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Chapter 60: Chapter 60: Natsumi's True Nature (1) [R-18]

[Matsushita Natsumi's POV]

Tsubasa-kun and I strolled through the bustling walkways of the amusement park. It was my first time back since entering high school, and the crowds were a bit overwhelming for me. I wasn't particularly fond of crowded places, but having Tsubasa-kun by my side made it more bearable. His presence always had a calming effect on me, and that's one of the many reasons why I love him so much.

"What should we eat?" I inquired, noticing the bright smile on Tsubasa-kun's face. His lively expression made me curious, so I pressed further. "What's got you grinning from ear to ear?"

"Huh? Ah, it's nothing. I'm just having a great time with you, Natsumi," he replied. His words, simple as they were, never failed to make my heart flutter and my cheeks blush. Honestly, the things he says...

"As for what we should eat, how about some ramen?" he suggested, looking around for a suitable place. "There's a decent ramen joint nearby that I heard is pretty good."

"Ramen, huh? I wonder what it tastes like?" I pondered aloud, my curiosity piqued.

"Oh, yeah, you haven't tasted ramen before, huh? Well, I'm sure you'll like it," Tsubasa-kun replied with a warm smile.

I had never had ramen before because Okaa-sama always scrutinized what I ate. According to her, a lady of my status should consume only what is deemed appropriate for my station. Such restrictions had kept me from experiencing the simple joys of popular street food like ramen.

"Oh, since it's your first time having ramen, how about you order for both of us?" Tsubasa-kun suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"E-Eh?" I stammered, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the unexpected request.

"And... well. How about using this while you order?" he continued, pulling something from his pocket and revealing a cylinder-shaped object I had never seen before.

The item in question was sleek and discreet, with a smooth surface and a size that could easily fit into the palm of my hand. It had a sophisticated design, and I couldn't help but wonder what its purpose was. Tsubasa-kun's playful smirk hinted that there might be more to this than met the eye.

"Mm, what's this?" I inquired, holding the mysterious object in my hand.

Tsubasa-kun's grin widened, and he explained, "It's a little something to add some excitement to your experience. It's a vibrator, Natsumi."

I felt my face heat up at his words. A vibrator? In an amusement park? I was torn between embarrassment and curiosity. ""Eh?! T-Tsubasa-kun, are you suggesting... that I use this in a public place?" I stammered, my eyes wide with shock. "A-and... W-Why would you bring something like that here?"

Tsubasa-kun chuckled, "Well, the thrill of the amusement park isn't limited to rides, right? Just a little naughty fun."

My heart raced, but I couldn't deny the intrigue. "I-I've never used one of these before."

My mind raced, torn between propriety and the enticing idea he proposed. Eventually, a curious spark overcame my initial reluctance. "F-Fine, I'll give it a try. But only because it's you, Tsubasa-kun," I mumbled, accepting the vibrator.

I excused myself to the restroom. In there, I carefully inspected the device, feeling a strange mix of nerves and anticipation. After affixing it securely with a piece of tape to the inside of my panties, I took a deep breath, trying to quell the rising embarrassment.

'So embarrassing...'

Exiting the restroom, I saw him looking at me. His eyes were like a hawk's, and I felt like his prey, not prepared to be devoured. With the remote in his hand, he smiled at me and pushed it.

"~~~~~!!!" I silently screamed as I felt the vibrator buzz against the entrance of my pussy. I almost came just from that, which surprised me. I rarely came; the only time was when I masturbated while looking at Tsubasa-kun's photo on my phone and sniffing his used underwear, stolen from him during elementary. The underwear was old, but his essence lingered. The earlier intercrural sex had already led me to multiple orgasms, and now, with just a slight buzz of the vibrator, it almost made me cum. I had to wonder what would become of me.

Upon my return, Tsubasa-kun raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his face. "Feeling adventurous, Natsumi?"

I shot him a look, my face undoubtedly redder than before. "Let's just head there, okay?"

After the peculiar detour in the restroom, Tsubasa-kun and I made our way to the restaurant. From the outside, it looked fancy enough, but as we entered, the mismatch between the elegant decor and the simple menu caught us off guard. The restaurant seemed to specialize in a variety of comfort foods, offering dishes like hearty ramen, crispy tonkatsu, and savory okonomiyaki.

