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Min Yoongi's Guide to Holding Hands Min Yoongi's Guide to Holding Hands original

Min Yoongi's Guide to Holding Hands

Author: riseofjiguk

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Boy in Love

There was a trick to hand holding. In order for it to work, it has to be a mutual, but silent agreement. Both parties have to want, to need to hold a hand and they have to be comfortable with it. Min Yoongi always considered this in all of his relationships, be it friendships or romantic. He just knew how to hold a hand and when to hold a hand.  But what a waste of knowledge when the one person you want to hold hands with doesn't even realize you exist.

Yoongi had known this feeling for far too long. And there was only so much time you had to hold your best friend's hand. Especially since his best friend, Jimin, had the hots for some freshman that he liked admiring from afar. If anyone had told Yoongi he would spend his college life not holding hands, he wouldn't have went. He would have done something that would get his hands held. 

And that's why he was moping alone in the school library, a science book he knew he wasn't going to read in his hands. Anything to pretend like he wasn't staring at the fiery red head beauty who sat a few tables away with three friends. They were loud when this was a library except for Yoongi's red head crush, Kim Taehyung. He was leaned back in his chair, quietly observing them and Yoongi was leaned back in his, observing him observe them. It was weird, he knew. But he has been weird all 23 years of his life. 

Yoongi sat there in silence, looking at Taehyung, Taehyung's friends' laughter drifting through the rest of the quiet library. Who even came to a library to make all this noise. That was beyond Yoongi.

"What are we looking at?" A voice startles Yoongi from his staring session and Yoongi catches Taehyung glancing over at the sudden voice as well. He just wanted the world to swallow him up right now and it was all Park Jimin's fault. Yoongi made eye contact with Taehyung for a split second before he panicked and turned to his peach haired friend who was wearing the biggest grin on his face, one of his many backpacks slung over one shoulder. Today, Jimin was decked out in pink and he had a pink bag with kitty ears to match. "Glad you finally landed. How was your trip to the moon?"

Yoongi scowls as Jimin steals the seat across from him, blocking his view of Taehyung's table. He wants to scream. Jimin, he knew, was doing this on purpose. There was no way someone could be this annoying accidentally.

"Ugh, what do you want?" Yoongi groans, tilting his head a bit, Taehyung popping back into view. But Jimin decided he wasn't comfortable the way he was sitting and shifted in his seat, once again blocking him. He was definitely doing this on purpose. "How did you even find me?"

"I overheard Namu saying he was going to the library with Taehyung and Jungkook." Jimin smirks. Namu, or Namjoon, was a friend of everyone on campus. He made his presence known and made sure everyone knew he could talk to him. Such a sweet soul. Someday, Yoongi plans on holding his hand. But, right now all he wants is Taehyung's marriage. "Wherever Taehyung is, you are. And wherever Jungkook is I'll be." 

Yoongi thinks right then and there was the first time he has ever rolled his eyes so hard. Of course.

"Anyways, why do you have a science book but no science related classes. Is our musician switching majors or did you just need an excuse to stare dreamingly at your strawberry?" Yoongi physically cringes when Jimin calls Taehyung a strawberry. The things Jimin did just to see his reaction really made Yoongi want to hurt him, but he loved him too much.

"Jimin did you have a reason for coming over here other than your need to make me want to punch you in the face?" Yoongi answers a question with a question. Jimin only let's out his pretty laugh, the library suddenly stilling as it fills the room. "Seriously, why are you so annoying?"

"Aww you love it." Jimin simply teased before pulling out a notebook from his bag. From then on, there's a comfortable silence between them. With Jimin finally out of the way as he hunches over his work, concentrated, Yoongi can now admire Taehyung in peace. For a moment, he wonders if it's creepy. But, then he thought he wasn't doing any harm in admiring art. He just wishes one day he would get to touch. 


You could only be so smart. There are things that you might not know and sometimes that's okay. But for Kim Taehyung that was not okay. The one thing he isnt good at and will never be good at is history. History was too much memory and too much people who have died that supposedly did the things the books said. Enough said, history just bored him. And music history was definitely no exception.

