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Chapter 2: Shopping


I was awoken by someone jumping on my bed. I opened my eyes to see Jake. I inquired what does he want? Jake informed me I must get up and get ready for school shopping. I picked up my phone to see what the time was. Six in the morning, fabulous. I told Jake I will descend in a moment. Jake moved along, down the stairs. I pulled myself out of bed. Then grabbed my garments, bathroom products, and my cell phone. Then proceeded to the bathroom. Instantly after getting into the bathroom, I closed the door and used the toilet. I washed my hands then my face, brushing my teeth after. I turned the water on in the bathtub, then I pulled the tab for the shower. I got my phone, my brothers have the newest iPhone; as for me, I have an android. Opening my phone and went to my playlist. I hit play on "Never Ending Nightmare." [By Citizen Soldier] I got undressed, then I got into the shower. After washing my body, I then turned off the shower. I grabbed my towel and left the tub. Looking in the mirror, looking at all the scars on my body. A lot of them I did myself, but some are from when I was five. Twelve years ago, I was attacked by dogs. My memory of that night, the "dogs" were not "dogs" but wolves, but everyone kept telling me they were in fact "dogs." I dried myself, then got dressed. I put all of my products back in my bag, then grabbed my dirty garments and towel, then left the bathroom. I put the garments and towel in the hamper. Then I put my phone and earphones in the pouch of my sweatshirt. Grabbing my shoes and putting them on, then descending downstairs. Walking into the living room, both brothers are eating cereal out of serving bowls and using serving spoons. What pigs they are. My brothers and dad… well, they can devour three to four pizzas each. Heading to the kitchen, I smelled the delicious aroma of coffee. I know am not allowed to have it, because it is not mine, but I grabbed a mug and filled it. Then I returned to the living room. Both of my brothers looked at me. Jasper informed me that there was cereal in the cupboard. I know I can not have it, plus I am free from hunger. I informed him I'm fine. Dad came into the house from being outside; I was waiting for him to ask why I was having his coffee, but he did not say a word about the coffee, but he asked if I had eaten. I do not want to get into a fight for eating his food, so I told him I was fine. Dad said I should eat something that I barely ate yesterday. I was gone for a year so I do not have any food, I informed him I will get something from the mall. I told them all that I have to reapply at the gas station for work. Dad asked why do I want to get a job. He knows why, but I humored him. I informed him that I have to spend some of my savings for my school supplies as well as some new clothes, plus I will have to resume paying rent and buying my own food. That's one of the many rules I had to live by. It was not like this when I lived with my grandparents. But, sadly they are gone.

Dad just sighed and asked if we were ready to go. My brothers both said yeah, they got off the couch and headed to the kitchen. I was right behind them; they put their bowels in the sink. I rinsed my cup and their dishes and put it all in the dishwasher. I had forgotten my wallet, so I went to my room to retrieve it.

I put my wallet into the pouch of my sweatshirt, then returned downstairs. We all left the house. I guess I'm going with them; we all got into the van. I put my earphones in and pulled out my phone and opened it. My playlist was downloaded so I can play my music, even though my phone's service had been turned off. Because I was in the hospital, I could not pay my phone bill. One of my priorities is to get a job, then get my phone turned back on. That way, if I do get my job back, I would need my phone for work purposes. Dad pulled into the breeding grounds, I mean mall's parking lot, and pulled into an empty parking space. We all left the van and headed into the mall. I did not bother to take my earphones out. I did not want to hear the mating call from horny teenagers. Following the herd that is my family. My brothers are gallivanting around and when the cavemen were done; dad paid for their junk. Dad enlighten us that we are going to the food court. The mammoths called my family went to some restaurant. I, on the other hand, went to a coffee shop. I purchased a small coffee and a croissant. I found a table and sat down; the herd came and sat with me.

