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Monster High: Magic Mayhem Monster High: Magic Mayhem original

Monster High: Magic Mayhem

Author: TheMostDapper

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon

Disclaimer: "Hello everybody!" Dapper coming to you with a Harry Potter and Monster High crossover. I've been looking into these things and apparently they aren't really that popular, I wonder why. Everyone knows Harry Potter and has read at least one book, you should see some fanfics. And I thought Monster High was really popular for awhile, hmm, well who knows. Anyway, sit back, relax and read while I try to clean up myself. Oh yeah, here: I don't own Harry Potter or Monster High they are owned by their respective creators who are owned the credit for them. If I did own them, I'm pretty sure I would have a lot more money and summer in Cape Cod. Enjoy! 😋

P.s. Kudos to whoever knows the quote I made at the beginning, I'll start doing shout outs once I receive some comments or reviews. Alright laters!




Speaking: "Merlin's beard!"

Thinking: 'Idiot. Doesn't realize I know this place like the back of my hand. Oh shoot that's new!'

Whispering: ´Shut up! Do you not know rule #3? Never ask a women her age or weight?`

Telepathic/transformed speech: *So, this worm thinks he can take on a goliath?*

Actions: ^Picks up candy dish, looking for something good.^

Parseltongue: _Ahhh! I'm ssso hungry!_




"Well, this is just bloody brilliant." I sigh as I sit down and try to settle my mind as what has happened so far today. I mean, it's bad enough the pure-bloods have been trying to rob me while looking me straight in my face. Then my old friends try to make things go their own way how they like since they just know me. "And now I am in some city that is split down the middle, one half is the basic modern normal. And the other, whimsical but creepy half looking like it is straight out of some cheesy horror movie."



Okay let me back up and give you some knowledge of how this situation came to be. Okay take a deep breath, clear my head to prepare...I'm a magical wizard like those stories of old. I know that's shocking and "totally awesome," but honestly it lost its charm after the first few months with it. I lived with my, and I use this term loosely, family of my horse Aunt Petunia, whale Uncle Vernon, and Little Piglet cousin Dudley for most of my early life, I was neglected and abused but I still lived. But, on my 11th birthday I got a letter enrolling me to a magic school which I attended for almost seven years.



I loved the Magical World and I still do, just not as much as before. It was like stepping into a fairytale, colors galore, weird and tasty food, fantasy animals, and learning magic. But, like a dream it had nightmares as well, there was racism in abundance for those who were the first of their families to have magic called Muggleborns. All because of the old families called Pure-Bloods, basically nobles, had all the money and traditions did not like the muggleborns trying to change things. Coming up with racial names similar to the "N word" for those below them as "Half-Bloods" those with one old and one new parent, and "Mud-Bloods" for the newest magicals. The Pure had all the power, money, and skill from practice, while the New had the bare bones, less skilled, but made up for it having larger magical cores available for use.



Then, there were the people that went dark, magic has two sides light and dark, light and dark does not mean good and evil, it is all about intent. Say I used a light spell such as Lumos, which gives me a ball of condensed light to see clearly in the dark, and had it to blind a group of people, it is then dark. But, if I used a dark spell such as the bone banishing curse to remove the broken bones out of someone to heal them it is then light. Out of all the spells there are three called the "Unforgivables," they are only dark and cannot be used for good unless in extreme situations, they are very dark and powerful that they can permanently change the soul. The Impervious Curse takes away someone's freewill making them a human puppet, the Cruciatus Curse inflects immense pain and can drive someone to insanity from prolonged use on a victim. And finally the Killing Curse, no counter other than to dodge or have mutiple souls in my case, nothing happens at all once hit you drop dead, end of story.



Anyway, once upon a time a Half-Blood went dark because he had a sad life and wanted power. Going on to raise an army of dark followers to take over the wizarding world, killing many families, ending blood lines and new ones of Muggleborns, he changed his name to the anagram "I AM LORD VOLDEMORT." A prophecy then came around he would be defeated by a baby who would be his equal, he killed the babe's family and lost his body to due his favorite spell the Killing Curse hitting him, the child then became famous as the boy-who-lived. That was me, I had a ruff childhood with my relations, saved by magic and the half-giant man who introduced me to it, and went to magic school to grow up. Eventually defeating the Dark Wanker in the final magical showdown of all time and happily ever after, the end!



After that I just wanted to relax on account that I didn't have a death threat hanging over my head the whole time. But, many seemed to not be able to take a freaking hint at all, when comparing wizards and witches to animals they would be sheep. They can not think for themselves, always relying on others to do things for them, and go crazy over any single thing that is said to them. Not even a week later I had recieved innumerable amounts of marriage contracts and offers from random women and some men when word finally spread out around the world. And more people than you think would sent me some uh interesting photos of them selves, I burned all of the men's before I even saw a glimpse. Some of the women were very flexible to say the least, "What! I'm was a guy who had very bad luck when it came to women, I know some guys that would kill to get a peek at them!"



