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Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Reckless Saving

Stones? Throw dem' stones, boi!



Stress, pure unadulterated amounts of stress, was being hammered into every student within the school. School shootings, in general, became a thing of the past. What replaced it was quirked usage instead.

However, since most villains who relied on their quirks have no proper training, said victims were on the low side. But whenever shootings happened, they reached all-time numbers.


Simple. Heroic influences breed stupid thoughts into youthful minds. It gives the idea that they can become Heroes with their shoddy immature quirks in a dangerous situation.

And what is Leo doing now? Something stupid, yes, but he needs and wants to. He fears for Siren's safety, and right now, he's feeling confident... confidently scared.

Trudging through the halls in a heavy breath, he kept his quirk active in the portion of the head in hopes that this danger-sensing thingy won't go away!

Using his quirk on his legs was a no-go; he made too much noise upon impact.

Only making quick bursts whenever gunfire sounded, as horrific as that sounds. And as Leo neared the lockers aisles, unmistakable firing sounds sounded off, an automatic rifle from the sounds of it.

But this time, horrific screams ensued. Images of the shooter barging into a classroom full of defenseless kids racked Leo's mind. As the cries grew, some classes couldn't handle it and made a run for it.

Seeing this, his urgency to reach Siren's locker grew. Forgoing stealth, he bolted, empowered by his quirk, and arrived at the lockers.

But what he saw next made him want to hurl his recess; a man lay in a puddle of his own blood. "O-Oh God!" he voiced, and because of it, Siren spoke too!

"L-Leo! Is that you!? Why weren't y-you responding to the call?"

"Yes, it's me! Sorry..." was all he could say, and he saw Siren's locker nudge open slowly. But before it could, he ordered her to close her eyes.

"CLOSE. Your eyes Siren, okay!?" he ordered and immediately rushed to the locker, stepping past the body.

Seeing her quivering form but closed eyes, he led her out quickly, "D-Did you see Mr. Anderson? H-He was with me and the one who brought me here when the firing happened." Her explanation brought light to the body's facedown identity.

Glancing at her face, he noticed her eyes were still closed. He lied. "I didn't see anything!" came his quickened response, "Now, let's get out of here."

Maybe it was with everything happening that she couldn't get a good whiff of the irony pool near her. Lucky on her part, but Leo experienced the full brunt of it, leaving a gory imprint within his mind.

Because the lockers were near the entrance, they safely got out of the school with other children scrying for the door. Reaching a safe distance away, more gunfire ensued.

Leo witnessed everything, quirks used to escape, children and staff getting out however they could, with a few brave adults re-entering to ensure the children's safety.

In all the chaos, sirens in the sound of hope came. When the police arrived, local Heroes of Cumberland County arrived with them. With them on the scene, they immediately ordered everyone to go even further back.

Without wasting further time, a police barricade of squad cars surrounded the school's exits, with Heroes roaming the vicinity if there were any stray children or staff, and maybe even the perpetrator of this incident.

Off to the side, the police were cooperating with Heroes, and since Heroes were the only ones with legal authority to use quirks, hence the popularity of mutant-type quirks within the Police Force.



I extensively listened to all the suggestions thrown around, but this was infuriating. While we discussed it, other classes trapped inside are still awaiting our rescue.

Having had enough, I banged my red fists onto the table, getting their angered attention. "This is taking too long!" I bellowed. "We need to get in there pronto. All this planning is taking too long. To make things easy, I will lead the way."

My heavy tone seems to have ingrained into their damned minds how long they took. "My quirk lets me transform myself or parts of my body into that of a crab. And my shell can withstand any round as long it does not exceed 50 caliber rounds."

I let it settle for them to take in the information, "While I lead, to ensure the shooters' attention is on me, other Heroes surround the perimeter while I enter with the officers that are geared and ready to go. Clear?"

Everyone gave their version of approval from what I could hear; this was enough. Any longer, more lives could be at stake.

As we moved out, I gave a silent prayer for this rescue.

Entering the school, I went ahead and checked each room while the officer's meters behind me formed a stack formation. Of course, with my quirk already activated.

As we continued, we encountered classes of hiding children; some even barricaded themselves inside with numerous tables and chairs stacked behind the doors.

However, there is still no sign of the shooter, but at least no recent shots were fired.

Room after room, we cleared and announced our presence loudly to inform any students or staff hiding; thankfully, some appeared but not before we ordered the adults to put their hands up.

However, in one classroom, as horrific as it may be, it was entirely shot up with children's bodies bleeding. In that instance, we all knew we had to find the shooter immediately.

Paramedics won't be able to enter when the building is secured.


[King Crab! Do you read?]

The radio on my shoulder buzzed with activity. Pressing the button immediately, [This is King, I hear you. Any news of the shooter? Over.]