My father inquired if the food and coffee was all am going to consume. I plainly said yes. Everything in this establishment is way overpriced. The establishments I frequent are Wal-Mart and the Dollar store. I'm abstain from a driver's license. My usual transportation is a bicycle. I obtained it from a garage sale. Admittedly, I do not understand why dad brought me with, before I had to venture out by myself. Sure, it always took me thirty minutes to get to the shops I required. Unfortunately, mother never wanted the town, or anyone for that matter, to know that I was with them nor a part of their family. Never allowed on family outings. Mother made it quite clear I was to abstain from any kind of celebrations that the family might be having. Never understanding why that woman hated me so? I abstained questioning her motives a long time ago. After extinguishing the hunger, we left this germ infested place. Finding the vehicle, we left this forsaken place. Short drive later we arrived at Wal-Mart. My father found a spot to inhabit, we all flocked out of the van. Why they are joining me is beyond me. Walking in, dad grabbed a shopping cart. They never partake in a shop like this. That is none of my business. I went to the school supplies section. Grabbing the cheapest notebooks, pencils, and pencil sharpener. I'll use the same backpack I have been using for the past three years. Father asked why I was getting the cheapest supplies. I informed him, without looking at him, simply I can afford nothing above the price range I have picked out. Jake walked to me; he took all the crap that I was holding and deposited it into the cart. I do not understand what is going on. I walked past the backpacks. Jasper inquired why I was not getting a fresh bag. This is getting sickening having to repeat myself. To spare myself, I informed him I will be reusing my previous bag. No matter where you go, bags are expensive. Especially since I have not worked in a year. Plus, if I must pay for my room, also known as rent and having to get my phone turned back on, I do not have the funds. Going to the clothing section, going to the discounted rack. There were some things there that I got. Going to the shoes, grabbing the cheapest black shoes I could find. Underwear is next, so expensive. Once again grabbing the cheapest socks, underwear, and one bra. Heading to pharmacy, upon getting there, I grabbed ibuprofen and sanitary napkins. Now we are at the food part of the store. I picked out bread, peanut butter and jelly, chips, juice pouches and some ramen. I'm not allowed to use the fridge, so I am limited to what I could get. The last thing I got was some instant coffee. Remembering I didn't see my dishes in my room I must get new dishes. Mother did not want me to taint her dishes. If mother was still alive, I would be doing this all by myself. But if mother was still alive, I would still be in the hospital until I was eighteen, then having to find my own place. I got cheap plastic dishes and headed to the checkout line. I put all the garbage I got on the conveyor belt and waited for the casher to ring my stuff up so I could pay. My Brothers grabbed the bags and put it back into the cart. The casher told me the total. I went into my sweaters pouch to get my wallet. When I have retrieved it father already paid for it. What's going on? I have always paid for my own stuff. My brothers lead the way out of the store and to the van. My brothers loaded my things in the trunk of the van, then got into the van. I followed, No one said a word I'm totally confused to what is happening. Does this mean everything I just picked out is not mine then? Am I going to have to work for it?

So many questions, but no answers. We returned home, my brothers grabbed the bags and took them into the house and to by room. Following them the whole way. They placed the bags on my bed, then left the room. What am I to do? Should I return to the store and get everything all over again? I want nothing to be hung over my head, nor do I want to owe someone for the things I could have purchased myself. Removing the bags from the bed, I put them in the room's corner. Sitting down and pondering what to do now. I must go to the ATM and withdraw the money for the things that were paid for, also rent. Then give the money to father; this way I do not owe him for anything. I left the bed, went out of the room, and headed down the stairs. Upon entering the living room, I inquired where my bike was. Jake said it was in the garage. I asked if he could retrieve it for me. Jake looked like he wanted to say more, but did not and left the couch and went outside. Father asked if I was going somewhere. I informed him I'm going to get a job application, rent, and to the used bookstore. Jake came back into the house. Jake said my bike was in front of the house. Thanking him, I left the house. First stop was my old job; after getting the application I went to the ATM and got out the money I needed. Got to the bookstore and went in. After paying for the books. I headed home; once I arrived, I placed my bike where mother told me it had to be. Behind the house and under a tree.

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