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After Gabriel's little outburst. The auctioned continued with none the wiser. [Suzie] went and re-filled his glass and hers.

"Thank you [Suzie]… for everything... Now have a seat and relax." Gabriel said.

[Suzie] blushed and sat down on her seat more relaxed now herself. Gabriel started to focus on the Auction after all the (Uncommon) goods were sold. He knew a couple of items that would come up for sale soon, that he had to get.

After a short break [Gwendolyn] came back on stage. Behind her was a pedestal with a small pillow on top. Atop the pillow was a magic scroll.

"This a one charge scroll, with the (Legendary) spell [Earthquake] scribed on it. Put up by the Scribe Guilds very own Journeyman [Malcolm Thurbull]. Due to the fact it requires twice the mana to activate and only has one charge, it is labelled as a [Rare] item. Now the bidding will start at 20 Gold" [Gwendolyn] explained to the audience.

The scribe skill in D.O. wasn't just for writing out ledgers and such. It was a mage profession that allowed you to scribe a skill on a scroll, depending on high your profession is you could have up to 3 charges. The more powerful the spell the less charges though.

"50 Gold!" Gabriel yelled

Gabriel bid straight away. Due to its high mana consumption, none of the other players choose to bid on it.

A couple of other NPC's bid but they didn't raise the price after Gabriel bid 80 Gold.

"Fools" Gabriel muttered to himself.

The players didn't know how great and hard to find magic scrolls were yet. The great part about magic scrolls was there was no class or LVL restrictions. The high mana consumption didn't bother him. The players didn't know that you can have multiple people inject their mana into a scroll to activate.

Gabriel had a perfect idea in mind for this spell. If used correctly would allow him to clear an [Impossible] difficulty boss quite quickly.

The next item was a set of [Advanced blacksmith tools] Gabriel also decided to buy this, as he could give them to Tom when he gets into town.

Another couple of items went up for bid but Gabriel wasn't interest in them, his two High-steel swords and one shield did though. Selling to one of the VIP boxes on the second floor. Most player run guilds with enough clout were in those. The items sold for combined total of 500 Gold.

Another item was brought out, this one was covered in a red velvet sheet. Gabriel leaned forwards, as this seemed to be the item he wanted the most.

[Gwendolyn] pulled the sheet off with a flourish revealing a set of three throwing axes all the size of a Hatchet. They were exquisitely crafted, the handles had beautiful scrollwork on them and the blade hade gleamed with a silver edge. Their name was [Witch's Bane throwing axes]. Gabriel knew them under a different name though, [Gundar's retrieval Axes].

[Gundar] was a player in his past life from a guild called [Thor's Heroes] they followed the god [Thor] and were a guild who focused on PK. [Gundar] was second in charge and he wielded a large two-handed hammer, but the deadliest part of him were his set of throwing axes that had the [Rune – Retrieval] on them. Meaning after he threw them at the cost of some mana, he could call them back and throw them again.

Gabriel accepted a bounty on [Gundar] once and was killed many times by his annoying axes trying to take him down.

Gabriel wanted the axes for another reason though, which was in their real name, they did 50% extra damage to witches. Which Gabriel would be spending some time shortly hunting down.

"100 Gold!" Gabriel called out.

Gabriel straight away raised his bid to a 100 as he could see [Gundar] down in the crowd raising his hand to bid as well. [Gundar] looked up at the VIP box but couldn't see anyone due to the height and angle.

"150 Gold!" [Gundar] bid.

"Not on my watch fuc*er" Gabriel muttered.

"200 Gold" Gabriel raised the bid again.

[Gundar] frowned, as the group next to him argued with him and pulled his hand that was about to raise up again.

"SOLD! To the VIP in box 2"

[Gwendolyn] cheered while blowing a kiss to Gabriel's box. Gabriel decided to relax as he didn't want to spend any more money. There would be another auction in 2 weeks and that one had some items that would be game changers.

Gabriel's [Daggers of fast Talking] was sold at 70 Gold. His [Ring of Rapid Chanting] went for a whopping 250 Gold, to an older looking Gentleman in one of the second-floor boxes.

Gabriel recognized him immediately due to his massive white beard that reached his skinny stomach. He was [Saurmen] a mage who would become one of the best fire mages in game. [Saurmen] was a gentle old man who was obsessed with some movie from his childhood that had something to do with a ring. He started his own guild called [The Fellowship] they were filled with all older men who liked the same old movie.

They mainly did goblin and orc quest continuously but when the game branched out more, they started to exclusively hunt dragons. They became quite the experts in it too.

"Now everyone! We have two more items for our last bid; they will be sold as a set. For those looking to follow the summoner class, these are items you will definitely need. Without further ado."

[Gwendelyn] waved behind her as two men pushed out a glass cabinet that held a staff with skull on top and a skill book on a pillow. They were of course Gabriel's [Summoner] items he got at the Goblin Dungeon.

The crowd got into a frenzy once everyone saw the stats of the staff and skill book. People were salivating at the thought of summoning goblin armies and just swarming their opponents. Gabriel could even hear hushed voices coming from the other boxes on the same floor as him.

"What the hell?? It's just some summoner equipment and Goblins are one of the shi**est summons. What's everyone so excited for?"

