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Chapter 9: Meeting Once More

I'm out running, today is July 22nd. I turned 11 just last week, but no one would believe I was if I told them.

If I had to guess why, it would be that I don't look like a normal 11 year old kid anymore. I stand a few inches taller than I did before, and my body is at least as fit as I was after All Might's training.

Speaking of All Might, he had his big fight with All For One 2 years ago…. I think he should've recovered some time go, I wonder where he is now.

I pass by a park and some convenience stores, of which one opened to let customers out. I continue out into the city until I reach the beach.

This brings back memories…. I remember All Might taking that picture of me crying here. He told me that heroes used to care about service.

This place is just as I first encountered it with All Might, packed full to the brim with trash. Why can't people just dispose of their trash legitimately.

I sigh a bit "hmmm…. maybe I could ask Kacchan's dad to bring his truck to carry some of this stuff away."

I spend the next few hours piling the trash in various piles as best as I can for now. Tomorrow I'll try to get a vehicle to help haul it away.

I go to turn around…. only to meet a sickly looking person with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Whoa! Sorry there young man, I just wanted to tell you you're doing a great job."

"All Might?! What are you doing here?" the guy in front of me spits out blood.

"All Might is here? Where?" Some random people say.

"Kid, say you made a mistake quick." he snaps.

"Sorry, I got the wrong person!" I yell out at them.

"Awww I wanted an autograph…." they say as they head off somewhere else.

He wipes the blood from his mouth and asks "Now kid, how do you know who I am?" with a cautious look in his eye.

"Umm….. well…. That's kind of hard to explain…" I answer regretting that I opened my big fat mouth. Why is it whenever I get overwhelmed I overreact ugh….

"Kid. I need to know, this isn't something that everyone knows about." he says resolutely.

"Well…. The truth is…. We know each other." I say reluctantly.

"No kid we don't. Although you do feel familiar, but I don't know you."

"That's cause we weren't supposed to meet for another 3 years."

"What do you mean?"

"Well…. I'm not exactly sure how to go about this, but here goes. I'm from the future."

"Really?" he asks skeptically.

"Yes really." I answer resolutely.

"Okay future boy, tell me what are we to each other?"

"Well you're my mentor, and the previous or I guess in this case current bearer of One For All."

"Kid, how do you know about One For All?" he asks with a glint in his eye.

"If I said, I was from the future would you believe me?"

"No, not really…."

"Okay look I understand it's hard to believe."

"Yes it really is kid, I don't know how you learned this stuff but…"

I cut him off real quick "I know. I won't tell anyone, I'm not that kind of person All Might."

"Okay kid, I'll have to trust you to keep quiet. Out of curiosity, what are you doing here?"

"Oh this" I motion over to the piles of trash to which he nods "I'm clearing out the beach, so that other people can one day use it once more."

"That's very admirable young man, your quirk must give you a lot of strength for that."

"Actually, it doesn't do anything for my strength at all. My quirk is a little weird."

"Really? What does it do?"

"From what I can tell? Not much so far. I'm either able to turn back time or look into the future, depending on who you ask."

His interest seems to of peaked a bit "Really now? And who do I go to ask about it?"

"Well you could ask my Sensei or me."

"Your Sensei is of the more believable quirk idea isn't he."

"Yeah and the one way I had to prove it might not even work." I say depressed.

"Hey, hey kid. No need to look so down, how were you supposed to prove it?" he asks trying to cheer me up.

"Well…. The only way I could think of, was having the two of you meet."

"Really?" he asks skeptically.


"Let's say I believe you kid, how do I know you have a quirk like either of those two?"

"Well, that's tough to do. I can't exactly control it. Could I ask you a favor?" I ask him hopefully.

"Depends kid. What's the favor?"

"Can you meet with my Sensei, it doesn't have to be now or even tomorrow. Just….. It'll be easier if you meet him and ask him about me."

"I don't know if I can do that kid."

"Just…. It'll help explain a lot for you."

"Alright kid, who is this sensei of yours?"

"His name is Kaito Aizawa and he is the head of the Aizawa school of martial arts."

"Huh… Aizawa… hmmm….. Is he related to Eraser Head?"

"Eraser Head?"

"His real name is Shota Aizawa."

"Ah yes, Shota niichan is his nephew."

"I see… I'll try to stop by sometime. You should head home kid, it's getting late."

"Alright, goodnight All Might."

I walk off hoping that I can finally get some believe in what my quirk does.

A week later I headed off to Kaito Sensei's lessons once more. I went inside the compound as usual and opened the door to the Dojo only to find a big broad chest in the way.

I look up and I find the symbol of peace looking down at me and he says "I am Here! to see your training in action young Izuku Midoriya!"

"Wait, but how? I never told you my name the other day."

"Fret not, my disciple. I told him, considering he came asking about a kid about your age that acted well beyond it. It wasn't too hard figuring out who he was looking for.

"I see… have the two of you talked yet?" I asked hoping for the best.

"We have" they say in unison.

"And?" I ask.

"He wants to see it in action, Izuku."

"Alright, how are we gonna do that? I can't exactly control it." I ask

They look at each other briefly before nodding and before I get to question what they planned on doing All Might rushing at me to punch "Detroit Smash!"

Everything rewinds to the point just before the turn and nod.

They yet again turn and nod to each other "WAIT! Don't use a Detroit Smash in here!" I scream out.

"Well….. As you can tell All Might, he at least has a clairvoyance quirk" Kaito sensei states.

"No…. It's tough to explain… but I think he might be telling the truth about him being from the future." All might uncertainty.

"Finally, someone believes me." I say throwing my arms up in the air.

"It's tough to swallow young Izuku." All Might says.

