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Chapter 5: (Chapter 3) That Shinigami, Her Colleagues

Y/N Watched from across the hall as Othello bid a farewell to his colleague, waving with a grin plastered onto his face. There he was, Afterlife citizen #136648, or as Othello had called him, "Whitey" and sometimes "Silver fox" because of his hair. Indeed, the colour of his hair was peculiar. He looked quite young too, maybe in his 30s.

She had read in a book once, that people could have their hair turn old and grey from trauma and stress. To be honest, she never really had seen a case like it in the decades of time she had been existing until now.

The Silver Fox walked in another direction, leaving Othello to get back to work. Amoura had observed that He and the Silver Fox had became reapers around the same time. The two were... "friends" to say the most. She had also observed that the two were almost complete opposites in personality. Othello was more of the goofy type, and you would have never guessed that he would be one to have committed such a thing as suicide.

Mr. "Silver Fox", was a serious worker who had no mistakes made during the whole time he was working. So far, Amoura would say she was most likely to compare herself to him, as she thought that the both of them were pretty similar. Maybe she thought of being a small, tiny bit more than just colleagues...

But what a silly idea that was. Did she even have time for such dwaddles? She was going to be existing for quite a bit, but she was a Grim Reaper! She had a job to do! Wouldn't he end up having his soul redeemed and sent to heaven or quite hell anyway? What would the point be in that, finding an ex human as a lover who will leave her later on?

She never really had a conversation like this with father, about... well, reproducing and such, but wasn't it quite early for that though? My, what silly thoughts she was having at such a point in her "life".

Amoura's face turned a shade of pink in the slightest way, as she shook off her current and useless thoughts and walked straight up to Othello. Othello -who was leaning against the wall carelessly- raised his head from some documents in his hands. He watched as Amoura came closer, the same large grin that spread across his face when he was waving off his previous colleague.

"Hello, Amoura!" He said cheekily. Othello pushed the documents that he had in his hand right in front of her face before she could get any closer. "Look at it!"

Amoura raised a brow. Why did she need to read a document that he was supposed to be managing? None the less, she said nothing and took the files in her hand, briefly reading it. Othello saw Amoura's questionable expression as more of his teeth were exposed in the iron grin that he had. Yes, you could say that Amoura was quite in question.

She looked up to the smiling Doof, raising a brow. "Why is this--"

"No, no, no! It is a good thing, I swear!" Othello said, waving his hands in her face to shush her. Amoura glanced at the glow from the round glasses of the young reaper. He noded as she listened to him speak; "It's good for me, at least. If I'm moved to the Forensics Division, I'd be doing less! I don't even like being in the Retrieval Division, so that's a win win for me--"

Amoura faced palmed, and not mentally this time. The sound of the slap to her forehead made Othello close his mouth, wide eyed and surprised.

'What a thick headed reaper, why can't he use his common sense?'

It was silent for the two. They were the only ones in the hallway shockingly compared to every single other day, where there would always be a crowd of workers.

Amoura's palm stayed upon her head. 'This man is stupid.'

After a few quick, but long feeling seconds, Othello changed his expression to a nerve exposed chuckle. "Hehe, I... uhhhh..."

The palm on her forehead didn't even move in the slightest way, as Othello began again; "I... uhhh.... I'm guessing it's bad then? I-I mean, judging from your reaction--"

"No, It's not bad," Amoura said. The words that came out of her mouth were mushed, trying to go through her palm. "It's just that you really think that the Forensics Division requires less effort, and is much more easier."

Othello's face broke out in a dark red blush. He had to admit that the main reason he liked this position more better was because he assumed it was easier, but he wanted to try it anyway, even if it was also going to be as hard as retrieving a soul. He wasn't sure about Amoura's thoughts though, for she was always straight faced and hard to read.

He then snorted out loud.

'Kinda like Whitey.'

Amoura sighed, starting to form steps that wanted to get away from this Goof as soon as possible. She was wasting time again! She had work to do, a fire that is going to kill many! Too make it more difficult, she also had that Lady in General Affairs shift to attend to as they spoke! Othello went into panic mode, thinking he had made Amoura upset... Or just some sort of emotion that matches what she reflects in her daily time basis.

"Goodbye," She said, waving back behind herself. "And don't even think for a second that any other Division in this Dispatch is easier than others."

She was right for the most part, as even the most simplest jobs like assigning a Reaper their custom made glasses were tiring and "much effort required". Othello stared at the female, who was slowly fading away from his sight in the endless corridors of restless work.


Night time had reached her grasp again, as Amoura flew out into the sky. She could smell the fire lit village from here, as memories of Y/N who was burning flooded her mind. Why was she still thinking about her? Amoura thought to herself about yesterday evening, all the way to her destination. What was so odd about this event that had managed to get her rounded up like this? She considered that maybe it was because it was her first encounter of a demon's "birth", but that didn't seem too extreme, no?

Maybe if she had ended him before anything else, then maybe, just maybe, she would have one less problem to deal with. Even so, She still would have been able to do her job properly. She was not a low life scummed Reaper who was affected by such things like this.

She wouldn't allow it.

It was not like she thought of all Reapers like that, though she could think of many who would match up to the name in her head. Mainly, it was all based on how she saw herself, thinking critically in every way. If she thought she did something wrong, then she would slap herself... but she didn't seem to do it when Fynlo--

No! No! Focus! She must focus! Focus, Focus, Focus!

People were dying and leaving souls behind right at this moment! What the hell was she doing!?Amoura had scrunched her face up in a disgusting manor, actually slapping herself this time with her left hand.

Two attacks to the face in one day; sounded harsh, but was a minimum for Amoura too.

"C'mon, C'mon!" She hissed harshly to herself before finally taking the scythe into her hands. A furrowed look on her face, she jumped from the tree and into the village that was currently in flames.


Her eyes widened at the sight of the male figure that seemed to defy the flames. Who was-- No, there was no question to it, there absolutely wasn't. This was where plans were going to bend from this point, or at least before Amoura could fix this mess that was starting to develop.

She was ready to come at him, let him get his best shot!

"Amoura, my love~"

Chanted the alluring voice of the Demon.

"Come, come, my Dear~ Let me get a closer look at that beautiful face of yours~"

Then emerged the figure from the flames, his hand in front of him in a seductive aura that made Amoura shiver in disgust. A demon he was,

His hazelnut hair, reaching his shoulders and that demonic pink glow in his eyes, it was all too noticeable, you wouldn't miss it!

Xan... Lung...

✧End of Chapter✧

Upcoming Chapter: "That Shinigami, Dream Demon's Seduction "

Release date: The 21st of May, 2019

Edit: Now Released!

Bonbonbillyboo Bonbonbillyboo

So, what do ya guys think about the upcoming chapter's name? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Tell me what you think in the comments below! I love ya guys, thanks for the support!

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