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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Daughter-in-law

Nina arrived in country M at 5pm so she decided to book a hotel first then walk around to see if she can ask someone where to buy a land.

After putting all her stuff in the room she booked, she went to the hotel's restaurant to eat, can't let her baby starve.

Speaking of her baby, he is kinda good today, unlike yesterday where Nina can't seem to point out where is left and right, now even though the train bed was not that comfortable Nina was able to sleep without feeling dizziness or headache!

There are a lot of people inside the restaurant because it's already peak hour. All tables are occupied Nina found a place in the corner of the restaurant then she asked for the menu. She has not finished scanning for food yet when an old couple stood in front of her, she immediately became vigilant, she's a lone girl in an unfamiliar place, even though she read that this place is considered one of the most peaceful places in the country, she can't let her guard down.

"Good girl, don't be afraid. My husband and I just can't find a place to sit here, you see, it's our first time visiting here and we wanted to feel what a restaurant in a country M is so we don't want to order food in our room so we just went here. We see that you are alone, do you mind if we join your table? " the old lady said politely. They look like an ordinary old couple who are leisurely enjoying their retirement, but they seem to be young to retire? They only look like they are in their early 50's, and aside from that, they both look good although the old man looks serious and quiet, they both give off a calming aura.

She smiled to them "Good auntie and uncle, sit here" then she told the waiter to give the old couple menus

Nina and the old couple talked about their experiences on their way here while waiting for their food. They just found out that they rode the same train and they booked a room next to each other! Nina became more comfortable talking with the couples because she felt that she is fated to meet them, Nina doesn't believe in fate before but she is a girl who was able to transmigrate and even wore a book, what else won't she believe?

So when their hotpot came, she attentively helped the old couple before doing her own.

"oh, such a sweet child, why haven't I given birth to a beautiful, little padded jacket girl like you?" auntie sighed

"I told you before, you could have given birth more" uncle teased his wife

"hmp! I've already given birth to a son for your family and that child was just cute when he was a child, when he turned five he became like an old man, like you! Who won't be traumatized?! What if I gave birth to a cute baby girl then when she turned five she would also start having a paralyzed face then ask me the origin of the earth?! No, no, no! Your family's genes are so powerful, my lovely cute genes can't defeat it so I decided not to give birth anymore!" auntie said

"okay, okay, it's my fault that we don't have cute little girl like Nina, we just ask our son to hurry up and give us a granddaughter okay, actually I think it was his fault that we don't have a daughter so he needs to share our burden" uncle shamelessly put the blame to his son, who told that son to become like him? Now his dear wife is jealous of other people's daughter "come on, eat your food" uncle said as he put more food to his wife's food

"hmp! You ask your son to give us a grandchild, why don't you ask him first for a wife?! All of my friends' children now have their own families and some of their grandchildren can even now buy soy sauce, but your son, your son! Ah, I don't want to talk about him anymore!"

"Wife, stop it, Nina is laughing at us now" uncle helplessly said as he tried to coax his wife.

"huh? Oh Nina, right, how old are you?" auntie asked with shining eyes

"Uhm, I'm 18 years old" Nina answered

"good, already on your legal age although ten years younger but it's already fine" auntie muttered which Nina didn't heard clearly

"where is your family?" she asked again

"I'm already orphaned when I turned 10" Nina answered again, she didn't feel sad about that, probably because both her lives she was an orphan she can calmly answer this question without any unnecessary emotions

"oh, I'm sorry, I don't know that-"

"It's okay auntie" what Nina hates the most is other people pitying her "I was able to cope up already and now I am happy. One of the reasons I went here in country M is to move forward. I know my parents would be more sad if their only girl sulks herself to a corner so you don't need to be sad about me"

"Is that so? Then auntie is happy for you" auntie squeezed her hand on the table lightly

"okay, that's enough, eat your food before it gets cold" uncle said trying to lighten the atmosphere

"yes" Nina answered as she took a bite of her food

"Nina, you said you went here to move forward, are you planning to settle here?" auntie while putting pork on her bowl

"yes auntie, I'm planning to look tomorrow if there is a piece of land that I can buy" Nina answered

"You wanted to settle here when you were already living in the capital before, don't you think it is not practical?" uncle asked, this was the first time uncle took the initiative to ask her

"I don't think it's impractical uncle. I just want a peaceful surrounding, in the capital, there are a lot of noise here in country M, I can just plant and enjoy the scenery"

"Don't you want to finish school?" uncle asked again, he was thinking that Nina is only 18, just the age for college students

"I already finished my master's degree yesterday" Nina answered making the two people in front of her stunned

After auntie heard that she finished her master's degree, she hit uncle "see! Why should other people's children be a genius without being a wood?! Why is mine an ice block?! Why!?" she give uncle another hit

"wife, careful, you might hurt your hand" If uncle knew that Nina was actually a genius who finished her master's degree at the age of 18, he wouldn't have asked her. It's actually his son's fault, why was he an ice block?

