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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Walk

- Wow, what a little kid I am here.

As I pulled out the photo, I stared at faces full of joy, even my face expressing sincere, childlike joy. After that my eyes turned to the background, it seemed to be a park, because we saw trees, fountain and picnic area.

- I needed to unwind, I still had 170 thousand yen left, which should be enough for a little stroll.

I walked leisurely through the streets of the metropolis, looking at the signs of various stores selling all sorts of things, from appliances to samovars. The latter even came as a bit of a surprise, since such vessels are more common in the CIS countries, such as Russia.

- There are only 5,000.

I stood in front of the display case and stared at the shiny golden samovar, the light reflected from it fell on my retinas, but I did not feel any discomfort.

- Hello, would you like to take a closer look?

The salesman who approached me was a short and thin old man with a gray beard reaching up to his chest. Though his appearance suggested his advanced age, his cheerfulness was palpable in his eyes.

- Why not.

I made my way inside the store, which was full of various junk from different countries and even continents. The assortment was truly huge: hyacinth ara feathers; some tiger claws; vases with, supposedly, Greek painting, but it's most likely a fake, because the paint looks too bright and fresh, though nobody cancelled the restoration.

- Do you travel a lot? So many curiosities you don't see in Japan.

The old man only smiled as he brought the samovar to the counter.

- Well, I don't have much money to travel now, but yes, when I was young and hot, I visited all the countries popular for that time. One day an incident happened.

I raised my hand, stopping it. Now I wanted to relax and enjoy my free life, not listen to the stories of an unknown older man.

- I'll take this samovar.

The quality of the item was acceptable, so I did not notice any problems with the purchase.

- Goodbye, come again!

Shouted the old man, as I was leaving the store with a vessel for boiling water.

- Yeah, see you later.

After leaving the store, I decided to leave the kettle at home at once, so I quickly ran home, put it on the table and returned to the current place, continuing to follow the sidewalk while several passersby stared after me with incomprehension.

A couple of streets later I saw a tent with fast food that I didn't really eat, hot dogs, just a couple of times for experimentation and that was it, mostly healthy and balanced meals. But one test made me lose my need for food, which caused a stir among scientists and doctors.

After paying off a skinny man, a hot hot dog with ketchup fell into my hands, the first thing I noticed was the appetizing smell.

Having a sweet and salty aroma, my desire to try it increased exponentially.

On my first bite, I felt a note of sweetness and sourness in the sauce, perfectly paired with the bun and sausage.

The hot dog itself had a nice texture that allowed me to enjoy every part of this dish. The bun was easy to chew, which produced a feeling of lightness in the mouth. The sausage, which had a juicy texture, allowed you to feel the roasted meat soaked in aromatic spices.

Overall, the smell and taste of the hot dog created a perfect balance between sweet, salty and sour, creating a mesmerizing and soothing sensation when eating it.

It's scary to even imagine what will happen when I try all kinds of fast food.

The mere thought of such a thing brought a small smile to my face, but quickly disappeared due to the annoying stalking that has been going on for 2 hours now.

I should get a scare.

I took a small pebble from the pavement and threw it with my thumb in the direction of the hundred-storey building, on the roof of which there was a pink-haired guy with black glasses who was watching me intently.

The pebble covered the distance of two kilometers in one second. Before the man even had time to react, a perfectly cut straight line appeared on the left side of his head. After realizing what had happened, he touched the area and left the roof without even a last look.

That's good, and if he had jerked, it would have pierced his head.

With peace of mind, I walked to the city park, which was only a couple of kilometers away, but instead of walking at super-speed, I continued at normal human speed.

Thus I reached the park almost by evening, constantly buying different things, of which the most curious were: a Homelander figurine - it's a patriot superhero, though I don't feel any awe, but the suit is cool - the combination of dark blue and white looked great; a couple of video games, as I noticed the presence of the console at home; and many caps, for some reason I was very attracted to them, so I bought more than ten pieces.

