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Chapter 2: Episode two


Ricardo stands by the window, looking at the busy landscape from his office. God, how much he loves the view, but right now, that's not what he is bothered about.

That troubling email he got from a said lawyer of Elsa, his ex wife. She has just come straight out of the blues and she is determined to take the kids with her.

It has been three years and it has been a long time. It was an unfortunate situation, but some things happened.

Some things like him being drunk and his wife annoying the hell out of him and him hitting her even though he didn't mean to.

She had left and he wasn't ready to beg her to stay even though he knows in his heart that he didn't mean to hurt her, he is not going to say sorry to her.

He told her to leave if she wanted to, but the kids are going to be staying with him and he thought that would make her change her mind, but he work up one morning and she is gone now.

She has changed so much. Whenever he is alone, he surfs the internet for photos and videos of her and he must say that she has changed very much.

Her bossom has gotten bigger and her hips more curved. She is no longer the good girl he married when she was eighteen, she shows a lot of skin and he sometimes gets mad that his property is on display for the whole public.

What can he do? Does she still consider herself to be his? Very unlikely.

He looks at his desk, the screen of his laptop still contains the email. She is going to be here in a matter of hours and he is feeling all nervous already.

He knows that she has come to rain brimstones on him because he kept her children away from him, but it's a good thing that he is ready for her.

He still has his ego and since she chose to leave him, he is not going to plead with her and he is not going to give the kids to her. Alex and Alison are better of with him.

His secretary knows and walks into the office. She smiles at him and nods, and that makes his heart to jump a beat. She is not already here, is she?

" Don't tell me that she is here already. " Ricardo sighs.

"No, sir. Your ex wife isn't here yet. " She shakes her head with the smile still on her face. " I was only going to ask if it's okay for me to bring you tea. "

"Tea? No please. " He waves his hand. " Send me the file from Texas instead. Let me bury myself in that for the first time. "

"Okay, sir. I will do that right away. "

" And you have to inform me before you let her in. " He reminds her and she nods.

She leaves and he settles himself in his seat. Normally, he is a very busy person, but his ex wife's unexpected coming has him all tensed up.


Elsa looks into the mirror of her hotel room. Her long army green gown has holes on both sides, from under her arms down to the rim of the dress and the result is that sides of her breasts and her hips are all on display.

A very confident look for a very confident woman, she is going to show Ricardo just how much she has changed.

She retouches her make up, runs mascara over her lashes and reapply powder and the end product is gorgeous.

She hears a knock on her door and she picks up her bag. Her lawyer, Diego, they will be on their way to Ricardo's office in a few minutes.

As soon as she turns the knob and lets the door open, Diego's eyes widens and he takes a step back. She knows that it's because of what she is putting on so she smiles and turns around for him to have a better look.

"Tell me that you like this. " She winks. " It looks good, doesn't it?"

" Yes...s" He stammers with his eyes blinking rapidly. " Don't you have something else?"

"Something else?" She frowns. " This dress alone cost me five thousand dollars and that doesn't include my shoes and bag. "

He takes a look at her fork her head, down to her toes and the confused look on his face only intensifies.

"This is a great look, Mrs Elsa, but this is too much skin on display. " He swallows hard. He doesn't know how well she is going to take this.

"Okay. " She shuts her eyes and holds her hand out, telling him to be quiet. " First of all, I am tried to you using the wrong title on me, it's MISS Elsa and secondly, there is nothing like too much skin on display, I will walk naked if I fucking want to. "

"But, madam, don't you think that this is going to give your husband ten wrong impression of you? " He says.

"What impression? " She frowns. " The only impression he is going to get from me is the fact that he can't push me around the way that way used to. "

Her lawyer nods as she speaks. This is obviously a fight that he is not going to win with her.

" Hope you brought your A game, Diego. " A wicked smile creeps up her face. " We are going to take him by storm. "

" Yes madam, I am ready to negotiate to a term. " Diego flips through a file in his hands. " This is something that can be settled amicably. "

"Amicably or not, he will have no other choice than to give my children to me."

She steps out of her room and they both head to the elevator. There is going to be a lot of drama between husband and wife, the lawyer can clearly see it.


Elsa steps out of the car and catwalks towards the office building. People are stopping and people are staring, but she doesn't care.

Some of them goes as far as taking out their phones and snapping photos of her, and being the petty person she is, she smiles into their cameras.

Diego runs in front of her and opens the door for her and she steps in, in all her majesty.

The stares are worse from Ricardo workers. Maybe it's because they know her and can acknowledge the fact that she has changed so much.

She rarely came over the office and always remained in the car whenever Ricardo brought her over.

