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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Reva didn't know what to do. It had been two weeks since the messenger delivered the news. She still couldn't get that night out of her head. The way Rani had looked, her pale face and silver-gray eyes filled with such emptiness.

Rani still hadn't gotten out of bed and had barely eaten the past two weeks. She hardly talked and the Lord we're in chaos.

Reva had taken on the responsibility of handling them. She had threatened to cut out their tongues if any of them dared talk to Rani. They had always hated her for her disregard for their status.

"We are lords and you are nothing but a maid for the princess." Lord Verda had told her in court the first day when Reva showed up and took control.

"She is your Queen now, and since she is indisposed, I will be here for her. Like hell!" she barked, "am I letting you vipers have a chance to undermine her before she can claim her crown."

"You have no right." Lord Verda tried again.

"Unless you want to find your balls electrified Lord Verda; I suggest you shut your trap."

"Is that a threat..., his red face paled as thunder echoed through the room, and clouds formed along the ceiling.

The other Lords had the good sense to glare at him until he set back down and shut his mouth.

Then the court began and they argued about when to have the funeral. When to have Rani's coronation, and whatever smaller thing needed settling. Thank gods they weren't at war, or Reva didn't know what she would do with a room full of grumpy bigoted old men.

Reva had spent that night trying to convince Rani to eat. When she managed to get her to drink some broth, she headed to bed. Though she found herself staring at the ceiling two hours later.

Now she was having her ass whooped by Eric's and her usual three-mile morning run. She looked at Eric, his gray-blue eyes focused on the track ahead. Sweat glistened on his tan forehead, his golden hair was tied into a man bun on top of his head. Noticing her stare he gave her an encouraging smile. She returned it then focused on the track. The sun had just started peeking over the horizon. The morning's autumn chill was a blessed relief from the brutal heat of summer.

She was gasping for air by the time they stopped and had to brace her arms on her knees in an attempt to catch her breath.

"What's up? You can usually run that without suffocating to death." Eric pinned her with a stare.

"I'm just tired, I hardly got any sleep these last few weeks and I honestly don't know how Rani survives court every day." She gasped out. She had hardly been eating and with her magic demanding energy. Reva was surprised she was still standing.

"It helps that she has at least some respect from the lords because of her bloodline. The only reason they haven't kicked you out is because they are terrified of you."

"They should be." He smiled at her.

"You want to skip swordplay today and get in an hour of sleep before breakfast."

"No." He gave her an assessing sweep. "I'm fine." She grumbled.

"It's okay to take a break, you can already beat all my guards."

Eric's father had been training her since she was twelve. After his death, Eric had taken up his father's title as Captain of the Royal Guard. He had offered to take over her training. Since they had been friends since early childhood, she figured he'd be a good teacher. Anyone else she probably murder Or they would murder her for her temper. She had a habit of pissing people off.

He had never asked her why she had wanted to learn so badly. Though she sometimes caught him staring at her as if she were some puzzle to solve. Usually, after she refused to back down and won battles with sheer will.

Most of the guards, who would sometimes train with them. Had chalked it up to her unrelenting temper and stubbornness. They would often refer to her as a bull and she had quickly earned their respect with her skills and dedication.

"I know, I just rather hit stuff than stare at the ceiling for an hour."

"Are you doing okay?" he asked, concern written all over his face.

"I'll be doing better once Rani starts talking again. And she goes through her coronation so the vipers can stop plotting ways to steal her crown! And we get through this stupid funeral. Where we will barry empty boxes!" She barked. Clouds started forming. The anger that had been slowly building the last few weeks slipped the tight leash she had on it.

"Hey, Reva, calm down," Eric said looking at the sky. "I have guards stationed outside. They'll start complaining about the sudden downpours of rain. Again."

Reva reeled her anger back in, the sky stayed gray but it didn't start to rain or thunder. She had never been able to stop a storm after she created it. Even the ones inside she had to wait for them to disappear on their own.

This often made people angry. Like the time she had gotten mad at a tutor. It had rained in the library for hours, most of the books were saved by the head librarian. Who shielded the books with his limited ice magic. But she had been kicked out for months. She had resorted to sneaking in for new books as she finished old ones.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"Maybe we shouldn't skip sword practice, it seems like you got some feeling to work out."

She gave him a glare that had most people looking away. He -who had become accustomed to her temper and moods- held her stare.

"If you're not going to kill each other, I'd like a word."

Both Eric and her jumped a little as they turned to Easton. She hadn't seen Easton for a few days. She had been too busy keeping the Kingdom in check. She smiled at him, thinking of their last date in the city. He had brought her to his favorite restaurant and told her about his dream to own a restaurant at sea.

"How the hell did you do that," Eric gasped. few could sneak up on him.

"You learn a few things when working on the docks," Easton shrugged.

"As glad as I am to see you," Reva frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you wanted to have breakfast together."

"Breakfast isn't for another hour," Reva said.

