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Chapter 4: Chapter 4


"Come on boy stand up! Aren't you supposed to be a man, huh?! Or what, are you gonna cry, are you gonna cry down there like a weak, whining, sniveling little baby?"

A young or rather a younger-looking Vali lay sprawled out along the ground, looking beaten, battered and bloody beyond what words could ever hope to describe. Some parts of his body even had cuts all over them, inflicted by some sharp object, though it wasn't like his scum of a father had any fucks to give about that. The man gleefully stomped his foot on top of his son's head, a sick, twisted smile on his features as he revealed in the control, in the dominion, that he had over this frail existence below him that he'd brought into the world.

























His mother, Lily, tried to protect her son from the abuse that her husband is causing to him, however, said husband didn't listen to her one bit, instead, he raised his right arm and swung it in a reverse backhand, smacking the woman with an audible matching sound ringing throughout the entire household.

Her pained shrieks filled the air and stirred Vali from his near unconscious state. How his head hadn't been caved in during this pounding Vali had little clue, nor did he think too much about it beyond his endurance being better than kids his age. Instead, all he focused on was the man who had made him this way, the man responsible for making his life and that of his mother's a living hell.


"Oh what's this, still awake, are we? Come on what is it, brat? Say it louder, I can't hear you."

With Vali struggling to speak due to the wounds that his father had caused him, Vali raised his head and glared hatefully towards Razevan promising death to him. Even in his battered state, his hateful gaze still burned bright like the flames of a dragon, something which would become much more significant in the future.

"I-I swear....that…...I'…...I swear it..."

He spat those words out whilst coughing up blood from the continuous stomping that he'd endured, yet his fierce gaze never faltered. All he got for his troubles though, turned out to be a scornful, mocking scoff from his father as he once again stomped on Vali's head… this time, grinding his face into his own small puddle of blood. As if to mark him and make him see just how pathetic he truly seemed to be… at least in his father's eyes.

"Ohhhh son… tut-tut-tut. How disappointing, you STILL think you can win against your superiors even after all these 'lessons' I taught you. In any case, you'll have to do better than that because you are beneath me… and you know what? You always WILL be."






{I think that's enough of that, let's get out of this place shall we young man?}


With that said a tall, imposing-looking stranger suddenly stepped over to the boy's right side from quite LITERALLY out of nowhere, swiping his hand like swatting a fly and instead of a house, Vali and the stranger are in a temple. The boy blinked owlishly at this, confusion and befuddlement dominating his being at these chain of events… emotions which increased when he noticed that his body had become covered in various bandages.

When Vali made up to stand on his feet, having finally come to terms with the fact that here in fact WAS in a different location than before, something proven further when memories of recent events (the escape, [Glavenus], the desert and Uraeus) flashed through his mind, the young lad took a look at his surroundings. He soon saw that the temple had been the same color as the sand that he had become somewhat used to seeing after coming to this Desert, which made him curious. To that end, Vali went towards one of the blocks scattered on the ground and touched it with his right hand. The moment that he did so, the boy felt something… solid and when he took out his hand, he saw some dirt spot that was mud. It didn't take him long to realize it, and when he did, he became baffled by the fact that it actually WAS made from mud.

'How is it possible that it's made out of mud?' Vali wondered to himself, staring at the object with a transfixed expression on his face.

{That's because, boy, when our worshippers were tired and couldn't find any more wood or stones, they invented molds to make mud bricks to build their houses. The humans preferred wood nowadays, but personally I think its a masterpiece on how they used this to make pyramids.}


Vali jumped in surprise that he heard someone speaking right next to him. His instincts screamed at him as his past experiences drove him to QUICKLY turn towards the voice's source, already about to draw out [Glavenus] from his back… only to realize that it wasn't there. Nor could he feel the connection between them anymore. But before he could panic, Vali glanced to his left and saw a person standing there, hands pocketed within his legwear: a tall and slender man who looked to possess short, combed blonde hair and clear blue eyes. He wore a properly buttoned white shirt with a tie and creamy yellow tailored suit with matching trousers along with black dress shoes.

{Relax boy, this is a dream, or better yet your soul I just appeared to see you young Lucifer.}

"!? How do you know that?"