Gabriel muttered after watching the crowd go nuts. He remembered in his past that Summoners sucked. Unless you were super lucky or had a ton of money to buy the summon books, they were a hard class to play. Summoners could only use [Magic Missile] as an attack spell. That's it. Everything else had to be handle by the summons. You had to have superb commanding skills to use them properly too.

[Suzie] however thought different after hearing what Gabriel said, she almost screamed.

"Are you Nucking Futs!?" "Summoners are very rare in the Imperium, the goblin one is almost priceless for the Legionnaire as they could use them as spies against the orcs.

"Oh, that makes sense actually....Maybe I should have given it to [Sergeant Titus]" Gabriel said softly.

Gabriel thought he might have made a mistake, until he heard a shout from the VIP box right across from him. A large man in shining Segmented armour and a purple cape. Called out a bid that shut everyone else up and made Gabriel's sudden regret wash away.

"5000 Gold!"

[Gwendolyn] saw who bid and bowed in recognition. None of the NPC nobles bet against the man, not due to fear but out of respect of this man's position. The players didn't bid either not because they gave a fu*k about who the man was but they didn't have close to enough money.

Gabriel looked at the man with wide eyes. He was expecting a windfall of money but this is ridiculous. He looked at [Suzie].

"Now that's a man who is Nucking Futs" Gabriel declared.

[Suzie] quickly put her hand over Gabriel's mouth and looked back at the man panic. She breathed a sigh relief when she saw the man across from them wasn't paying attention to their box.

"Are you stupid! Do you know who that man is?" Suzie said in raise whisper.

Gabriel shook his head back and forth with [Suzie]'s hand still on his mouth.

"Stupid man. That is [Primus Pilus]. He is 2nd in command of the whole Imperium army!" [Suzie] almost yelled near the end.

Gabriel inspected the man after hearing that.

[Primus Pilus – LVL 120 - Legionnaire General (Indifferent)]

He couldn't figure out why this man who should be an important late game NPC, hadn't come up at all in his past. Gabriel thought 'Maybe he goes by a different name.' He looked back at [Suzie].

She saw he was trying to talk and could feel his lips hit her hand, feeling her ears go red she let go.

"Does he have another name?"

[Suzie] thought for a second.

"I don't think so.... everyone calls him [Primus Pilus] but I think I once heard his birth name was [Brutus]" Suzie explained.

Gabriel stood up out of his chair at that name. Now it all made sense. In his past none talked about [Primus Pilus] old name because he was then known as [Brutus the Betrayer]. [Brutus] worked with an evil-coven of witches to lead a legion of orcs into the inner city during a siege.

[Brutus the Betrayer] became a popular boss to hunt in D.O. The story was, [Brutus] went mad because the Coven had promised him that they would keep his wife and daughter safe as long as he opened the gates for the orcs. The coven ended up trapping [Brutus] in a crypt and used the blood of his wife and daughter to turn him into a Death Knight. Due to the powerful guilt and anger, [Brutus] felt during death, he broke free from the witch's control and slaughtered them all. He became an undead roaming [World Boss], that would appear at random. Quite a sad story in the end.

Gabriel wondered if he climbed quick enough up the ladder in the Legionnaire camp, he might be able to turn around [Brutus] story, which made Gabriel remember losing his own family. Gabriel clenched his teeth at the memory.

The Auction was wrapping up as Gabriel and [Suzie] were talking. Everyone heading off and talking among themselves. Most people seemed to talk about who the person was who put the summoner items up for Auction.

A knock on the door pulled Gabriel out of his memories. Nobody entered until Gabriel yelled out.


The greasy manager opened the door a crack and stuck his head out, checking to make sure it was all clear before walking in. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"Dear guest if you would like to follow me, we can retrieve your items and settle your account. We have hit it big today!" The Auction manager declared.

Gabriel only nodded. He re-equipped his weapons and armour before following the manager down stairs. They shortly ended up in a little room with a person behind a barred bench, you would see in a pawn shop.

Gabriel made 480 Gold from his [Rune] equipment sets. He spent 280 on the scroll and throwing axes. His other items all sold for a total of 5,830 Gold. Giving Gabriel the feeling he was floating on cloud 9. After the Auction house took 5%, he still had 5,529 Gold left. He gave [Suzie] 20 Gold making her tear up as that was a huge sum of money to a receptionist.

Gabriel just walked out of the Auction house and got two Private messages. You couldn't access your PM in the auction house to stop people from cheating and forcibly raising the prices of items.

One message was from Tom who just got to town. Gabriel sent him a message to meet him at the Auction House. His other message was actually from the [Wolfpack] asking if he wanted to party up with them. Gab had his witch's coven quest to do but thought it would actually be good to have a full party and also sent them a message to come to the Auction House.

While Gabriel waited, he equipped his new throwing axes, they were in a sling over his torso tight against his breastplate to not get in the way. He tried one of the axes out by throwing it into the sky, he then held his hand in an open palm to the side. Looking to a casual observer that he was doing jazz hands and like magic. The axe came flying down from the sky landing in his hand.

"Ha! That's awesome. The Witches literally won't know what hit them." Gabriel declared.

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