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Chapter 32: Is it really the end?

I woke up and looked around me only to see that I'm trapped in a steel cage. I looked around but all I could see was darkness. There wasn't anything to see, touch, or interact with. I looked over the cage itself but there was no exit build into. It was like the person who made the cell never intended on letting the person inside get out in the first place. Where am I? I scream out into the darkness with no response. I'd think anyone would go crazy if they had to be stuck here for eternity. Is this Hell? It's not as hot as I thought it be. Well, at least I don't have to deal with the realization that my dad murdered my mom and kept it from me all this time. As if the world was responding to my anger, it came to life as a screen appeared before my eyes. It looked like I was seeing things through myself after I fell unconscious. I didn't have anything to do so I guess I'll watch.

[The Real World after Denki lost consciousness]

??? (Spirit) POV

Denki's Dad unleashed his anger on the Butcher and after a couple of minutes he was knocked out.

I looked beside me to see Freezer and untied the rope around her. She seemed to be unconscious, so I took the opportunity to leave the building and move her to a safe place that's out of the way. I go back and come face to face with the two murderers. Of course, one of them has been tied up because he lost.

???: Hey, Inja. Why don't you explain to me why you could do something so cruel? She was your wife, right?

Inja (Denki's Dad): Son, I'm sorry it didn't tell you but...

Wait a second. You're not Denki. Are you...

???: I'm not your wife.

Inja: Then, who are you anyway.

???: What you don't recognize me? I guess I am in your son's body though I never asked to be. I do hate your guts though. Well, my mother and father never gave me a name, so I guess I'll go with Bolt.

Inja: What do you want with my son's body anyway?

Bolt: That's for another time because I'm incredibly angry with you and I'll only be satisfied until I beat the living daylights out of you.

I release all the black lightning in the depths of my soul and sent it towards Inja. He blocks it with his own electricity, but I use that as an opening to get close and uppercut him. I know he's tired from the long battle he's done so I don't stop and land a fury of blows into his chest. He bends over in pain and I slam him onto the ground. As I was there, I kept punching him more and more. I didn't want to stop. I never wanted to stop. I lost myself in that moment until the sound of police sirens could be heard. I was still so angry, so I let out an ear piercing scream as I released a gigantic blast of black lightning into the clouds above. I moved so fast that even those that were paying attention all they could see was a brief flash of black before I was gone.

I went back to a familiar place and looked down at what appears to be the next victim in my quest for freedom.

[Cut to the McRonalds]

Officer #1: What happened here?

Officer #2: Idiot. Obviously, a serious crime happened here! Look at all the collateral damage, not to mention there was a beautiful lady unconscious near the scene.

Officer #1: How beautiful?

Officer #2: Get your mind out of the gutter, we got serious business to handle.

Officer #3: Help me out over here! There are two injured and unconscious men over here.

Officer #1: Hey, isn't that the Butcher! He's a wanted man with a huge bounty. Maybe, we should take credit for the capture.

Officer #2: The more I listen to you, the less I feel with you watching my back. Besides, do you want his allies coming after you?

Officer #1: No way, forget I said anything.

Officer #2: Call the paramedics and handcuff that man stat.

[Cut back to the spirit]

I walked into the Backstreet Boys hideout and luckily the person I needed to see was there. Unfortunately, it seems that she wasn't there alone. Popstar, Reset, and Mini was hanging out in their hideout discussing how Freezer has suddenly gone missing. Reset wearing his signature Pikachu mask, even I sometimes question why he wears that.

Popstar: Didn't she say she was going on an expensive spa trip and that we shouldn't disturb her.

Mini: My sister hates massages though. The act of someone she doesn't know touching her completely disgusts her.

Reset: My quirk hasn't found any trace of her since our last meeting. I'm worried about her.

Popstar: You're always worried about something, no surprise there. If you're so worried about Freezer, then maybe you should use your quirk.

Mini: I just recovered from the backlash from using it before. I don't know what price I'll have to pay to get the information and if I'm not in any condition to help her, then what good am I?

This seems like a good place to intervene in the conversion. Better pray that I can act well considering I can never interact with people from inside a cell.

Denki?: Guys, I need your help, Freezer's been kidnapped. They told me that they're keeping her at a McRonalds and I need your help to save her.

Popstar: Well, I guess you can only ask for greatness in this situation. I'll clean this mess up, you kids sit tight.

Popstar heads to the scene of the crime while I stay in the room with Reset and Mini.

Denki?: Mini, I have a huge favor to ask of you.

Mini: What is it now? I already did you a huge favor by telling you a clue about your black lighting.

Denki?: I'm grateful, really. It's just that I need you to tell me how to suppress that spirit and keep him from never coming out again. Surely, with your power, you could show me the right direction I have to head in.

Mini: What brought about this change? What did you learn?

Denki?: Doesn't matter. I pay as much as you want, just give me the answer.

Mini started to use her power and when it was over she looked at me with a scared expression on her face. She didn't use her quirk for what I asked for. She did look noticeably paler than before.

Mini: You're the spirit that is inside Denki. How?

Denki?: I didn't want to hurt you, but I will if you don't do what I want to.

Reset stands up.

Denki?: You better sit down before I knock you out. I think we both know who's stronger between the two of us. Now, Mini do it.

Mini: No!

I shock her with my lightning and hear her scream. I ask again, and she refuses, so I shock her again this time slightly stronger. I don't enjoy doing this, but if I want to be free it's something I must do. After a few more shocks, someone busts into the room and sucker punched me in the face. I look up to see Popstar, but didn't he go to the crime scene.

Popstar: You gave yourself away.

Denki?: Oh? How?

Popstar: Your eyes are red.

Denki?: They are? I guess I never looked into the mirror, so how could I possibly know.

Popstar: I think you know how strong I am, give up.

Denki?: NEVER!

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