Vali gaped in surprise, hearing the stranger's comments about how the place they were in happened to be his own soul, to the point where he even forgot about how he addressed him as a Lucifer.

{hohoho boy, I know everyone's name in fact I know your father's name, your grandfather's name and your deceased great-grandpa who's long been dead, died in the great war as a matter of fact.}

"Eh? My great-grandpa? Who is he?" Vali questioned, tilting his head to the side in confusion. He knew about his father aside much as he didn't want to, he knew a LITTLE about his grandfather and what he did know made him want to add him to the list of Lucifer's he's killed, but his great grandfather? Nope, he'd never heard of him before. Perhaps he had been like those 'scum' called his male relatives, or perhaps he had been like his mother, Vali wasn't sure, and for once he couldn't talk to Albion or [Glavenus] due to their links not working correctly in this room.

{Oh that's simple: it's the biblical god, or better yet YHWH.}


"HAAAAAAAH!? What, are you kidding me?! He's…...he's dead!? But how, I thought that when a god dies they reform back into their original selves, that's what Albion said!"

{Well that's true what you said young man. Like your partner told you, they can be reformed when they die but for YHWH, he's a… special case, while he is powerful, he had to seal something that he had to use every seal including thousands of forbidden ones. That said being, mind you, is far more dangerous than every living being on this entire planet, and THAT's saying something.}

The stranger said in a grim voice and face the more he talked about it.

"What is this being that you're talking about?"

{...You'll know soon enough, but right now, let's talk to each other. It's been awhile since I've talked to someone.}

Upon him saying this, Vali blinked several times like an owl, all whilst he then remembered that the stranger knew his name without him even asking it, or Vali even saying it for that matter.

"... What's YOUR name then? I don't know much about you Gods, but to me it's kind of rude to intrude inside someone else's soul." Vali asked, also getting the feeling that Albion and [Glavenus] would be having a FIELD day once he told them about all this. Let it be said that Dragons don't like it when someone messes with what they consider theirs, Albion had told him about his once when he had mentioned his rival Ddraig… as well as his less than fortunate history with the female dragon King, Tiamat.

For context, according to Albion, that woman had apparently INVENTED the phrase 'hell hath no fury than a woman scorned'.

… made him want to try fighting her in the future, see what all the fuss Albion made about her had been about.

{Ahhhh yes forgive me young Lucifer, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shai the Egyptian god of Fate, Destiny, Life, and Death. it's a pleasure to meet with you.}

"......A god of fate, huh? That's new, and that's how you knew my name."

{Oh no, I didn't use my domain to know what your name is.}

"Then how did you know my name?"

{It's because of this.}

He then pulled out his hand, which had been reaching behind his back whilst the man called Shai had been talking, before it opened up before him, revealing a thread, a single pure silver thread that matched closely with Vali's hair. Needless to say, Vali didn't get it, especially with the expression he had on his face as he eyed the man blankly.

"....A thread? That's how you know my name? What's this, a joke show because if it is I'm not laughing."

Instead of being offended then launching some curse at him like any other typical God would, Shai instead burst into a fit of laughter, much to Vali's internal irritation since he didn't see what was so funny about what he'd said.

{Hahahahahahaha no, but it's a good one. This thread allows me to see a person's destiny, their fate, and their future.}

"Is that so, then what is mine?"

{Careful young man on what you're asking, if a person sees their future or better yet their fate, it will cause you to fade away, you would be removed by history, no one will remember you, not even your own mother.}


Vali turned back his head as he was almost close to it, to the point where he had been about to see his own fate, thus became close to obliteration as he had an expression of horror and terror on his face. Though, considering what would happen if he looked at his own thread, he had every right to be.

{It was decreed by the primordials, or better yet the creator of the universe, that if people were to see their own fate or destiny, they would use this to gain an advantage of their own destiny. Like, to become a king, to become a powerful man, or to become a tyrant. That is how Merlin, your half brother, used his visions to guide Arthur to become a king for his Utopia. But it didn't last long when Arthur's dream was destroyed when he didn't kill Lancelot for having an affair with his wife, made Tristan leave because Arthur couldn't express his own emotions, and was killed by his son Mordred when he refused the notion that Mordred was actually his son. Sometimes the future is unpredictable, it can even be one which even a primordial couldn't see. If someone sees their destiny and future, it would only cause dissolution upon them, and THAT is why that rule was degreed, it was to protect the mortals, the gods, even other beings as well.}

Upon hearing this, an understanding glint appeared in Vali's eyes, his quick maturity shining through. It didn't take him long to grasp the facts presented before him, of how apparently human desires led to this rule being established… in order to protect other people from being destroyed by their fate.

