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Chapter 2: 2 || First glance


I turned off the engine of my 1969 blue Ford ltd. The present from my parents when I graduated from college. Sai is asleep in the backseat. Her tongue sticking out just a little bit. I smile and look out the window.

Claire's motel.

I grab my bag from the other front seat and open the door. I close it quietly behind me, so I don't wake her. I usually always bring her in with me but tonight I'm only staying the night and some of these motels don't let dogs in anyway.

The air is cold, it's a march night and I hug my jacket a bit closer to me. The parking lot is small and it only takes me a few seconds to reach the door. The neon sign over it is bright.

I was thinking about keeping on driving but it was getting dark and I don't trust roads in march. The door dings as I pull it and I'm hit by warm air. The lady behind the desk is old, if I have to guess. That's Claire. She gives me a look that I'm way too familiar with.

"I'd like a room." She pulls her glasses down a bit on her long nose.''

"For how long?" I smile, well aware that it probably won't help.

"A night please." She nods and picks up a key from under the desk. I pull up my wallet from my pocket, careful to not show the FBI id. No matter how much I wanted to see the look on her face when she saw it I couldn't risk the security of this mission. Even on an old lady could be working for someone.

I take a fifty from my wallet and put it on the desk.

"Keep the change." I say and take the key from her hold and start to walk towards the stairs. The little plate saying rooms leading the way. Room number 13. I walk down the hallway, 8, 9, 10 a barely visible 11. 12 and finally room number 13

I push the key into the lock and it turns smoothly. It clicks and I turn the door knob. The room is dark and I try to turn the light on. It clicks but the lamp doesn't turn on. I drop my bag, it makes a little bang and I grimace. I stand still there for a second and then I start moving again. I spot a chair in the corner of the little room and I go to grab it when I notice that there's a jacket on it. A suit jacket, a very expensive suit jacket. Someone must have forgotten it here, I sigh. I'll give it to the owner tomorrow when I check out.

I walk back, dropping the jacket on my bag. It feels like a crime to drop it on the floor.

I push the chair in under the door knob, my knowledge of crime making me paranoid. I know that it'll probably be useless against a particularly insistent killer but it will give me time to get out of this shabby little room.

I pull my jacket off and drop it on the floor next to my bag, my shoes come off next.

Not bothering to change into my pyjamas I drop down on the bed. It's soft in some places and I twist so I don't have to feel the wooden parts. I fall asleep quickly anyway and it's a peaceful sleep.


I open my eyes to dust floating in the sunlight. The room looks different in the day, the green yellow walls look suprisingly like vomit. But that's not what woke me up. It's the brunette girl beside me. Her hair is just a few shades darker than her skin.

What the fuck was she doing in my bed?

I roll out of the bed slowly, not wanting to wake her up before I can understand the situation. Why is there a girl in my bed? Is this Luigi's version of an apology? In that case, I'm not really feeling like letting him live.

There's a dark duffel bag beside the door. My jacket lies on it. At least she has sense. She put the chair-- under the doorknob. Doesn't she know it only keeps people out?

I chuckle. Maybe she's actually just a body. All pretty face and no brains. I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed. I walk over to the bed, ready to wake her up with something interesting when she flies out of bed. Her hair flies out the low ponytail and falls over her shoulders. I can't help but stare at her. My gaze moves slowly up her body. When I find her eyes they're both angry and a tiny bit scared.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" Confusion, I feel my eyebrows pull together.

"This is my--" I point a finger at my chest, suddenly very happy that my gun still is hidden, "room"

She shakes her head, her soft voice makes me look at her lips. Faintly I hear her say that she paid for this room but I don't really care anymore.

"The housekeeper must have made a mistake then." She nodds but her eyes are still narrowed.

"I'll go talk to her. "She says her eyes in a state of distrustful worry. I nod, watching her pick up her jacket and pull it on as she walks out. She didn't even glance back.

I don't feel ashamed as I look through her bag, socks and a wallet. Bullseye. I open it in my hand and my heart skips a beat.

Federal Agent of the USA

Name: Joshi, Naitee

Born: April 15th 1965

She looked a few years younger in her picture, her brown eyes big and her face serious. I carefully put everything back as it was in the bag and sip it closed as quickly as I can.

I had shared a room with an FBI agent, I shared a bed with an FBI agent. Did this have to happen right now? Shit timing. As always. I've got to find Luigi. I pull my phone out of my back pocket. Pulling my suit jacket on and taking my gun out from under the pillow. I put it in the holder under my arm and the weight is almost unnoticeable.

I walk out of my room. Well ours.

The green and yellow corridor looks the same as yesterday. I walk fast, I always do.

Luigio is still asleep in the small office. Probably still drunk off his ass. His body is slung over the chair, a cracked glass on the floor with a wet spot.


I slap him over the head, like someone would to a little boy who disappointed his mother.

"Wake the fuck up, there's a fucking fed here." I growl and his eyes flutter open, the bags under them tell a story.

"Fed. Boss--?" his gaze clears

"Yea, si, a bloody fed so we need to get the fuck out of here." He nods. "Get me that fucking car Luigi"

"Si Boss." I walk out of the office again, hurrying back to the room so she won't suspect anything. You never know what the feds are up to.


I just have time to sit down on the bed before she comes back into the room. She looks at me, her brown gaze captivating.

"So..." I say, waiting for her to start.

"She said that she accidentally gave me the wrong key." Naitee huffs. "We'll both get a refund, I'm not staying here though, I have to go." She flashes me a polite smile before grabbing her bag and walking out of the room.


I start to follow her but Luigi blocks the entrance. I am really missing Dean right now.

"She is gone, boss, do you want us to follow her? I have told Ice to be ready if so." I shake my head.

"I will handle this one myself." I rush past him, no clear plan in my head. Only a feeling in my gut that tells me I can't let her walk out that door without me.

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