Anyways get yours heads out the gutter people, moving on I couldn't take much more of it so I chose to seclude myself and research magic more to develop it. While that was going on the magical government called the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengot were trying to take over my fortune and inheritance since I became the wealthiest after the war. Anyway, one day I was working on incorporating potions into ward work and arithmacy, "I still don't get how no one thought of it before?" I had signed a contract to work with a dragon sanctuary, since some materials I needed had to be taken fresh from the creature. While I was working on drawing the lines for the wards is when the 'accident' happened, and how I got lost.



You see, when working with molding magic it is incredibly important to be focused and to pay attention, else one wrong move could make you blow up. I had drawn a pattern in ground made of a mixture of things I'd rather not say, so the magic would infuse with it so the wards would work better and last much longer. The dragon I was working with was off to the side taking a nap, I gotta say I didn't know such a savage beast could be so domesticated. The magic I was working started to affect the beast having a strange effect, it seemed to rub it. It then began to roll around on the ground looking like it was in pure bliss.



It finally rolled onto the lines of dust causing them to deform and the dust to pick up, I did not see any of this because I had a silencing charm on and was facing the other direction. When enough dust finally kicked up the dragon started to wheeze badly, then when it finally sneezed it sent out a fireball mixed in with the magic and dust at the remains of my work. The effect was sudden because it caused a giant explosion that engulfed the entire work and me except for the dumb beast. The next thing I knew I was surround in colorful light and was feeling like I was falling, I didn't know what happened at first because I was so focused on my task. It felt like everything was in slow motion but I was still at normal speed, then after what felt like hours I hit something and everything went back to normal-ish and I blacked out.



When I woke up I was disoriented at first when I tried to stand, but it was fading fast. Once steady I looked around, apparently I was in a strangely decorated park one half of it was normal for humans to enjoy any day of the week, but the other looked ready for Halloween complete with gravestones and bats. Thinking it having to do to religious groups or something I went over to the decorated side, it was October after all. After a bit of walking I saw some stores thinking might as well see what's to look at. The store names confused me and I understood them at the same time, they sold stuff that was for humanoid magical creatures and the like but modern. But, this confused me since there should not be a place like this here in plain sight with muggles within walking distance. I walked back to the park to ponder this development, could a ward have died or something, but I looked at a newspaper in one of the stands close to me and I swore like no tomorrow.



And that brings us to where we are now, me thinking of what to do, and how am I going to get back. When I looked at the newspaper it told of a monster school here in the town of "New Salem" trying to get monsters to live in peace with "normies." "I guess that's what the monsters call the humans here, might as well check it out and see if I can get some help." I stand up and start heading towards the school, it's not really that hard to find with it being practically a giant castle on the biggest hill over town. While I was walking up I couldn't help but think, "Man, why is it important buildings always happen to be very big and somewhere high up?" I chuckle at that thought as I continue my way up the hill, it really isn't that hard then again I was a star seeker.



As I walk up to the pristine gothic style metal gate I can't help but admire the school itself, sure I loved Hogwatts but it was a classic magic castle this is still a castle but stylish modern one. With high pillars, large windows, with arches galore colored in a dark pinkish purple with dark roofs, truly a sight to behold. As I grasp the gate to move it I suddenly hear what sounds like to be hoof beats, but all I see is just the school grounds no horses whatsoever. In a flash of purple light a horror horse then appears galloping towards the gate and me, but I see no rider at all at first. The ghastly beast slows down to a trot and turns to the side of me, I finally get a look at the rider, it is a women in a modernized Victorian style dress but she has no head.



I am stunned frozen where my feet are planted, all that I can do is stare bug-eyed at the sight before me with my mouth wide open not knowing how to respond. The headless body twitches and then turns to the opposite side of the horse and looks as if she is rummaging through something. Turning about to face me is a face, the body apparently put down her own head to ride, she has a nice face, hair done up to look professional, pale skin with high cheekbones, and a calm and caring demeanor for an educator. "Well young yad, for whatever reason are you here at monster high, school does not start for a week even if you are a male. I also suggest you close your mouth, you are definitely not some kind of 'Bullywag' from what I can see."



I quickly snap out of my surprized daze and try to correct my error, "Ahem, I am deeply sorry ma'am, I have not seen someone who looks like you before, so my apologies. I was actually coming here since this place may be the only that can help me here." "Hmm, and what makes you think that Monster High can help a normie such as yourself." "Uh, well you see I'm not technically a normie at all, the thing is I am a wizard and have magic." She then throws a disgusted look my way, "Impossible, all magic users were wiped out in the Witch Trials, I saw it myself, the fact you to claim to be one is an insult in on itself!" She then gets off her horse and starts walking towards me, "Wait, please! Just let me show you...Lumos," a ball of light then bursts forth in my hand momentarily blinding the both of us.