"Ahh well, that's fine. I have no need to see my own future because even if I were to see my destiny or fate, I will change it. I will never believe that I'm not in control of my own future, I'm in control of my own destiny, and I will not let anyone control me or my fate. I'm the one who gets to decide on how I will be in the future."

Shai smiled at the fact the young hybrid declared with such passion, such RESOLVE, that even if he can't see his own future, he will decide on what he will be in the future. To the God of Fate, perhaps it could be seen as an act of rebellion against the 'rules' and 'ends' priorly-decided before their births and inevitable deaths, however, Shai didn't see it that way. Nope, not him, instead he preferred to see it as a… what was it called… ah yeah, a game's story which had multiple endings, only the endings were decided by the player. People were the ones who wrote their own stories, things like 'fate' were just things that were meant to be used as a simple 'crutch' for those who couldn't stand very much against the trials known as life.

{Well boy that's a good answer boy.... Hm? What's this, your thread: its spreading.}

Just as he had been saying something, some activity from the Thread over his hand drew both Shai AND Vali's attention. Before their eyes, the silver thread began to gradually grow longer and longer as it got entangled with other threads that appeared from seemingly out of nowhere, wrapping around it and interlocking with the main silver thread. They had all sorts of different appearances, some being golden, black, red, green or other colors that entangled with each other as well... until eventually another thread which turned out to be both red and green in one began to loosen up.

{...Ahhhh I see now... guess that means he is not the main factor now...}

"What's happening to my thread…? And, whose thread is that?"

{Ahhh nothing important, young Hybrid. It's just the future is always unpredictable, proof being here: it seems that your destiny has changed, from the moment you decided on what you will be in the future. You have a great future ahead of you, one which will also impact multiple others too in ways that I cannot even begin to fathom. Now it's the time for you to wake up now, Vali. I hope that you hold on to that determination you have since it seems that you're gonna need it.}

After hearing those last words from the God of Fate, Vali's eyes widened when he began to get this feeling of being weightless, causing him to look down. This resulted in him seeing his body beginning to fade out of sight like an illusion being undone, proof being how he saw his hands begin to disappear.

"Wait what do you mean by that, tell me at least-"

Vali couldn't finish his sentence right there, the reason being that he couldn't have finished before he disappeared completely from the scene, leaving the deity all alone. All the while, Shai smirked knowingly to himself, a thoughtful hum escaping his lips as he hummed whilst cupping his chin like a cliche detective in a detective novel.

{Can't wait to see what Vali will bring to the world, or better yet the universe...}

His consciousness beginning to return to reality after what felt like an eternity in the realm of dreams, young Vali began to open his eyes he felt something oddly comfortable that he never felt in his life. With his closed eyes tightening themselves whilst a moan escaped his lips, the lad slowly opened said eyes whilst he unburied his head from… what looked and felt to have been a soft pillow, something which made Vali mentally scoffed at. He knew INSTANTLY that that pillow WASN'T one of his belongings after all his bastard of a father never let him even OWN bed, let alone a pillow.

But, before he would do anything else, damage control.

'Albion, [Glavenus], are you two there…?'

[We are Vali. We're all well and good, but what about you? Something happened to you and we felt your connection to us get… tightened, for lack of a better word, to the point where whilst we could still sense our connection, we couldn't do… well, anything else.]

Mentally, Vali heaved a heavy sigh once the deep, dark voice belonging to the former Wyvern resonated from within his mind, especially when he had tried to grasp for him over his back only to feel nothing there. Vali had almost feared the worst, that is until he saw a burst of crimson energy LEAP out of his back, into his right hand, then reform itself into the Devil Arm in question. [Glavenus] HAD once explained that it could enter him for safety's sake and so it's easier to carry around, though when Vali had once asked WHY it had not done that along the journey, he'd simply replied with 'training', and that settled THAT matter. To feel it's weight on his back felt like another layer of comfort to him right now, something which Vali had, surprisingly to himself. Gotten quite used to during the four-day journey here.