"Okay, well I got bored of waiting, and I missed you," he smirked.

Reva sighed, "Are you any good with a sword?"

"I know the basics."

"Then you're about to learn more." Eric grinned in a way that meant he was going to give Easton hell.

"Please don't kill my boyfriend." She said.

Eric looked downright shocked at her use of the word "please". And Easton was smirking like a cat from the use of the other word "boyfriend".

Until her word sunk in and he nervously sized up Eric, no doubt taking his large shoulder and muscled toned body. To his credit, he only straightened a bit as Eric met his stare.

Eric glared at the dark-skinned boy as Easton picked his weapon. He chose a solid blade, a sword with a plain hilt and impeccable balance.

Eric drew his sword, a gift from the king on his appointment to captain. Its hilt was stamped with the royal seal, a crescent moon with a howling wolf head. The blade was of fine making, and had served him well for the few years he had been captain.

Easton stepped up on the mat. Reva paused her fighting with Eric's second, a blond girl named Clarissa, and gave Eric a look that told him. "If he's not breathing after this, you won't be for long either." He just smirked at her, knowing it would make her see red.

She snarled then turned back to Clarissa who looked amused. Reva attacked without warning and clashing filled the training room. Eric found Easton watching him with a tilted head.

"Show me what you got," Easton told him.

They fell into the dance that was sword fighting, Easton easily blocked most of his attacks. "Just the basics my ass." Eric thought, picking up his pace. Easton, it seemed, had been trained in swordsmanship. He still lacked refinement, but that came with hours of practice. He could easily be taught, and maybe turned into a solid guard.

"So," Easton grunted, "How did you and Reva meet.'

"Jealous?" He asked.

"I don't get jealous," Easton responded as he easily blocked another blow from Eric.

"My father used to train her before he died; I offered to continue training her. We were friends long before that."

Easton's only answer was a sweep of his foot, which forced Eric to jump back. Allowing Easton who was fast on his feet to get a clear shot at his exposed chest. Eric twirled out of the way and came down hard on his sword near the hilt, knocking it out of Easton's hands. Then he swept his foot under Eastons, causing him to fall on his ass.

"Don't worry," he said as he pointed the tip of his sword at Easton's chest, "I think of her as an annoying little sister."

Lighting lightly struck his hand a second later and he let out a laugh as Reva stormed up to them.

"Annoying little sister? You're only three years older, you know. And far more Annoying" Before he could answer she looked down at Easton, still sitting on the mat. "Only the basics?"

Easton shrugged, so Eric asked. "Who taught you to fight like that." It was not the controlled style that he had learned since early childhood. Rather a wilder, free, type of fighting.

"My half-siblings father was a pirate. He taught me some things before he decided he missed the open sea too much and left." Easton said the last part with enough bitterness that Eric held out a hand to help the boy up. Easton looked at it for a moment and then grasped his outstretched hand and Eric easily hauled him up.

Reva smiled at them slightly, it annoyed him enough he barked, "What?"

Clarissa, who had walked up after she put away Reva's and her swords, answered. "It's not every day we see you make a new friend Eric."

Reva gave the girl a smirk that had him seeing red. Before he could say something, Reva looked at the clock and sighed. Her shoulders dropped enough that every retort that had been on his tongue, flew out of his head.

"Time for breakfast." She said with forced lightness.

Eric sheathed his sword at his side. Reva turned toward the door. Easton made to follow, but Eric caught his arm and they let her and Clarissa walk ahead. Easton looked back at him confused.

"As I said, I See Reva as a sister. That being said, if you hurt her, next time I won't stop my sword," He pointed to Easton's chest in emphasis. Easton to his credit merely nodded and followed after Reva. Who glared back at him, he knew she heard his threat on her winds, and didn't appreciate his protectiveness. She could get over it.

Eric decided he liked Easton, for the mere fact that he took the threat so well. Most men would have argued and let it hurt their pride. Eric did not trust those men.

The four of them walked toward the great hall. Reva watched some leaves falling out a nearby window. She was not looking forward to court today. She hated the lords of the court with a burning passion, and why were there no women among them? Not all their wives could be okay with sitting back and letting their husbands change the world. What of their daughters? The court needed some smart females, too bad Clarissa preferred being a guard. And all the other ladies preferred to gossip in woman's court.

The green-eyed, golden-skinned girl, was Eric's second. Despite being in the guard, Reva knew the girl to be very girly. When she chose to dress up she looked every inch the nobleman's daughter she was.

Reva remembered a few months ago when one of the newer guards had said ladies weren't supposed to fight. Clarissa had shown up to lunch the next day looking like a princess. It had taken the guard a few minutes to recognize her. His face was priceless. When she told him who's daughter, she was and that he'd do well to remember she could easily kick his ass. Rani and Reva had laughed themselves hoarse.

Reva was glad for her friends as they neared the oakwood doors of the great hall. Her winds carried shouting from within. She walked faster, sensing anger, and wanting to know what the hell was happening.