[I was just about to inform you. The shooter is on the third floor as we speak. The villain is wearing a beige trench coat, subject also has short messy black hair. Over]

Hearing this, I instantly remembered one of the Heroes to be a flyer, a good thing. [Tell the Heroes and Officers that I will immediately try to restrain the villain. Any possible hostages? Over.]

There were mumbles on the radio, but while I communicated, the officers on the scene were providing emergency care to the children. [Villain seems to be checking in the rooms of the classes for possible hostages. Hurry now! Over and Out!]

Not wasting another second, I informed two officers to tail me. Running to the halls and up the stairs, as I reached a corner, immediate fire instantly peppered me.




His bullets ricocheted off my shells, but their impacts were still felt under my shell. 'Fuck, this hurts!'

"FUCKIN' HERO! YOU AND YOURH QUIRKED CHILDREN CAN GO TO HELL!" The villain shouted at the top of his lungs. [Shots are fired! What is the situation!? Over.] Frantic questioning came over the radio, but I had no time to answer.

The perpetrator in question was also moving back, not making it easier for me. "I ORDER YOU TO STOP! DROP THE GUN AND SURRENDER!"


My shout traveled through the halls, but it was drowned under gunfire. But that miraculous click sounded, 'Out of ammo!'

Taking this chance to advance recklessly, I took the chance and shoulder-charged the villain. However, he suddenly pulled out a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun during my charge and shot with it.


To which... I internally laughed. 'Shotguns are only useful when a person has no form of ballistic armory. But once they do, then it's almost useless. Shotguns fire burst pellets, not penetrative shells.'

My shoulder connected with the villain during my thoughts, hearing some cracked bones while at it. And seeing he tried defending himself with his arms, it didn't take a doctor to tell what snapped.

Seeing the villain groveling in pain, I immediately took his noodle arms and cuffed the bugger. "You will be in prison for the entirety of ya life. Have fun."


I socked him in the stomach with my shelled fists during his tirade. My beady black eyes, though without eyebrows, frowned at his entire being.

Not feeling content, I grabbed his double-barrelled and fired at his kneecaps.



It resulted in an agonizing cry from the scum. [This is King Crab. I have the perpetrator restrained. He needs medical attention after our scuffle for the gun. Over]

His knee was practically hanging on the sinews of tendons. Any more force onto it would separate it. Not wanting him to bleed out on me, I searched his belongings; seeing a belt, I used it as a tourniquet.

"You... deserve this," my voice was low, and the radio turned off. Children are innocent no matter the era, yet this coward targets a school. A local Mainer at that, considering I heard his accent.

Closing my eyes, I saw the flashes of dead children just a floor below, some surviving but with permanent injuries for sure. Looking at him again, I swiftly knocked him out with a punch to the jaw. No mercy for villains that target children.

[This is King Crab. Anyone read? Over]

[Sherrif Guils here. Over]

Hearing that someone had responded, I immediately informed them to send in the paramedics and to hurry since multiple casualties were involved.

"Can't call yourself a Hero without fighting through the dirt," I said to no one but myself.


Outside, Leo and Siren were being strangled in tight hugs by their respective mothers, and even Siren's busy father came.

Leo was receiving much praise and thanks from the couple after hearing Siren's story of how he saved her. Meanwhile, the recipient of all this could only stare blankly.

Seeing a dead body of a teacher he knew, Mr. Anderson, lying in a pool of blood was... yeah. He couldn't word it. Everything was so peaceful, then thundering shots were heard. The next thing he knew, he was thrown into a pit of uncertainty.

His homeroom teacher pulled him out of his thoughts, hugged him, and checked him for injuries. "W-Where were you!?" Her grip on Leo's shoulders were strong and shaking. "I was head counting and noticed you were missing! W-WHY did you go outside!?" her voice losing it kindness and slowly deteriorating.

Stepping in, Lucy separated the teacher from her boy. "Please... just go. My son needs time for himself, and you need to calm down," she warned with a tone ready to fight. "But, I thank you for caring. Right now, however. You are in no condition to talk to children, so, please. Just. Go."

Shaking her head as a nod, the teacher removed herself, but before going away from earshot, she heard Leo's sorry. She didn't mean to guilt the boy. Her worried self took over and blasted question after question at Leo.

'If Miss Amera tried following me when I left... and was caught by the villain... would she be like Mr. Anderson? Dead... and not coming back like dad?'

Lucy, seeing his state peppered him with kisses. "What you did was reckless," her eyes boring into him, "but you saved Siren and brought yourself to safety."

Continuing after a bit, "You STOOD up for yourself. Recklessly. But you still STOOD up. Don't think of what could have happened. You're a child. Leave the 'could haves' to the grown-ups. It's not your time yet. Okay?"

Her pep talk managed to bring him out of his grown-up thoughts. He said nothing but hugged his mom and Siren, who was bawling her eyes out.

Deep inside, his anger for villains. Leveled up. And, even he doesn't know if playing the piano later could calm his heart. He'll just have to see.







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