THEN came the response from Albion… he did NOT sound very impressed.

'Boy, tell me that wasn't a God's doing just now… tell me that I was wrong when I briefly sensed a sliver of divinity approaching you whilst your soul was unconscious… before the connection between us vanished…'

'... It was a God, Albion, I think I recall his name being Shai…'

Before he could hear the FURIOUS rantings that Albion would soon devolve into regarding Gods and their 'infuriatingly meddlesome' ways, Vali made sure to cut the connection between them for now. Perhaps it would have been better to say something else, but considering how Albion had been his sole confidant aside from his mother (and then his ONLY confidant until he got his first Devil Arm) made him decide to vow on NEVER lying to the Dragon. Though, Vali did get why Albion had a certain… distaste for Godly beings in general.

If the mythos that he had told him about were true, then these so-called 'Gods' may as well be just like his father and grandfather, if you ask him.

At this point, Vali chose to prioritize observing his surroundings now that his brain, thanks to this brief moment of activity, had now fully booted up. As he began to regain his vision, which had been as blurry as a drunkard's at first, he soon began to see that he was located within a temple similar to his dream, but this time it was one which had more decoration than it. This Temple had gold and silver antiques around the room, including a statue of a man with a hawk and another statue that looked clearly like an adult woman, but what made him confused was that the head had been missing.


And there's also lots of furry animals that he has never seen in his life, there was one sitting in his bed, it has black, white and brown spots. Its eyes began to open up and have big amber eyes. It was clearly staring at him before it began to get down from the bed.

".......What type of creature is this?"

[Ahhhhhhh, why, this creature is what we call a cat.]

"A cat? Why are they called like that?"

[It's because boy, cats are a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae, and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. You could say that every feline that has that face are one big family.]

"I see..."


There was one cat that went to Vali, catching his attention. It had a distinctively stocky body, dense coat, and broad face. The color of the fur was a bluish-grey color, a solid grey-blue coat, copper eyes, and a medium-sized tail.

The cat went to him before it sat next to him, and, out of some strange impulse which erupted within his chest, Vali couldn't help but to pet its head with his right hand.



Albion ended his rambling and saw what Vali was doing

'Cute little thing isn't it Vali?'

"....I guess you could say that."

{Well aren't you awake young man, and I see you're getting acquainted with my cats aren't you.}


Vali ceased petting the cat's head while it let out a little whine of disappointment. Obviously, it had enjoyed that little treatment, but since it had been over now, it then went towards an approaching woman as it rubbed its head on her leg. Taking a moment to look her over, Vali's eyes narrowed in intense suspicion, especially since he got the same feeling from her as he had done from that God of Fate back when he had met him inside his Soul… and given how Albion hated them with a passion, making sure to be VERY clear on this point, he also made sure to keep his guard up around her.

Thus, came his first question, slow, and practically DRIPPING with suspicious caution as if it were the venom that he had recently survived from. "Who are you, woman? Are you the one who brought me here?"

{Hmph my such a rude boy, but I guess I might as well tell you my name, my name is Hathor the Egyptian goddess of love, beauty, music, and joy.}

… cue a facepalm so loud it filled the entire room, whilst a tired groan escaped Vali's lips as he hung his head in annoyance. "...Oh great, another god(OUCH) why is my luck always bad... is this happening to me because I'm a Devil?"

{Maybe so, but one can never really tell why their luck is truly bad. Is it a string of coincidences, or is it fate? Regardless, what's your name young Devil, and don't lie to me because I know you're using your demonic energy to replenish your body.}

'.....Should I tell her?'

'...Yes you should, as much as it frustrates me to admit this. If you want to know why its because she can kill you with just a simple flick of her finger. As much as I loathe God's, they ARE supposed to be powerful beings, beings we cannot afford to anger right now. Regardless you should tell her the truth.

[Indeed boy, gods are very hard to deal with, especially with the Greeks, they're ESPECIALLY hard to deal with. Should you meet them, make sure to have a lot of power behind you, cause with their stubborn pride it will be 9 out of 10 chance of a fight being the outcome.]

