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My Charm System My Charm System original

My Charm System

Author: SWAMIG

© WebNovel


A man was walking toward a banquet hall with extravagant cloths and expensive jewelry. His face could only be described as beautiful and handsome, with his face, he could get any woman.

In the hall were the most powerful and influential people in the world, yet as he approached them, he only had one thought. 'In my eyes, you're all shit...'

It was an extravagant hall, with men and women in lavish formal wear socializing, when the butler at the entrance glanced at the dark-haired man stepping inside, and made an announcement to the guests. "Sir. Aurelius Viot!"

At the mere mention of this name, the chatter in the party died down, as everyone turned towards the entrant, revealing gazes of curiosity, lust, and fear...

In a white tuxedo, his imposing tall handsome presence loomed over the room, as everyone whispered amongst each other.

"It's him! The famous Awakened in the flesh! I only just saw him on the cover of Super Time. What's he doing here? Wasn't his company listed on the Greg Daves yesterday?"

"Yes, quite remarkable. I read he came from poverty only a few years ago. Just how did he accomplish it?"

"Is that the famous playboy? I heard he bought a cruise he fills with supermodels every weekend. They say his estate is a real-life harem!"

"More than that, his ability is so OP! It literally ends anyone who meets it!"

"What I can't comprehend is how he finds time for so many things. I was there when he won the World Battle Tournament this year. He's the best pro battler I've ever seen! He won first place!"

Even a couple of posh, sweet-looking elderly women in the corner couldn't help discussing the legends of this notorious figure. "Hmm…there are rumors he's involved with some unsavory elements as well…black market, Villain Association, Artifacts dealing… I've heard whispers of another matter too, but remember—you didn't hear any of this from me."

"What?" the listener replied.

"I've heard he's good in bed."

Aurelius had already grown accustomed to people gazing at him in amazement long ago. In fact, he was renowned for his cool head and even colder heart. Despite that, there was a sheen of sweat on his forehead as he scanned around the room for someone.

A moment later, when he spotted a conspicuous brown-haired beauty holding a glass of champagne under the chandelier, surrounded by aristocrats fawning over her, he narrowed his eyes, because he'd found her...

This woman was most uncommon: gorgeous, elegant, and with one outstanding difference from all others in the hall—she wore a crown.

Gulping, Aurelius approached her, as he put on his confident smile; the one that had proved irresistible to hundreds of the most beautiful women in the world...

A few seconds later, as she was chatting with a French SS-Class Awakened, a familiar voice came from her side, "Princess…it's been so long."

Hearing this deep charming tone, she recognized who it was in an instant, and did her best to stifle the quiver spreading throughout her body... A trace of dangerous desire flashed in her eyes though, before she restrained it with her strength of mind developed through decades of being in the public eye. Having regained composure, she turned to him. "Mr. Viot, what a delight it is to see you again."

With a self-assured expression, Aurelius stared into her eyes. "The pleasure is all mine..." Then, he took her white-gloved hand in his, and bowed as he brought it to his lips, holding it a moment longer than customary as he locked gazes with her.

At his touch, her heart shook...but the princess maintained her composure, despite her breathing becoming a touch heavier... Aurelius noticed this, and went for the money.

From then on, Aurelius launched into conversation, his charisma overpowering everyone nearby, helping him gain a monopoly on the beauty's attention. One by one, everyone but him and her stepped away. Their instincts gave them a clear signal--they were no longer welcome here.

Soon, chatting turned into subtle flirting, and not long after that, seductive whispers…

The princess' eyes glanced around with anxiety, as her mannerisms and occasional touches began to skirt on the line of what was appropriate...

Aurelius smirked, because this was what he wanted to see. He'd been attempting to seduce this beautiful princess for a while now, but there were two big roadblocks standing in his way: the unwritten laws of high society, and the fact that she was married…

Plus, for one reason or another, unlucky circumstances kept befalling him when he tried to advance with her, delaying his pursuit. Almost as if someone was trying to stop him from the sidelines.

Today though, as the sweat continued to accumulate on his face, he swore to himself he would conquer her. 'This is it. I only need to get her alone.' Aurelius already pre-arranged everything: paying off the staff of the event, accomplices in the background, and even every line that left his mouth. There was only one step remaining: to take her to the back of this hall to the chosen private room, and make love to her at last...

Giggling and blushing, the princess' expression couldn't hide her lust...letting him know the moment arrived. 'She's ready!'

However, as he was about to say the final line, a commotion ensued!

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Out of nowhere, a butler sprinted through the crowd, panting as he came over to the princess and whispered something into her ear, and as the words reached her, she turned pale!

Her breathing became a mess as she lost all traces of her royal composure! With shaky lips, she only managed to say a few words to Aurelius. "I-I'm sorry...I have to go! The Queen! M-my mother had an accident!" Then, she rushed out of the ballroom!