"All Might, can I share your secret with Kaito Sensei?" I ask All Might

"That's alright Izuku, I talked with him several times about you and your quirk." his body started steaming up, the tell-tale sign of All Might reverting to his true form.

"I judged him to be a man who was worthy of this secret." as he finished speaking he completely reverted back to his sickly appearance.

"That's you All Might?" Kaito Sensei asks unsure if he is looking at the same person.

"Yeah it's me, I got into a bad fight two years back and it gave me this." he lifts up his shirt to reveal a disturbing set of scars on the side of his upper body.

"My respiratory system is basically destroyed and I lost my whole stomach. If I had to guess young Izuku over there knew it was going to happen, but even if he told anyone it wouldn't matter."

I look down. "Kid I know what it's like to feel guilt over something you couldn't change. Don't worry about it…. Anyway that isn't the point I was trying to make."

"Kaito, you mentioned that when the two of you discovered his Quirk, that Izuku rejected the idea of correcting his previously Quirk-less status."

"That's right." he said after rationalizing it."

"Any reasons in particular?"

"Not really, but he was really adamant about it…. He did mention something else though."


"Yes. He said that he remembered meeting you and the pain of his bones shattering. I even asked him what he did, but all he responded with is….." he looks over at me.

I pick up where he left off "It's not my secret to tell."

"Whose secret is it, my disciple?" Kaito Sensei asks.

"It's All Might's Secret." I answer resolutely.

As those words came out of my mouth everything seemed to click for All Might it seemed.

"Young Izuku, I know you have been telling the truth now."

"Thanks, All Might. Can Kaito Sensei know about your other secret?"

"I suppose I was already looking for a successor. If I chose you in the future and if your actions haven't spoken volumes already. Then I don't think I can find a more worthy successor."

"Successor? All Might are you trying to steal away my True Disciple?" Kaito Sensei asks with a sharp look in his eyes.

"No no no no no. You see Kaito, I plan on giving him my Quirk." All Might hastily replies.

"Your Quirk… that's not possible." Kaito Sensei says disbelieving.

"It's more possible than his Quirk."

"You have a point, but still…."

"Kaito Sensei, it's true. I have received it once before, although I wish the exchange method was different" I say uncomfortably.

"I see…." Kaito sensei says uncertainty.

"Look Kaito, while it isn't public knowledge, several people know about my injury and my weak form. Only a select few people know the secret of my Quirk, 6 at most."

"I see… and why is it so important that this stays secret?" he asks questioning All Might's reasoning.

"Well… imagine what would happen if young Izuku here got the power. Then imagine if someone kidnapped his mother, and ransomed her back for the Quirk" All Might stated harshly.

"I could see that being problematic… but now that begs the questions why Izuku? Even if he had it in the future that he remembers, why should he get your Quirk again?" Kaito Sensei drills All Might for a Final Answer.

"Believe it or not, but….. He actually has some kind of remnant of it."

"What?!" I look over to him with pure shock written upon my face.

"Yes, it's true Izuku. It's part of the reason I can believe what happened to you. Every time I've used my power over the last few years, there was something strange."

"I've felt the flickering of a star beyond my own, attempting to connect with One For All. I wasn't sure what it was, but when I met you things started making sense."

"What do you mean All Might?" I asked him.

"Well… do you remember when I said you felt familiar to me kid, but I don't know you."

"Yeah…" I answer unsure where this is going.

"Well…. The familiarity came from what I felt from you and from One For All."

"I see…" I say. Well this is odd I thought the only thing that came back with me are my memories hmmm…. that makes my Quirk more odd that I thought.

All Might looks at me with resolution "Young Izuku, Kaito told me how you came to start training here."

I flinch a little at this, but he continues "He said you came to him as a 5 year old kid, Quirk-less, but with the passion and determination to become one of the best heroes."

I look over stunned to see Kaito Sensei smiling at me. "Over the years, you have continuously gone above and beyond in your training. I deem you worthy to inherit my power... well the rest of my power, my Quirk is yours to re-inherit."

"Thanks! All Might!" I yell out.

"Shhhh! You loud kid" he chastises me.

"Sorry All Might" I say quietly.

"Alright, now All Might I can agree to him inheriting your Quirk…. One For All was it?"

"Yeah that's its name."

"Alright I can agree to him inheriting it, but he mentioned shattering bones…. I'm guessing that has something to do with it given that he looks guilt ridden since I said that."

"Yes it does Kaito Sensei." I answer him "My body couldn't handle his Quirk fulling, so at 100% it shatters my bones. Though I learned how to use a small amount of it all the time…. eventually."

"Good, but just to be safe. All Might does recovery girl know about your Quirk?" he ask All Might.

"Yes she does."

"Okay... why don't we ask her to come help with his training of your Quirk, in the beginning at least."

I cringe a bit remembering how upset she got whenever I got hauled into the nurse's office unconscious.

"That's for the best. We don't know how One For All will react in the boy, with his dormant version of it and his own Quirk. Hopefully nothing bad will happen."


"Now, Izuku." All Might he starts "I had an idea for a proper test of your determination that will be more or less a formality, but I want you complete it anyway."

"I'll do my best All Might" I answer him with my eyes determined.

"I see that" All Might laughs a bit. "Now I want you to clean up that beach that we were at the other day, don't worry about hauling away the big stuff. I'll bring a truck for that, all you have to do is be the heavy lifter."

"Alright, when do we start?" I ask him.

"Kaito can I borrow him for a few months? While this test is a formality, it will help with his training" All Might asks.

"All right, just make sure not to push yourself too hard Izuku" he says worrying about me, which makes me glad to have such a caring Sensei.

"I won't Sensei."

So we came up with a schedule that would work well with school and keeping some training with Kaito Sensei still included in with it. I don't know how long it will take this time, but I will get it done faster than 11 months this time.

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