{Well boy I'm waiting.}

"...Haaaaaaa, fine. It's Vali... Vali Lucifer."

{.....A Lucifer. I should have expected as such, your Demonic Power shouldn't be this absurdly large otherwise. Well, I don't care, as long as you don't cause chaos around the pantheon like that blasted son of Lucifer, I won't hurt you. But let's get back to the situation, why are you in the Egyptian lands? I find it hard for a boy like you to be far away from home.}

Upon hearing her ask that question at the end, Vali went silent for a moment before answering. When he did so, his hair shadowed his eyes thanks to him hanging his head, clenching his fists over his cover-concealed lap. "..I'm here because I'm finding an oasis to train, to get stronger, strong enough to kill my grandfather."

The woman known as Hathor went silent thanks to seeing his eyes, the look of determination despite being a kid. She didn't need to ask him why that was, since that man had been a piece of shit since his birth, not to mention that as a deity, she'd seen her fair share of… cases, involving abused children. This young boy, he seemed to have gone through the worser side of it, give how he looked so skinny that he resembled more of a corpse than anything else, along with him being easy to carry.

After a moment of silence, Hathor spoke once more, her voice grim and dark just like [Glavenus]'s had been when he'd proclaimed his goal to it 4 days ago.

{........It would be a hard goal young man, your grandfather is a Super Devil for a reason. He is someone not to be underestimated, even if you have a sacred gear he has a unique ability to cancel ANY sacred gear, so what makes you think that you can beat, you're powerless against the son of Lucifer.}

Vali grit his teeth hard when he heard that his grandfather was another level of power in terms of strength and power, especially it will be now harder to beat when he heard that Hathor said that his grandfather has the ability to cancel any sacred gear, however, he then realized something. Something which caused a small smile to form on his lips as he held out [Glavenus] across his lap. For the first time, the woman's eyes lingered on the weapon in his hand, feeling something… off about it. "Then it's a good thing I have this with me. It's no Sacred Gear, so that ability shouldn't work."

{Hmm? What do you mean boy? Is that your Sacred Gear, because if it is I told you: any type of Sacred Gear is useless against him.}

At that, Vali just barked in laughter, surprising Hathor to the point she looked to be caught completely off guard. "Hahahaha who said that this is a Sacred Gear? No, this is something MUCH older than the Sacred Gear. This Axe is a Devil Arm."

Hathor looked in shock and complete surprise when she heard that the Axe is a Devil Arm, in fact if the word gobsmacked had a definition in the dictionary, her face would be put right next to that definition. It wasn't often a God got surprised like this either, so within his mind Albion made sure to record it for later viewing… just so he could laugh and spite the Gods all the more. One WAS the reason why he had become a Sacred Gear after all.

{WH-WHAT?!?! A DEVIL ARM?! BU-BUT SHOULDN'T THEY EVEN EXIST ANYMORE!....... Oh, I see now, you again managed to impress me boy. For someone so young to have acquired such a lost weapon… Alright I've decided: for my debt to Albion I will train you for a while.}

Huh did he hear that right, a debt for Albion? Now it's time for Albion to be confused as he appeared once again on Vali's back.

'A debt? What did I do to earn a Goddess's debt? Last time I heard they hate debt, so what's the reason why Goddess?'

Hathor blinked her eyes at the sight of Vali's mechanical-looking dragon Wings, before coming to realize that Albion was in the Sacred Gear for so long. She remembered the Dragon's color scheme, and those wings looked quite similar to the ones he'd used back then, too. For him to become a Sacred Gear and meet her again like this…

{I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you were in that Gear, you really WERE quite wild back then, from what I remember hearing of your exploits. Very well then, I'll let you know the reason why. Have a seat young man, because it will be a long story.}

Vali then sat on the bedside, the sheets having been removed to show that his lower half still had clothes on (much to his relief) as Hathor sat on the chair behind her that wasn't here before. Vali made sure to conceal his emotions there though since he guessed that he shouldn't be so surprised that Gods can do things unpredictable.

{........It was the time of year before Christianity began to rise, before the Great War, before I was Hathor, I was Sekhmet the goddess of war, destruction, vengeance, healing, and plague.}

She began, crossing one leg over the other while looking over towards the headless statue. All before glancing back at the hybrid boy to continue her tale.

