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76.92% Moon Clan

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Rose

We arrived at the insanely huge clan house at 6 o'clock in the morning. After we had the phone call yesterday, Thorn had been awfully quiet. It was disturbing. Through the whole car ride, he was somber while me on the other hand was very excited. First mission as a "member" of the clan, so many things could be done. Of coarse the possibility of killing someone was always there, but that wasn't going to 'kill' my mood (heheh, ok I'll stop).

Boss Suwa greeted us at the door once we pulled up. His face was the same as Thorn's but it seemed like my emotions were not going to be shaken. He found my attitude odd and looked at me with confusion, he started to fill us in on what the mission was about.

"Esphera, your first mission might be a bit rough for your first rodeo, but I have faith in that you will handle it. You will be required to gather Intel from our prisoners in anyway you see fit. I will warn you though, these men are hard to crack." My mind buzzed at his words. An interrogation mission? I've never done it before, what could be so hard?

I felt Thorn tense up near me, I glanced at him and caught him staring at me, his eyes filled with pity. What's wrong with him? Boss Suwa leads us to a downstairs part of the house, wood replaced by dark gray cement. The temperature dropped about twenty degrees once we entered the cell. Before we went inside, Boss Suwa turned to Thorn, handed him a file and said,

"Oh and Thorn, you're her partner from now on." With that, he left without a moment of hesitation. Looks like I'll be stuck with him even more than I already am. He looked at me, sighs then smiles warmly. It looks like he wants to comfort me, though I don't know from what. He walked close besides me, almost like a bodyguard.

The metal hinges creaked their complaint about the movement, alerting the men inside in an instant. There were ten in total and most, much to my horrible surprise, were dreadfully familiar. Out of fear or tension, I grabbed Thorn's arm tightly. I recognized them the same moment they recognized me, amusement filling their eyes.

Thorn glanced down at me, clearly confused by my odd behavior. He was about to say something when he got interrupted, "Well, if it isn't Andrew's bitch, how nice of them to give us our fucktoy after so many years. . . how's your pussy, sweetheart? Is it in the same condition as last time, nice and red with blood?" He laughed at his own joke. Thorn remained clueless for a moment, until it all clicked to him.

He growled deeply before turning to me and whispering into my ear, "This is the perfect time to get revenge, ain't it? You could do whatever you want with 'em, let loose. Just don't forget about the info." I eased at the word vengeance, that's right, this guy can't get anywhere near me now. I'm going to make sure they pay for what they've done and wish they were never born. Oh, this'll be fun.

Noticing my change in attitude, Thorn gives me a quick smile as his eyes shine with excitement. He squeezes my shoulders reassuringly and walks three feet away from me. My mood from earlier slowly starts to come back and newfound energy starts bubbling in my stomach, making me smile wickedly. With a booming voice, I tell Thorn his orders,

"Mr. Everson, would you hand me the file, please?" I held out my hand as I heard his heavy footsteps get closer. I take a look at the men once I have it in my hands, they were physically shaken by the intensity of my voice. Especially the ones I dreadfully knew. I glanced down at the file and didn't recognize the leader and knew he was safe, for now. I needed him for information and since he did nothing to me personally, his pain won't be physical.

"Mr. Everson, place the leader at a corner close by, make sure he has a 'great' view of his comrades, then pick one you would like to play with." He nodded quickly before doing what he was told, he came back to look at the men and choose who he wanted. He grinned darkly and grabbed the guy that spoke about me to the side, all while chuckling deeply. Damn, never knew a laugh would sound so seductive.

I gave Thorn permission to start with his guy first, he seemed a little off today so he might want to blow off some steam. His eyes darkened with anger as he approached the man, his fists clenching to his sides, making his knuckles white. He spoke, every punch emphasized his words and a slight growl could be heard under his voice.

"Never dare to even think about her in such a disgusting way. I will personally make sure your death is the most painful. What you have done to her is unforgivable, you deserve hell!" His punches became harder more wild. I watched in great astonishment at his strength and how easily he was, quite literally, bashing the guy's face in. He truly did look like a wild animal like that, but I certainly didn't mind it one bit.

