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Chapter 4: Unspoken Burdens

As the day drew to a close, the inviting aroma of Sister Emily's cooking wafted through the orphanage, signaling the arrival of dinner. We eagerly gathered around the long dining table, our stomachs growling in anticipation. The flickering candlelight cast a warm and cozy glow upon the room, creating an atmosphere of comfort and togetherness.

Taking our seats, I found myself seated between Annabelle and Markus, our conversation flowing seamlessly as we waited for Sister Emily to serve the meal. It was during this time that I noticed something intriguing. Each person at the table wore a number sewn onto their shirt, positioned neatly on the left shoulder area. Glancing down at my own shirt, I discovered the number zero etched into the fabric. Sister Emily proudly displayed the number one, while Annabelle and Markus sported the numbers two and three, respectively. Curiosity stirred within me, wondering about the significance behind these numerical designations.

As the steaming bowls of soup were placed before us, their rich aroma tantalizing our senses, Markus surprised me by taking only a half portion. I watched as he looked suspicious, his twinkling eyes hinting at a secret. I decided to let it slide for now, focusing on the delicious soup that Sister Emily had prepared with love and care.

Around the table, the air was filled with laughter, lively conversations, and the clinking of utensils. We shared stories, anecdotes, and dreams, creating an intimate tapestry of our lives. The room echoed with genuine laughter and the occasional friendly banter, reinforcing the sense of family that had formed within the orphanage's walls.

In that moment, amidst the cheerful ambiance and the satisfying taste of the soup, I felt a deep sense of belonging. Each person seated around the table held their own unique story, their own struggles, and their own dreams. Yet, in this shared space, we found solace and support in one another.

As the evening progressed and the meal drew to a close, a contented silence settled upon us. The bond we shared, nurtured by the love and care of Sister Emily, anchored us in a place where we could truly call ourselves family. With grateful hearts and full stomachs, we dispersed, ready to embrace the night's embrace and find solace in our dreams, knowing that we were not alone in this journey called life.

During dinner, as the lively chatter filled the air, Sister Emily placed a small clipboard at the center of the table. The clipboard displayed a neatly written list indicating the dishwashing duty for the week. To my surprise, my name and Markus' were listed side by side, signifying our responsibility for the task. Glancing at each other, we exchanged a knowing smile, acknowledging the shared duty that awaited us.

As we cleared the table after the meal, I decided to ask him about the numbers, as I had been wondering what they meant for a while now. Markus leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a hushed tone. "You noticed the numbers, right?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. I nodded, eager to learn the meaning behind them. Markus explained that the numbers represented the order in which each of us had come to the orphanage. He pointed to my shirt, where the number zero was emblazoned, and explained that I was the first child Sister Emily had taken in. Annabelle, being the second to arrive, had the number two assigned to her.

Confusion clouded my mind for a moment. If I was the first, why was I labeled with a zero instead of a one? Sensing my perplexity, Markus shrugged, admitting that he wasn't entirely certain about the reasoning behind it. But he had overheard Sister Emily once with a guest as they talked about how I was the first child she found and took care of.

Markus' demeanor shifted, his expression turning serious. He confided in me, his voice laced with concern. "Tee, we have to talk. We don't have enough food, and money is tight. We'll struggle to make ends meet for the next few months." His words hung heavy in the air, the weight of our predicament pressing upon us. Markus explained that he had discovered a tree nearby laden with an abundance of fruits. It was our lifeline, a source of sustenance that could sustain us during these challenging times. That's why he had been taking only half portions to ensure there would be enough for everyone.

As I absorbed Markus' revelation, the memories and emotions flowing into my consciousness through the Sovereign System filled in the missing pieces. It became clear that Markus had taken it upon himself to shoulder the burden silently, not wanting to burden Annabelle or Sister Emily, both of whom were too selfless to prioritize their own needs.

Gratitude welled up within me, mingled with a sense of responsibility. I understood that it was my duty to support Markus and contribute in any way I could. Together, we would face the challenges ahead, finding strength in our shared determination and the bond we had forged as brothers in this orphanage.