The sound of Rani's voice sent her storming through the doors, Easton, Eric, and Clarissa on her heels. She pushed open the oakwood doors and quickly assessed the scene like Eric had taught her to. Rani, looking thin and paler than normal, stood at her father's seat. Hands braced on the table as she stared down the Lords.

At the sight of Rani, looking more lucid than she had since that night, Reva stormed to the table. Even as relief and surprise cleave open her heart. She reached Rani's side and glared at the lords.

"What is going on here?"

Rani looked at her anger lining her face. "They want me to marry someone."

"What?" Reva said. Her attention went to Lord Verda. The only one with the nerve to look at her. With a smugness that had Reva pushing down the magic that threatened to tear him apart.

"It's a smart move, Princess…

"Queen Rani," She snarled.

The lord looked at her with loathing, "Queen Rani is still young, She's not even eighteen yet. Having a man by her side would be advisable."

Reva punched at the rising anger, but it was Rani who answered the Lord. "And Why, Verda, do you think I need some bighead prince at my side. I'll inform you that I have been raised to lead, to be your Queen." The lord snarled at the lack of title when Rani spoke.

"It would be in your best interest, so you don't have to," He passed considering his words, "Shoulder a kingdom on your own."

"I am perfectly capable of running my Kingdom without a man's help." Rani snarled. Lord Verda opened his mouth, no doubt to say something that Reva would likely punch him for.

"Did I, or did I not," Reva demanded, "Warn you that if you did not keep your trap shut, I would electrocute your balls." A cough from Easton and Eric behind her.

"You are not my queen, you are a maid, you bitch."

Moon fire exploded and wrapped itself around the lord without hurting him. He cried out in fear and outrage.

"From this moment forth," Rani said, sounding every inch the Queen she was, "Reva is my right hand. And you will treat her with the same respect you will treat me with, as you did with my parents." Pain entered her eyes at the mention of her parents and Reva had to stop herself from grabbing her hand.

"I will marry when I choose. I am aware of my duty as your queen to provide my kingdom with an heir. Though seeing as we are not at war and I am perfectly capable of running my kingdom alone. And with my friend," A gesture to Reva. "I see no need to rush into things."

Most of the lords looked away, Lord Verda stood his ground making to argue feather.

"End of decision," Rani barked, "Unless you would like to forfeit your title and lands to me." Verda sat with a snarl.

Rani took her father's seat and Reva followed to the one beside it. Easton, Eric, and Clarissa filling the open ones around them. Easton at her side and Eric and Clarissa across from her. Reva looked at them all and could help the pride that swelled in her chest. Here was a real court, not a bunch of vipers, but friends who trusted and relied on each other.

She looked at Rani, her best friend, and her queen.

"Your right hand?" She said aww in her voice.

"Who else to have at my side then my wife?" was Reva's response.

"I'm honored, my love." She said dipping her head a bit. The sadness entered Rani's silver-gray eyes again.

"I'm sorry I've been absent, the last few weeks," she said.

"You're entitled to a grieving period Rani. Remember when my mother died?" Reva's mother -a maid for the queen- had died when she was fourteen.

"I remember you biting the head off of anyone who spoke to you. And nearly killing poor Eric with your obsessive training."

"Oh I remember it well too," Eric chimed. He winced at the memory where She had made him train her endlessly for days. Until she was so tired, she didn't think about her mother's untimely death. From a sickness, she had lived with for most of her life.

"Besides," she said, changing the subject, "I greatly enjoyed threatening the vipers." They all laughed.

"Did you really threaten to electrocute his balls?" Clarissa asked.

"Think about who you're talking to, of course, I did. I also threatened to peel their toes with a Potato peeler when they told me to go back to the kitchens," she replied. They all burst out laughing.

"I knew there was a good reason, we became friends," Clarissa said.

"I knew there was a good reason I made you my right hand," Rani said. Laughter dancing in her eyes, a sight that lifted a weight in Reva's chest.

"Why is it that all the girls I'm friends with are silver-tongued badasses." Eric Said.

"I think it means we have good taste," Easton answered.

"Or a disregard for your safety." Reva countered.

They roared with laughter. Once breakfast had finished, Eric declared that he and Easton were going to train some more. Easton gave him an exasperated look but didn't abject as he followed Eric out.

Clarissa claimed she had "stuff" to do, and told them to have fun in court. "Oh Shit", She thought. What had she gotten herself into?

"Regretting your choice to expect the job of being my right hand?" Rani asked a question in her eyes.

"Naw, why not yell at the vipers some more. Besides I stand by you. Always." she said

"I'd suggest you stop calling them vipers or they might get pissy."

"That's what I live for."

Smiling slightly, Rani stood up and offered an arm to Reva. She took it and they began their trek to the king's courtroom. Where they'd no doubt argue in circles about the runnings of the kingdom until lunch.

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