{When Ra, the first pharaoh and king of the gods, was initially a wise and just ruler. Over the centuries, however, he became old and senile. As such, humanity began to stop worshipping Ra, ultimately forgetting to uphold Ma'at. Ra became angered upon seeing this and sought a way to gain retribution. He plucked out his eye, which formed into a terrifying lion-headed goddess. Ra named this new goddess "Sekhmet", and commanded her to go and wreak havoc upon humanity for their failure to uphold Ma'at. She did as instructed and began a horrible slaughter, killing almost everything in her sight. When Ra looked down upon the Earth, he was horrified upon seeing the carnage Sekhmet had caused and ordered her to stop and cease her rampage. However, Sekhmet, who had become overcome with bloodlust, refused and continued her rampage. I almost caused the destruction of Egypt's mankind that there was no one to stop me, but then when you appeared I thought you were standing in my way for destruction, you used some kind of flames embedded with poison that affected my soul. By the time I regained my sanity, I saw you leaving before seeing what I caused to my worshippers and the humans. I became horrified and in grief that I begged my father to change my domain and my name to Hathor. Still, the damage had been done, and as a result, others became terrified of me, even my own former husband fears me. That's why I hid you from the other Egyptians Gods, to repay the eternal debt I owe to Albion for changing me.}

Vali and Albion remained silent when she told her story on why she owes a debt to the White Dragon, and why there was a headless statue in the temple. The silver-haired boy couldn't help but feel sorry for her, albeit a little bit sorry, since her tale pretty much revolved around her doing what she had been told to do, ten got shit on for it. Albion too because somewhere deep inside of his memories he could feel that he had been depressed for being as strong as he had been back then, too. To the point where he rarely paid things like this much attention in his search for something, ANYTHING, that could rival his strength.

"You're not a monster mother, you're also a living being too."

Just then, someone else's voice broke through the awkward silence that had developed between the three, causing a wave of relief and confusion to spread within Vali. As much as he had been grateful for the intrusion since it dispersed this awkwardness, he had NO idea on who it was. Was it another God? If so, then he had to REALLY curse his demonic luck. In the end, though, the source appeared when the two saw a girl entering the room. She has deep blue hair and large aqua eyes. She seemed to possess a slender body for a child, delicate-looking arms that looked like they would SHATTER under a single swing from [Glavenus] and matching legs, along white skin. She almost looks exactly like her mother, yet seemed to be around Vali's age, maybe a year or two older than him, her clothes being an extravagant blue dress with gold ornamentals around the rims, her feet concealed by it.

{Gu Xun Er what are you doing? I didn't see you entering our guest's room, what's the reason why you are here.}

Vali blinked owlishly, really confused about the girl's name. What type of name was that? He'd never heard of one so… weird, long even.

Ignoring the looks that he was giving her like any schoolgirl who liked fooling around, the young girl eyed her mother neutrally as she gave her response. "I was simply bringing food to our guest, mother. I was here when you told your story about being Sekhmet... you're not that person, mother, not anymore."

"Hey I'm not hungry-"


A loud grumble escaped his stomach at that moment, creating another awkward atmosphere as Vali tried to look ANYWHERE but the two women before him. Was it just him, or was his face exceedingly hot all of a sudden? What the heck was that all about?

Still, the girl nodded to herself, knowingly. "Your stomach says otherwise, now come one and eat already." she declared, placing a tray of food beside him on the bed, all before standing opposite the young Vali with her hands on her hips. "We can't have a guest on our soil and on an empty stomach, now can we?"

A while of pondering passed as Vali stubbornly tried to figure a way out of this situation, since he didn't trust this person one bit even if she turned out to be a God's(ow) daughter, which DID make him question her identity a bit. However, with the combined stares from both women, the mother's apparently reminding him of his own mother's gaze whenever he acted out of line towards her (very rarely, by the way), he finally conceded to the little one's demands. ".....Tsk fine girl, I'll eat."

When he spoke those words, the girl's eyes blazed in indignant anger as she huffed, stomping her foot on the floor whilst throwing her arms downwards, fists clenched and her cheeks puffed out like two little balls were inside them. "My name is NOT girl, it's Gun Xun Er!" she shouted...

