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Chapter 7: First day

The morning sun streamed through Mirai's bedroom window as she hurried to get ready for her first day at UA. She double-checked her bag, making sure she had all her supplies, before taking one last look in the mirror. Her silver hair was neatly brushed, and her new uniform fit perfectly.

With a deep breath, Mirai headed for the door, ready to face the day. But just as she was about to step outside, she felt a gentle tug on her arm. Turning, she found her parents standing behind her, their eyes brimming with tears of pride and worry.

"Oh, my sweet girl," Roger sniffled, his voice thick with emotion. "You look so beautiful."

Cecila reached out to straighten Mirai's collar, her fingers lingering on the fabric as if trying to hold onto the moment. "You better be careful around those boys, okay? Who knows what kind of students that school has accepted…"

Roger placed a firm hand on Mirai's shoulder, "Remember, if anyone gives you trouble, you just let us know. We'll be there in a heartbeat."

Mirai smiled, "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Don't worry, I'll be home after school. Okay? Bye-bye!" She waved them off. 

As she walked away from her house, she couldn't help but her heart beating faster, she couldn't help it. It was fricking UA for crying out loud.

Lost in thought, Mirai almost didn't notice the familiar figure walking ahead of her. But as she drew closer, she recognized the green hair and yellow backpack.

"Izuku!" she waved out to him.

Midoriya turned, his face lighting up when he saw his friend running towards him. "Mirai! Good morning!"

"Morning," Mirai replied, falling into step beside him. "Ah, I still can't believe we're actually going to UA. Thank god for those rescue points, huh?"

"Mhm!" Midoriya nodded, looking down at himself, "If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be able to go. But this time, I have to do my best and not rely on other unknown factors."

"Aw, come on, man." She sighed, "As always you're so determined, but," She noted, "I don't think relying on unknown factors is a bad thing. After all, using anything and everything possible to win, is a part of the hero stuff, eh?"

Midoriya paused, considering her words. He looked at Mirai before a wide grin spread across his face. "Right!"

As they continued their walk to school, Mirai and Midoriya fell into a comfortable conversation, discussing what exactly to expect from UA. Hard training, strict teachers, to which Midoriya proceeded to gush about the pro heroes as teachers. And their classmates, in middle school Mirai didn't really connect with them, they were fine, but mostly they also stayed away from her too. For Midoriya, his past classmates follow the whim of one crimson-eyed jerk. 

Mirai hoped for a couple of future heroes, that their classmates are decent enough and leave them alone. 

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓

┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

"1A, 1A…" Modoriya muttered as he passed through the multiple doors and corridors of UA campus. 

"Don't run in the hall Izuku," Mirai said as she took her time following him, "Besides we're…" She glanced at her watch, "..right on time.""But Mirai, we're UA students now," Midoriya countered, "We're expected to be much earlier than on time. Plus, what if the lessons start without us?" His eyes widened as he spotted their destination. "There it is!"

Before them stood a door of imposing size, at least three Midoriyas tall and wide enough to accommodate six. The two friends paused, taking in the sight,

"The door is huge," Midoriya marveled, "Is it barrier-free?"

Mirai shrugged, "Probably because of the different types of quirks our classmates might have. Who knows, maybe there's a giant mutation waiting for us inside."Well, she thought she'd take that over having Bakugou or the glasses guy as classmates any day.

With a deep breath, Midoriya slid the door open, just a crack. Immediately, the sound of a heated argument spilled out into the hallway.

"Get your feet off the desk!" a familiar voice demanded.


Mirai stiffened as she took in the scene before them. Bakugou Katsuki lounged at his desk, one foot propped up on the surface, while the glasses guy from the exam stood over him, his posture rigid with indignation.

"Don't you feel bad for the UA alumni and the makers of these desks?" the glasses guy pressed, his hands chopping the air.

"Like I care." Bakugou sneered, "Where are you even from, extra?"

As the bespectacled student launched into a self-introduction, Mirai turned back and walked away, "Sorry, Izuku, but I think we'd better transfer classes. Hell, maybe even transfer schools."

"M-Mirai, come on," Midoriya protested, grasping her arm and tugging her back. Mirai blinked, surprised by the strength in his grip. He really had gotten stronger since they'd last seen each other.

 "..worth killing?" Mirai glanced back at the room where the glasses guy gasped, "You..You're awful. And you intend to be a hero?"

Bakugou tsked, but his attention had already shifted to the doorway, his gaze landing on Midoriya. The rest of the class followed suit, their eyes drawn to the newcomers.

The glasses guy marched over to them, "Good morning!" he greeted,"I am from Soumei Private Academy—"

"I heard," Midoriya interrupted, his cheeks flushing at the sudden attention. "I'm Midoriya, nice to meet you, Iida." He gestured to the silver-haired girl beside him. "And this is Shiromi Mirai."

Iida's eyes widened, "Oh! I remember you! You were the one who made that nasty comment about me during the exam.""Yes and I remember you," She crossed her arms, "a guy who made the other students laugh at my friend and told him to leave based on assumption."

Iida flinched, before he looked down at himself, "Yes, I was wrong about that. In fact, Midoriya…" He turned to the green-haired boy, bowing deeply, his forehead nearly touching the ground. "I am severely sorry for the way I acted towards you!"