The man didn't have a chance to even breath as punch after punch landed on him in the most painful areas. He could only let out the occasional grunt and garbles with how fast Thorn's fists were moving. It didn't take long for the man to be reduced to a lifeless bloodied body. Limp against his chair he let out a choked whimper and sighed before death claimed him.

I couldn't help but feel prideful to know he's got my back no matter what. Even a slight burning sensation on my face dared to make itself known, though I was extremely thankful for the dark room that shadowed my face and disguised it. What the hell was that just now?! I can't think of that right now, I have a job to do.

I scanned the room briefly and my eyes were captured by a steel cart filled with surgical knives and torture equipment. Taking long purposeful strides, I reach the cart very quickly. Picking up a small knife and making a show of examining it, I walked over to the nearest person. He immediately tensed up as I got closer, I stopped right infront of him and crouched to his level. Staring right into his eyes I snapped my fingers and pointed at Thorn,

"Mr. Everson, would you be a dear and grab rope from the cart over there and tie him up on the hook on the ceiling by his wrists, please?" He looked at me with slight curiosity before grabbing the man by the collar and tying him on the ceiling. He struggled to get comfortable and I chuckled at his poor attempts, almost makes me pity him. Our eyes meet again and a shiver goes down his spine when he sees me grinning.

I stalk towards him with the knife in hand, waving it in his face and sliding it against his skin. I push the knife in slightly, just barely breaking the skin right under his cheekbone. He flinches slightly but doesn't make any other sign of discomfort or pain. He won't be able to hold back for much longer.

I travel the knife slowly down his body, leaving small cuts along the way. He squirmed a couple of times but remainded still, that was until I started hacking at his body, using the knife like a machete. He let out loud grunts and even yelps at every pass, soon they turned to blood curdling screams once I reached lower south. On 'accident' I ended up cutting his dick and balls off, I missed, I swear I did. . .not.

I didn't stop until he was begging for mercy that's when I decided to end it there and cut his neck. I miscalculated the slice and I ruptured an artery, the man's blood sprayed everywhere on me, leaving me coated from head to toe in red. I looked down at myself and shrugged, eh, I can clean it later. On to the next one!

I turned to the nearest one and walked up to him. He wasn't hiding his fear anymore and was shivering violently, he suddenly started bawling his eyes out. The pitiful sight made me cringe. These people have no self respect whatsoever. His crying increased when I grabbed his arm roughly, his comrade's blood dripping down my hand and onto his. He continued to sob as he stated I to my eyes, I wasn't sure what he was trying to do, but whatever it is, it wasn't working.

I stared back into his eyes, making sure he saw there was no hesitation in my movements. I brought up my free hand into the air, right above the arm I was holding. His eyes widened, he knew what I was going to do, but there was nothing he could do to prevent it. I let go of my raised hand and watched it fling down and onto his arm, making it break with a satisfying crack. He howled in pain, his eyes glazing over and on the brink of passing out.

That didn't stop me though. I broke every vital bone that is in his body and then some. Each time he passed out mid scream, only to wake up while I'm breaking another. I kept going until he stopped waking up. To make sure the deed was done I cut his throat too, nothing came out except for a long thin line of blood. I turned to start on the next one when I suddenly felt liquid soak my back and hair. Delayed reaction much? It's going to be an ass to get the smell out of my hair, probably going to have to dye it.

Behind me, I heard Thorn chuckle, "Very savage, Rose."

. . .did I hear that correctly? He called me. . .Rose? I stared at him with mild confusion, he grinned broadly at my reaction,

"What? It's a cute nickname, yer all red, like rose petals." He explained. Why am I not mad at this? Is it because it's fitting? I seriously doubt I can care anymore, I have a job to do and as long as he doesn't use my real name, it's fine. I looked at the men and sighed, three down, one to the side, six to go. This was gonna be a long day.

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Shout out to Queen_Vellon for making her story, "Fell In Love With My Best Friend" come true on her birthday today. Make sure to give her love and congratulations for her new boyfriend!

—With love (and hope she doesn't kill me) her OTHER best friend, bookworm.

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