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Mortal child (HPXTw) Mortal child (HPXTw) original

Mortal child (HPXTw)

Author: Kimimiela

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

Harry was tired.

No, tired is an understatement, he was exhausted and had had enough.

You may now wonder why the greatest hero and saviour of the wizarding world, who just after the war was elevated to a level almost equal to that of a god, felt this way. Well, the answer is simple, he didn't want to be a hero. It is said that we always want something different than we get, and it was no different with him, many people would do a lot for fame on the level of Harry Potter including one of his friends Ronald. But Harry himself wanted something different, he wanted peace, a home, a family...

You could go on and on because he wanted many things like any average teenager, which despite the myth of greatness he was, but fame, greatness or glory was not on that list. Okay, enough repeating the same thing in different words, I think you get the point.

Harry, in the moments when he was praised, recalled the moments before magic when he was "just Harry" and sometimes regretted not staying that way. he wished he could just walk away and be him again and then the Dark Lord came back and Harry couldn't just walk away. However, he had been quietly planning something for a long time, the war interrupted it however, and now when it was over the plan was ready.


Contrary to popular belief Harry did not live with his aunt and uncle at all, they had given him away before his third birthday and Harry himself did not remember them very well. He spent almost six months in the orphanage when he was adopted by his family, and he heard these stories many times. All the children at the orphanage had an annual medical check-up and it was there that he first met his father.

Carlisle Cullen during a medical check-up in one of London's orphanages met the strangest child he had ever seen and over the centuries he would have counted a few, at first glance the child seemed quite normal but it was not. Starting with the eyes that seemed to glow and ending with the fact that the child had no smell. If it wasn't for the green color of the eyes Carlisle would have thought the little one was a vampire. At the end of the day he felt sorry to unglue the strange child from himself but he couldn't just take him with him at least he thought so because at the end of the week he and Esme decided to take him in. The ladies looking after the children, seeing that they had already raised four others adopted children, didn't even ask too many questions and seemed content to get rid of one of the children at the age when they need the most attention. And just like that, the great Harry Potter ended up in one house with six vampires.


A year after taking Harry in, the family moved out of London and settled in a small town near Oregon, the years passed peacefully and Harry grew up in a loving home. When six years later on Harry's eleventh birthday a letter arrived from the school of magic and wizardry the family wasn't as surprised as they seemed to think they should be, aside from the fact that they were vampires strange things were always happening around Harry. A long time ago when Emet was playing football with Harry he forgot himself and kicked the ball way too hard, as the ball flew towards the boy it disappeared, it just evaporated before it could reach him, another time when Esme wanted to dress him in a sweater for a Christmas photo, despite his protests the sweater started to shrink until it reached a size suitable for a doll. Another thing was that they could not smell his blood, after some time they learned to smell him but not the blood itself. Edward couldn't read his mind, Alice couldn't see his future, Jasper could feel his emotions but still couldn't influence them.

The Cullens agreed to let the boy go to school, but because they lived in America the school had to send someone to pick him up, when an old lady in a pointy hat arrived outside their house Harry confronted her alone as the rest of the family preferred not to take any chances of being discovered on a sunny day, which this was. So no one knew about Harry's family until fourth year when Remus came to pick him up and take him to the Weasleys so he could go with them to the world quidditch cup.

-I flashback I-

Remus Lupin agreed to help with transporting Harry from his house to his friends house mainly because Sirius said that if not Remus he would do it himself, and Sirius doesn't joke about things concerning Harry.

When before nine o'clock in the morning, a few minutes too early, he appeared in front of the modern, beautiful and glass house in the forest he felt a slight uneasiness as if he shouldn't be there. The place sunny but he knew from Harry's stories that there was very cloudy and rainy almost always. Though the boy maintained that it didn't bother him at all but he saw how Harry is enjoying every sunny day at Hogwarts. He walked calmly to the door letting the morning dew fall from trees on his robe, he knocked remaining ready. After several seconds the door was opened by a man with very light skin and blond hair, he could not see his face because the man turned his face towards the inside of the house.

