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Chapter 2: Vessel.


A boy with green hair, a freckled face and big green eyes was walking down the street to start his training with All Might.

'ohmygodohmygodohmygod I cant believe I'm going to start training with ALL MIGHT like THE ALL MIGHT THE NUMBER ONE HERO!' The boy just couldn't help but show his excitement and determination to prove that he can be a hero and save everyone, as he got to his destination all he saw was sand and a beautiful view of the ocean, and as he was looking around trying to find a place to set up he saw a HUGE pile of trash, and he started feeling bad about it 'How can people liter this much? do they really not care about the environment?'

as the boy was thinking about the trash he failed to notice the change in his body, as of now there was a giant throne made of skulls and a shrine behind it, and sitting on that throne was a teenage boy with snow white hair and bright red eyes with a flower like pattern but the petals are skinny and pitch black and there's a pitch black dot in the middle, if you look into his eyes it feels like he can see right through you..

As Kiraizu was waking up the first thing he noticed was the blood like water at the bottom of the skulls and as he looked around he realized this is where Sukuna was while he was inside Itadori.

'Well I know his spot looked badass but I didn't think it was this badass..' while he was busy monologuing he noticed he could see a beach with trash and he could see arms and legs stretching. but the thing that really caught his attention was the big buff man with yellow hair that sticks up at an angle in the front, it looks like 2 antennas, but the most noticeable was his big shiny ass smile that made you wanna punch him.

'Wait All Might? Why do I see All Migh- wait. don't fucking tell Izuku is my fucking vessel! This bastard probably wont let me take over his body unless I fucking force him too, and why the hell am I in his body when he doesn't even have OFA yet?!' while Kiraizu was bathing in despair, Izuku was currently talking to All Might about some very interesting things..

"All Might why are we at the beach? I thought we were gonna train?"

"Worry not Young Midoriya! We are here to train but your training will be a bit different then what you think it will be, you see that trash over there? Well Young Midoriya you're going to be cleaning the beach! Isn't that AWESOME!?" Exclaimed All Might while doing his signature smile while holding a thumbs up to a shaking Midoriya..

"Wait All Might how am i supposed to be cleaning the beach up.. I don't even have a quirk to help me and I'm not strong enough!" Izuku yelled he was about to run away when all of a sudden he felt a really intense set of pain coming from his forehead and cheek.


"YOUNG MIDORIYA! WHATS WRONG!?" All Might screamed while trying to figure out what to do to help, but then he noticed a black diamond shaped tattoo on Izuku's head but the weird thing was that it had black tattoo marks spreading from that point.

'What is this?! what's going on with young Midoriya??' While All Might was trying to figure out what was going on with his protegee, Midoriya has now come in contact with the one causing the problem...



"Yo, moron you might wanna get up from there dumbass.." Said Kiraizu while staring down at the frightened Izuku..

'w-who is this!? Where am I?? Why am I here?! A-and are those SKULLS!?' Thought the frightened Izuku, he felt like he couldn't move under the mans gaze unless he wanted to die, but the worst part is that staring into the mans eyes was even scarier for him.

"U-uhm h-hello where a-am I-I? A-and what's y-your name?" Asked Izuku

"Hmm, me huh.. well I am Kiraizu, but you can call my Kira for short, and you are in my domain, so shoo and get out." As he said that Kira forcefully ejected Izuku from his domain and continued to study his powers and learn how strong he is right now.

(Yeah I'm going to start calling the MC Kira, cause it's a lot easier to type Kira then it is Kiraizu.. Bite me)



"Young Midoriya! YOUNG MIDORIYA!" All Might was currently screaming at Izuku to get him to wake up and when Izuku finally woke up he saw something that was extremely disturbing for him.

'Why is Young Midoriya looking like that? What the hell happened??'

"Midoriya? What's wrong why do you seem like you've seen a ghost?" Asked All Might, but the answer he got only raised more questions.

"I-I'm back?! What was that? All Might did you see him?? DID YOU SEE THE SKULLS??" Screamed Izuku, he just couldn't believe what happened to him, he didn't know whether or not what he saw was real.. 'If what I saw was real, a-and that man was real then All Might needs to take him down, and really fast' Izuku was so focused on trying to figure out who and what happened that he didn't realize All Might stopped smiling..

"Young Midoriya, what happened tell me right now." All Might said in a very serious tone that Izuku has never heard before, and it honestly startled Izuku and he was surprised that All Might cares so much about him.. [Stop going over your head he doesn't care about you he just wants to know why your wasting his time.] A mysterious voice was heard in Izuku's head and he started to look around while screaming "W-WHERE ARE YOU!? WHO WAS THAT?" but an answer never came and now he was left with a worried All Might and confused civilians.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA! I say its time we go home. you obviously aren't feeling well, and we can always do this tomorrow." All Might suggested to Izuku, and to be honest Izuku was scared shitless.. so he agreed, and the following day nothing happened but Izuku was growing paranoid and started thinking he was crazy, but as the months went by he started to forget that weird and scary event and moved on.



"Holy shit its so boring.. this coward of a vessel still hasn't gotten OFA and I'm barely getting any power out of this little shits body, hurry up alreadyyyyyyy" Kira groaned and complained for a little while longer till eventually he decided to go to sleep, and a few hours later he was awoken by a weird feeling, a feeling of something going wrong.

'what's going on? why does it feel so weird in here all of a sudden?' while Kira was questioning himself Izuku was now standing and talking to All Might about inheriting his quirk..

'All Might is really about to give me One For All! And now I'll finally have a quirk so I can help people now.. This is like a dream come true!' Izuku thought while on the outside he was tearing up a bit, All Might noticed this but was a little hesitant on giving Izuku One For All..

'I really hope giving Young Midoriya One For All is a good choice.. I still remember that malicious feeling coming off him when he passed out that day 10 months ago.. It felt like death, and it was honestly scary...' All Might thought with a drip of cold sweat on his forehead..

"ALRIGHT YOUNG MIDORIYA! It's time I give you One For All, and need I remind you that once you inherit my quirk you must swear to protect the citizens and follow the rules!" All Might stated as he adopted a serious expression.

'Mannn all this bullshit about saving people.. why waste your time on people who cant even protect themselves, unless they have value, and I doubt regular citizens have value. Unless you like conflict and porn.' Kira said while lazing around watching the event play out like in canon through Izuku.

"Whelp since he's inherited One For All now, I can finally start training to get my own body." Kira said while growing excited, He was gonna mess shit up once he gets his body, and he couldn't wait.

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