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Chapter 6: Fast Progression

[1 Month Time Skip]








A small body slams onto a grassy field that's well trimmed followed by heavy breathing and a young voice of a child "phew that was tougher than I thought it would be." This is our MC and he's currently training his 5-year-old body, but it seems that he underestimated the difficulty of training at such a young age, and he's just finished doing a set of simple pushups.

He then stands up and walks under a large tree and rests his back on it. He then reaches over his right shoulder to grab his water bottle that's almost completely spent. The reason for this is because our MC has been training for more than 45 minutes under a scorching hot sun, and a young lad like him needs plenty of water in order to stay hydrated.

Ken then mutters to himself "Man this is all harder than I thought it would be, I've been training myself for a month now and I'm finally getting used to all this hardship but damn I feel depressed saying this, but I am completely and utterly weak. It's not even about this weak body of mine but my mindset that I have lived with for my entire life.

I spent 19 years of my life without doing much of anything, including hard labor. Not only are my muscles working out, but my will is getting a huge workout as well…. MAN, how depressing…" Ken then quickly stands up slightly refreshed from the wind blowing and laying under the shade of the tree for 5 minutes and quickly enters the open building doors.

He then walks into the orphanage living room and sees a sight that's been greeting him for some time now. Sitting on an old-style rocking chair Kimiko-Obaasan is surrounded by a bunch of toddlers and 5-year-olds. She is apparently reading an eBook from a tablet to the children about a young princess saving an almost extinct race of dragons from a villain that wanted to use the dragon as a pet… she's apparently doing this by talking to animals near her vicinity to collect information on the evil villain's hideout with her quirk which is called All Speak or some shit. I find it somewhat funny that in this day and age there is a story that is meant for children from the olden ages yet reversed and with the addition of quirks.

Ken thought {Hmm I'm not sure how to feel about this…this planets modern age sure is strange}. He then gets noticed by Kimiko-Obaasan as she's about to finish her story. She reads "and that's how the forest along with a young maiden with a powerful quirk helped save the mythical and beautiful blue dragon." The young children are smiling and cheering like they just finished watching a prize-winning movie or something.

One child named Chin states silently "Man I wish I had a cool quirk like that... all I have is this…" he then states loudly "although it's probably the coolest thing here HA!" He showing his nails grow to a length of 3 feet... yet the nails are no stronger than regular nails. This made me snicker a bit which caught the attention of Chin "Hey! Ken what are you laughing at! Those eyes of yours are even worse than my quirk! They are just a bit scary but otherwise they don't do anything!" of course this gets a few nods from the younger children.

I just reply with a "Hmm alright then," and walk away, I don't really bother with correcting him or anyone else since they are merely young brats, and I don't really care what they think. They believe this mainly due to the fact that I have never shown anything that my eyes can do to the children of the orphanage. Some of the older kids realized that my eyes give me 360-degree vision but that was due to an accident with a football.

Anyways the only ones that know the full extent of my abilities are Kimiko-Obaasan and Tsutomu-Jiisan. That is the reason that they are allowing me to train my body and sometimes go out alone to the convenience store across the street. This trust began that day.

[Flashback 2 weeks ago]

This past week I have been using my Zenchigan non-stop in order to accustom myself to not only 5 times my accustomed vision, but also to my 5-meter wide "safe zone" as I like to call it because I have not encountered anything that can get past my senses in the small area. (In order to avoid confusion when I say 360-degree vision it does not mean he can visually see the area, but he can feel it and therefore has constant visual input about the area).

{well to be honest I'm not sure how safe this zone can actually be…I mean I haven't tested it on anything more than falling water from the showerhead and throwing a handful of rocks in the air and seeing them fall in different areas through my senses. I'm not sure how it would stand up to seeing if a bullet or something of similar speeds where to pass through the area.}

Currently I'm walking down the sidewalk with Tsutomu-Jiisan to the convenience store near the orphanage. We are picking up some food stuffs for the orphanage. No one else wanted to come with us and that is the reason we are alone. The only reason I want to go to a convenience store is to test my Zenchigan and also to try to study people with different quirks with my 360-degree vision; quirks definitely interest me.

Not long ago I found out that if I concentrate, I can see thin outlines of people with it and to my great relief the outlines of people are colored to what most likely I believe defines them as a person. Mr. Tsutomu is outlines in brown and that is likely to mean that he's Trustworthy and rugged, which makes sense since he's a nearly retired old man that spends more time in the orphanage than anywhere else.

However, what bothers and intrigues me is that his quirk might actually have something to do with his behavior and I'm trying to study this phenomenon personally. I already know that most if not all quirks change people and their mindsets. You just have to look at Bakugo Katsuki to see that he's explosive as hell and one angry kid in order to see that his quirk did a large number on him.

Anyways the reason that I'm so interested in this is for three very important reasons. Firstly, and the most important reason is for finding out if I'm gonna go psycho and murder happy when I grow up. I have already experienced sadistic tendencies in me that are growing by the day, not by much mind you but enough growth that it alarms me. I am honestly fine with being a bit sadistic but murder happy and ignorant is a heavy NO for me. That is why I'm seeing to what extents most quirks influence their host.

The second and third reasons are more practical in nature and that is to see if once I grow my safe-zone, I can have something similar to x-ray vision or something, in order to view targets through buildings and such by visualizing their outlines.

Finally, my third reason is seeing if what I'm picking out from the outline of the person truly corresponds to the persons character. This one is not really that important since I'm no psychiatrist or anything and I don't plan to ever be one; but if I'm ever in a pinch and need to find help from someone I can see if the person is truly not a horrible person or is merely a piece of human filth hiding behind sheep's clothing. Oh, and how can I forget, this helps me find suitable targets for future assassination.

