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Chapter 14: Boom! Bitch

(3rd POV)

Inside a giant cave serving as a dungeon on a certain island, two figures with matching white hair stood facing each other. One was a young man, a smile playing on his lips as he gazed at the girl, who was visibly younger and stared back at him with a stunned expression.

"Yamato, do you want to go exploring the sea with me?" The guy questioned the girl, leaving her astonished.

"Eh...!?" She looked at him, surprised by the unexpected question.

"Really!? But how can you get out from here? You're also locked up in here with me, brother Vanze," she said, happy at the prospect of venturing into the sea but realizing their current imprisonment.

"Hahaha, being teleported in here doesn't mean I can't get out. Just call me Vanze; we're only two years apart, after all." Vanze chuckled.

"Woah... Really!? You're awesome, Vanze, and you also have the same white hair as me. Haha. Let's go out then!" Yamato, appearing more naive and pure, or perhaps just a little bit dumb. She attempted to stand up, ready to execute a jailbreak after Vanze's revelation.

"Wait! Wait a minute, Yamato. I want to ask you another question first." Vanze pulled the eager Yamato back to sit.

"Huh? What is it, Vanze?" She stared at him curiously with her big eyes.

"What is your overall view of Oden?" He asked her seriously, his gaze fixed on her.

"Huh? He's cool, powerful, and has a lot of friends by his side who always have his back. I want to be like him; he's a great samurai." Yamato shared her opinion about Oden, admiration evident on her face, while Vanze listened silently.

"Sigh... Oden is indeed a great warrior; I even respect him for it. But! He is also a failure. You only see his warrior side, Yamato, but he is a failure as a leader for his country and his family." Vanze expressed his view of Oden as a person overall.

"Why? Didn't he save his subordinates from being boiled?" Yamato seemed unconvinced by what Vanze had just said.

"He did save them from being boiled. But after he was gone, what happened? Some got caught, and others just went missing altogether. What about the people in this country who are suffering now and will suffer in the future? Do they need to wait for the so-called prophecy just to liberate Wano? People living at present, not in the future. For them, the future is just an 'IF'; they don't even know if they can hold on that long after all.

Lastly, why didn't he go back to his old pirate crew, the Whitebeard pirates? If he had asked Whitebeard for help, he would undoubtedly have helped, but Oden didn't do that at all. His family was also destroyed, his wife is dead, his son was sent to an unknown future, and his daughter went missing. What a good guy Oden is." Vanze criticized the foolish decisions Oden made as the lord of Wano. While Vanze respected him as a warrior, he didn't want to end up like Oden.

Yamato looked down after hearing Vanze's words. Maybe she didn't see it with her own eyes, but sometimes people in Onigashima mentioned a lot of bad situations happening to the people living in Wano. She also understood that, for people living there at present, it's equivalent to living in hell. Seeing Yamato depressed after hearing what he said, Vanze said something to cheer her up.

"Admiring someone is fine, but hoping to become someone whose life ended in failure is wrong. Instead, you should aim higher, trying to surpass that person so you can make your own path in this life." He said, giving Yamato a smile. Yamato, hearing what Vanze said, looked up at him with a surprised expression.

"Um! I think you're right. I admire Oden as a warrior, but I don't want my life to become like his, so I will definitely strive for a better life. I also dream of being free and able to sail the sea with my friends, seeing the world with my own eyes. Oh, and to defeat that bastard father, I also want to be stronger." A determination flashed in her eyes as she said that. Poor Kaido, his so-called son always wanted to beat him.

"Hahaha, you can join me later after we get out of here, Yamato. I have a plan to get out, but first, I need to take the red big stone in the treasure room and create a little chaos here before we go. Can you help me with it, Yamato?" Vanze said, smirking after revealing his plan.

"Really? Without my idiot father and King here, maybe we can do it. I also know a lot of secret passages around this island; I used to explore this island alone, after all. That idiot father won't let me get out of this island; this is my chance, hehe." Yamato offered him help by revealing the secret passages she found around the dome in Onigashima. Vanze approached Yamato and began whispering in her ear, detailing the plan, while Yamato nodded occasionally.


(Vanze POV)


After informing Yamato of the plan and instructing her to wait, I left the cell, heading towards the cave entrance. Putting the joker mask back on, I couldn't help but wonder why the security here seemed so lacking. Was it because of Kaido's strength that they were confident no one would break out? Using my Kenbunshoku Haki and KG, I sensed only one guard at the entrance and a few samurai locked up deeper in the cave.

Silently employing a new variation of Soru called Silent Step, I appeared behind the guard and prepared to drag him into the cave. "Sigh... What a boring job. I should ask for a change of shift later to the Que... Hump!!" I covered his mouth to prevent him from shouting for help and pulled him into the cave.

Throwing him against the wall, I used Shigan to immobilize his limbs before starting the Q&A. "Argh! Who are you? Why are you here? This is Kaido-san's territory, you foo... Argh!" I kept using Shigan on his shoulders because he wouldn't stop talking. Is this motherfucker still not aware of his current situation? 

[ Vanze, we need him alive. ]

'Relax, I was just playing a bad cop.' Time to get some answers.

"Who I am doesn't matter. You better answer my questions if you want to live, or I can just keep firing Shigan until you die from blood loss, hehe." He stared at me with fear, which was good.

"No, please don't! I recently joined Kaido-san's pirate crew. I'll answer your questions, but please don't kill me." He started crying, and there is a snot on him. Disgusting. Weren't the Beast Pirates supposed to be tough?