Not like Vali cared all that much. "What kind of name is that, is it multiple or your full name?"

{Let me explain, her father is Korean.}


{Ah yes you haven't been out that's fine, let me explain Korean name consists of a family name followed by a given name, as used by the Korean people in both South Korea and North Korea. In the Korean language, ireum or seongmyeong usually refers to the family name and given name together. Traditional Korean family names typically consist of only one syllable, since her father is from Korean he decided what her name will be before he died of natural cause leaving me with her.}

Hearing this information and processing it in a similar manner to if Albion had been the one to explain it, Vali nodded his head in understanding. "I see…" He breathed, glancing over to the girl, fisting his own palm. "So you're human but also a god, what does that make you, a half-god or something?"

"Close enough, I'm a demigod." Xun Er answered back, but before the two children could continue...

{Alright that's enough, you two. Let's leave our guest to eat his food and once you're done Vali, meet me at the training room, we're going to do some tortur-I mean training.}

Vali heard the word torture before she replaced it before, he couldn't help but shudder the feeling that would cause him certain death and it didn't help that Xun Er was giving him a worried look at him

"Ca-ca-can I train all by myself? I'm fine with it..."

{No, you are going to train with me whether you like it or not, boy, so be prepared. If you're not there in twenty minutes… well, let's just say you will wish that you back in the desert. Hahahahahha.}

With that said, Hathor laughed the evilest way he had ever heard from a woman... it did NOT sound at all pleasant, and it didn't seem like it was meant to, either. With a pale face whilst Xun Er stifled her low giggles as she left with her mother, Vali got the feeling that he's gonna die early, he felt sure of it.

"Albion, [Glavenus]... please help me."

'.....Sorry partner, it was nice knowing you.'

[Your on your own, boy]


Time skip one year later

It's been a year since the young Lucifer began to train under the Goddess Hathor, and if he were to describe the experience, he'd summarize it in one word: Hell. Pure and simple. That Goddess had NOT been joking when she had mentioned the torture she called training, not only that but she had been RUTHLESS, throwing him into entire HOARDS of various wildlife throughout the Sahara desert, allowing Vali to see things that, well… no human had ever or WOULD ever see even if they traversed the desert's entirety. Add in the surprise sparring sessions with her where he would have to wear all sorts of different weights, special symbols that added extra weight engraved into his skin, and Vali could understand JUST how monstrous the woman known as Hathor could be.

Other than endurance training, he was taught to use his energy manipulation and combat practice. There wasn't any kind of progress on learning anything like martial arts though, mostly weapon training from [Glavenus] and Albion teaching him more about Divine Dividing. The reason this had been so due to the previous wielder saying that he wanted to see more battles, all in order to 'judge' Vali's potential… or in layman's terms, 'get stronger and stop cussing like a little baby newblet, THEN I'll consider teaching you.'

Regarding his weapon training, [Glavenus] had proceeded in this, training Vali on more about his Devil arm, since it had the most 'experience' with this act and would be the most qualified to teach him. Aside from how to wield a Switch Axe better with varying techniques and other aspects of the weapon, there was also a unique technique that [Glavenus] had informed him about: called 'Hunter Arts'. Basically put, they were a series of special techniques, some unique to the Switch Axes whilst others were tailored for different weapons. [Glavenus] knew all kinds of Hunter Arts tailored to different weaponry, hence his 'experience' making it qualified as Vali's weapon teacher.

But in order to perform the Switch Axe Hunter Arts, the wielder must possess significant stamina and endurance, all due to the weapon being INSANELY heavy. Thus, in order to effectively wield it, Vali must get used to wielding a heavy weapon.

And finally, Albion trained Vali on Divine dividing, at first Vali had difficulty containing the power to his own since he had multiple mistakes on having the energy going out to the air instead of adding it to his own. Even now, he still had a few mistakes, with Albion saying that he could contain about…. 85% of the power now, so that had been a step forwards at least.