Walking through the blooming park while the powerful scent of the Sakura hit my nose, I looked out at the lake, where several ducks were swimming, and one of them even came up to me like a speedboat, as its speed was higher than normal for a species like this.

- Quack.

I heard the blue-eyed duck quack, and I was perplexed about the color of its eyes, while I ran off to get a loaf. While I was feeding the bird, sitting on a bench near the lake, a girl came up to me and took a seat next to me.

Smooth and shiny hair, dark shade, reached her shoulders. Well-groomed fair skin, dark dress, minimal makeup, just a fresh shade of foundation and red lipstick on her lips.From these signs slowly emerged the psycho-type of the girl.

As I continued to silently feed the duck, I began to feel the gaze of the bright red eyes standing out against my black lashes.

- You teleported now, didn't you?

As expected, confident and open.

- No, the usual superspeed.

A crooked smile appeared on the girl's face while the eyes counted in disbelief at my words.

- Are you serious?! You disappeared and already appeared with a loaf in hand.

A few passersby turned to us with a question, but continued onward.

- Well, yes, if I had just grabbed the bread and come back here, it would have taken less than a second.

She blinked several times.

- At that rate, you could pay nothing at all, just steal and run.

- I try to stick to social norms, but if I decided to break them, no one would stop me anyway.

- That's hubris, though it's a really cool quirk.

She said, staring at the album in her left hand.

- What's your quirk?

She opened the sketchbook and started flipping through it quickly, but her overreaction made me see all the drawings. Most of them were animals and birds, but there were a few stickmen(1).

- Oh man, where the hell is he... Oh, here it is.

The girl stopped at a blank page and got up from the bench, whereupon the blue-eyed duck followed us as if under hypnosis. When the bird reached the album, my face showed undisguised surprise as the damn duck climbed into the album and turned into a drawing.

- This is... Amazing, this is the first time I've encountered such an interesting and original ability. How does it work?

The girl smiled and put the sketchbook in her bag, turning fully toward me.

- Anything I draw is capable of materializing in the real world, whether it's an object or a living creature.

Curiosity swept over me, and for the first time in a long time I felt interested in something.

- What would happen if you drew a person?

- Well, it would be something like a robot, a shell without a soul that could do my bidding.

I raised my eyebrows, marveling at that kind of power.

- Impressive, you could draw a whole army like that.

I said, staring at her.

- I don't think the more objects that materialize, the more stress I put on my head, so I try not to use it very often.

Impressive ability and the same openness, a perfect combination for getting information.

- Are you just able to move fast?

- No, I'm also super strong, super strong, have super memory, can fly, hyper vision, ultra sense, telekinesis.

The girl smiled broadly and started laughing while I only shrugged, tossing the rest of the loaf to the ducks.

- Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Looking up at the sky, colored bright scarlet by the sun, which was getting more and more red, I was enjoying this moment.

- Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

The reflection of this riot of colors on the murky lake water was more than mesmerizing. In the distance, a vague golden glow could be discerned behind the trees and the grass-covered hill. Such beauty left a beautiful impression on my heart that took me back in time for a moment. The day the doctor and I went hiking, I had my first encounter with a wild beast, a grizzly, which had been killed by a single blow from me, and which was subsequently eaten by us.

While I was remembering and wondering how the fancy doctor had such good flesh-cutting and cooking skills, the sun had completely disappeared from view.

Stopping at the option of his versatility, I turned to the girl who was already standing beside me and held out her hand.

- My name is Hitomi.

Mentally waving my shoulders, I shook her palm.

- Alex.

- Nice to meet you, Alex.

And so began an acquaintance that influenced the whole world.


From the author:

Like and subscribe, because it's a great motivation to keep going.

A link to tg, where there are memes, the stage of the chapter in percentage, announcements, important (for who knows) information, well, sometimes there are polls. ( )

A meme from the tg channel.

Now I'm off to rest, good luck!

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