As we settled into our seats, Tsubasa-kun couldn't resist a mischievous glint in his eyes. The remote in his hands seemed to call for his attention, and he couldn't resist pressing it, sending another discreet vibration through the device nestled against my panties.

"Ah!" I stifled a gasp, my face flushed as the unexpected sensation teased my senses. Tsubasa-kun grinned, enjoying every moment of the playful game he initiated. I shot him a warning look, trying to maintain composure amid the buzzing disruption.

"Okay, okay. You don't need to glare at me like that," Tsubasa-kun chuckled, clearly amused by my less-than-impressed expression.

"Honestly, you're such a dummy," I pouted, unable to hold back a teasing retort.

"Yeah, I am a dummy. And you like me that way, don't you?" he quipped, his playful demeanor shining through.

"That's an unfair way of retorting..." I mumbled, secretly acknowledging the truth in his words. There was something endearing about his playful foolishness.

"Well, let's just have our orders, shall we?" Tsubasa-kun suggested with a sly smile. I honestly had no idea what he was thinking, but I couldn't deny the excitement bubbling within me.

"O-Okay," I stammered, glancing around the restaurant. There seemed to be no waiter in sight.

"What are you waiting for, Natsumi? Aren't you going to order the ramen for us?" Tsubasa-kun urged, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I took a deep breath, mustering the courage to tackle this unfamiliar task. "Fine, I'll do it." With a hesitant stride, I approached the small counter where orders were being taken.

Tsubasa-kun stayed at the table, grinning like a mischievous accomplice. As I examined the menu, it became apparent that this wasn't your typical high-class dining establishment. Instead, it boasted an array of comfort foods—gyoza, takoyaki, and even okonomiyaki.

I tried to maintain my composure and avoid any lingering embarrassment from the hidden vibrator. My fingers subtly traced the menu's offerings, settling on the ramen section.

After deciding on our meals, I cautiously approached the counter, feeling a bit out of place. The man behind it greeted me warmly, taking note of my slightly flushed cheeks. "What can I get you?"

"Um, we'll have two bowls of ramen, please," I requested, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

"Sure thing! Anything to drink with that?"

"Two green teas, please."

As I placed our order, Tsubasa-kun stayed back at the table, his mischievous grin never fading. Little did he know, the vibrations from the concealed device were beginning to affect me. I couldn't help but bite my lip, attempting to stifle any unintentional sounds of pleasure that threatened to escape.

The man behind the counter, oblivious to my internal struggle, cheerfully noted down our order. "Two bowls of ramen and two green teas, coming right up! Feel free to take a seat, and we'll bring it to you."

Taking the cue, I returned to our table, attempting to appear unfazed by the sensations coursing through me. Tsubasa-kun leaned back, seemingly innocent, but I knew better. His playful eyes followed my every move.

"Done ordering?" he asked, feigning nonchalance.

"Yes," I replied, casting him a stern look. "And you better behave."

"Behave? Me?" he chuckled, pressing the remote once more with a sly grin.

"Hngh..." A suppressed gasp escaped my lips, earning a knowing smirk from Tsubasa-kun. The subtle buzz of the vibrator intensified, sending shivers down my spine. I shot him a warning glance, silently pleading for mercy.

Our playful banter continued until the tantalizing aroma of ramen wafted through the air. A woman approached, placing steaming bowls in front of us. 

As we dug into our meal, Tsubasa-kun leaned in, whispering playfully, "Natsumi, you're blushing like a schoolgirl. Is the ramen too spicy for you?"

I shot Tsubasa-kun a discreet glare, my cheeks now undoubtedly flushed. The combination of the hidden vibrator and his playful remarks made it nearly impossible to savor my first ramen experience.

"N-No, it's not too spicy," I replied, my voice carrying a subtle edge of irritation. I tried to focus on the noodles, but the persistent vibrations beneath my panties continued to disrupt any attempt at normalcy.

Tsubasa-kun's teasing grin only widened. "You sure? You're squirming in your seat quite a lot for someone who ordered a simple bowl of ramen."

I bit my lip, desperately trying to conceal the undeniable effects of his little game. The restaurant's lively ambiance provided some cover, but Tsubasa-kun's knowing gaze threatened to expose my internal struggle.

"I-It's just hot," I mumbled, though the words felt like a feeble attempt to mask the true source of my discomfort.

He chuckled softly, enjoying every moment of my embarrassment. "Well, I hope it's not too hot to handle. You wouldn't want to burn your delicate palate."

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