As I sat alone in my room, I decided to activate my Appraisal Skill, eager to learn more about myself. The words appeared before my eyes, revealing hidden truths about my identity.

Name: Temetrious Eastwood

Race: Human

Culture: Candecan

Alignment: Neutral

Profession: None

Title: None

Health: 100%

Strength: D

Dexterity: C

Endurance: D

Intelligence: B

Engineering: C

Skills: None

My name, Temetrious Eastwood, was confirmed, along with the realization that I was a human. The Appraisal Skill even disclosed my ethnic background, labeling me as a Candecan.

Curiosity piqued, I delved further into the appraisal results, discovering more about my capabilities. To my disappointment, most of my stats seemed average or even below average. My Strength was mediocre, my Dexterity fell short, and my Endurance left much to be desired. It was disheartening to see these lackluster numbers, but I refused to let them discourage me.

On the brighter side, my Intelligence showed some promise, hinting at my potential for strategic thinking and problem-solving. I hoped that this aptitude would prove useful in the challenges that lay ahead. Additionally, my Appraisal Skill revealed my proficiency in the Engineering field, which intrigued me. Perhaps there are opportunities for me to utilize this skill in the future.

While examining my appraisal results, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of determination and slight disappointment. I wasn't gifted with exceptional abilities or extraordinary talents. However, I remained optimistic, knowing that with effort and perseverance, I could overcome these shortcomings and grow stronger, as I seemed to be able to learn skills that would hopefully make it a whole lot easier for me. The Sovereign System had given me a chance, and I was determined to make the most of it.

As I helped Annabelle and Sister Emily put all the kids to bed, I couldn't help but think about the upcoming trip to the city tomorrow. I wanted to remember anything important—any details or errands we needed to take care of while we were there. It was my responsibility to ensure everything went smoothly, especially since I had the Sovereign System guiding me.

After the children were settled in their beds, I found a moment of quiet for myself. Sitting on the edge of my own bed, I closed my eyes and focused on recalling any fragment of information that could be useful. The memories of Temetrious mixed with my own, creating a confusing blend. But I was determined to sift through them and retrieve anything of importance.

At the same time, at a familiar place, someone else is reminiscing about the past.

Alone in the tranquil night, Sister Emily found herself drawn to the secluded bench in the forbidden open space. Bathed in the soft glow of the full moon, she sought solace and a moment of introspection. As her gaze wandered across the vast expanse of the ocean, memories of the past flooded her mind.

"Oh, Rosa," she whispered into the night, her voice carrying a hint of wistfulness. "Every day, I see more of him in Tee, but he has your eyes. It's as if your spirit lingers, guiding him and shaping him into the remarkable young man he's becoming."

Sister Emily let out a sigh, her thoughts consumed by the memories of their shared journey. "I remember when he first arrived, just a tiny baby in need of love and care. And now, look at him—growing up right before my eyes. Don't worry, dear Rosa, your boy is growing up just fine."

In the depths of her reminiscence, a bittersweet smile played upon her lips. She continued to address Rosa, as if her presence lingered in the whispers of the night. "We've faced challenges, you and I. The hardships, the joys, the tears, and the laughter All woven into the tapestry of our lives here at the orphanage."

Her voice carried the weight of unspoken emotions and hidden histories. "But even as we forge ahead into an uncertain future, I know deep in my heart that the bond between us remains unbreakable. Your legacy lives on through Tee, and I'll continue to nurture and protect him as if he were my own."

Lost in her own thoughts, Sister Emily found comfort in the silent companionship of the moonlit night. The ocean breeze whispered secrets, carrying echoes of nostalgia and the weight of untold stories. In this intimate moment, she found solace, offering her heartfelt reassurances to Rosa's distant presence.

And so, in the hushed serenity of that moonlit night, she let the words hang in the air, a testament to the enduring love and connection that transcended time and space.

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This is my first time writing a story and English isn't my first language.

So I hope you still liked it!

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