Though,the boy hadn't been the only one immersed within his training either, for Xun Er also decided to join him in her mother's training. Her main motivation had been so she could restore her reputation so that they won't fear her anymore, though about after a few months of knowing him, basically after half a year, she tried to get Vali opened up to her because he was being very cautious in trusting other people, for to him, it'd be WAY TOO EASY for them to stab them in the back. So far she made minimal progress with him, his distrusting nature FIERCE and powerful... though at least they can get along with one another as mutual acquaintances.

Hathor couldn't help but to be proud of her daughter finally trying to make friends of her own age and getting along with each other, although she DID feel a bit of frustrated anger at Vali for refusing to be more than acquaintances to her. One day however, she sensed something whilst meditating within her own private residence. What it was, she didn't know all that much, but she DID sense something entering the world that felt… rather alien-like, she couldn't help but to think something is affecting the world or better yet the universe, so with a heavy heart she decided to talk to the two children

{Vali and Xun Er come here, there is something I want to talk to you two about.}

After hearing her calling for them via the telepathy that Deities were able to do, Vali and Xun Er went to the goddess, wondering what she had to say. They soon arrived within her private chambers, standing before her looking mildly ruffled from one of their recent spars.

She took a look at them, mentally remarking about how they grew up so fast. For one, Vali looked to have filled out rather nicely thanks to having access to 3 meals a day and a warm bed. He now looked like a more healthy 7-year-old, though as a mother she couldn't say she approved of his wardrobe choices. As in, his clothes, having been swapped out thanks to them being literally rags at this point, now got replaced by ones fit for a more… punkish, bad boy look.

He had a black armor jacket covering his form, beneath it being a gothing black dark blue vest along with a black simple vest. Beneath all of that, he wore a black vintage pattern girdle around his abdomen area. Around his neck, hanging like an accessory, was a black dark mask, one which when he wore it, covered the lower portion of Vali's face whilst on top of his head he wore a punkish PU hat. Over his legs, he wore some simple black long pants with matching lace boots.

He looked like a mix of punk, edgelord and bad boy which, like she mentioned, her motherly instincts disapproved of, but it had been his choice anyways so she couldn't stop him. Plus Albion and even [Glavenus] were all for it, those two have been fans of the 70's punk outfits.

While Xun Er looked more like Hathor herself when she had been younger, she wore a crimson sheath dress which exposed her left shoulder, a black vest underneath with a matching leather studded belt around her waist that had a golden square-shaped buckle. Beneath the dress was a set of transparent tights too, with black boots that had silver soles.

Ahhhh children grow up fast these days, but let's get back to the topic

{Children, I am sending you two to japan. The reason for this is there seems to be something that came from outer space, so I want the two of you to find whatever it is, then either contain it or destroy it if the situation gets out of hand. I can only trust the two of you that you will fail me.}

"We will not fail you mother, I promise that."

"Heh, not like I'd care much, but if there are any fights for me, then count me in. But where in japan where will we go."

{The place in Japan that you two are going to is called Uminari City.}


Hello everyone this is Darklord331 and HunterxKiller86

Here are clarification for this story:

For the time and future, I simply find out there is no law someone seeing the future or their destiny so Darklord331 has decided to make one so that would be a perfect example on why you shouldn't mess with time, I mean look at Merlin and Artoria from F/GO Merlin used his vision to help Artoria to guide her to her utopia and look where it happened, war and destruction all because she followed her destiny, her dreams, and her future. For Hathor's story when she was Sekhmet, we simply got this from Riordanverse and decided to make her a story that she was Sekhmet. For her daughter she is from Battle through the heavens look up the story I recommend it, it's a good story

Hope you liked, and look forward to the next one.


Dark_Spider Dark_Spider


Hello everyone this is Darklord331 and HunterxKiller86

Here are clarification for this story:

For the time and future, I simply find out there is no law someone seeing the future or their destiny so Darklord331 has decided to make one so that would be a perfect example on why you shouldn’t mess with time, I mean look at Merlin and Artoria from F/GO Merlin used his vision to help Artoria to guide her to her utopia and look where it happened, war and destruction all because she followed her destiny, her dreams, and her future. For Hathor’s story when she was Sekhmet, we simply got this from Riordanverse and decided to make her a story that she was Sekhmet. For her daughter she is from Battle through the heavens look up the story I recommend it, it’s a good story

Hope you liked, and look forward to the next one.


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