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Chapter 4: Desperation Brings Irrationality

"Definitely not."

"But I thought you were—"

Matsuura held up a hand. "Rorinsanda… okay, you know what, that sounds dumb. Can I just call you something else?"

"Just call me Kia, I don't care."

"Kia, so… what in the world made you think that I am in contact with someone to do a criminal act? Not only that, you ask so openly about it too."

"We're in an alleyway." True to their word, both were shrouded by shadows amongst two buildings. A passage just behind the convenience store where few pass by.

Kia continued. "Also, I'm pretty sure you were expecting me. No one openly admits and reveals that much information about their lives without a reason. Like what you did this morning."

Matsuura raised his hands. "You got me! If you ask me, you're like a golden goose. A foreigner with a mysterious background, that I just so happen to know, has a problem."

"Okay, now that you got a monologue out, can we be serious?" Kia crossed her arms. "You're right about me having issues. What can you do about it?"

"What's the magic word?"

"Please," Kia said with absolute resolution. "I've had enough of your shit this morning."

After staring at her expression for an uncomfortable amount of seconds, Matsuura answers. "You're no fun like this. Are you that desperate? It seems I underestimated you in that regard."

"Look, I owe someone money. I need to pay it off as quickly as possible. So I want to get a job but since I don't have any ID, I can't work here or anywhere legally."

Matsuura slowly nodded, taking in every detail. "Can't you just renew it? Get some odd jobs here and there, pay the fee, submit some documents you can get from government offices, and slowly pay it all back."


"...And why exactly do you disagree? It's unreasonable and doesn't make any sense. Not that I'd expect less from you." 

"I want to pay it all within the week. It's not like I care about being homeless but if I ever owe someone, I'd rather resolve it all quickly."

"Can't you just run away from it? It's not like you have an obligation."

"I can't do that... it's something personal."

"It's not that bad being in debt."

Kia denied it forcefully. "It is!"

"Is the lender someone bad? Loan sharks? Sneaky bank owners? A greedy relative?" Matsuura listed examples, marking each with his fingers.

"No, they're not. It's someone I somewhat know. The landlord even offered to let me stay in my apartment as long as I have a job."

"Then I don't get the problem. You only need a few weeks and you're free. It's not hard to wait—"

"NO!" Kia yelled. "Never! I'm not going to follow what my parents did!" Kia's eyes widened, realizing she'd revealed too much of herself. "...Ignore what I said. Say it to me straight, can you help me or can you not?"

Matsuura pursed his lips, observing the mannerisms of the girl in front of him. A steel-like stance, hardened eyes, and a serious look. Not something Matsuura came close to seeing the first time he met her. 

"I'm not gonna lie, I was going to let you in on it beforehand regardless of any excuse. But now you've got me curious." Matsuura acknowledged. "You've been very predictable thus far, a much better potential than the others."

"So, what can I do in return?"

"Is this about your principles? Not wanting to get a favor?"

Kia reluctantly confirmed his statement. "...Yeah. I don't believe in free help. Ask me for something in return."

"Then just help me with my video production."

Kia sagged her shoulders, feeling a massive weight removed. It would be a start but she's confident she could get out of this hellhole and live a life of peace after. "I can agree with that. But of all things to ask… videos? What help do you need?"

"Can you edit?"

"I don't think so."

"Do you have a computer to research facts and verify information?"

"No, I don't think I've owned a desktop for the last few years."

"I'm going to use your body then."

Kia deepened a scowl. "Knowing you, that just means it's something labor intensive."

Giving a hearty, and somewhat excessive punch in the shoulder, Matsuura laughs. "Hah! Close. I'll lend you my microphone and camera so you can do voice-overs."

"How much is it for me to rent your stuff?"

"What?" Matsuura questioned. "I'll just hand you the equipment."

Kia retorted, "No lending without something in return. Let me rent it after I get money."

Matsuura shrugged. "Suit yourself. I'm too busy with research, editing, and footage gathering to make voiceovers. I trust you can do something as simple as reading a script?"

"I can do that no problem."

Checking the time on his phone, Matsuura smiles. A rare sight to see. "Good. I'll see you after your employee training."

"Wait. What kind of work are we doing?"

"Not 'we', I have someone who needs an extra hand loading up crates from a warehouse they'll break into. It's on the far side of Musutafu, so there's little chance of being caught. They've done this a couple of times, so don't worry."

"That's it? No quirk requirement or anything?"

With a wave, Matsuura headed back inside back turned to Kia. "Nope. It's going to be quick and easy. It's like you don't need any effort."

Left alone, Kia mutters, "Yeah. No effort. I'm going to be a criminal in this world too. Even when I told myself I won't get involved with heroes or villains." she looks at the sky, giving it a sad look. "I wonder if G O D planned all this… using the fact that I'm in debt just after I woke up here. Then again after all this, I'll be doing voiceovers huh? Interesting."


