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Chapter 17: .Two fishers!

Reno layed in his bed, he decided to postpone his training and break his routine, he needed to recover from his injuries, he assumed that he will need a month to be fully healed.

Next to him lay Shiho, she was only looking at him, she always wondered how can a 12 years old teenager Robb a bank and even kill a pro hero, a feat that even the elite villains would find hard to achieve, she always wondered if he is the same boy she used to mess within his childhood, but even tho she had all those questions, she didn't ask him, because for her it doesn't matter anymore, all that matters is that he risked his life to help her, and no matter what Reno do in the future she won't complain at all, he entered her life when she was messed up and he was like the light that illuminated the darkness she was trapped in.

"what are you thinking about" Reno's question pulled out Shiho from her train of thoughts.

"I'm thinking when can you heal up so I can eat you" replied Shiho with a playful tone while licking her lips.

"Since when did you eat me, all I remember was you yelling Reno-sama while I was pounding you" Reno's reply caused Shiho's face to turn as red as a tomato.

"Don't you dare bring this again" said Shiho with a red face, she was embarrassed by this fact.

Reno chuckled, he found that teasing Shiho was amusing, and her reactions were cute.

"Jokes aside, I remember when I was with my mother she said something about you helping us to find a house with the help of some counterfeiting organization, tell me more about that".

"Well there are lots of villains who are wanted by the heroes, and even if they are rich they can't just buy a house regularly, they will be exposed on the spot, whether by the seller or when the time to pay the taxes arrive, so they rely on this organization, the deal is simple, the house you buy will be 5 times more expensive and in return, the house will be in someone else name, he will pay the taxes and all the necessary things where you have to deal with the government, that way they will live in the city and buy a luxury house without worrying about some questions like where did they get the money, after all their money will be surly dirty and the payment won't be through transactions, in the end, no one will know about their whereabouts".

Reno pondered about Shiho's response, her words made sense, after all, he can't just go buy a house with bags of money, he will be arrested and investigated on the spot.

"Can they add some types of equipment to the house and do some modifications as the buyer desire?" asked Reno.

"Yeah, as long as you have the money to pay up you can customize the house, they have a lot of members in their organization with quirks that make it easy to do".

"Well then since you already know them this will be your task, you need to go buy us a large house, the location needs to be secluded, I don't want to be bothered by the passerby when I step out of it, also tell them to make a large basement, like a room underground, and finally I want you to request an electric chair, the chair will be placed in the basement" said Reno.

Shiho didn't expect that, but now that she thinks about it they have a lot of money, and they can afford to buy a luxurious house instead of this shabby one.

"Aren't you afraid that I will run with the money" teased Shiho.

"run to where exactly?! to your pathetic friends that turned their backs on you and left you to fend for yourself when you needed them the most!" Reno's answer caused Shiho's expression to turn ugly, and she fell silent.

"I Reno Arasaki hate feeling fear, the most disgusting thing to me is living my life weak and in fear, I took a vow upon myself that I will always live strong and fearless, so you questioning me if am afraid is a funny joke in my eyes, now you should go and get some sleep, and remember to finish the task before the day of your debt's payment arrive" said Reno as he dismissed Shiho with a wave of his hand.

"The house isn't a problem, it will be done soon, but I won't go I want to sleep here with you"


"why?!" asked Shiho with frustration.

"because I want to heal in peace, you sleeping with me will only worsen my injuries, you are too clingy" said Reno firmly.

"mooo, why are you so dense, you need to relax a bit" Shiho pouted her cheeks and walked away unwillingly.

'Why is she acting so childish, she is 27 after all' though Reno, Shiho acting like a high school girl gave him a headache.

"Anyway, now I have achieved the second part of my plan, all that is left is to let the fish bite the hook" said Reno as he smirked and fell asleep.

In a dark room underground.

"So a bank was robbed tonight and a pro hero was killed, is that what you are saying to me?" said a man who was sitting on his chair, he wore a black tuxedo and had a mask covering his eyes.

"Yes master" said a figure standing opposite to him, he was indistinguishable in the darkness, it was like his body emerged from the darkroom, the only way distinguishable thing about him was his eyes.

"hmmm, interesting, did you know the identity of the villain or should I say our hero" said the man in tuxedo sarcastically.

"not yet master, no one of our guys knows him, when I asked about them they all said it's the first time they saw him"

"hmmm, notify all our men and the underground world to inform you of everything that happens these days, we can't let a big fish like that out of the hook" said the master while grinning.

"yes, master" replied the man before disappearing suddenly.

