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Chapter 6: Run VI

She kicked and punched and flailed about trying to get loose, but the hands were strong and steady. Once the car started to move, they finally let her go. She gasped for air and looked around her. Two men sitting on her left. A driver and a passenger on the phone on her right, behind a metal wall. All she heard was a "yes sir" and the rest was muffled out when the car accelerated. It appeared she was in a van without windows, or the windows were blocked. It was really dark and empty. Only the small window between this back side and the front side showed any light. Only the bench, seat belts, and the floor were seen. No newspaper or magazine or anything. It was a boring car. She sat up on the bench and put on a seat belt and looked at the two guys blocking the only entrance and exit door.

"So, where am I being taken now? Can't you smell me? I stink as heck!" She asked after about ten minutes of silence.

Silence… They didn't even look at her. She turned to the guys up front and asked the same question. Silence. Not a soul can be heard breathing but her's. She kept to the front so she could see where they were headed and to get fresher air from her stinky aroma.

'Exit 116… What road are we on?'

"What highway are we on? I don't recognize this exit number." She got up and said to the driver. He glanced back at her through the dash mirror before the passenger closed the only window of fresh air and light she had. 'Hmph! My only window of life!'

May sat back down in the darkness. After what felt like hours, she had fallen asleep, the van came to a stop. She woke up from the jerk of the vehicle stopping. She groggily yawned and stretched out her stiffness. The two men from the front got out. She could hear one of them talking to someone but she couldn't make anything out. The door opened widely and the sudden burst of sunlight made her go blind. She covered her eyes quickly and slowly adjusted to the sunlight. The men were patient enough to allow her time to adjust. Once she was ready, she got out of the van without their help. She looked around and was amazed at what she saw.

There was a beautiful water fountain in the center. The water was a very clear light blue. The statue started out as four dogs extending their bodies, three dogs with only half their body, two dogs of their heads only, and finally a tail at the top… Totally wasn't expecting that. A huge modern style mansion was behind her. Definitely only rich people can live here. There were two flights of about ten steps each to the front door. Vast greenery could be seen around the area. To the far right looked like some kind of garden. One could see flowers leading the way in. Statues of animals were everywhere, ranging from reptiles to mammals. Birds of all kinds were placed in the higher areas. 'This family must like animals,' she thought to herself.

The men led May up the stairs into the building. A row of ten or so maids were on the left, same as the butlers on the right. Another set of stairs in the middle. It really was a rich person's house where the first floor was like a ballroom and the upstairs were where all the rooms are. The maids and butlers greeted her, "Welcome home, Miss May."

She stopped and asked in confusion, "Home? I don't live here and don't call me 'Miss'."

"You're the young master's wife. This is your home," said a butler nearby who was not part of the row of maids and butlers. It appears he was the top butler here. "My name is Aaron. Follow me, miss."

May repeated herself, "Don't call me miss, and I don't live here nor am I married. I think you may have mistaken me for someone else, Aaron sir." She did not move forward but backwards instead. One of the guards blocked her way out and pushed her forward.

"I don't live here," she said annoyed after she steadied herself and turned to the entrance. 'I think I know who lives here. I think I know what is going on. I am getting into a forced marriage by the boss because I denied his thanks and ran away again. WHY!? This isn't an anime or manga or a webnovel of some sort!' May angrily thought to herself.

"This way if you will, Miss May," Aaron said, directing her up the stairs.

She reluctantly followed his directions and walked up the stairs. Once she reached the top, Aaron led her to a bedroom where another set of maids greeted her the same way everyone else greeted her when she entered the mansion. She also told them to stop with the "miss" but no one listened.

"These maids will help settle you in with a clean and hot bath. I will come and get you when you are done." Aaron directed the maids to help her get cleaned.