Now you may be wondering, Ken-kun what the hell are you talking about assassination! Weren't you going down the hero route and not the villain route? And the answer to the question is a resounding yes! but I never said I will not kill or have my own moral compass. I plan on becoming a part-time vigilante once I grow older for maybe a few months in order to gain experience and toughen me up for this cruel cruel world I've been reincarnated in.

So, you may be wondering…If you want to become a vigilante where did the assassination come from? And I reply: MONEY! Yes, that's right I plan on having a secret identity for the future that can infiltrate the dark market and all the underground places that are usually hidden in the shadows of society, which grow larger and larger from figures such as All Might shining brighter and brighter. Yes, the people of suburbia have now completely put their trust in a single person in order to save the day from everything.

Sadly, this is as far from the truth that one can get, there is still tons of crime happening everyday whether that's in low-income neighborhoods or in underground locations it's still as rampant as ever, and this is all due to the fact that HEROES SHINE BRIGHTEST IN THE LIGHT! or more accurately on the bright flashes of cameras.

Now don't get me wrong I believe that most of these Heroes are not scum or crappy people, but the truth is that they were born and raised in a society which preaches these values over and over until almost everyone is brainwashed into believing and wanting the same thing, recognition. After all there is a reason why powerful underground heroes like Eraser Head are not even recognized while in costume.

Well to finish my Monologuing it all comes down to this, I want to get rid of some trash, whether that be someone important in a high location or someone easily findable, I want access to them. That is why during my period as a vigilante I will create the identity of the Assassin: you guessed it BULLSEYE…yeah, I know I don't have a great imagination. Anyways it's not like I'm going to be seen by anyone important for my future as a hero and I will definitely not wear the mask a whole lot, only when I feel like going hunting and getting paid for it.

Now going back to everything before that spiel, I was in a foods isle concentrating on my 'safe-zone' in order to try to visualize and recognize the colors and the locations of people around me. It's easier said than done. There are currently three people in my zone and it's truly very hard to multitask, thankfully this is a low stress environment and nothing out of the ordinary is about to happe *BANG* a loud gunshot was heard.

This was followed by a loud voice that resonated in the store "Everyone in this store lay down on the ground right now! And don't even think about using any phones to call for heroes!" Everyone follows the orders reluctantly including me, but I do it a bit faster than the rest, I literally throw my body onto the floor and a *flop* and a *groan* is heard from me… okay the truth of the situation is that I plan to become a badass Hero/Vigilante/Assassin that can kick anyone's butt in the future, but guess what, I am not only a 19 year old weak civilian stuck in a weaker civilians 5 year old body! I get scared just like anyone and that gunshot that I just heard was not normal, it must be a powerful quirk.

Yet once I'm on the ground I suddenly begin to think of how pathetic I am and how even a lowly mugger with a mediocre quirk can scare me so much, I suddenly feel like making that guy with that loud voice scream in pain and agony! Just as I was about to stand up, I heard 4 sets of heavy footsteps coming in our direction and then seperating to their own direction. I'm assuming that these bugs are going to steal everything from everyone in the store along with whatever goodies they can find in the store.

Once again, I am suddenly jolted from my reverie by a kick to my side, GODDAMIT I NEED TO STOP DOING THAT! Anyways, I heard a feminine voice "hand over anything you have brat, and you can keep alive." Well shit it's a female bug I thought. I looked up with maddened and rage filled eyes and what I see is the end of the barrel of a gun.

I breathe in and out in order to calm myself in order to not lose myself to this annoying madness that's surfaced from this event. Seconds pass like this and finally after counting down from 15 and calming my mind I can think clearly again, and just as I was about to hand over everything, I had on my person… which wasn't much just 5 bucks I got from Tsutomu-Jiisan so I can buy myself something as a treat, the bitch kicked me in my face again, hard.

Apparently, the woman was thinking that I was too afraid to do anything, and she finally lost patience with me, so she kicked me. The thing is that once I was flying through the air, I lost my mind for a split second and instinct took over so I grabbed onto the end of the bill and flicked the 5-dollar bill with everything I had at the girls' eye, and you can guess what happened next. The woman was clutching her head as her left eye was made into mush. Which resulted in the girl screaming loudly and frantically.

This caught the attention of the other three men, they quickly appeared and asked her what happened, and after some time she quickly told them I did it, they were raging and as the big loud mouth robber shot at me with his gun-arm which had large barrels protruding from under and above his arm when suddenly a large imposing figure appeared in the trajectory of the large bullet, which was about to hit me as I hadn't moved.

This figure was obviously All Might as he proclaimed loudly "IT IS FINE NOW, WHY? BECAUSE I AM HERE!" This caused everyone in the store to freeze for a few seconds in shock, but only for a few, all of the villains started shooting at All Might with their quirks and guns, yet he didn't even seem fazed. Another second later and every single one of them was knocked unconscious and tied by bent metal gathered around the store.

[End of Flashback]

Anyways once everyone was safe and the police were gathering all the necessary details I explained my side of the story, you know the story of "Yeah that mean lady was pointing some metal stick at me and asked for my 5 bucks! But I refused so she kicked me, and I somehow threw my money by accident, and it hit her eye! Then she started screaming and crying like a baby and then they were pointing there sticks at me again when BOOM! ALL MIGHT SHOWS UP, man I can't believe I got to see ALL MIGHT in real life! MAN! Wish he stayed to sign an autograph for me! Anyways that was what happened officer."

Overall, that's how I was let go without any further trouble and my caretakers were impressed by my fast reflexes, so they gave me some leeway. Man am I glad that I took some acting classes when I was in High school.

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