Musutafu, Japan — as with other cities, they are home to popular heroes. Agencies scatter the place, filled with sidekicks and rookies that watch over the city day and night.

But not everyone can be everywhere. Areas where there remains a huge gap in police or hero response go by many names; high-crime areas, and no-go zones but the most popular term amongst villains called them Dark Districts. 

If red districts were named after the crimson lanterns that first coined the term, then the relative dimness in Dark Districts helped disguise crimes in a shroud of uncertainty.

And Kia would be going into one.

"Thank you, Tanaka. I'll get my ID after a few days, there were some complications after I realized that it had already expired. Sorry again."

The old man laughs, reminiscing the same experience. "Haha, no shame in admitting a small mistake. We all forget things once in a while, no one is perfect! Now, do you remember what you learned today?"

"Yep, it's not that different from the last time I worked in a convenience store."

"Well, I'm glad to know," Tanaka says. "With a smile and a good attitude, you'll be like Matsuura soon."

'The old man doesn't know Matsuura too well huh? I guess that rude bastard has some kind of standard to whom he acts as his true self.' Kia bowed. "I'll be here tomorrow, boss."

Walking outside, Kia joined up with Matsuura patiently waiting outside. "Took you long enough," he said while hefting the duffle bag he was carrying to his shoulders.

Kia learned to bear with Matsuura's personality and guessed that the bag was for later. "Where are we going to go?"

"Basement under a bookstore. Meeting spots usually rotate so it makes it less likely we'll be caught." Matsuura answered as he moved ahead.

Kia trailed behind, following Matsuura. People around them moved about, the night was still young but as time passed, cars decreased, trains stopped, and individuals would lock their doors and sleep.

For Kia, it wouldn't be scary. She'd been used to the higher crime rates in the US than in a place like Japan. Knowing where to safely sleep, stay in big groups, and move as often as possible let her stay relatively unscathed in her years of being homeless.

As a third financial crisis in the 21st century made America erupt into a social revolution, people became angry, and a lot were left penniless — roaming the streets with nothing but what they could carry. 

Japan, in this world meanwhile, despite getting a huge boost in crime rates due to the societal upheaval of the existence of quirks, was tame compared to Earth's version of America.

Kia arrived at her destination. By all outside appearance, the bookstore was bland and blended into the other stores around them. A simple beige wall framed an oak wooden double door with a sign 'closed' on a nail hammered at the front. A few street lamps illuminated the edges of the building, no windows existed and the bookstore's name was written in a simple carving attached atop the doorframe. 

"Hey." A tug on Kia's shirt catches her attention. "Don't tell them your real name. Also, wear these."

Kia gave out a dark red tracksuit, a pair of gloves, and a black tinted full gas mask. To which Kia reacts with a nonchalant nod. "Sure."

April was a bit chilly, Kia wore the tracksuit over her existing clothes while affixing both her gloves and mask securely.

"Kia, I should remind you not to show any sign of offense. No matter what, don't laugh."

Kia stares at Matsuura with uncertainty. "...Laugh?"

Matsuura knocked in a specific pattern, waiting for someone to respond. "Anyone there?"

"We're closed." A brutish voice answered back.

"Paris is warm this year, isn't it?" Matsuura said. A code, Kia assumes.

Moments later, a loud click was heard as the door was opened, leading into darkness. 

"Who's that?" 

It was… jaw-dropping. 

The pencil-stache man inside was at least 6 ft, for people in Japan, that's above average. Kia neglected to properly measure her height but from her point of few, it was overwhelming.

But the reason for Matsuura's warning presented itself in the form of the fairly muscular man in front wearing a kilt… while topless.

Kia held back a look of disgust. 'Dear lord… is everyone in this universe batshit insane? What the hell is he wearing?! That attire does not seem suited for robbing at all.'

"A new recruit. Temporary." Matsuura casually answers, seemingly used to the way his crime partner is dressed. 

"Good job finding help, Prophet." The man then points a finger at Kia. "What's your villain name?"

'Oh, I didn't think that far ahead.' Kia said the first thing she thought of. "Queen Crimson."

Yeah, you can guess how she got the name. Kia got reminded of villains and remembered her appearance — put two and two together and she rolled with a slightly unoriginal name.

"Queen Crimson, welcome to the team." The man spoke to Matsuura next. "I'll let the others know we got some help."

As they entered, Matsuura held back Kia, reminding her of a few points. "Remember, refer to me as Prophet. It's easier to get exposure like that."


Matsuura smirked. "I thought you'd know by now. I don't only watch criminals. Having a simple and memorable name makes it easier to gain notoriety in the underworld."

"Mhm…" The world of My Hero Academia functioned well with that logic, Kia was just not used to it.

"Not a bad villain name by the way. Now come on, we don't have all night."

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