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My Golden Finger is Bigger Than Yours My Golden Finger is Bigger Than Yours original

My Golden Finger is Bigger Than Yours

Author: Altered_State_127

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: I think I broke the internet.

Once upon a time in a world much like our own. There once lived a man, however this man lived alone. He had no ambition or dreams he desired. He simply lived his life before it expires. But soon the man would wake up to something unknown. Be it bad or good be not the first to cast ye's stone. Read and enjoy, about the man who destroyed known reality. Because reality is only as strong as we perceive fragility.


On a fine Thursday morning our main character awakens. He opens his eyes and says, "Nope, going back to sleep." and so he does. Hours fly by and then the bastard finally gets up if only cause he's hungry. Rubbing the muck from his eyes he stands up, stretching and yawning, thinking about how much more sleep he can get in. Shaking his head to wake up he exits his room and enters the kitchen. Opening the fridge leads to him seeing a whole lot of nothing. "Fuck, I don't wanna get dressed, oh well." So the man soon dresses himself and leaves his home. Getting into his car he makes his way to the closest Waffle House.

Parking, he gets out and enters. He waves at some of the people there that he knew. Sitting down he looks over the menu even though he almost always gets the same thing. Soon a waitress walks over to take his order. "Hey there Marcus, how we doing today?" The now named Marcus shakes his head and mutters, "I need coffee first before I answer that, but all in all not bad. Finally got that promotion I've been harping about." The Waitress gasps and says "Well congratulations, I know you've been working your balls off to get it, good for you sweetie." Marcus then goes about placing his order. Once done he fishes his phone out to play some Solitaire to pass the time.

However once the game pops up something magical and mystical happens. He gets a text message, from one of the only close friends he has, asking about the game he recommended to him last week. They don't talk for long and soon enough Marcus is going back to play his game, but then his food arrives, and it's just bad manners to eat with your phone out so he puts it away.

Taking his time with the almost full course meal, he starts thinking random things such as, "If guys with big shoes have big dicks and guys with big cars have small dicks, then Clowns must be terrifying." or the most glorious thing a man has, his nothing box. Soon enough he finishes and gets up and pays the Waitress and leaves a $15 tip because of economic hardships everyone is going through.

Getting into his car he lights up a cigarette and pulls out his phone. However instead of his game a different screen greets him. It's his Webnovel app obviously, he was reading all last night until he passed out.

Taking 30 minutes and several cigarettes, he is updated on the stories he follows and starts to head home. Once back home he goes into his Man Cave and starts dusting off the collectibles he obtained over the years. From figurines from different sources of media to Funko Pops and posters.

Finishing up the only thing he really had planned he goes for his phone again and opens the X-Com Enemy Within app. Soon enough it's loaded up and he gets back into it. He's at the end where you have to destroy the ship to save the world or whatever. Going over his gear he decides that he wants an extra Medikit on one of his guys but has to make one. So he scrolls over to the foundry and puts in the order and he waits for the confirmation screen.

Once it pops up he goes to close it but instead his finger sinks into the phone. Instead of overreacting, he plays around a little by moving his finger in the phone while thinking 'I've finally gone insane.' Then he takes his finger out, but that's not the only thing that comes out. Following behind his finger is the Medikit. In all it's red and white glory.

"..." Marcus.exe has crashed. Hard reboot required. Several minutes goes by until a giddy Marcus picks up the Medikit and looks it over reverently. Soon enough he starts acting out some of the scenes from the game and laughs about what just happened to him. Then he stops as if frozen, and turns to look at his playstation, Xbox, and Switch. His emotions are in turmoil and his breathing gets heavy as if the man is in heat. Pouncing onto whatever controller is in front of him and turning it on.

However nothing happens and he freaks out for a moment until he realizes... he forgot to turn the T.V. on. Slapping himself in the face he reaches for the remote and hits the power button. With his little Fuck up out of the way he's a bit more level headed. Looking through his Xbox he looks at all the games he has, and starts drooling then cackling then full blown laughter until he starts coughing his brains out due to all the smoking he does. After finishing he gets this wild look in his eyes. "Testing, I've gotta test this shit out. See what's what."

So over the course of the next few days he thoroughly tested the limits of his new power.

Those being 1.) Anything I bring out has two sizes, what they're supposed to be and what size ibrought them out as.

2.) I can't take things out of anything other than a screen.

3.) This power only applies to games and no other offshoots of media.

4.) I can reload a save and the items will not disappear in the real world and digital ones will be repopulated.

5.) I can't bring out people but I can bring out A.I.s but they lose all their memories of their previous self. Personalities do stay intact somehow.

6.) Game items can be destroyed and are not invincible unless stated otherwise e.g.e Leviathan axe from G.O.W. can't be destroyed, however a chainsaw gun from G.O.W. can. (hehehehe)

7.) No harmful material can be taken out unless in a safe environment that can protect the host, otherwise me. Haven't figured out how that works either.

8.) Harmful effects such as curses and other forms of destructive elements are nullified upon entering the real world.

9.) Miranda's cat suit from Mass Effect is actually form fitting, who knew. 😏

10.) Spells don't work the same. It would seem actually study is needed to be able to cast most magics. Some however can be used through enchantment. Let's go Skyrim.

11.) Visual representation is needed to bring out any item. Text only brings out words on my phone's notes.

12.) This one is sad, but no mods. Modifications for games aren't recognized for whatever reason. But I bet if I am able to have the game companies release them as optional DLCs it would work.

13.) GTA's cheat phone works in real life. But only for cars, guns, armor, and money. No defying the laws of physics. One day Murphy, one day.

14.) No system inventory for me to chuck everything into, luckily the inventory box from Dark souls works just as well and I can shrink it if I use a small enough screen.

15.) (I ran out of ideas, let me know if you have any I can add to the list.)

That about sums up my assessment on what I can and can't do. I have everything I can ever need. Now what?"

*Ding* "Congratulations user G18492JR88Z on familiarizing yourself with our wonderful product. Since no form of negative declaration has been given, you are now a participant in the free for all Multiverse war where all those who have been selected will fight for the right to keep their "Golden Finger". Lose and you go back to being the nobody you were. Good luck out there it's a big multiverse."


Only one thing ran through my head at the moment. "Fuck Yeah!"

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