one sitting directly opposite Genetic a woman with orange hair in a ponytail smiles "So what's the reason for this meeting Genetic we starting the next phase so soon".

Genetic shakes her head "No not yet but it's close so I wanted you all here so we could go over what we are going to do for it Haibu" Haibu nods "Ah fair enough let's start with some updates then" she gestures to the man sat to her right with blue hair with electrical sparks crackling through and his skin also being blue and sparking "Things are working on my end however running into issues with my quirk's power" he winces as he feels his body spark more.

Genetic nods "Don't worry Kansei I will find a way to get you a more stable form I can't promise you'll be back to yourself but I will do my best" Kansei nods and Haibu turns to her left a man with blue hair with black tips and light blue highlights.

The man nods "Similar to Kansei I'm making progress though the heroes keep messing with my network" Genetic sighs "Figures ok that's something we need to focus on then Sekai" Genetic turns to her left where a woman with black hair with purple highlights "How's your progress Butsuri?" Butsuri smiles "Quite well gathered some useful intel on the heroes and their associates".

She hands Genetic a folder, Genetic smiles "Excellent work, as always" Butsuri blushes and Genetic puts the filer in front of herself before turning to her right which sits a very tall man with dark blue hair which is spiked upward "What about you Ikari?" Ikari growls "Some intel but mostly run ins with heroes while trying to gather said intel" Genetic chuckles "I assume you dealt with them when they tried" Ikari nods "They were obliterated" Genetic smiles and turns to Ikari's right which sits another woman with a hair mix of pink, purple and light blue.

"Kusuri how's your progress" Kusuri smiles and puts a vial on the table and passes it to Genetic who picks it up and sees it contains an orange and black liquid "I've been successful in creating the vial bombs you asked for. They pack as much of a punch as a missile but in such a small vial" everyone at the meeting looks at her surprise while Genetic puts the vial next to the folder Butsuri handed her "Well done Kusuri I hope whatever you make next is just as helpful".

Genetic turns to Butsuri's right where a man sits with dark blue hair with white tips "Kotai how about you?" Kotai stammers slightly before projecting a visual image of a hero roster with quirk information, Genetic grins "Excellent work Kotai" Kotai thanks her before being hugged by Butsuri who pats his head affectionately.

Genetic turns to Kotai's right to see the last attendant a woman with dark pink hair with light pink and red streaks "Suji hows your progress going?" Suji smiles and places her hands together "Quite well, bashed a few heroes up and gathered some useful intel, it's been sent to you so I guess you might have already seen it" Genetic nods "I have…fantastic finds all of you I am so proud of you all but most importantly I wish to thank you for choosing to help me with this goal with this we will make humanity and the world a better place and allowing quirks to become the next step in our evolution".

Everyone celebrates and Genetic dismisses them with only Kansei remaining, Genetic hugs him and whispers in his ear "I know it's difficult, your body is pulsing with electricity every second of every day however remain strong. I will grant you a stable form no matter what it takes" Kansei tears up and nods "I understand and thank you…for taking me in and everything else you've done" Genetic smiles and ruffles his hair "Don't mention it you deserved better then you got and I'm going to make sure your parents pay for it" Kansei nods and turns into a mass of electricity and flying away.

Genetic smiles to herself "I love that boy, along with Kotai feels like a family" Genetic wipes a small tear from her eye "I can't wait to complete our goal then I can finally settle with them and we can be a true family not by blood but by bond".

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