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Chapter 7: SESSION #1




"How are things" Dr.Dexter asked as he stared into my eyes making me a little nervous. He was looking down at his clip board probably writing random things.

"Fine" i said shrugging , i didn't want to be here i wanted to be home relaxing not talking about how i feel to a stranger who probably didn't give a shit.

Dr.Dexter stayed silent still staring at me as if he could read right through me , i sighed then leaned back on the comfy couch "everything is fine so far" i assured him and he cocked his head to the side as if he didn't believe what i said .

"I'm not suicidal but i think Anthony thinks i am every since i came home he has been watching me as if i would try to split my throat or something" i explained

"And you think that's fine" he asked writing on his clipboard again "i don't mind i guess"

"You guess" he questioned and i glared at him "what's the point of this session if you are just going to question everything" i questioned him while playing with my fingers he was annoying me .

"Why are you getting upset" he asked once again writing on his clipboard now i was curious and wanted to see what he was writing "because you are just Ughhh"

"Listen Moriko you are not here to like me and i'm not here to like you , i'm only here to make sure you are mentally and physically okay".

"Do you take any medication" i shook my head no and Dr. Dexter nodded his head "that's good now tell me about your parents" , i tensed i didn't want to speak of them ever ,

"No comment" i told him and he chuckled lightly "in order for you to be completely free you have to go through these sessions" .

I frowned he was really getting under my skin , this was only the first session and i already can tell i wouldn't like him .


"How was the session" Anthony asked me as i ran my hands through my hair while sighing "difficult" i told him and he nodded .

We walked to the big river and i smiled at how beautiful it looked "how are you doing"Anthony asked as we sat on the two big rocks

"I'm fine just-i don't know i feel lost" i told him while taking off my shoes so i could feel the water "i don't have my wolf anymore and i just don't know if i'm ever going to find my mate or is he or she even going to except me" i ranted and Anthony gripped my shoulder turning me to face him

"Your mate will except you the moon god knows what he's doing and your wolf will come back to you when the time is right" .

I watched as Anthony shifted to his light grey wolf , his wolf was semi big and surprisingly he didn't look like a runt like i once did .

Anthony's wolf stood over the river front waiting for the fish that was quickly going a pass him , he stood inside of the river that was near the water fall "when it gets ready to drop back down in the water that's when you catch it" i yelled to Anthony and his wolf nodded at me before leaning his head down again .

"Yeahhhh" i cheered as Anthony caught not one but two fish at once , Anthony's wolf tail wagged and howled as i clapped for him , his wolf came over and dropped one of the fish in my hand , i rubbed his soft fur that felt like silk "thank you" i said before eating the fish.

"Do you think my wolf would come back to me" i asked Anthony as we walked around the grocery store i was unsure and i hated it "of course he will when the time is right Riko just have some faith" he said as if he was so sure "stop being so negative and think positive" i rolled my eyes at my little brother but kept his words inside my mind because he was right.

"What do you think about going to the pack house tomorrow" Anthony asked me as he chopped up onions so that we can put it inside the gravy "i don't know if i'm ready for that wh-" "don't start with the what-ifs Riko let's just go there and if you want to leave then we will" i sighed but nodded my head , sometimes Anthony felt like the older brother but i needed that most of the time .

"How's everything with you" i asked Anthony as he stuffed his mouth with a piece of pork chop "i'm happy but Sam wants me to mark him and so does my wolf but" i raised a brow as i lifted my glass cup "but" i asked him "i-i don't , you know" i was still confused as to what he was trying to say .

"I don't know how to make love" i spit out my water then covered my mouth "its-its embarrassing al-although he would probably top m-" "okay that's enough" i told him chuckling as my cheeks heated , i started to wipe off the table while Anthony laugh at me for being dramatic .

Here my little brother was talking about sex and i was going to show him how it went .

I had a blushing face as i held a banana and donut in my hand , my cheeks were probably on fire as i sat in front of my younger brother , i didn't have any sex experiences at all but i knew how some things went .

After i explained how things went using the donut and banana i immediately went to my room not wanting to face my blushing brother.

I laid in bed and picked up the picture of me and Anthony when we were kids , our shaggy brown hair was longer making us look girly but i guess that was just the omega in us .

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