"Hehe, we'll see if your answers are satisfying. First, why are the defenses around Onigashima today so lacking? And where is Queen?" I asked, squeezing his head.

"Argh...! Kaido-san and King-san took most of the crew to fight Whitebeard. Queen-san is at Udon prison, testing a new weapon and bringing a few remaining crew members. Only the fishman Sasaki, who just joined us, is here. I've told you all I know; please let me go." He begged for release. Who would expect mercy in enemy territory? Poor guy, hehe.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I'll let you go..."

"Oh, thank you so much." He sighed in relief, but I wasn't finished.

"To hell... Puchi..." I fired Shigan at his head, causing him to lose consciousness. I took his keys and headed towards a room that looked like a warehouse in the cave.

'A good enemy is a dead enemy.'

'How much time left, Seele?' I needed to know the time limit.

[ 47 minutes left. ]

'Hmm, with a lot of BIM, I think it'll work just fine in 30 minutes.' Time to speed up the plan.


(3rd POV)

In the inner part of a dark cave, there are prisoners who appear malnourished and abandoned, left to die. They seem asleep, keeping their heads low. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching grabs their attention, and they look up to see a man dressed in all white, wearing a creepy mask, standing in front of their cells.

"Samurai of Wanokuni and followers of the Kozuki clan, I bring news and an opportunity. First, Kaido and all of his subordinates including King and Queen already leave Onigashima and this island is now on a very low level of security. I plan to create some chaos while they're away. I'll release you, offering a chance to retaliate against Kaido for what he's done to Wano, or you can just rot in here to die. The choice is yours."

the masked man declares, opening their cells one by one. The samurais stare at him, skeptical of his words.

"How can we trust you?" one of them finally asks, his expression is serious. The masked man glances to his side.

"You can't. Whether you believe me or not doesn't matter. With or without your trust, I've decided to bomb this place and sow chaos. I'm simply giving you a choice. I'm curious if you'll dance one last time or if the spirit of Wanokuni's samurais died with Oden when he was boiled and shot." After opening the cells, he walks to the center of the cave, raising his hand. Suddenly, numerous swords materialize out of thin air.

He proceeds to walk from the inner part toward other areas, leaving the samurais staring at the array of weapons he left behind.

Ushimaru, the samurai who had questioned earlier, steps out of his cell and picks up one of the swords.

"Hey, Ushimaru-san, what are you doing? Do you believe that masked man's words?" another samurai asks. Ushimaru gazes at the sword for a moment before turning back to his fellow samurai.

"I don't know if he can be trusted, but as a proud samurai from Wanokuni, I'd rather die trying to do something against Kaido's lair than rot away in this damned place! I will make him pay, and if the information from the masked man is true, it's the perfect time," he declares his intent to attack Onigashima.

The others fall silent after hearing his impassioned speech, until one by one, they join him, picking up swords.

"Let's go, Ushimaru-san!"

"We can't stay here. Oden-sama would be ashamed if we don't seize this chance."

"Let's go, brothers! Let's start the chaos!"

"For a glorious purpose!"

Almost a hundred samurais head outside the cave, swords in hand, ready for their final dance in life with burning hearts. Onigashima, the lair of the Beast Pirates, cannot anticipate what will unfold next.


(Vanze POV)

I walk back toward Yamato cell after freeing those samurai and planting some remote-control BIM along the way. I see her playing with her kanabo.

"Yamato, we need to move now. Let's go out, and let me stow your kanabo away first." Yamato looks at me and hands me her kanabo. The kanabo suddenly vanishes from her eyes and is stored in my inventory.

"Wow... It's so cool! Did you eat a devil fruit, Vanze?" She stares at me with a curious eye.

"More or less, anyway, you need to hop on my back so that I can carry you faster." I bend my body a little so Yamato can hop on.

"Really? I can run by myself, you know?" She looks at me skeptically; I'm being underestimated.

"Just do it, I'm much faster than you, even if you use your devil fruit. We don't have much time, and we must do it faster and silently." Yamato hops on my back, but what is this squishy feeling on my back? I look back at her and start to realize what it is.

'Damn, she is only 9, but it has already grown?' As expected from Kaido's bloodline plus a mythical zoan fruit.

[ Beware of the dimensional FBI, brother ]

'Huh? What the heck? I'm not degenerate enough to attack a loli!' Well, at least let's wait until she grows up.

'Hmm...' I sense those samurai have already left the cave and are heading to one of the outposts. Good, keikaku doori.

"Hold on tight, Yamato, and don't scream," I said.

"Okay, Vanze." I utilize my Soru to the fullest and vanish from the cave, heading toward one of the secret passages near the dome.



We arrive at the entrance, but I stop and look back at the cave that is now far away in the distance.

"Why are we stopping here, Vanze? The entrance is right there." Yamato looks at me with a puzzled look.

"Hehe, let me show you a firework first, Yamato." I pull out a detonator for the BIM and press the button on it.

Suddenly, a huge explosion can be heard. It is so loud and big that the cave and its surroundings can be seen getting blown up. I watch with my KG as people from the dome come out, and the samurai are already engaged with them not far away from here. I watch everything happening with a smile on my face.

"Woah... What a big explosion! You are amazing, Vanze." Yamato says while admiring the explosion that I just caused.

"Haha, it's just a small thing. Let's go, Yamato." Without BIM, it is impossible to cause such a destruction within a limited time.

"Un!" She nods. We continue our way toward the inner part of the dome, letting the chaos out there pull all the attention from us.


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