______After 15 days_______

Reno and Shiho were standing in front of a luxurious house.

The house location was at the edge of the city, closer to the forest and the emplacement was secluded and isolated from the noise of the city.

the house had a hall and 2 floors, all equipped with expensive accessories, all the necessities to live a luxurious life were there, beautiful tables and chairs, plates and spoons made of silver, elegant curtains and carpets, comfortable beds and sofas, the house looked like the houses of dukes and nobles in the middle ages.

The view of a beautiful large green garden will caress your eyes when you look outside.

Roses and flowers with multiple colors and a beautiful fountain in the middle where water poured, painting a beautiful rainbow.

"What do you think?" asked Shiho proudly as she put her hands on her waist, popped out her chest, and lift her head arrogantly.

"You look like a rooster with this pose" said Reno while chuckling.

"Damn you, why did you say something stupid at this moment, you ruined the moment" said Shiho annoyingly, and turned her head.

"Well, what can I say, you surprised me Shiho, this looks much more of a castle than a house, you did great, I'm proud of you"

Shiho's cheeks turned red and her heart started pounding fast, she felt incredible joy, she always loved being praised and admired by the others, but now she felt even more pleasure, because the praise come from Reno, and it was the first time he ever did that.

"Of course I'm great, who do you think I'm" said Shiho, her head went higher, and her breasts almost popped out of her bra, if she was like a rooster before, now she was like a peacock.

"By the way, did those idiots try something funny after you paid your debt?" asked Reno, Shiho has paid her debt a week ago.

"No, they were surprised to see me able to pay, because they knew I had nothing, but they didn't care, after all, all they care about was being paid, they didn't do anything because they are not a group of villains or something like that, they are an organization, they deal with multiple people, a lot of villains take loans from them, if they try to scam their clients, no one will deal with them again, don't think they are the only ones with a job like this, there are multiple organizations in the underworld who deals in the same business, so they can't risk their reputation to scam a mere sum of money from a poor woman"

"well that's good at least I won't have to waste my time exterminating them all, they made a good choice" said Reno casually.

Shiho was happy, she didn't feel this light in a long time, now she don't have to worry about food, shelter, money, work, she will live like a queen in this castle, and the fact that Reno said he was going to wipe out an entire organization for her made her wet her pants.

even before, when she used to be the center of attention, she didn't receive a treatment like that, she looked at Reno with hearts forming in her eyes.

"Oh I forgot, from now on you have been promoted from my whore to my maid, now you're my maid, you will do all the cooking and cleaning" said Reno suddenly.

The hearts vanished from Shiho's eyes and a look of irritation was replaced instead.

"God why do you always kill the happy moments" said Shiho pouting her cheeks.

"what are you talking about, I did you a great service, now that you are my maid you can call me Reno-sama to your heart content" said Reno teasingly.

"YOU..stop bullying me" screamed Shiho.

Reno chuckled and entered the house, now he is much better than before, it won't take too long before he recovers to his peak form.

In the darkroom underground.

"master I'm here to report to you"

"hmmm, what is it"

"it's about the villain who conducted the robbery"

"Ohh, did you find out who he is?"

"After you ordered me to keep watch on the huge deals going around the city I have contacted all our men in the different organizations and told them to report to me, yesterday the counterfeiting organization contacted me and they told me that a huge transaction took effect, not only that but a person from the loan sharks also reported to me about someone paying his debt, the two were made by the same person, when we tailed her we found that she lives with a...boy"

"hmmm, what do you mean by that"

"It seems that our man is only 12 years old"

The man in the tuxedo was startled at first, but then he started laughing maniacally.

"hahahaha, good, very good, this is a very pleasing surprised, who would've thought that the ruthless villain who did a massacre in the bank and killed Kamui Woods thus causing fear in the hearts of the citizens of Musutafu city is only a 12 years teenager, hahahaha, this is outstandingly amazing, tell me what's his name?"

"his name is Reno Arasaki, master"

"call our men in the police and have them check his quirk and everything about him, after that make sure they delete all his informations"

"Do we capture him, master?"

"no, just keep an eye on him and make sure to always know his location"

"As you wish master" said the man and disappeared again without warning.

"hahaha, finally I found someone who is so ruthless and mature at a young age, he will help contribute to the growth of my disciple" said the man in a tuxedo, he had a malicious smile on his face.

Kratos_Jr Kratos_Jr

If you enjoy the story don't forget to leave a comment, I really appreciate that.

The next chapter will be the end of Vol1.

Vol2 will be the start of canon.

Enjoy the read.

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