"hmp!" auntie snorted "Nina, you are looking for land right? We are here in country M because we are going to visit my nanny when I was young, we heard from her that the land beside her house is now for sale. You can come with us tomorrow to check if you like that"

"really?! Thank you auntie!" Nina happily said

Nina and the old couple walked around the area for a while to digest their food before going back to their rooms

When the old couple entered the room, Karen immediately called her son to say that she found him a wife but before Karen can describe the girl to her son, the ungrateful bastard coldly said no then hung up the phone

"see your son?! I found him a wife but instead of being grateful he hung up the phone!" Karen was fuming mad while complaining her husband

"wife, don't you think that we should let our son find his own wife?" Cronos said to his wife

"let him find a wife? If we let him, when will I be able to carry my grandchildren?!" Karen became more mad

"okay, okay, don't be mad, I'll call him okay?" take a rest for a while

"be sure to talk to him" Karen said then went to the bed

Cronos took a deep breath, what can he do? He was the one who spoiled his wife to the bones and it is kind of spoiling that has no bottom line, it is like this, if his wife asks him to throw his son he would gladly do so.

So, he took out his phone and called his ungrateful son but before he could say anything, he heard his son say no then he hung the phone.

This! To whom did this son of his inherited his stubbornness?! He angrily called him again and before his son said anything Cronos spoke first "Hades Keiro Clemente! If you hung the phone again, I still have many ways to give you a headache"

"then, tell your wife not to bother looking for a wife for me" Cronos heard his son said

"what" your wife? " She's your mom!" Cronos is now fuming mad, now he understands why his wife wants a baby girl like Nina, soft spoken, sweet, and cute! A great contrast with this smelly boy! Now, like an old father for Nina, he seems to not like the idea of this smelly boy being Nina's husband! He must persuade his wife to just adopt Nina instead of marrying her to this stupid boy! Hmp!

"you told me before that, when you are outside, she is only your wife, not my mom and I should not come too close to her, remember?"

Cronos choked after hearing that, he must have said that before, who told this boy to get his wife's attention all the time? That's why when his son turned 13, he threw him to manage some company and when his son turned 21, Cronos threw all the company's management to his son and he took his wife to travel the world, until now Cronos can't seem to believe how good that move he made 😎.

"Anyway, if you don't like the wife that your mom found for you, it's fine. Nina is better off without you! Hmp! You don't deserve such a beautiful child" Cronos snorted then he hung up the phone but before he could put his phone to his pocket, it rang, then he saw that his idiot son was calling, Cronos disgustedly answered the phone

"What?" Cronos asked

"dad, what's the name of the daughter-in-law my mom found?" Cronos was stunned after hearing his son calling him dad, then he felt something was wrong after hearing his son seem to accept that his mom found a daughter-in-law and he even asked for the name!

" Why do you want to know?" he is a businessman, and he knows his son very well, if this smelly boy called him dad it means he needs something

"Dad, actually I already found you a daughter-in-law but this daughter-in-law of yours actually ran away from me" Hades explained

"she ran away from you?" Cronos asked

Hades paused for a while, then like he was defeated he said "yes" in a low voice

Cronos was still trying to digest his son's confession then he started laughing "hhahahahahahahahahaa" Cronos can't stop laughing while thinking what his great son looked like when he found out that his little wife ran away from him.

"done?" Hades asked coldly

Cronos was still trying to suppress his laughter before answering his son "yes, almost done" then he coughed to clear his throat "so what do you want again?"

"I was asking about the name of the girl you saw" Hades said impatiently

"I thought you already have a wife, why do you still want to know the name of the girl? Are you planning to use the girl we found to make your prospect jealous?! " Cronos asked his son, is this son of his a hooligan? He still wanted to boat two rivers?! No! He won't let that shameful thing happen!

"Dad, aren't you listening to my words?! I told you that my future wife ran away from me, I heard you saying a while ago that the girl you found is named Nina, that's why I wanted to confirm if I heard it right!" Hades now shows an impatient face, how could his father say that he is going to make his Nina jealous? He will make other women be jealous of Nina and not the other way around! Once he has Nina by his side, he would show this old man how to truly pamper a girl!

"I don't think that the Nina we found is your girl, she's only 18,soft spoken and cute not someone who could match your ugly temperament" Cronos said disgustedly, how can Nina be involved with his wooden son?

"dad, you and mom should take care of your daughter-in-law for a while okay? I will just finish my work here then I'll follow her there. Make sure to make her eat nutritious food everyday while I am not yet there, don't let her be too tired, she has a frail body and can get sick easily if she's tired, make her remember to drink her vitamins on time, and oh! Don't tell her that you know me, not even a hint okay?" Hades instructed his dad

"She's a genius, once she found out that you are related to me she might run away again, and we don't like that to happen right? If I can't marry her in this life, our family's long line of handsome and beautiful people would end with your son, you don't like that to happen don't you? Your ancestors would definitely scold you for not helping your son find his wife" Hades shamelessly threatened his own father "anyway dad, take a rest first, make sure to tell mom what I said okay?" Hades added before turning off the call

"That son of a- hmp! Shameless, truly shameless!" that boy even threatened him with his ancestors?! Is that even his son? Maybe the nurse gave them the wrong child? But that child has the same rare blood as him, that child is too frustrating! He even asked his old man to run errands for him, see how he will discredit him to his future wife!

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