But, even as a photography major, there was no way to get out of history. And music history to be exact. because that was what he was struggling with right now, and it could cost him his grade. And his best friend and roommate, Jeon Jungkook, knew this. So ..why was he blasting music in their dining room/kitchen at ass o clock at night while Taehyung was trying to study for the exam he had in 10 hours? And it wasn't just a casual listening experience. Ooooh no. Nothing could ever be casual with his 19 year old roommate. He was scream singing along with it, belting out notes that were so out of his range it was driving Taehyung insane.

After several minutes of contemplating how to kill his friend and get away with it, Taehyung shot up out of his chair and opened the door to his tiny room. He only needed to take a few steps to end up in the next room and there was jungkook, singing his lungs out as he poured himself a bowl of cereal, Taehyung's cereal, swaying his hips, shaking his ass (nonexistent ass is what Taehyung was thinking) without a care in the goolddamn world. Because Jungkook didnt study and didn't give a shit about it. Unlike Taehyung, he wasn't here on a scholarship. He was here on daddy's money.

"JUNGKOOK!!!" Taehyung shrieks, causing Jungkook to jump, startled. He rushed to turn the music off, concern on his face as turned back to Taehyung. "Turn that shit off. Unlike you, I study and that shit is making me lose braincells as I work."

Usually, Taehyung was cool with Jungkook blasting his tunes. He would just plug his own headphones in and all problems would be solved. But this wasn't usual. He really needed to pass this test. Jungkook rolls his eyes, putting a spoonful of milk and cereal in his mouth, some of the milk not entering his hole and dribbling down bottom his lip to his chin. Taehyung wanted to punch him so hard. But it was really just his frustrations speaking.

"Dude, it's almost midnight." Jungkook speaks with his mouth full. "Who the hell studies this late??"

"Who blasts music and sings this loud in such a small space at midnight???!!" Taehyung wants to rip his hair out. He doesn't let jungkook answer before turning on his heel heading for his room. "Turn it off."

He closes his door behind him and throws himself to his bed instead of sitting back at the desk. It creaks a bit with the weight. Taehyung is sure he has never been this stressed in his life. Who knew something like music history would even be important for him? Stupid electives.

He buries his face into his arms and close his eyes with promises to himself. He was only going to take a short nap and then he would be up and ready to study. He knows this isn't true as he drifts off, but it's better for him to have some kind of faith in himself right now.


Taehyung's eyebrows were knitted together in a frown as he looked over the book. Music History was really kicking his butt and he didnt understand why this was so difficult to understand. It was mainly just memory, which taehyung was fairly good with. And he enjoyed music and history as separate subjects so putting them together should have been a blast. Except it wasn't. And taehyung was sure they had a pop quiz in a few days and he was anything but prepared. And as he was thinking of just dropping the course altogether, failing and repeating it later, a figure slid into the seat that was in front of him.

Taehyung was at the school's cafe which was fairly empty and mostly quieter than going to the library with his friends. He had been fairly certain that most students didnt even know of the cafe. But the peach haired student before him, decked out in a strange purple clothing ensemble with a purple bag, seemed to know about his little secret place. And he had seemed to come just for him.

"Um..." Taehyung scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. He wasnt good with talking to people outside of his friend circle. "Can I help you?"

"No, but I can help you." The boy responds with a cheeky smile. He slid a slip of paper over to him and continued on before Taehyung could pick up the paper. "I heard from a little birdie that you need help with music history. Text that number on the paper and you'll have the solution to your problem."

Taehyung looked down at the paper. Yoongi, it read, followed by a series of numbers. The boy who sat in front of him stood up, a smile on his face as he looked down at Taehyung.

"Shoot him a text. I can guarantee you won't regret it." And with that he was gone, a little hop in his step as he walked off. Taehyung glanced at the paper and then back in the direction he had left in. Leaving Taehyung with an option that could just save his life in college.

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