Midoriya waved his hands frantically, his face burning, "Iida! It's okay, really! It's not the first time someone has pointed that out. It's just a habit of mine that I need to be cautious about, and well, I—"

"Oh?" Another voice joined the conversation, this one cheerful and welcoming. "That curly hair? You must be the plain-looking boy!" The short-haired brunette from the entrance exam smiled brightly at Midoriya. "So you did pass! I mean, it makes sense. That punch was amazing!" She mimed a punching motion.

Midoriya ducked his head, mumbling incoherently as he tried to hide his burning face. Mirai couldn't make out his words, but she was glad to see that he wasn't being bullied right off the bat. That was a good sign, at least.

"Hey, pretty lady!" a voice called out, making Mirai's eye twitch.

"Ah, great," she muttered under her breath, turning slowly to face the speaker. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the two boys, "Eh? Oh, red guy and yellow guy."

The electric blond boy frowned, his brow furrowing. "Huh? That's what you called us?" He shrugged, "Well since we weren't properly introduced, I'm Kaminari Denki. Thanks for saving me back there. I was completely out of it."

"Ah, no problem, I suppose."

The spiky redhead jabbed a thumb at his own chest, his grin wide showing his sharp teeth, "And I'm Kirishima Eijiro! The guy you asked to carry this fellow." He gestured to Kaminari, who chuckled sheepishly.

"Haha, please stop reminding me," Kaminari pleaded, rubbing the back of his neck. "Still, what you did was really cool."

Midoriya nodded, "And dangerous too, Mirai. You could have gotten hurt."

Mirai rounded on him, "Oh, says the guy with the busted arm!" She froze, realizing what she'd just said. That's right, Midoriya still hadn't explained what had happened during the exam.

"Izuku—" she began, but a low, raspy voice from behind cut her off.

"If you want to play, go somewhere else."

They all turned, blinking, there, lying on the floor just outside the classroom door, was a person wrapped in a yellow sleeping bag, their face obscured by the fabric.

"This is.." He brought a juice box, "..the hero course."

The person managed to stand up and unzipped the body bag, "It took you eight seconds for you to settle down." He stepped out of the bag, "Time is limited. You kids aren't logical."

This..this is supposed to be our teacher? He looked like someone who would be a hermit in their own home.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa." He looked towards his class, "Nice to meet you."Everyone merely stared at him, seconds later he brought out UA gym clothes from the body bag. How many items does that body bag have?"Wear these and come to the field," he said with little explanation.

The class gathered on the track field, the sun beat down on them, making the air feel heavy and oppressive.

"A quirk assessment test?" the students chorused.

The girl with pink cheeks raised her hand, "But what about the entrance ceremony? Or orientation?"

"If you want to be a hero, there's no time for such frivolities." He swept his gaze over the class, "UA is known for its unrestricted style, and that extends to the teachers as well."

A ripple of unease passed through the students. They shifted on their feet, exchanging nervous glances. For most of them, school had always followed a certain pattern, a predictable rhythm. But UA was different, and they were beginning to understand why it was considered the best.

Aizawa pulled out his phone, the screen displaying a list of activities. "You've been doing these since middle school, right? Physical fitness tests without using your quirks." He scrolled through the options: softball throw, standing long jump, and more. "The country continues to calculate averages based on uniform results, which is illogical. The Ministry of Education is just procrastinating."

He pocketed his phone and turned to Bakugou, "Bakugou, you came first in the practical exam, correct?"

Eyes swiveled to the blond boy, who simply grunted in acknowledgment.

"How far could you throw a softball in junior high?" Aizawa asked.

"Sixty-seven meters," Bakugou replied.

Aizawa tossed him a softball, "Now do it using your quirk. You can do anything within the circle." He gestured to the painted lines on the ground. "And hurry it up. We've got a long day ahead of us."

Bakugou stepped into the circle, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. He wound up his arm, his muscles coiling like a spring. Then, with a fierce cry of "Die!" he launched the ball, an explosion bursting from his palm and propelling the softball high into the air.


The ball soared through the sky, leaving a white trail in its wake. It seemed to hang suspended for a moment before arcing back down to earth, landing with a distant thud.

Aizawa's phone beeped, and he held it up for the class to see. "First, you need to know your maximum limits. It's the most logical way to form the foundation of a hero."

The students crowded around, craning their necks to see the screen. A collective gasp rippled through the group.

"Seven hundred and five meters? Seriously?" Kaminari exclaimed, his eyes wide.

The pink-skinned girl clapped her hands together, her face splitting into a grin. "This looks like so much fun!"

"We get to use our quirks for the tests!" the Asian boy chimed in.

But Aizawa's expression remained impassive, his eyes narrowing. "'It looks fun,' huh?"

The smiles faded from the students' faces as their teacher's voice grew colder.

"Do you plan to become heroes within three years with that attitude?"

A heavy silence fell over the group, broken only by the distant chirping of birds.

Then, slowly, a smile spread across Aizawa's face. But it was not a kind smile. All teeth and sharp edges.

"Okay then," he said,"Whoever has the lowest overall score across these eight tests will be considered hopeless and expelled immediately."

"What?!" the students cried out.

"E-expelled? Now wait just a minute—" Mirai began, but Aizawa cut her off with a sharp look.

"We can do whatever we want with our students," he said, his tone brooking no argument. He pushed his bangs back from his face, "Welcome to the hero course at UA."

Mirai's heart sank as she realized. This man, their teacher, was deadly serious. And he was enjoying their reaction.

She glanced at Midoriya, and felt a twist in her stomach. He stood rigid, his fists clenched at his sides, his face pale and beaded with sweat.

He wasn't going to survive this. Not without a quirk.

Oh gods..

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