"I'm fine the way I am. No need to make this great mansion any dirtier than it already is with my nasty self from the dumpster. I don't need to owe anyone anything. If you could just take me outside, I can find my way back." She politely declined the service but the maids were not mere maids. They had the same strength of a man, easily pulling her forward and stripping her of her rights. Aaron just nodded his head after the maids had pulled her and left. It happened so fast she didn't have time to react to it. She stood at the entrance of the bathroom, naked and stunned.

The tub looked like a mini pool. The smell of lavender was strong as that was what decorated the bath and the fragrance of the soap. She could swim back and forth with several strokes on every side. It is deep enough for her to sit on her butt and sit up straight with an inch or two above her head for water to roam freely. She told the maids she will wash herself but they weren't having it. May felt very uncomfortable having someone else see her naked, much less touch her so intimately. They were gentle yet rough when washing her and spared no mercy on her ticklish spots. She could tell they were getting frustrated, getting much wetter than they thought they would with her flailing about trying to escape their grasps to clean her. Their beautiful bath, full of freshly picked flower petals of rose and lavender, were washed out into clumps everywhere by the end of it all.

After about forty minutes of fighting in the bath, she was finally done. They gave her some skimpy undergarments. A pair of white lacy thongs and a white lacy, strapless, push up bra.

'What am I supposed to be? A prostitute?'

"Don't you have any other normal underwear?" sheI asked the head maid.

"This is to the young master's liking," she answered back.

"I am not pleasing your young master. I need to wear something to my comfort," May retorted back. "It is not like he will see this anyway. Give me something else or I will make a fuss again!"

The head maid pointed her finger towards a young girl who quickly left the room and came back just as quick with something similar to what she wore before. Normal hipster style underwear with normal non-push up, strapped bra. May thanked the young girl and put them on. They led her to the closet where all the clothing was. The closet was as big as a small bedroom.

Soon as she entered, all she saw were frilly dresses, Sunday dresses, maxi dresses, all kinds of dresses on most of the hangers and towards the back end were skirts and fancy blouses!!! What a terrible taste in clothing!! No pants or shorts?!

May looked at the closet in disbelief. "Aren't there any non-dress outfits? Like pants of some sort? Or shorts? Nothing to do with dresses or skirts?" she asked the head maid.

"The young master is fond of dresses, Miss May. It'd be wise to dress to his liking," she answered back.

"I am not here to please your young master, ma'am. Please get me my old clothing back. I shall wear those instead," May said annoyed.

"I am afraid they are dirty and will not suit the young master's taste, Miss May. Please pick an outfit from here to your liking," she responded and pointed to the closet.

"Don't call me 'miss'. I don't like dresses and skirts and fancy clothing. I like plain clothing. I like t-shirts. I like hoodies. I like pants. I like sweatpants. I like shorts," May's voice rose. "I like MEN TYPE OF CLOTHING. For your damn young master's sake, give me something I like and let this be done and over with."

The head maid looked at her sternly and said, "We cannot do that, Miss May. You must choose one of these dresses." She walked towards her and turned her to the closet.

"No! I will not!" May exclaimed as she pushed her away and stormed out to the bedroom. She fished for her old clothing that were in a basket at the corner. She took them out and went to the bath and washed them clean with bar soap. The maids just stared at her actions. Speechless and not knowing what to do. Guess they have never had someone rebel so much in one go. Once she was done, she drained as much of the water out as she possibly could and put on the still damp clothing in the bathroom.

"Let me see this young master of yours so I can leave this miserable place that is forced upon me," she said once she came out of the bathroom. She took the towel off her head from earlier. Her hair was still very damp but she didn't care as she was already damp everywhere anyway.

The head maid sighed and opened the door, exposing the butler Aaron. Aaron came in and saw the mess and May's outfit. He did a side glance to the head maid who only shook her head. He sighed and said, "Very well then, please put on these slippers and come this way please, Miss May."

"Stop with the 'miss' already. I've said it a million times to you and everyone." May shook her head, put on the slippers, and followed the butler out.

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