I quickly tone the light down so we can recover from our welding spots, when I look back at her face she is gaping looking absolutely mystified at the sight while staring at the ball of light. Struggling to speak she asks, "H-h-how? There are no magicals left, I researched it myself along with some of the greatest minds in monster kind!" Feeling pride in myself I grin and answer her, "You could say that I'm not really from around here at all. I was hoping that you could help me out here, wait I just realized we never introduced ourselves!"



How a decapitated head is able to blush I don't know, but at least she looks cute doing it. "Ah yes, we did forget introductions didn't we? Very well, hello there young lad I am Headmistress Bloodgood and I am the 'head' authority here in Monster High.~" When I hear the pun I chuckle a bit and decide to return the favor, "Hello Miss. Bloodgood, I am Harrison James Potter from the ancient and noble house of Potter, along with fifty other titles. I can assure I am a 'wiz' at magic and can be a pretty 'punny' guy." After my introduction the Headmistress can't help but giggle since I played along with her little bit of fun. A nice way to break the ice when meeting if I do say so myself.



After getting her laughter down she invites me to come into her office to discuss what needs to be done about me. Once her body is in the chair she places her head on the dark wood desk to speak with me. "Well now Mister Potter, there have been no witches least of all wizards seen for a couple hundred years, how is it that you are with us today I wonder?" "That is a difficult question to answer Headmistress, the most likely for me that I understand is that I am not in my original world." She looks very puzzled at my answer, but does not interrupt me as I try to explain my situation to her.



"You see where I am from wizards and witches are the most widespread intelligent magical creatures. We have monsters but most, almost all are mindless feral beasts, with the odd one being comparable to humans here and there. From what I came to understand is when the Witch Trials started most wizarding kind hid themselves from mundanes and never reintegrated with them. Ending up being stuck in the past except for the wizards who came from mundane families who were introduced into the Wizarding World. Here this never happened with magicals having died off a long time ago, with that in mind I can only assume I either time traveled or was sent to another world."



The Headmistress stares deeply into my eyes as if trying to decide whether I am telling the truth, or making the entire thing up and sighs. "What you say is true, no matter how strange it may sound, and trust me I know strange. Being a 'Dullahan' I can usually see the truth in something being associated with death and all, and you are telling no lies Mr. Potter." "Please ma'am just call me Harry, I have about fifty titles to my name back home I'd rather be just Harry." "Very well just Harry," she giggles a bit while I groan, "seeing as we have little to no way to find and send you back home, how would you like to join Monster High as a student?"



When she says that I can't help but be shocked, "Wait! You want me a human to join an all monster school, that can't go over well!" Bloodgood smirks and replies calmly, "Harry, here you are from you are considered human, but here I know the normies won't take kindly to you. You said so yourself you are a magical wizard, therefore you are not technically human at all, only a type that is completely outnumbered. You are grouped as a monster in this world, so it would be only natural that you would attend here."



I stare at her as her words start to sink in,' She's right I'm the only one of my kind now, and my magic might practically go dead if I have no help from others.' "Sigh, as there is no other possibe alternative that I can think of, I have decided to take you up on your offer Headmistress." Bloodgood smiles very brightly almost giddy with excitement from the looks of it, "That is simply plendid Harry, though please remember during school hours I will have to call you Mister Potter, understood?" "Yes Headmistress, it is nothing I haven't dealt with before." "Now, since you are the last magical you will be needed to be taught about the world around you as well as this school we will start later this afternoon and have you enrolled after lunch," I completely understand her reasoning so I nod in agreement.




Monster Types:

Dullahan or Headless Horseman: Often appearing as a man or women with no head attached to the body riding upon a dark horse. The head is carried, usually under the arm, and many variations from the head very rotted looking like cheese, or perfectly normal being pale as if recently deceased. Most are a associated with death, such as stopping where someone will die or calling out the name of a person to instantly kill said person.



Bullywag: An amphibian type of monster with the general appearance of a humanoid frog or toad. They mostly live in swamps due to their need of moisture and water, and are strictly freshwater, one could become a saltwater if raised from very early age around it. Can stay in water for long periods of time but needs air to breathe, and is sensitive to high heat and temperatures.




Author's note: Alright chapter one is done! If you liked it thank you, if you hated it, oh well, tell me what I could do better. Now I know there are haters out there who do so just because, I'm only say this once I don't care. I'm just trying to have some fun writing so I don't need to deal with people like that. So, anyone who says that I should quit or kill myself, you will be ignored since I don't care and I've heard it all before and even worse. Thanks for reading c ya next time!

Here is the pictures for in the story, sorry I couldn't find better ones. 😅

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