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28.57% Minori Castle

Chapter 2: A long journey

With the sound of the cell phone alarm clock spreading through my room, I wake up and see the sun rays through the window. After covering my eyes with the blanket, I took my mobile phone from under my pillow and turned off the alarm. With great difficulty, I took a sigh and got out of bed. As I put on my bunny slippers I ended up yawning and stretching, but I still almost crawled to my bathroom. I get a fright when I look in the mirror and see my hair all creepy and messy. A few dark circles were under my eyes, which proves that I really didn't sleep well that night. After all, I always sleep badly when I have to go back to Minori Castle.

I finish my basic hygiene and put on new clothes until I hear a horn outside the house. As I approach the window I see that my van has arrived. I run to my suitcase and put everything away quickly, from materials to clothes. I pick up my suitcase and leave the room, but as I close the door I see a beautiful envelope stuck to it. I put the suitcases on the floor and picked it up, took the seal off and opened it. In the background there were a pair of heart shaped earrings and a letter. I picked it up and unfolded it carefully, so I could read it.

"Good morning my beautiful princess, I hope you enjoyed the earrings. Sorry I can't be there to say goodbye, but you know I've had a lot of work and little time for you lately, but know that I'll miss you and I love you!"

"with love, Daddy"

"That's beautiful. I love you too, Dad..." I whisper a little sad that I can't see my father before my departure.

I keep the letter and earrings back in the envelope and put it in my backpack.

I take the bags and run down the hall and down the stairs. I see my mother standing by the door open, she's waiting for me. I go up to her and smile.

- You look beautiful, daughter. - She talks and smiles back.

- Thanks, Mom. - I'll answer and walk her to our gate.

When he gets there, John gets out of his van and greets me.

- Another year, Miss Diana - he says smiling.

- Yes. - I answer with laughter and give him my bags to keep inside the van.

- Are you sure you got it all? - My mother asked me to look closely.

- I did, Mom - I answered him with a tight hug - I'll miss him.

- I'm going too, honey. - She answered with a muffled voice corresponding to her hug. - But don't forget to send the letters, see? We need to know if everything is okay with you.

- You got it, I won't forget it. - I smiled and wiped a tear from his face with my hand.

- It's really a shame your father isn't here to say goodbye... - she said with a sad look.

- Well... I don't blame him. - I talk with a forced smile.

- Work is work, right? But he said goodbye to me, well, in his own way.

- Yes, he works too hard - she answered while stroking my hair.

- But he's still the father who loves you.

- Miss Diana - John interrupted - It's time to go.

- All right, I'm coming! - I said let go of my mother's arms and look at her again.

- I love you, Mom.

- I love you too, child. Have a good trip! - She smiled and waved at me.

I smiled and turned into John's white van. I take a deep breath and enter, automatically heading to the last seat, after which John starts driving.

John is the driver in charge of picking me up and fifteen other students and taking us to the castle. He is not one to talk much, but always greets us when he meets us again. He's a nice guy and polite to everyone.

From now on it will be a long seven-day journey, as John has to pick up the other students and then, only then, go to Castle Minori. And the journey could last even longer if John did not use the hidden portals along the way. That's his gift, he's a Gatewalker, someone who can see and overcome through the portals. Let's just say the ideal gift for a driver.

As there's nothing better than traveling seeing the scenery and listening to good music, I took my cell phone and headphones out of a backpack and put All Of Me, by John Legend with Lindsey Stirling. That was the perfect weather for the perfect trip.

As John went from gate to gate, time began to pass quickly. There were already a few students in the van when I stopped to look and it started getting dark. Now it was time to find a place to rest. As usual, we were taken to a dormitory that belonged to Castle Minori, created especially for situations like this.

When we got there, me and the other students picked up our luggage and headed to the dormitory. I took an unoccupied room, stored my luggage there and went to the cafeteria, where we all went to dinner.

After dinner I went back to my room and played on my cell phone. When the battery was running out, I plugged it into the socket and decided to go to sleep.

The day has dawned a little cold, now another day of travel has begun. We had breakfast, packed our bags and returned to the van.

Counting on me were already five students, three boys talking to each other and a girl reading while listening to music with her headphones.

"Well, I can't read without music either..." I thought.

We stopped in front of a house with green and high walls and a girl appeared at the gate, carrying her bags with considerable difficulty. Seeing the scene, John rushed out of the van and helped the poor girl. Then she thanked him and got into the van. Another sailor joined the crew!

She sat next to the girl reading the book, looking like they were two friends, since they started a rather lively conversation.

After that the van continued its journey until it reached the next town, but this time the house where we stopped did not have walls, but an enclosure covered with white Alissos. From there, a boy left, who was also helped by John. He got into the van and went out greeting something in front. A somewhat animated boy...

Seeing that it was getting late, we went to another dorm and did the same procedures as last night. The next day, the third day of the trip begins. Now we are seven students in a noisy van.

The next town was approaching, and this time several students live there. Including my best friend, Aisha Willow, who luckily was next to board.

When we finally got to her house, I got up from the bank and made sure to go with John to her.

- Aisha! - I yelled at her and ran towards her, giving her a strong hug. - What a longing!

- Diana! I missed you too! - she said giving me a bear hug... Literally.

- Have a good trip, girls! - Aisha's mother said holding her apron tight.

- Diana, still as beautiful as ever!

- Thank you, Mrs. Willow - I answered with a smile.

- Ladies, it's time to go - John interrupted again smiling with arms crossed.

We said goodbye to Mrs. Willow and went to the van. As we entered, everyone greeted Aisha for being very popular in the castle. The cause of that? Her power. And I can't lie, he's incredible!

We sat down next to each other and started talking about what each one had done on vacation. The conversation lasted for hours, until it got dark again and we had to go back to a dormitory. Now we were fourteen in the van and only two more to finally go to Castle Minori.

Yatsuji Yatsuji

I will post chapters en masse at the beginning

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