"Harry, someone's for you" shout in a soft voice

"I'm coming" Harry's voice answered from inside of the building

And then the man turned to face him. It would be wrong to say that this was what Remus had expected, the face quite pale, quite out of keeping with his age, those eyes, almost glowing and that coldness beating from the body. The man before him was a vampire, the truest blood sucking murderer and his best friends son lived with him. His hand quickly shot out of his pocket applying his wand to the neck of the monster who took a step back also seemingly surprised. Remus knew not to lose sight of such a one even for a second, he pressed his wand tighter to his neck.

"Harry, hurry up," shouted the panicked werewolf

"Harry don't come out" the vampire shouted right after him

Esme disturbed by the screams walked to the door and saw a man pointing his wand at her husband, just as she was about to say something the man's eyes widened even more and he pointed his wand alternately at her and Carlisle.

Then Harry ran down the stairs followed by a boy no older than 17 with brown hair, but he too had the same golden eyes.

"Professor put down your wand," said Harry when he saw the scene at the entrance

"Get away from him" shouted Remus to Edward who was walking right behind Harry, aiming his wand at him as well

"Professor..." Harry tried to say something, but was quickly silenced by his former teacher

"Harry get out of there as fast as you can" he said without taking his eyes off the vampires in the room.

"Profe..." Harry tried once again but was cut off even earlier

"Harry co..." Lupin get cut this time

"Professor Lupin look at me, I have something to say" For the first time, he seemed to notice Harry was talking to him.

"Put down your wand," he said calmly this time

Lupin listened to Harry and hesitantly lowered his wand though he continued to hold it tightly in his grasp. Harry walked slowly over to the vampire he saw first then whispered something in his ear, grabbed his luggage and gave him a quick hug.


"I'm leaving professor no need to hurry me now" threw the boy dispassionately letting go of the vampire

Harry looked back and waved to the others then walked out of the house passing the Werewolf and closing the door in front of him. Lupin still confused took a moment to come to his senses, he turned quickly and ran up to the boy walking along the path to the edge of the forest.

"Harry, who was it, why were you there, who gave you permission to be there?"

"If you want to know these were my parents and brother. I was there probably for the fact that I have lived with them for about eleven years. To answer your last question, I think adoption is authorized by the family court or something like that "

"Who allowed... does anyone know you live with monsters?" further he murmured

"Harry stopped in his tracks and a wave of anger went through his whole body, he turned to Remus and said firmly 'They're not monsters, I thought from all the people I know you would understand" after those words, the boy didn't speak to his former teacher for a long time.

That day there was an argument the likes of which Harry had never witnessed in his life, everyone was shouting at each other, at him and at everything that moved. It only got worse when it turned out that there weren't three vampires as Lupin thought at first, but six, each arguing wanting something different as a result. Dumbledore wanted Harry to go back to his uncles, Mrs. Weasley wanted Harry to stay with them and Remus wanted him to stay with him and Sirius. Eventually Dumbledore ended the argument by saying that he would decide at the end of the upcoming school year, Harry's Fourth Year at Hogwarts.

-I end I-

It was in the fourth year that things started to break down, letters from family stopped coming. Instead of the normal one per week came one per two weeks, then one per three weeks, one per month and then none for a long time. After a gap of several months a letter finally arrived, it was in the afternoon on the day of the Yuel ball, Harry thought it was a reply to the greetings he had sent two days earlier, but it wasn't. Harry didn't go to the ball that night, one of the Patil sisters took offence at him, Mrs. McGonagall gave him an hour long speech, and eventually he was grounded for a month at Snape's for bringing the school into disrepute but that wasn't important to him at that moment. He spent the whole ball and night crying in one of the empty halls, the letter from his family but it was far from a well-wishing letter, it said in short that they hated him, that he should never see them again, write to them or contact them in any other way. It broke him, he had no home, no family. It didn't help that the other Hogwarts representative Cedric Diggory could pass for Edward's twin brother, nor did the fact that he was watching him die that year.

However, that was the past, and the important thing is the present. Now the war was over, Voldemort had fallen and Harry was finally free. He had no obligation to anyone and this is where our story begins.

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