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Chapter 8: The Aftermath RE:W

After Izuku woke up, he saw that Edgeshot was close to death.

He went forward to check his pulse.

'He is still alive. That's good. But where did everyone go?'

"Oi kid. Glad you are back." Edgeshot murmured.

"Sir Edgeshot! What happened?!" Izuku asked.

Edgeshot stood up while holding his chest. "Your quirk kid... It suddenly awakened and went on a rampage..."

'My quirk? The gamer? No. That black thing came out again? I thought it was all Kacchan's fault but I guess I was wrong.'

"Did you fight with it sir Edgeshot?"

"Yes, I've suffered a defeat at the hands of the monster. It was a black creature without a face. But I am sure that you have already seen it, haven't you?" Edgeshot asked and looked into Izuku's eyes.

For a second, Izuku wasn't sure how to respond.

'Should I tell him about it or not?'

"Don't worry kid. Your secret is safe. Principal Nezu was also injured, but he is a good guy and he tried to help you out, unfortunately, his interference brought you unnecessary pain and almost costed your life."

'Is that so... Alright then. I won't talk about my gamer quirk since no one would believe me anyway. That black thing is a perfect cover.'

Izuku cleared out his throat and said,

"The first time I've seen that thing was when I was about five years old. I was just a small kid and didn't know what to do. Luckily, the monster didn't manage to hurt anyone. I haven't seen the monster since then. That's why I was branded as quirkless."

"Is that so. You will definitely grow up to be a strong hero. With that quirk, you can beat up a lot of bad guys. But you need to learn how to control it, since you might beat up guys who are on your own team as well haha."

Hearing him, Izuku was glad that Edgeshot complimented him, but now was not the time to talk about stuff like that. He needed to take Edgeshot to a hospital or something. Looking over at his condition, he saw that he was profusely bleeding. It might be bad if he doesn't get a treatment soon. As he picked him up by his arm, Izuku asked,

"How is Kacchan?! Was she hurt?"

"Kacchan? Who is that?"

"Katsuro Bakugo, the girl who was with me." Izuku replied.

"Oh.. The unconscious girl. Don't worry. She is fine. Midnight used her quirk and subdued her explosion. What, is she your girlfriend?" Edgeshot laughed.

"N-No. Just my only friend. I wouldn't want anything bad happen to her."

'Damn this kid is a poor guy. If I had no friends his age, I would probably collapse and cry in the pillow every day. Well, it's not like I had that many friends anyway.' Edgeshot thought about his bitter memories.

He stood up on his feet and did a cool pose.

"How foolish to have friends and lovers. I pursue the path of the ninja. Bonds would eventually break and your friends will betray you. Don't trust anyone!"

Saying that, he felt the pain from his injury and fell on the ground again.

"As I said, she isn't my girlfriend!!" Izuku shouted in embarrassment.

"Anyway, your teacher and principal are also fine. But they were really worried about you. You should probably go out and show yourself...haha."

"It's not like I can leave you here in this state, besides, it was my fault that you got hurt," Izuku said as he picked Edgeshot up and placed Edgeshot's arm around his shoulder.

"Hah. To think that I would be carried by a kid one day. How shameful." Edgeshot said.

"Injured people are the top priority!" Izuku replied.

"I am a ninja prodigy. I just miscalculated. Your quirk is too strong. Be careful with it." Edgeshot replied.

Izuku clenched his fists and said, "I will only use it to save people. You can count on me! Also, I am thinking of attending U.A. after I graduate from junior high."

"There is a high possibility that you will get in through the recommendation.".

Izuku tilted his head and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Nezu will not let you go after this incident. He is like a mad scientist, once he saw that you have a quirk that was unheard of, it was already too late haha." Edgeshot laughed and tore a part of his costume off to bandage it around his wound.

"I see. I am extremely glad that he took an interest in my quirk, but I want to get there by my efforts. So, tell Nezu, that I will climb there myself okay?"

Edgeshot looked at the determination in his eyes and thought.

'He will surely become a great hero.'

Both of them left the building and arrived in the school garden.

Medics who were already waiting outside, saw that they exited the building and immediately ran up to them.

"We have received a notice from principal Nezu. Sir Edgeshot, please come with us, recovery girl is already waiting for you."

"See you in a few years, kiddo!"


After they exchanged fist bumps, medics put Edgeshot into their vehicle and drove off to U.A.

Since there wasn't anything left for him to do, Izuku decided to head home.

He wanted to find his teacher or the principal, but couldn't find them at all.

'What a last day of the school it was. I don't remember much, but it looks like it was wild.'


"Deku, get away from her!"

Katsuro jolted from her sleep.

'Huh? A dream?'

"Stop shouting brat!" the voice of her mother came from the kitchen.

"Where the hell am I?" Katsuro asked.

"Well, you are obviously at home, dumbass." Mitsuki replied.

"How did I get here? What happened? Where is Deku?"

Her mother came from the kitchen and hit her head.

"Too many questions. You were put to sleep by a hero because you were about to use your quirk without permission and what's more, you wanted to use it on a hero! They were kind enough to drop you back home.

They said that they were satisfied with your results from tests, so they didn't mind the whole incident. I expected that they would permanently ban you from pursuing your hero carrier but luckily, they didn't." Mitsuki sighed in relief.


'I remember now. That stupid big breasted woman! I will get my revenge one day.'

She looked down on her small breasts and sighed.

"Hm? What's the matter? Is something bothering you?" Mitsuki asked.

"Shut up, leave me alone!" Katsuro growled.

"No can do. You rarely sigh. Something must have happened. Tell me what."

Katsuro clicked her tongue and Murmured, "My breasts are small."

Mitsuki's eyes widened in disbelief.

'She is concerned about a thing like that? What a silly kid.'

Mitsuki gently pat her on her head and replied to her, "Don't worry, you are only 12, that's basically when breasts start growing. Besides, look at me, you are my daughter, so I believe they will grow eventually." she reassured her daughter gently, while they are constantly fighting, she is still her daughter and she loves her very much.

Katsuro looked at her mom's breasts and nodded.

"Anyway, what's up with you? Since when were you even interested in breasts? Oh, I know, it was because of Izu~ku, ri~ght?"

Now that she saw that Katsuro has calmed down, she couldn't help herself with teasing her cute little daughter.

"Shut up! I will kill you! It doesn't have to do anything with him!" Katsuro shouted and ran up the stairs.

'Ahh. Katsuro. You are too easy to read.'

"Why are you girls shouting again?"

The front door opened and revealed a pretty muscular gentle-looking man.

"Hey dear. It's nothing. I just helped her with something and she got embarrassed. I was quite surprised though.

"Oh, is that so? I would like to hear more about her getting embarrassed. That's a first for me."

"Sure, I've prepared dinner. Let's eat."


Late at night, Katsuro was researching information about the hero who defeated her.

'It says her name is Nemuri Kayama. Her quirk puts people to sleep but only... Men?'

Katsuro frowned and read further.

'If, by any chance she makes a woman fall asleep, the woman is most likely bi or lesbian.'

Seeing this, she hit the table out of anger.

"There is no way! I refuse to believe this! Never, yuck!"

Hearing the commotion from upstairs, Mitsuki shouted from the kitchen, "Shut up, brat! Stop hitting stuff! You won't be a hero with that attitude!"

"Fuck off, old rag!" Katsuro shouted back and thought, 'That post was definitely written just to piss me off. There is no way that's true. Stupid internet lies.'

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