Frozen in disbelief, he watched as she ran out of the party. A few seconds later though, when Aurelius recovered from the shock, sweat poured down his face! He charged out after her with a desperate expression!

When he reached outside though, scanning the surroundings under the moonlight, he saw what he feared most--her pretty face on top of a wyvern! As the wings flapped and it began to lift off!

His eyes gleamed and without hesitation, he sprinted towards the beast! Moving at an insane pace!

Observing this, the security outside the helicopter became startled! They moved to bar his way in front! Yet they couldn't stop him at all! He pushed each one to the side with ease! Sending them flying several feet!

'I thought his ability had nothing to do with strength?' thought a security guard

Looking back at his target, Aurelius prepared to do anything it took, even kill it!

"Water Vortex!" Aurelio's yelled as he shot a giant pillar of water towards the wyvern, big, but not big enough to hurt the princess, but the wyvern was very agile, and as it is an S-class beast, it dodged it quite easily.

He needed to have her, however, the beast…was already in the air, climbing high up above him...

"NOOOOO!!!" As it flew into the distance, Aurelius's face lost all color, his arms going limp as he dropped to his knees...

"It can't end like this... It can't end like this..." he mumbled and over.

Everyone nearby stared, confused by his strange behavior.

"What's the matter with him?"

"Has he gone insane from wealth?"

"No, I understand his pain. I've made the same mistake—that bruschetta was rubbish."

A man in the sidelines was secretly snickering, seeing the man cry meant that he had succeeded, and that their were only 6 left to go.

"Where is my reward system?" the man said with delight.

[hahahahahahAHAHAHA! Good job my successor! You have completed the quest removing another roadblock!]

[Death Challenge: Break up - Find out what Aurelius Viot's "Death Challenge" is, and stop it from being completed]

[Status: Completed]

[Reward: 10,000,000 EXP, Evolution, Divine Artifact: Skill Stealer]

[Punishment: Annihilation]

[Time left: 00:01:32]

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed in joy, a new threat has appeared.

"Eyo, dat man crazzyyy!"


The man who yelled had his head cleanly cleaved off, blood spurting directly from his neck, and his body lifelessly falling to the ground.

"Who is my next target, system..."


Half an hour later, Aurelius had wandered to the edge of a majestic lake.

He tried everything, buying an item from the shop, contacting her, seeing where she was, but they were all fruitless efforts.

Gazing down at his own reflection, he barely recognized himself; so different from only a few years ago…

"It can't end like this. I've worked so hard...Changed so much..." His breaths became ragged as he gnashed his teeth with such force, he could taste blood...

"I did everything you asked! I've come so far! You can't do this to me now!"

[You did your best]

[Death Challenge: Getaway - Seduce a married woman who is a nation's royal of at least princess-tier and has a SSS+ class Original ability]

[Time remaining: 00:00:03]

[Time remaining: 00:00:02]

[Time remaining: 00:00:01]

Staring into the water, his eyes filled with unwillingness, and hatred, as they turned bloodshot, and then--crimson red...

Soon enough, he started to age at a rapid pace, blood came out of his eyes. Hair loss started and his suit didn't fit. In a matter of a few seconds, he turned into skin and bones, literally.

With his boney finger pointing to the sky, the infamous awakened moaned upwards, until...all his noise suddenly stopped, as he froze like a statue, viewing the last message he'd ever receive in his life.

[Time remaining: 00:00:00]

As his mind faded, there was only one last thought, a final glimmer of hope before potential oblivion. 'Maybe…I can reincarna....'

[Death Challenge failed]

[Punishment: Annihilation]

[Commencing punishment]

The next moment, from top to bottom, Aurelius's body...disintegrated into ashes...scattering into the wind over the once again tranquil lake...

[Punishment completed: Host's body and soul destroyed]


No reincarnation for him. Just ashes…

Maybe a passing bird or some ants...

Regardless...there was only one thing remaining of him in this place--the screen, the one that no one could see anymore...and even that, would merely last a few moments.

[Detecting lack of a host]

[Previous host data stored for review. Searching for next host.]

"Sigh..." a beautiful goddess looked down in shame.

"I honestly thought he would be the one to complete it, but damn was I wrong, he only had 5 more, 5 MORE DAMN IT!" she yelled.

"And that bastards apostle had to do it to! Ugh!"

'Looks like another ten-thousand years of waiting, I mean it isn't much but tsk, tsk, wait I'll ask Chronos! Maybe we will let me skip a thousand years! He will probably say yes because no one can resist my charm. I guess I shall see the next one who shall be the one to get my system!' she said excitedly as she left her realm to go ask to God of Time.

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