She couldn't even look up, she looked down at the ground, whenever the workers greeted her and she murmurs replies, but this time around, she is so different.

In her daring outfit, she looks like an erotic goddess and their boss can not handle her. She smiles at them and makes her way towards the elevator which takes her to the floor of Ricardo's office.

She spots his ever faithful secretary, Sasha and she shoots up from her chair as soon as she notices Elsa coming towards her.

Her eyes are bulging so much in surprise, so much that Elsa can see them almost pop out of their sockets. She is shocked to see Elsa this way and Elsa loves seeing the shock in all their faces.

She catwalks and leans against the secretary's table and winks at her. Sasha's face goes red and she looks down immediately.

" Hello, Sasha. " Elsa smiles. " You look.... The same. "

The lady murmurs something inaudible and adjusts the glasses that is sitting on the bridge of her nose.

"Your boss is in, isn't he? " Elsa asks. " He is expecting me. "

"One second ma'am. " Sasha speaks for the first time.

She grabs the telephone on her table with her shaky hands and begins to punch numbers in.

Elsa hasn't come with a lot of patience so she groans in tiredness and starts to walk towards Ricardo's office.

Sasha is horrified, she runs after her, begging he to stop, but she is too scared to lay her hand on her.

Elsa walks on as if she isn't hearing the secretary begging her and she pushes the door open and it flings wide for her and she steps in like a queen.

Ricardo takes one look at her and all the breath in him leaves his body. He pushes back his chair and stands up to his feet, he almost falls back into his sit when he sees what she is putting on.

"I'm sorry, sir. I tried to stop her, I really tried to. " His secretary said breathlessly.

"That's okay, Sasha, thank you. " He smiles at her and waves her away. She leaves as soon as she can.

He sees a man behind her and that must be her lawyer. He manages to smile, but Elsa is not smiling at all. She seems to have come here prepared for war. Well, that makes two of them, but he has a different strategy in his mind.

"Wow, Elsa, this is a huge surprise. " He chuckles. " It's been a while, I must say. "

"Yes. " She snaps. " And I am very sorry that this meeting didn't happen earlier. "

Ricardo raises his eyebrow at her. She has definitely gotten a smarter mouth.

Elsa walks over and helps herself to a seat. She crosses her eyes and looks him dead in the eye. She has definitely changed very much.

Her lawyer looks more remorseful and he offers Ricardo his hand for a shake before sitting down.

"Good day, I am Diego Salano, her lawyer. " He says.

Ricardo doesn't want the poor man to feel bad about himself so he takes his hand and offers his a smile of his own.

" Nice to see you too, sir. Please take a sit. "

He sits beside Elsa, who isn't even worried about their small conversation.

Ricardo sits too and looks at both of them, seems like he is going to have to take the lead on this one.

"So, Elsa. " He turns to her. " To what do I owe this August meeting?"

" What do you think, Ricardo?" She fires at him. " I am here for my children. "

" Your children?" Ricardo can't help but laugh. " I know you are not talking about Alex and Alison. "

" Why? Do you have other kids with your hoes now?"

The tension keeps growing and Diego has to step in. He clears his throat and adjusts on his seat and looks at the two of them with plea in his eyes.

He can't imagine that two people who are of high class would stoop down so low to treat each other very badly.

"Okay, this is not how it's supposed to be. " Diego sighs. " Mister Ricardo, sir. All she wants is to be with her children. "

"Can't you see that she is not in shape to take care of my children?" Ricardo points at her. "look at what she is putting on for fuck sake. "

" Oh, please. You wish that you had me in your bed, too bad. You and I know that I will be a better parent than you will ever be. "

A knock and the door opens and a man walks in. He has a briefcase in his hand and a two piece black suit on.

"Finally." Ricardo laughs and points at him. That's his lawyer.

"I'm sorry for coming late, the meeting was impromptu." He apologizes. " I am Mister Ethan and I am Mister Ricardo's legal representative. "

He shakes hand with Diego and Ricardo and nods at Elsa before sitting down.

He takes out a few documents from his briefcase and hands them to Diego.

"I can see that you guys aren't willing to settle this amicably. Maybe we should take this to court. " Ethan says.

" Court it is then. " Elsa yells.

"Fine. " Ricardo shrugs.

"All we need now is a evidence of divorce. " Ethan says.

Divorce? Elsa and Ricardo looks at each in confusion.

"No, we are not legally divorced yet. We are just separated. " Ricardo explains.

The lawyers looks at each other and sighs. They didn't see this one coming.

"Is there a problem? " Elsa ask Diego and Ethan. " Why that face?"

" You guys are still married under the law and that means that none of you will get the children. " Ethan breaks to both of them.

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