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Chapter 29: 28: The Start of The Lizard War

Upon using the Legendary Bloodline Ticket a system window appeared with a list of bloodlines all with incredible names and of fantastical beasts, monsters, races James had never heard of, and some being of eldritch nature. To James though he knew the route to take given the way his abilities are stationed and sought out the draconic bloodlines which he also shifted through before finding 3 dragon bloodlines that he liked but also included one bloodline outside of the draconic that had caught his eye among his options previously to take.


[Legendary Bloodlines(sorted)]


- Abyssal Shadow Dragon: Evil Dragons who wields shadows so deep no light may enter, powerful stealth abilities, and move with great speed on land compared to any other dragons. They steal power from their foes increasing their strength while disabling the abilities of their enemies as they surround them in darkness making all but other legendary or stronger beings into easy prey.

- Royal Obsidian Dragon: The strongest and smartest of the Gem Dragons that rule over their regular counterparts and live within volcanoes and volcanic caverns. They wield immense flame and psionic power that upon adulthood can create their own demiplane and able to forcefully warp enemies to other dangerous planes or places unlike their regular counterparts that would need to become ancients to achieve the same feat.

- Platinum Dragon: The rarest of the dragon species. Little is known of them, their abilities, or even if any truly exist except for the God of Good Dragons, the only known Platinum Dragon, Bahamut and even then his abilities are mostly unknown to any and all except for other gods and his direct servants.


- Omega D-Rex: The Tyrant of the jungles, plains, and mountains of Lustrous. The King of all Dinosaurs, and Monsters alike. They are few in number with only a few dozen living at any one time otherwise all in sight would be consumed by the species till they either kill everything else or cull their own numbers.


James looked at his options and was really struggling, as all the options sounded cool and from the descriptions were quite powerful in their own rights. James wanted to even himself out a little as he was steering too far into storm and lightning based abilities.

After a few minutes of thinking he finally made his choice obtaining the Legendary Bloodline of a Royal Obsidian Dragon as if he could evolve into one or even a hybrid of one with something else if he retained some of it's abilities he could create his own demiplane for him and his people to grow his empire and power.

As he claimed the bloodline his body started to change, his scales began to harden and darken even further as if they absorbed light around them but the electric arcs on his scales became brighter and deeper appearing almost as cracks in his body where the energy inside him was attempting to escape crackling with power. His mind on the other hand felt even clearer and he could feel some kind of energy with his mind but didn't understand how to use it.

[You have gained the Epic Trait: Lesser Obsidian Scales]

[You have gained the Epic Trait: Telepath]

[Lesser Obsidian Scales: Your scales are a hard obsidian that is stronger than titanium that can be smelted and strengthened by bathing in powerful flames and lava(most effective in places rich in magical, divine, or world energies), it protects you from fire makes you much more resistant to ordinary weapons both artificial and natural.]

[Telepath: Grants you access to psionic abilities that you can gain as you experiment and utilize your psionic powers, starting with basic telepathy and mild telekinesis.]

James felt really good and seeing his new traits made him feel even better till he felt something from within, an aura in the shape of a large black dragon covered in obsidian scales with crystaline horns in the shape of a crown came out from his back and stared down at him releasing an immense pressure on him demanding his servitude to the bloodline that was so forceful that the floor of the hut was cracking beneath James with every passing moment.

James fought this with all his might. His pride, his refusal to serve, his promise to lead his people, his overall will would not allow him to give in to this pressure as he slowly looked up and rose to his feet staring defiantly at the dragon made of aura before stepping towards it with a low growl as not to draw attention from outside. Upon failing to suppress James the dragon made of aura flickered as it seemed in pain now before vanishing abruptly taking that immense pressure along with it.

James gasped for air as his knees buckled, he stumbled back before falling on his side feeling everything in his body aching and shaking from the strain as he coughed up a little blood. James laid there for what felt like hours just trying to regulate his breathing and slow his heartbeat back down till he could finally compose himself and sat up still sore and slightly shaky. He sat there a few minutes relaxing his body and soon after his lieutenants returned kneeling to James before Grukthar spoke up, "We are ready Chief, the warriors are ready to march. The Dragonewt scouts followed their tracks and we know the location of the tribe that attacked us at least and it's quite large. They sent half their forces at us but kept most of the big ones at home as their were 19 of them wandering around as laborers. Their village is actually not that far from us which is concerning considering we hadn't run into them much up till now. Their village is much larger than ours and seems to be built in layers with multiple gates for each layer slowly ascending upwards with towers at each gate with a couple Saurians that have what I believe the humans call longbows and the buildings are mostly made of stone with mud or some other substance between the stones. At the center of the village which is also the top of what seems to be a temple there was a Saurian with white scales and blue eyes who seemed to notice our scouts and threw a spear that impaled and killed one of them immediately. We would have gotten more information if not for that but the scouts left upon being discovered sir."

James was frustrated cause he automatically knew this battle was gonna be an uphill one with more deaths among his warriors than he'd like. James started to formulate a plan and hoped the Saurian's bloodlust and arrogance was greater than their rationality otherwise they were screwed even with their air superiority.

After several minutes of discussing the battle plans they all left the hut and began their march, if they were a small group it'd have only taken half an hour to reach their destination but but because 70% of their forces were marching/swimming to along with the Dragonewts working as scouts to help them avoid danger and keep an eye out for enemy scouts it took them 2 hours to reach the treeline outside the enemy village which was actually quite a distance as the Saurians had cleared out the surrounding area of trees even in the water of the swamps 300ft around their village on all sides.

The Dragonewts stayed high in the air even higher than before to try and stay out of the White Saurian's sight. The majority of Dragonborn stayed hidden in the treeline and under the water with only their heads staying up on the surface of the water sticking close to the reeds and grasses around them to stay hidden while James, Xarzak, and a small group of 20 Dragonborn walked out into the open weapons drawn and roaring to the heavens as they slowly walked towards the stone city. As James hoped the closest gate began opening and several Saurians including a 7 of the big ones charged out without a second thought to which James once the gate was mostly open raised his axe as the signal to his forces and they all charged out towards the open gate in an attempt to enter the first gate before the enemy can ready themselves and close it.

James didn't want a lengthy siege, he wanted to storm inside as quick as possible and catch as many of them off guard as possible. While James and his ground forces clashed with the Saurian vanguard the Dragonewts came down from directly above the village and began picking off the archers in the towers at the first and second gates while launching large stones from their slingshots at the Saurians trying to close the gate with great success.

James and his warriors blitzed through the first gate slaughtering countless Saurian warriors with only the large ones giving them trouble but not enough given how Jorg'ath and Grukthar tag teamed them while Dragonborn cut them apart. At the second gate they were meeting much greater resistance as the Dragonewts got pushed back as the enemies at the last gate had brought all their forces to the second gate including the White Saurian who seemed to be the leader covered in pristine white bone and dark leather armor from head to toe with a large bone skull helmet that had 2 large horns protruding outwards with a smaller horn by the nose with a head crest that rested over his. James and his forces were doing their damnedest to get that gate open and fight but every advance was being fended off. So James decided to do something drastic, "Grukthar you lead, Xarzak with me!"

James then leaped up onto the stone wall digging his claws and axe into any cracks or groove she could find which did not go unnoticed by the Saurians. He got pelted with arrows and rocks alike as he climbed the wall which started to set panic into most of the Saurians as they remembered James and what he'd done to their forces the night before so him climbing up tolheir only thing keeping him away terrified them. Only the White Saurian was unbothered and simply gave his orders and roared at any who tried backing away and readied to kill them if they dare run like a coward.

James jumped onto the wall decapitating 4 terrified Saurian and ignored the rest as he jumped down to the controls for the gate killing any in his way and began opening the door with Xarzak not far behind as well as the Dragonewts flying down to give him support keeping any foes off his back while he opened the door.

While James started getting the door open and his forces slowly pushing through the White Saurian, the large ones, and a small group of Saurians in similar bone armor to their leader slowly made their way to James pushing the Dragonewts back. Just as James finished opening the door, Xarzak was fighting off the large ones all on her own as she released a purple beam of energy from her mouth leaving stumps where the heads of 2 of the large boys were but then the White Saurian lunged forward spartan kicking her in the chest sending her tumbling past James.

James turned face to face with the White Saurian who has a large jade hammer and a jade shield both with countless engravings in a language James couldn't read. The White Saurian stands eye to eye with James roaring in his face so loud it quieted the entire battlefield as a large white scaled monster that James could only identify as some form of dinosaur with a large maw of teeth and lengthy arms with sharp talons and claws seemed to appear behind the White Saurian as if the avatar of the great beast he descends from blessed him and his people in this moment!

James stepped forward roaring back even louder and more ferociously as a formless pitch black dragon as deep as the void itself formed behind James towering over the avatar of the dinosaur before spreading it's wings blotting out the sun burying the village in shadow as it's 5 piercing crimson eyes stares into the avatar and the White Saurian.


I apologize in advance as this is the only chapter for this week. I took on a temporary part time job this week and will continue it for another week or two so till I'm done I may not finish 2 chapters a week for most of this month. I really needed to make some money since obviously this is currently not generating me any income which is fine as this is more something I want to do and enjoy doing rather than just being in it for the money. I'm really sorry for not having more to give but I'll make sure any chapters released are up to the quality if not better than what I've produced previously so far. I ask and thank you all for your patience and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.

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